Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 658 Oil girl takes the root!


Hundreds of Root Ninjas and hundreds of ‘Root Blades’ who are several meters tall, covered with snake scales, and holding giant swords.

This lineup can attack the ninja village, but it is a bit funny to say that they are here to assassinate.

However, with the help of the barrier, it is indeed an ‘assassination’ for Konoha, because the opponent cannot detect the battle here.

In the small building!

Karin suddenly opened her eyes.

As a ninja who perceives the route, plus the cheating ability of ‘Kagura’s Heart Eye’, she is naturally extremely sharp.

So there is a reaction.

So, she carefully woke up Naruko who was sleeping in another bed next to her.

"Sister Karin?"

Naruko woke up with a confused face, not understanding why Karin woke her up, obviously she had just rested for a short time.

"There is an enemy!"

Karin lowered her voice.

After hearing the word ‘enemy’, Naruko’s originally confused blue eyes instantly woke up.

Although she is two years younger than Karin, Naruko is calmer and more decisive in character, so when she heard about the enemy, she wanted to protect Karin.

As for her own teacher? .

She knew it was not her turn to protect them, as long as she didn't fall behind.

There is no need to emphasize how efficient ninjas are.

After the two left the room, they found that Dohei and the others had already come to the living room, and Izumi and Yamama Koji were still smelling blood (Hinata Sogetsu was in stealth mode).

Yamama Koji began to wear power armor.

After years of training, although he has no talent in the "Bihe Jutsu", which is a fusion of the Ranshishi Hair Jutsu and the Needle Jizo.

But if it is just putting on and taking off the power armor, there is no problem at all.

I saw that the originally tough white armor seemed to have turned into water waves, allowing him to blend in smoothly.

If you equip it slowly, it won't be so fast, and you might lose it.

By the way, don't think that Yamama Koji will be easy to deal with without the power armor.

It may have been like this before!

But for so many years, he has been practicing every day for ten years, and with the various resources provided by Dou Ping, he is stronger than Kai in every aspect.

At most, he does not have that kind of "protagonist luck".

But with Dou Ping, he is destined to prove that he is the best in physical skills sooner or later.

Yes, Yamama Koji is not without ambition in his heart.

The best in physical skills!

That is his ambition.

So he has been polishing his body and practicing physical skills just to get this evaluation.

Even if he does not wear power armor, he is definitely not weaker than Kai, but only stronger.

Therefore, the root assassin who just assassinated him without power armor was completely courting death.

Dou Ping just stayed aside and watched the show.

His disciple Quan killed most of the people in the first time, which is why Karin and Naruko were not disturbed.

If Quan had not acted too quickly, he would have wanted to let the enemy train the two.

Life and death moments can make people grow more!

Unfortunately, Quan was too fast, and he killed all of them except the one who was going to assassinate Yamama Koji.

Ten Roots in total were wiped out.

As for Hyuga Sogetsu, of course, he quietly lowered his presence and watched the show in the corner.


Dou Ping sighed as he looked at the Root ninjas that kept appearing around him.

I don't know where Danzo got the courage to come and trouble him.


Dou Ping suddenly thought of something.

When he attacked Myoboku Mountain, he seemed to be extremely weak because he used the "solar furnace" mode and controlled too much energy.

At that time, a large number of toads and Jiraiya saw it.

The other party would not judge that he was "injured" by that point, right? .

Otherwise, when he was in good condition, I really don't know who gave Danzo the courage to attack him-it couldn't be Liang Xru, right? .

"Uchiha Dou Ping, today is your death!"

Danzo's cold voice sounded from the main entrance of the small building.

He walked over with a large number of roots and several-meter-high "Root Blade" troops.

Bang bang!

The gate and the wall were directly smashed by the three-meter-high, snake-scaled cyborg, forming a huge passage.


Seeing this scene, Izumi drew her sword and prepared to go forward to deal with the other party.

At this time, she was transplanted with Shisui's eyes, and her combat power was still at the level of Kage. Under the premise of knowing the other party's information, she had great confidence to deal with the other party.

However, she was immediately held down by Dohei.

"Fire escape. Flame robe!"

He performed this technique without saying a word.

The surrounding air began to rise rapidly, as if people were staying in a steamer.

This happened naturally because Dohei felt a sense of danger, coupled with Hinata Cangyue's reminder.


There is an extremely dangerous guy next to Danzo.

Aburame Togen!

The other party is the son of Aburame Shiguro, who can also control the "nano poisonous insects", which is extremely dangerous.

If you don't know the other party's information, even if you are a super Kage, you will suffer or even tragedy.

Nano poisonous insects!

Anyone who knows how terrible it is knows.

However, if you know how to deal with it, a jonin can fight back and forth with the opponent.

Nano poisonous insects are indeed invisible to the naked eye.

The problem is that it is talking about ordinary eyes, if it is a blood limit, it is another matter.

Hyuga Sogetsu's reincarnation eye is countless times more powerful than a microscope, so it was discovered at the first time.

If she is willing, she will definitely be able to easily solve these things that even shadow-level powerhouses can't avoid.

But now she is not using a vest, but her true identity. Naturally, she cannot expose herself and can only act as a bystander.

High temperature insecticide!

Dohei tried this route.


A layer of white gauze covers the body.

Even if they didn't understand his actions, neither Izumi nor Naruko asked or stopped them, they completely believed in him.

Yamama Koji immediately stood in front of Dohei, making it clear that if anyone wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, they would have to cross his defense line.

"As expected of the Purifying Flame, have you discovered it?"

Danzo sighed loudly.

This was just a test just now.

It's best if it succeeds, but you can also get some information if it fails.

As for why not take the opportunity to rush in and interfere? .

Sorry, nanobugs are too difficult to control. Melee can easily affect the bugs' target selection.

"The Aburame clan is at the castle tower. How could I not know the name Aburame?"

Tang Ping looked to the right of Tang Ping, the figure wearing a mask and gloves.

Aburame clan!

Now it has changed into his own shape, so the other party's information is no secret to Tang Ping.

What makes people sigh is that the root’s brainwashing ability is indeed powerful.

Even if he persecutes his own clan members like this, the other party is still loyal to Danzo and has no intention of returning to the clan.


And this is not the only case.

All root members will turn into Danzo's shape, and the brainwashing effect is even more severe than Dohei's 'added' Heaven's Curse Seal.

That's why the major ninja clans in Konoha regard a clan member entering the root as death.

"Do it!"

Danzo ordered to take action without any nonsense.

As long as he is not facing the protagonist, he does not have the negative BUFF of 'die from talking too much'.

"Be careful!"

Tang Ping said something and then left the small building.

Hinata Cangyue also followed suit, but they were still in a low state of presence, as if they were sneaking.

Tang Ping was extremely happy that Danzo not only did not escape, but came to assassinate him.

Because it’s fun to watch!

This pot king is reluctant to let the other party go offline.

In other words, he had to expose Sarutobi Hiruzen in order to lure him into trouble. Otherwise, this kind of "god teammate" Dohei would really be reluctant to do anything.

Boom! !

Just as the two of them rushed out of the small building, the small building collapsed.

The reason is because of Koji Yamama.

For him who wears power armor and can punch dozens or hundreds of tons of force with just one punch, there is no problem at all in blasting a small building with one punch.

In this way, the obstacles are also cleared, allowing them to fight well.

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