Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 75 Tanggu and Fusang Tree!

After entering the base.

Looking at the messy base in front of him, Danzo quickened his pace.

Passing through the passage created by Shenkong, he entered the laboratory that was reduced to ashes by the flames.


The most feared thing is that the air suddenly becomes quiet.

After a while.

"My Lord, the enemy has retreated, and the base has suffered losses...!"

A Root ninja began to report the losses, as if the surrounding flames and smoke did not exist at all.

To be honest, the base was not seriously damaged.

But the most core things were gone.

Hashirama's cells can be re-cultivated, but it just takes a lot of resources.

The problem is that those experimental data, but it took a lot of time and effort to obtain, now it's gone, which means that the previous work was done in vain.

More importantly... people are gone.

Researchers are not cabbages, you can have as many as you want.

There are few people who specialize in research.

Because this line depends too much on talent, if you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, you can't do it, no matter how hard you try, it's useless.

Just like people can do anything when they are pushed to the limit.

In addition to mathematics!

The same is true for scientific research.

These people were brought by Danzo through various means.

Now that everything is gone, how can the next experiment be carried out? .

Even if there is money and resources, it won't work.

"No matter what method is used, find these guys who dare to attack Konoha!"

Danzo gritted his teeth and gave this order.

If the other party appeared in front of him, he would want to eat him alive.

The kind without soy sauce!

It can be seen how strong the hatred in his heart is at this time.

"Then what about the next research...?"

A figure wearing a high-collared top with pockets, gloves and sunglasses asked in a low voice.

The Aburame clan!

It can be seen from the appearance that this root ninja is from this clan.

"...", Danzo thought about how to deal with it next, and soon made a decision, "Stop the research first, take everything away!"

He actually had an idea, but he hadn't made up his mind before, and now is the right time to make a decision.

Find someone to cooperate!

The best candidate is naturally Orochimaru.

The other party has strong research capabilities, but at the same time, there is darkness in his heart. Winning over the other party can also cut off Sarutobi's arm. It is absolutely the best cooperation target.

As for Uchiha Dohei, who he has always wanted to capture and work for him, he has become a trouble that needs to be solved in his eyes.

"Yes, sir!"

The Aburame clan ninja lowered his head.

After Danzo gave the order, he left the base with anger.

Naturally, he did not need to preside over the investigation. Now that he is the elder of Konoha, he cannot leave Konoha for a long time.

When the Aburame ninja was the only one left in the laboratory.

The other party slowly squatted in front of a corpse that was burned by flames and only charred remains were left.

It was the corpse of the Nara clan ninja.


Suddenly, the Aburame ninja twisted off the head of the "friend".

True. Friend. JPG!

Of course, this is not to destroy the corpse, but for information.

For ninjas, the corpse is information, even if it is dead, it does not mean that they will not speak.


The Aburame jonin stood up silently and left the laboratory destroyed by fire with her friend's head.

This base will be abandoned, and the other party will not be able to take the body back to the family.

But this is the root!

Silently devoting themselves to Konoha and silently dying in the dark is also the fate of their roots.

On the other side!

Doping has sent Hyuga Sogetsu back to Konoha.

And from the other party, she learned that she would soon step onto the battlefield, and she would also find a way to team up with Yamama Koji.

If the two cooperate, there is no need to worry about safety at all, but the enemy should be worried.

A quasi-kage-level strongman, and a jonin whose strength is catching up.

But both of them are "disabled" genin, and the deception is directly pulled to the fullest.

It can only be said that after sending Hyuga Sogetsu back to Konoha, this revenge action will be completely unknown to the gods and ghosts.

After all, who would pay attention to a poor, weak, and lame Hyuga branch family genin? .

As for Doping? .

Even if there is suspicion, there is no evidence.

Now he is carrying out the task of "attracting the attention of the Sand Ninja", and there is no time to take action. At the same time, he does not have the strength, let alone the information... and so on.

So, Danzo did not suspect him at all.

In this way, Dohei successfully played a trick.

Now the other party is still a threat to him, but in the future, it will be useless even if he suspects him.

Next, he will go to the Wind Country.

Going there is to place the hibiscus tree.

The hibiscus tree likes a sunny environment the most.

And speaking of sunny... Where else can be better and more hidden than the Wind Country filled with yellow sand and frighteningly high temperatures? .

At the same time, there is no need to worry about the Sand Village.

The area controlled by the other party is only some oases on the edge, so there is no need to worry that the hibiscus tree will be discovered by the other party if it is placed there.

With Taichi as a mount, the speed of movement can be imagined.

In just less than two days, Dohei has penetrated thousands of kilometers of the desert of the Wind Country and came to a forbidden area.

Death Desert!

This area is barren and no living creatures have set foot in it.

And this is also Dou Ping's 'promised land'.


Taichi slowly folded his wings and landed.

Continuous flight is unbearable even with chakra.

"It's a nice place. From now on, this place will be called 'Yutani', and it will also be a new holy place, a holy place that belongs to me!"

Tangping glanced at this specially selected giant yellow sand valley.

Full of concealment!

Who would have thought that he would put a hibiscus tree here? .

Don't say you can't think of it, even if you think of it, you can't find it in the endless desert.

The first thing to do is transplant the hibiscus tree.

Now no one dares to enter the Mei Uchiha Garden.

The environment is too strange!

The natural energy is so rich that it even has a tendency to 'liquefy'.

Once natural energy can be liquefied, what does it mean? .

Immortal mode!

For example, the toad oil from Miaomu Mountain, the snake venom from Ryūchi Cave, and the bone-eroding fluid from the Shiggou Forest are essential supplements for learning the Immortal Mode, and they are also the liquefied product of natural energy under the influence of the Holy Land.

It is with this kind of thing that the three holy places can teach the "immortal mode" to the contractors.

Do you now understand the gold content of the hibiscus tree? .

Under the temptation of the immortal mode, it is no wonder that Tang Ping would be eager to transplant the hibiscus tree.

Once you master the immortal mode, even if you are still unable to become an 'ancestor', you will have the power to protect yourself and you can lie down wherever you want.

Immortal mode!

This is also the goal Tang Ping is pursuing at this stage.

The pillar cells and hibiscus trees all serve this purpose.


Taiyi spewed out a huge fireball, blasting a crater more than ten meters deep on the yellow sand ground.

The hibiscus tree is the biggest beneficiary after it grows, so it works so hard.

"Well done!"

Tangping praised.


Taiyi, who still couldn't speak, shouted proudly.

The hibiscus tree, which was several meters high, was carefully placed into the pit more than ten meters deep by Tang Ping, and its roots were buried with yellow sand.

In this way, the transplantation is initially completed.

There is no need to worry about survival issues.

Even if only the roots are left, it can slowly come back to life as long as there is enough sunlight.

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

Tang Ping took out something and muttered to himself, with an expectant expression on his face.

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