Konoha's Destiny Twins

Three hundred and seventeen-mysterious night

August 18, Konoha 46.

In this August summer, Obito Uchiha and Rin Nohara officially left Konoha and became a true rebel ninja.

However, while becoming a rebellious ninja, they also joined the mysterious organization Ye Shimizu and became a peripheral member. It can be said that the two of them happily accepted this result.

Therefore, with great enthusiasm, Obito and Lin set out towards the destination of the mission.

It wasn't until the two of them disappeared that Kakashi asked again: "Senior April, how can we tell whether the other person is a member of the night?"

Kakashi's doubt is that because he knows Obito and Rin, there will be no dispute, but now we are in the third ninja war, and it is so normal for people to die in the war. Who knows whether the enemy ninja he killed was a member of the night. ?

"The official members of Ye are all the elites among the elite, so there are not many in number. As for the method of distinguishing... you will know after you become an official member of Ye." This is a good question, and it was also raised for Qingshui. Wake up, he has to think of a way to identify each other.

Because it was impossible for him to let the official members of Ye, all wearing conspicuous black and red fire cloud uniforms, walk through the market.

"By the way, Kakashi, give me all the military food pills. Also, you should go back to Konoha now and ask the Sandaime Hokage to bring his cronies and elites to support me."

"Remember, don't say goodbye to anyone else, only inform the Sandaime Hokage himself."

"In addition, if there are any special circumstances in Konoha Village, please notify me in time."

"Yes, Senior April." Kakashi asked while taking out the military food pills, "Is this an assessment to join Ye?"

"Of course not, your assessment task is to get Kakuzu to join Ye."


Kakashi heard it, the Kakuto Shimizu mentioned just now was an S-level Taki Hidden Rebellion Ninja.

Are you actually letting such a dangerous person join Ye?

Could it be that the other party joined Ye for the sake of world peace?

"For a rebellious ninja like Kakuzu to join Ye, the top management of the organization will naturally have their far-reaching considerations."

"There is no need to doubt the original intention of Ye's creation, because the leader of Ye is a powerful ninja that even I admire and respect."

Naturally, Qingshui saw Kakashi's confused look. After all, the opponent was not a fool like Obito, who was so easy to fool, so Qingshui still explained a little bit about the reason why the absorption angle had entered the night.

At the same time, it also established a mysterious, powerful and reliable image for the leader of the night.

Sure enough, Kakashi was immediately relieved after hearing that the leader of the night was a ninja that even April senior admired.

However, at the same time, he was also more curious, who could make such a powerful senior April admire him?

Such a powerful ninja did not choose to live in peace, but declared that "maintaining world peace" was his mission and founded the organization Ye. He must be a ninja hero with great ambitions.

"Kakuzu's strength is pretty good. You must show enough strength to intimidate the other party. At the same time, we will set out our conditions and let him be responsible for all our financial affairs."

"I think he'll be interested in Night."

It sounds simple.

But Kakashi knew that during Obito and Lin's second mission just now, April-senpai had reminded them,

Words like "Be careful not to die" are enough to show that Ye's assessment task will not be that simple.

Of course, it would not be difficult if Shimizu had to do this directly. Kakuzu's speed had no advantage and the undead ninja with obvious shortcomings was nothing more than a small boss with a thickened health bar in his eyes.

But Kakuzu's combat power is still at a stable Kage level, there is no doubt about it.

It might be a little difficult for Kakashi to deal with it. When the time comes, he will have to watch secretly to prevent the boat from capsizing.

"Remember, don't be fooled by the other party's fight with the First Hokage."


"He just threw a shuriken at the First Hokage from eight hundred miles away, and he said that he had fought with the First Hokage... You know, he has been bragging about this for decades."

Eight...eight hundred miles? !

This Kakuzu can actually perform such... abnormal shuriken techniques? !

At this moment, Kakashi truly felt the power of the S-class rebellious ninja!

"Ming... I understand, April-senpai." Kakashi calmed down his inexplicable mood, and after picking up the broken White Fang dagger, he immediately said goodbye to Shimizu and quickly headed towards Konoha.

After the three little ghosts left, Qingshui also began to plan to advance the construction of this mysterious organization at dusk that he just mentioned to the three of them.

Details of the current Twilight Night organization are as follows.

Official member: April Shimizu, film level. Part-time leader, senior official and three positions.

Reserve members: Uchiha Obito, elite ninja; Nohara Lin, elite chunin; Hatake Kakashi, elite ninja.

Potential members: Actively looking for...

Organizational assets: a 100-square-meter piece of Konoha real estate, a wind escape chakra long sword, several thunder escape chakra kunai chakras, money and some detonating charms.

Mystery: max


Date of establishment: August 18, 46th year of Konoha


Yes, this is an organization that Qingshui created on the spot, just as he thought of it.

Free labor like Obito and Lin don't have to be used in vain, and they can also kidnap Kakashi. The birth of this organization is of great significance.

If you think about it more carefully, you can count the three Kirigakure ninjas, namely the three Kirigakure ninjas from Shisui's other gods, into the category of night.

And the potential targets are even more dazzling: Shisui, Megumi, Satomi, Tengo, even Orochimaru and Minato...

Oh, by the way, Yoshimaru is a good guy and has a good relationship. He can be investigated and considered.

Tsk tsk, thinking about it this way, it seems that this night is not so hopeless.

Qing Shui soon put down this new organization, and the crisis here has not yet been completely resolved.

Let Kakashi ask the Sandaime Hokage to come here with the elite, naturally to support the possible battle that will happen next.

Qingshui speculated that this Valley of the End was the meeting point pre-set by A Fei and Madara, otherwise A Fei would not have chosen to meet Obito here and openly separate from the Three-Tails here.

Obviously, the other party really didn't expect that April Qingshui would appear here, so he regarded this place as a safe place. Ah Fei had already confirmed this judgment with his life.

On the other hand, he was also worried that Madara might have already gotten along with Konoha, or was already on his way to the Valley of the End. If he ran in both directions at this time, he might lose sight of one.

So Kakashi was sent back to Konoha to gather information.

Of course, the most important thing is what A Fei said before he died: "completely destroy its body."

Why is this?

Qingshui didn't understand, so he could only try to wait and see.

So after finding and recovering chakra kunai and shurikens from this forest ocean, and taking pills one after another, Qing Shui began his long wait.

After an unknown amount of time, a rustling sound suddenly came from the center of the quiet forest ocean.

Black Zetsu slowly emerged from the ground. It scanned the surrounding battlefield, and then murmured: "The three tails are lost."

"Obito Uchiha left."

"It seems that A Fei's mission failed."

"But where is the body?"

Search again to no avail.

"...A Fei finally found out."

In that case...

As soon as Black Zetsu raised his hand, two Kumogakure ninjas immediately appeared from the ground. It then ordered: "Reveal to Kumogakure that Madara was the mastermind behind the two-tailed madness, and then prompted Konoha and Kumogakure to Join forces and deal with Madara together."

Black Zetsu had to temporarily change the plan again. It commanded two Kumogakure ninjas transformed by White Zetsu to complete this mission.

With Madara's current strength, it is true that no one in the ninja world can beat him in a 1v1 situation, but if he is allowed to face the two behemoths of the ninja world, Konoha and Kumogakure, at the same time.

Defeat will come sooner or later.

After Madara retreats to this original rendezvous point, Black Zetsu plans to personally take action to end this farce.

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