The old man was born in a big way.

Li Yongliang can have everything he has today thanks to his wife and his father-in-law.

Li Yongliang's father-in-law is a senior official in the province. Although he has retired, he still has connections.

If they knew that he had an affair, the consequences would be disastrous.

What's more, Li Yongliang can be regarded as having a son in his old age.

This illegitimate child is his lifeblood, and there must be no accidents!

Li Yongliang took a deep breath: "Mr. Zhang, what do you want?"

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Director Li, you have made a lot of money in Mintai. Since Mintai is going to be sold, let's be more straightforward."

Li Yongliang knew that he was caught: "Okay, I'll sign."

As he said, Li Yongliang picked up a pen and signed his name on the contract in front of Cheng Cheng.

Li Yongliang put down the pen: "I have signed the contract, can you return my son to me?"

Zhang Yaoyang said: "There is another supplementary clause."

"What clause?" Li Yongliang frowned.

"The payment method of the acquisition money." Zhang Yaoyang said.

In Li Yongliang's puzzled eyes, Cheng Cheng took out a piece of paper.

After reading the contents on the paper, Li Yongliang's pupils contracted and he took a breath of cold air.

Because it said that the acquisition money will be paid in installments for 20 years, with interest paid in the first ten years at an interest rate of 3%, and the principal will be paid in the last ten years.

This is equivalent to getting something for nothing, and getting Mintai Brewery for free!

Without waiting for Li Yongliang to protest, Zhang Yaoyang said: "Director Li, I will give you an additional compensation of 3 million. In this way, with the money you have made, you can take your lover and illegitimate child and live the rest of your life comfortably."

Cheng Cheng looked at Li Yongliang. She didn't know what means Zhang Yaoyang used, but she looked at Li Yongliang's reaction.

Li Yongliang was really pressed.

Sure enough, Li Yongliang signed the contract.

Li Yongliang is a man who knows the times. He knows to take the ready-made benefits instead of causing trouble for himself.


The process of acquiring Mintai Brewery was very smooth, and Cheng Cheng was responsible for the whole process.

As for the position of director, Zhang Yaoyang has not found a suitable candidate for the time being.

However, Zhang Yaoyang did not consider it very complicated.

What he has to do now is to resume the production of the brewery, and then pull all the finished beer produced to Wu Jianxin's warehouse.

On the fourth day after completing the acquisition of Mintai Brewery.

Zhang Yaoyang brought Cheng Cheng to Mintai Brewery.

Li Yongliang arranged for the deputy director Wang Shunfu to do the handover.

"Mr. Zhang, let me introduce you." Wang Shunfu led Zhang Yaoyang and others into the factory.

The factory was quiet. Because work had not resumed recently, the workers were not there.

At this time, a man carrying a man on his back was oiling the machine for maintenance.

The man had dark skin and a thin figure, and looked like an honest man.

[Zhou Hua]:

A technical backbone of the brewery, he was decisive and resolute. Because he was not good at catering to the leaders and was too serious about doing things, he was not reused and had a bad relationship with his colleagues.

After seeing Zhou Hua's message, Zhang Yaoyang walked to Zhou Hua.

Zhou Hua did not notice Zhang Yaoyang and others approaching. He skillfully dismantled the parts one by one and wiped them carefully.

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "How many years have you worked in this factory?"

"19 years." Zhou Hua turned his head and looked after hearing Zhang Yaoyang's voice.

Wang Shunfu hurriedly said, "Zhou Hua, this is Mr. Zhang, our new boss."

Although Zhang Yaoyang did not agree to Li Yongliang's conditions, Wang Shunfu still wanted to rely on his ability to read people's minds and flatter others to stay in the brewery.

A new emperor appoints new ministers.

Wang Shunfu didn't care who was the factory director or the boss, he just wanted to protect his job.

Zhou Hua turned around and was busy with his own things.

Zhang Yaoyang said, "Is it convenient for you to introduce the machines in the workshop to me now?"

"Yes, but I have to wait until I install them."

Zhou Hua did not turn around, he continued to install the parts of the machine.

Cheng Cheng knows how to read people's minds, which is an important skill for management.

She saw from Zhang Yaoyang's eyes that he was interested in Zhou Hua, so she secretly wrote down Zhou Hua's name.

Similarly, Wang Shunfu also discovered this.

Under Zhou Hua's introduction, Zhang Yaoyang continued to visit the brewery.

"Our brewery has three main workshops, namely brewing, packaging and power workshops."

"The brewing workshop has saccharification, fermentation, filtration and other processes, and the packaging workshop has bottle washing, empty bottle inspection, filling, sterilization, finished product inspection, labeling, and packaging.

The power workshop has gas stations, refrigeration stations, and water treatment processes. "

Zhou Hua knows the processes of the three major workshops very well.

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "How do you usually schedule shifts?"

Zhou Hua replied: "The front-line operators basically work in two shifts of 12 hours."

Zhang Yaoyang nodded, "What about the bonus? Which workshop has a higher bonus?"

Zhou Hua replied: "The packaging workshop is relatively hard, because the bottle washing machine and sterilizer use steam, and the air circulation in the workshop is not particularly good, so the workshop is relatively hot and humid, so the bonus will be higher."

Cheng Cheng took out a pen and paper to record.

Wang Shunfu also echoed: "Our brewery will tilt the incentive bonus to the front-line employees in the packaging workshop."

"Yeah." Zhang Yaoyang nodded. After Zhou Hua's introduction, he had a simple understanding of the brewery.

So, Zhang Yaoyang said to Zhou Hua: "I plan to resume work and production in the factory within three days. What kind of support do you need? "

Zhou Hua replied: "As long as the overdue wages can be paid, we can resume work and production at any time."

Wang Shunfu blinked at Zhou Hua when he heard it.

How can you ask the new boss for money!

Besides, they just met!

Zhang Yaoyang smiled slightly, and said to Cheng Cheng: "Transfer 10 million from the company account to get the factory running first."

Zhou Hua looked at Zhang Yaoyang, he didn't expect the new boss to be so straightforward.

Zhang Yaoyang patted Zhou Hua on the shoulder: "Any questions?"

"No, no, everyone can work tomorrow."

Zhou Hua shook his head and said excitedly.

"The original incentive bonus is cancelled, and everyone's bonus is linked to the shipment volume. As for the bonus coefficient, you think about it."

Zhang Yaoyang said to Cheng Cheng again.

"Okay. "Cheng Cheng wrote it down. It was not difficult for her.

Moreover, the brewery already had incentive bonuses, but they changed the method and gave more money.

After visiting the brewery, Zhang Yaoyang was ready to go back.

Wang Shunfu was anxious because Zhang Yaoyang had not yet decided on the candidates for the factory director and deputy director.

"Mr. Zhang." Seeing that Zhang Yaoyang and others were about to reach the door, Wang Shunfu carefully reminded: "Since we are going to resume work and production, shouldn't we decide on the candidates for the factory director and deputy director? This will also make it easier to coordinate the entire factory and lead everyone to work."

Zhang Yaoyang stopped and glanced at Wang Shunfu.

[Wang Shunfu]:

I have been the deputy director of Mintai Brewery for 20 years. I am proficient in human relationships, good at observing words and expressions, and know how to cater to leaders. I just lack courage and dare not make decisions when encountering things.

"Director Wang, you continue to be the deputy director. "

Zhang Yaoyang said to Wang Shunfu.

Wang Shunfu was relieved, as his job was saved.

Zhang Yaoyang said to Zhou Hua: "You will be the factory director in the future, and Deputy Factory Director Wang will assist you."

Zhou Hua was stunned.

Wang Shunfu was also stunned.

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