Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 200 Immortal Guidance

But the waves roiled for a while, but they had to calm down, allowing the aftermath to flow towards the heart of the river and gradually disappear.

Hu Yun did not really escape back to the city this time. On the one hand, it was because being on the shore gave Hu Yun a sense of security. On the other hand, he also felt that although the old turtle was angry, the fierce waves just now did not target He or the big herring.

Now the red fox is very guilty, and he already understands that what Mr. Ji said on the platform in Niu Kuishan was absolutely amazing, but he really doesn’t remember much, but he still remembers some of the conversation between Mr. Ji and Lu Shanjun later. main idea.

Don't be angry, at most, I'll see if I can ask Mr. Ji again next time, and then I'll tell you!

Hearing Hu Yun's words, Old Gui became even more depressed, but at least he eased up a lot. He shook his head and looked at the red fox, and said in a dripping tone.

The Dharma should not be passed on lightly, and everything should never be repeated. No matter how easy Mr. Ji is to talk, you will not get results if you ask again. How likely is it...

The old turtle lowered his head and sighed towards the river, and now he has calmed down.

Actually, it's not a bad thing for me just now. If you really told me the way that the platform taught, it would be regarded as my stealing the teacher and stealing the law. It's a big taboo, you...

The old turtle raised his head up to this point, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat before he could say anything, because he suddenly found a person standing behind the red fox.

The visitor has a slender figure with a long bun and loose hair. He has no crown or belt and is only tied with a black jade hairpin. His plain face does not show his age. His gray eyes are slightly open, and he has one hand on his back and the other on his side. A white shirt is shining in the moonlight. Light and clear.

Just standing there indifferently, the breeze blows, and the dust and sand leave by themselves.

Sensing Lao Gui's gaze, Hu Yun turned his head carefully and saw Ji Yuan standing behind him.

Mr. Ji! When did you...

Chihu's heart is now both shy and obviously relieved, the first half of the sentence is pleasantly surprised, and the second half of the sentence is weak.

But Ji Yuan ignored him, but looked at the old turtle on the river.

The old tortoise was dazed for a moment, and under agitation, he hurriedly paddled close to the shore, and slowly climbed up the shore step by step amidst the sound of crashing... water.

Then the giant tortoise kicked hard with its front feet, making the rear feet and the tail of the tortoise as the fulcrum, and stood up like this, while the pair of liberated front feet were left high and right low, making a bow.

Old Gui Wuchong, meet Mr. Ji!

Lao Gui is now far more nervous than Hu Yun. The person in front of him doesn’t know when he came. Maybe he was already there when he asked Hu Yun about the preaching on that platform. Thinking of this, Lao Gui’s My heart was going up and down.

Ji Yuan nodded, and politely returned a salute to Lao Gui.

My dear friend, you have heard some things about me, so I won't introduce too much.

Ji Yuan looked at the old turtle, since the turtle's back couldn't be bent, so naturally he couldn't bend down, so he tried to lower his turtle's neck as much as possible.

This scene looks very funny, but everyone from Ji Yuan to Hu Yun to the big herring in the river couldn't laugh. Maybe one day before Hu Yun could laugh out loud hahaha, but now he doesn't. kind of feeling.

The old tortoise waited for Ji Yuan to accept the gift, and then slowly put down the tortoise's foot. When it landed, it made very little movement, fearing that it would be annoying if it made a loud noise, and then stood there quietly, not daring to speak, just waiting The other party speaks first.

The big herring had already swam to the shore, spitting out bubbles in the water from time to time, Hu Yun nervously looked at Ji Yuan and then at Lao Gui, and after hesitating for a moment, he opened his mouth to break the deadlock.

Mr. Ji, you see it is very difficult for this old turtle to cultivate, or...

In the past, Hu Yun might directly ask if he could share what was said on the platform that night, but now he is a little afraid, especially since he himself has forgotten the Xiaoyaoyou, and he is very afraid of Mr. Ji's scolding.

Ji Yuan looked sideways at the red fox.

Are you trying to ask if you want to help him? You fox fairy Hu Yun is so capable, why don't you help this old turtle yourself?

Hu Yun didn't dare to speak anymore. Although he was ignorant before, he never dared to ask for it in front of Mr. Ji. This time he had to bite the bullet and speak up. Still in this situation, it can only be said that he is indeed a bit of a poor old turtle.

After Ji Yuan finished speaking, he continued to look at the old tortoise. With his eyes wide open, the old tortoise's aura was displayed in front of his eyes. On the back, there are actually some Gong Gong hexagram patterns hidden in the way of divination.

It's true that it's not easy for you to practice, but after years and months, your obsession has become more and more serious. Relying on your own supernatural powers, you have spent endless efforts and spent hundreds of years, but in the end, all the tricks have been exhausted, and the mana has gradually deepened. Standing still, making fewer murders but still arousing hostility, it is sad and lamentable that you have ruined your heart by your spiritual platform!

Speaking of this, Ji Yuan also thought of some things he asked Bai Qi before, and asked Old Gui again.

How are you doing with the refining formula that God Baijiang gave you?

Old Gui was still apprehensive when he heard Ji Yuan's previous judgment, but now he was even more shocked when he heard this question. Does Mr. Ji know about this?

But since he was asked, he naturally didn't dare to lie.

Responding to Mr. Ji's words, Master Jiangshen gave me the alchemy formula. I practice diligently and dare not slack off. I have occasionally felt burning sensations in my muscles and bones in the past six years. There is nothing else...

As an old tortoise with a long lifespan, he naturally has no lack of patience. Although the effect of the refining method is not satisfactory, there is hope anyway. I am afraid that there is hope, but maybe he will not be able to look forward to it when he lives in the future.

Ji Yuan sized the giant tortoise up and down again to observe the changes in its aura. During this process, the old tortoise carefully glanced at Ji Yuan's eyes. There was no meeting of eyes under the pale sky, but he seemed to be able to see through everything. a feeling of.

Ji Yuan watched the old turtle a few times, and saw that Hu Yun, the old turtle and the big herring seemed a little nervous, and suddenly smiled. His smile seemed to blow away most of the pressure with a gust of wind.

Old Gui Wuchong, you have helped many mortals over the years. It seems that you want to help you after they get rich, so why don't you do it now? I'm afraid that the savagery on your body will also be removed here. Doesn't matter, does it?

Hearing this, Lao Gui's expression was a little downcast, but he didn't avoid it.

Fortune-telling is easy, but calculating people's hearts is difficult. I'm just an old tortoise who is good at calculation. I can't turn rivers and seas, and I can't touch stones to gold. Mana has boundaries and magical powers. However, some people's desires are boundless. I am an old tortoise. Luck has always been bad, often entrusted to inhumane people, often seems to be a good move, but as time goes by, there are many evil karma to catch up, hey...

The old turtle sighed and continued.

Now that idea has been discontinued.

For the good or bad luck of a person or a demon, Lao Gui is the one who feels the most, especially after meeting Hu Yun, this feeling deepens, and he himself is often the one who is unlucky.

Ji Yuan had a thoughtful look on his face, before he smiled and said after a long time.

Hehe, let's see, every time Huiyuan Academy rests, there will be a scholar surnamed Yin who will come here to read to this big herring. If you don't mind that scholar's age and low level of knowledge, you can also join me. How about listening?

There was ecstasy in the old turtle's eyes, and it was impossible for him to have any thoughts of rejection or disgust.

He knew very well that this was definitely a rare opportunity, and it might be even bigger than what he had imagined. This was definitely the legendary immortal guiding the way.

'I'm about to change my luck! '

Together with this idea, I can't suppress my joy.

Unlike Hu Yun, a fox who doesn't know what's good or bad, Lao Gui firmly grasps every opportunity and won't let go, and can't help but stand up again and bow again and again.

Thank you Mr. Ji for pointing out the way, thank you Mr. Ji for pointing out the way!

It's not without pay.

Ji Yuan's words only made Lao Gui pause for a moment, but he was still very grateful, and promised that as long as he could come up with or do something, he would just ask.

You don't need to go through fire and water. Over the years, from the people you have helped, pick some stories that you have touched and impressed deeply, recall them carefully, and tell them to me when you have time.

Ji Yuan said with a smile, and walked slowly towards the river, looking at the big herring that had been leaning against the water on the river bank.

Seeing Ji Yuan walking to the water's edge to look at him, the big herring quickly waved its fins, spitting bubbles in its mouth, as if greeting Ji Yuan, but unfortunately, no matter how long the fins were, it couldn't touch it. When they get together, it is impossible to bow to each other.

Although you haven't refined your bones yet, you big herring, but I thought you were pleasing to the eye when I saw you back then. I think you don't have a name yet. Why don't you call me Luo Biqing from now on!

Ji Yuan didn't know whether the big herring was male or female, and he didn't study the sex of the fish. Some animals can be distinguished by yin and yang qi, but most aquariums are yin and yin. There may be differences between males and females, but there are no other big ones now. Herring makes an analogy with Ji Yuan.

The name Luo Biqing can be male or female, if one day Big Herring can practice to transform into a human being, he can use it no matter what.


The big herring circled happily in the water on the shore several times, and the blisters in its mouth were also bobo... non-stop.

I heard so much from the old turtle before, and the big herring also knew that it was named by a master like Ji Yuan, and the reason for it was not simple.

Now the old turtle's mind also warmed up, a pair of huge tortoise eyes looked at Ji Yuan expectantly, even Hu Yun could read the three characters asking for a name from those strong eyes.

Ji Yuan was also a little speechless, looking at the old turtle indifferently with a pair of ancient well-free eyes.

Why, don't you have a name?

The old turtle was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly sank down.

I have it……

The old turtle scolded himself thousands of times in his heart, why not give himself a name, how can he imitate the arty of ordinary literati, will he die without a name? Anyway, who hasn't called himself Old Turtle for so many years, it doesn't make any difference whether he has a name or not.

'Hey... I'm so envious, I should be content! '

Ji Yuan shook his head, looked towards the direction of the river, there was a huge winding white shadow lurking at the bottom of the river, he cupped his hands in that direction, and then walked towards the pier.

Hu Yun hesitated for a moment and hurried to follow, while Old Gui and Big Herring knew that it was not suitable for them to follow, so they didn't move.

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