Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 223 No longer an official child

Yin Zhaoxian, as a well-known figure in Dazhen scholars, has reached the time when he needs to pay attention to his image. After Yu Wanzhou took office and got to know him for a period of time, he realized that he could not show certain emotions at will.

Even in front of his wife, Yin Zhaoxian still couldn't express this depression too clearly, for fear that his wife would be too worried, but at this moment in front of Ji Yuan, he didn't have such worries, it was a rare way to vent his emotions.

Phew... Mr. Ji laughed!

Yin Zhaoxian was a little agitated at this time. It seems that he has suffered a lot in the officialdom, even for a stable person like him. Of course, it may be that he has accumulated too much qi for a long time, and he will be a little more agitated when he vents it. .

Ji Yuan held the teacup and didn't drink it, he just blew gently on the tea in the teacup, in fact, the breeze blowing also stirred up the atmosphere in the room, blowing away the gloom from his friend and calming him down a lot.

Master Yin, it seems that this rich and prosperous place in Wanzhou is not as good as imagined in other places?

Hearing that Mr. Ji finally called himself Master Yin, Yin Zhaoxian felt a little better for no reason, and then sighed.

Hey...Mr. Ji doesn't know that Wanzhou is indeed a rich place, but there are people full of gold and jade, and some people have nothing to eat. The former is less than the latter, it is simply sick! Can you imagine a small Lizheng...

While speaking, Yin Zhaoxian stretched out his right hand and pinched the tip of his little finger, almost shaking his hand and gesticulating towards Ji Yuan.

Such a small official who is bigger than sesame seeds and mung beans actually holds fifty hectares of mulberry fields in his hands. How did he get this field? Can he have so much in his lifetime?

Yin Zhaoxian breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip from the teacup, and then added something.

What's even more exasperating is that among the fifty hectares of land, there is at least a thousand mu of Yongye farmland, which is the lifeblood of the people!

Ji Yuan frowned. Thinking about it now, the Wanzhou land he passed by when he was driving the clouds was indeed full of mulberry forests and little grain land. It seemed that it was not that everyone planted mulberry and silkworms to get rich together, but that the fields of the common people had been annexed?

Perhaps at the beginning, farmers were indeed seduced by the benefits of planting mulberry and raising silkworms, and then various natural disasters or man-made losses caused them to buy mulberry fields at a seemingly fair price. Today, there are more mulberry fields than few fields. And other industries are even more powerful, and the common people have nowhere to go.

Seeing the big from the small, in Lishun Prefecture and even the entire Wanzhou, many farmers and people have very little real land that belongs to them. If they want to eat enough, they have to rely on the landlord most of the time. The manpower is not so much, and most of the benefits that the farmers can get go to the wealthy households. In addition, they have to bear the taxes themselves, so life is very difficult.

And more importantly, farmers can only be paid in coins for helping Gaomen raise silkworms and make silk. If there is not enough food in Wanzhou, they have to buy it from other places, and buying food has to be exploited by many traders for profit, and price fluctuations are not a problem. Farmers can decide who has the final say on grain price fluctuations, which are naturally linked to natural disasters, but it is the mouths of wealthy businessmen and officials who have the final say.

What do you do when you don't have enough money? Mortgage the property for the coming year!

Listening to Yin Zhaoxian's analysis, even Ji Yuan, an immortal in the eyes of ordinary people, can't help but feel a creepy feeling. Over the years, Wanzhou farmers have been devoured bit by bit of the land they depend on for survival. , like silkworms in Wanzhou eating mulberry leaves...

Yin Zhaoxian drank up the tea in the teacup, and then said a cold sarcasm.

Everyone in my Dazhen said: Bingzhou's grain and Wanzhou's silk, hum, but how can the situation of the people of Wanzhou be compared with Bingzhou's?

Ji Yuan couldn't help but nodded, he had stayed in Bingzhou for a long time, although most of the time he just practiced in Yunshan Mountain, but every time the rice harvest season came on the land of Bingzhou, the laughter of the busy farmers was also heard. Lived a lot.

Then Master Yin is doing something there?

Yin Zhaoxian shook his head.

If I can really see one and move the other, why bother to be so depressed? I have been in Wanzhou for the past two years. Understand that this is a matter that will affect the whole body, although it is just a hair to me, but I can't easily move him!

Although Ji Yuan doesn't understand officialdom, the words of his friend are enough to show that Mrs. Yin has a good understanding of officialdom, and he is definitely not an official fool, and he has let go of some worries in his heart.

Master Yin is in the position of magistrate, so it's not that he has nothing to do with the court, so he is so afraid?

As Ji Yuan said, he also brought up the teapot to serve tea for his friend, just like the afternoons when they chatted with each other in the small pavilion in Ju'an.

Yin Zhaoxian has also calmed down now, and like Ji Yuan, he didn't feel restrained, so he drank the tea as soon as he picked it up.

Although for so many years, the inspectors of the imperial court have said that Wanzhou is fine when they go back, but this alone is not enough. I am afraid that the court also has deep-rooted interests involved. A Lishun Mansion and the entire Wanzhou have a lot to do with each other!

Yin Zhaoxian's speech at this moment is completely like an old official with a long history in the officialdom, not a rookie official who has only been dispatched from the position of champion for a few years.

Although Ji Yuan felt uncomfortable with the people of Wanzhou, after some communication, he was not too worried about his friends, so he asked a question that seemed to be teasing, but there was no teasing tone.

Master Yin was sent to Wanzhou. Don't the interest groups here regard you as a thorn in their side?

It's not enough to be a thorn in the flesh, but fear is inevitable, especially when Yin took office, he was on guard day and night, hehe, thinking about it now, it's really ridiculous!

Yin Zhaoxian changed the subject when he said this.

However, even though Yin came here to carefully observe the people's sentiments, he didn't do anything superfluous. He just seemed to be minding his own affairs, which made them relax. Now the officials in Lishun Mansion and even Wanzhou think that Yin has three yuan. Jidi is a high-ranking student, but he was sent to Wanzhou to be gilded, and sooner or later he will be promoted to Kyoto, and he doesn't want anything to happen during his term of office, he is a stable master!

It's ironic to say that since then, more and more people have come to Yin to give gifts, and the positions are getting higher and higher from the small family to the big family.

Oh? It's all worth the money?

Ji Yuan reached out to touch the teapot, making the tea at a suitable temperature again, and refilling a cup for himself and his friend.

It's so valuable. In other words, a large part of it was money! The white silver and the bright gold. After all, everyone is optimistic that I, Yin Zhaoxian, will rise step by step in the future. Maybe I will be a new backer in the future court.

Yin Zhaoxian smiled, and said something teasingly about Tong Ji Yuan.

These gifts, Yin will not refuse anyone who comes, and accept them all!

When Ji Yuan heard this, he didn't show it on the surface, but he was stunned for a moment, but he realized something in an instant. He still had confidence in his friend's character. This confidence came from his understanding of Master Yin, and also from this moment The pure and condensed arrogance of righteousness in Mrs. Yin's body.

Why, Mr. Yin intends to pay respects first and then settle accounts after the fall?

The parents who gave birth to me, those who know me count fate! Every time, every stroke, I remember every gift clearly!

It is rare for Yin Zhaoxian to be unpredictable in front of his friends at this moment.

If there is anyone else who hates this matter the most in the entire Dazhen government and the public, except for me, Yin Zhaoxian, then it must be the current sage.

Ji Yuan looked at Yin Zhaoxian, shook his head and sighed.

As far as Ji knows, the old emperor has never forgotten the auspiciousness in the past, and now he is preparing for a water and land ceremony, and he is going to call all the 'famous scholars' from Dazhen to participate. It is hard to say how much he can be tied to Wanzhou.

Apart from frowning, Yin Zhaoxian didn't show any special expression, let alone say that his friend's tone was rebellious.

Ji Yuan smiled and continued to speak leisurely.

He is the hub of great chastity, enjoys the honor of thousands of people, and can prolong his life, but if he wants to seek immortality, unless he can give up his honor, it is impossible for him to grasp it with both hands.

Yin Zhaoxian didn't bother with this issue either.

Maybe the Holy Majesty is no longer in the prime of life, but he will not be indifferent to the Wanzhou matter, and there is an ambitious Jin Wang in the middle of this matter. As early as half a year ago, I had already passed the secret performance of His Royal Highness Jin Wang. I didn't say much, just told me the hush money from all the gift givers, and Mr. Ji can guess how much it is.

Seeing Mrs. Yin like this, Ji Yuan thought to himself that I should try to guess higher, so he said.

Fifty thousand taels of silver?

Yin Zhaoxian shook his head.

No and no!

One hundred thousand taels?

Seeing that Master Yin was still shaking his head, Ji Yuan spoke up.

Fifty taels of gold?

Mr. Ji guess again, some of the objects obtained by Yin are yellow and white, and some are rare and antique.

Ji Yuan grinned, counted with his right hand hidden in his sleeve, and then made a slightly surprised sound.

There are two hundred and one thousand taels of gold!?

Yin Zhaoxian was taken aback by this precise data, and then nodded his head to answer.

That's right. After a few years, if you count all the curiosities, it should be worth about two million taels of silver. Heh heh, it's almost half a year's old money that Wanzhou turns over to the state treasury!

I am the magistrate of Lishun Prefecture. Although I have some prospects, I have received so many benefits during the two-year term of office. You said they scraped off the people's fat and people's anointing, and how much black money was withheld from the court? Can the emperor not be angry?

Yin Zhaoxian sneered when he said this.

It was said in the secret letter from the King of Jin that the Holy Majesty received my secret performance and smashed the favorite set of teacups in the Imperial Study Room!

Old and fatuous, old and fatuous, although many emperors in the past dynasties have been like this, but Emperor Yuande didn't think he would be one of them, and now he finds himself really being fooled by such bullying from below, and the anger in his heart can be imagined .

Hearing this, Ji Yuan wouldn't know that his friend had already made a plan in his heart, he was half relieved and half emotional.

‘Master Yin is no longer an official child! '

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