Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 303 Sustain

Well, Mr. Ji, you haven't mentioned the remuneration before...

The old cow asked in embarrassment.

It's true that I didn't say it, but you didn't ask either.

Ji Yuan joked with a smile, and saw the constipated expression on Lao Niu's face.

Yes, but Lao Niu, I don't have anything to pay you... How about I kowtow to you, sir?

Ji Yuan shook his head and stopped teasing him.

Sit down and dissipate the mana on the back of your neck. The hairs are rooted in your marrow. It will take some effort to remove them. Don't move as soon as you feel anything. You can take it.

Hearing what Ji Yuan said, Niu Batian was overjoyed, and after responding again and again, he sat down cross-legged with his back facing Ji Yuan, lowered his head and at the same time pulled down his collar a little.

Looking at the fire in front of him, Niu Batian also imagined what Mr. Ji's Samadhi real fire would be like.

Get ready, don't act rashly, Samadhi True Fire is not a joke!

Ji Yuan's words were a lot more serious, and Lao Niu hurriedly calmed down. Yan Fei, who was on the opposite side, was resting against the tree trunk with his sword in his arms, and now he would also sit upright and observe this side.

Looking at the old cow's rough skin and the brown hair on the nape of his neck, Ji Yuan slowly opened his eyes wide.

Compared with the blurred vision of normal things, Ji Yuan's vision is unusually clear when it comes to special auras and the way of divine light.

The demonic aura of the old cow and the demonic aura on this hair are two completely different attributes. Following the collision of these contradictory auras, the line of sight of Ji Yuan Dharma Eye seems to extend to the depths of the cow demon's spirit, seeing the mass of evil spirits The source of Qi is constantly absorbing the essence and mana of the old cow, and it is trying to continue to extend, but it is also blocked by a layer of fascia-like magic light.

It's really difficult.

After Ji Yuan said this, he used his mana to open the golden bridge in his body, and sent out a ray of real fire air, opened his mouth, and a small stream of red and gray air slowly flew out close to Niu Batian's back neck.

At the moment when the red and gray air was approaching, the bull demon grabbed his trouser legs tightly, and couldn't control his strength to tear the trousers, choking on his leg.

Obviously, there shouldn't be any temperature changes behind it, but at the spiritual level, there is an illusion as if a sea of ​​fire is overturning, and there is a mental tingling feeling like endless needles.

The warning signs in my heart went crazy.

'Danger! very dangerous! Deadly danger! Must dodge! '

Even so, Niu Batian resisted the urge to flee immediately and remained motionless, his clenched teeth made the sound of cracking... and countless cold sweats ooze from his body. Compared with the sea of ​​​​flames, it can be said to be a drop in the ocean.


The extremely slight sound of breathing was magnified countless times in this tense moment, and Niu Batian's pupils shrank violently facing the bonfire, and the monstrous sea of ​​flames was already close at hand.

A wisp of red-gray air flew, and under Ji Yuan's fine control, it flew to Niu Batian's bare nape of the neck, touching the tuft of brown hair.

Only this time, the red and gray air did not directly ignite the hair, but entered the old cow's epidermis along the hair from the top, and then went down along the hair.

This process is an extreme test of whether Ji Yuan's mind and spirit are strong or not, and it is also an extreme test of control. Of course, it is also a great test of Niu Batian's endurance.

Hold it! The real fire has already entered the body. If you want to eradicate it, you have to wait for it to take root. If you burn it directly, your soul will be burned. Keep your mind in tranquility, and you can't visualize the real fire behind you, otherwise Sooner or later, your mood will not be able to bear it!

After Ji Yuan reminded again, he threw a piece of yellow paper out of his sleeve and stopped distracting, tried his best to control his anger, and Niu Batian immediately forced himself into stillness as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Before the yellow paper fell to the ground, a faint yellow light like fluorescent powder diffused, and immediately transformed into a very burly golden armor warrior.

The golden armored warrior faced Ji Yuan, still bowing respectfully.

My lord!

It's just that Ji Yuan didn't have time to talk to him, so after the Golden Armored Warrior finished his salute, his eyes only stayed on Yan Fei for a while, and then he stood quietly by the bonfire.

Yan Fei watched nervously from the side. Although he couldn't see the way at all, he also knew that the moment should be very critical. These days, he had heard Niu Batian complain more than once about this evil method on the back of the neck, saying that it was a vicious method that damaged the foundation technique.

It's just that with this golden armored warrior here, of course it's not his turn to help with the protection of the law.

The high concentration of ordinary people's attention can't last long, even if Yan Fei is a martial artist with good martial arts, after staring at the opposite side of the campfire for about half an hour, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the Golden Armored Warrior. This burly general didn't move a muscle, he didn't even blink his eyes.

Huh... Please trouble Lishi to take care of Mr. Gu Ji and Brother Niu. I'll be back as soon as I go.

When he is drunk, he is called Brother Niu, but this is too intimate and Yan Fei is not used to it, so he just calls him Brother Niu during this time.

Yan flew to the bonfire and threw a large piece of firewood very quickly, then stood up on her knees, ready to go out to relieve herself.

The night wind blowing by the woods, Woooo..., even in April, it was still cool. After taking a few steps outside, Yan Fei turned his head to look in the direction of the campfire.

‘It’s better to go far away. '

Thinking of this, Yan Fei breathed a sigh of relief, got up and walked like the wind, and quickly walked towards the depths of the woods.

Now is the season when all things are revived, and the forest at night is no longer silent. Various insects and frogs are constantly chirping, and there should be a source of water nearby.

Yan Fei knew that the flames of the bonfire could hardly be seen, so he stopped and unbuttoned his pants. No matter how far away, this distance should not affect Mr. Ji.

The water line fell to the dead branches and leaves on the ground, and Yan Fei also showed a relaxed expression on his face, but in the process, he opened his eyes and looked forward, and found that he had already passed through the dense forest belt. Go, can actually see the situation outside the forest at the other end.

Is there a fire?

In the distance, some flames could be seen.

There should be no towns or villages near this location, so the fire can only be from another group of people.

Yan Fei fastened his belt after finishing his convenience, looked at the direction of the bonfire where Ji Yuan and Niu Batian were, and then looked into the distance, then moved forward and took a while to reach the edge of the forest on the other side.

Then Yan Fei found a taller tree, lifted it vertically and connected points on the branches, and jumped directly to the top of the tree to look into the distance.

It's really bright, and there's a lot of it...

For Yan Fei on the branch, the light in the distance is no longer a simple fire, because although the light is far away, it is not at all. This situation cannot be explained by a bonfire, but it is a bit like a fire in the wilderness.

Yan Fei looked up at the sky, there was not even a cloud under the thin moon and stars, and there was also no smoke floating.

‘The direction of the wind is towards me. If there is a wildfire, there must be smoke. Could it be... the lights of the town? But there is not even a village in this place for a hundred miles, and it is impossible to have a town. '

After thinking for a while, Yan Fei shook his head, thinking that one thing more is worse than one thing less, so he was about to jump off the branch, but before he jumped, he suddenly saw a carriage driving in the wilderness a little far away, and he took a closer look , indeed a carriage.

The carriage was at least a mile away from the edge of the woods where Yan Fei was, and it was driving from east to west. The direction should be the fire that Yan Fei saw. After frowning for a while, he finally jumped off the branch and turned around. gone back.

Beside the bonfire at the other end of the forest, Ji Yuan just controlled the real fire energy and touched the root of the hair at this moment. The real fire energy was like a tiny tornado, engulfing it from the outside to the inside, and then Ji Yuan had a thought.

Wow~ Get it, all the brown hair and demon spirit energy are incinerated at this moment.


Niu Batian made a sound from the pain, or rather he was frightened.

Okay, it's settled. Without a detailed explanation of this technique, we can only burn it so roughly.

Huh...huh...Just now, I was frightened by the old cow, so it can be considered resolved.

Niu Batian wiped the sweat off his face, and then reached out to touch the back of his neck. Except for a scorched piece of skin the size of a fingernail, there was no other pain. What's more important was that he felt relaxed, without any sense of threat. Come.

Hehehehehe, hahahahaha... It's really gone, it's really good! Hahahahaha... When I fully recover, I won't be afraid to meet that stinky woman again!

Based on your hobby, maybe you will catch up again.

Ji Yuan smiled.

Hey, how could it be? I learned a lot from a pit, and I, Lao Niu, will keep a hundred more minds in the future! By the way, where is Brother Yan?

Lao Niu finished booking the ticket, looked left and right but didn't see Yan Fei.

It should be convenient to go out, and I should be back later.

Sure enough, as Ji Yuan said, after a while, Yan Fei rushed back to the campfire, and saw that Ji Yuan and Niu Batian had already read a book and dozed off after reading, busy with their own things.

Hearing Yan Fei's footsteps, Ji Yuan didn't raise his head, but Niu Batian jumped up. He just needed to share his excitement with others.

Ah, brother Yan is back, hehe, brother Niu, I'm already healed. Once the magic is removed, I will recover and there will be no hindrance. That stinky bitch will not be able to defeat me anymore. Look, look, look, the hair is gone!

Lao Niu turned around and showed Yan Fei the back of his neck. Yan Fei just congratulated him a few times, and then told what he saw.

Ji Yuan listened and put down the book, even Lao Niu fell silent.

You said there might be a town here?

That's right. I saw with my own eyes that there were horses and chariots going in that direction, and the arrangement of fire lights over there also looked like this. Mr. Ji, shall we go and have a look?

Niu Batian looked at Ji Yuan and said.

Mr. Ji, there is something wrong with this situation. There should be no towns here. After all, it is impossible not to see the anger of people gathered in towns.

Ji Yuan put away the book in his hand, stood up and looked in the direction Yan Fei said, and he did not see any crowds of people.

Go and see, you two will follow me.

While Ji Yuan was speaking, he had already set off, his body seemed to be walking, shrinking to the ground, and he had gone away after a while.

Brother Yan, let's go too!

Lao Niu grabbed Yan Fei's arm, and a light yellow halo appeared under his feet, and he hurriedly chased after him.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the three of them had already arrived on a soil slope, looking far to the west.

It's really a town! What kind of people live here, why haven't I heard of it?

Yan Fei asked in disbelief, but Niu Batian sneered.

Hmph, Brother Yan's words are wrong. The town is real, but it's not human!

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