Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 362 Give Me a Death

Seeing King Ming dissipate like little by little, all the monks in Daming Temple widened their eyes in horror, and at the same time felt a sense of fear.

The three old monks kowtowed continuously in the direction where the statue of King Ming disappeared, and all the monks, no matter whether they were afraid or not, just recited the Sutra of King Ming Ming silently.

It wasn't until King Ming's sculpting body was completely dissipated that the three old monks raised their heads, turned to face Ji Yuan, and bowed respectfully to perform the Buddhist salute.

Excellent Daming King Buddha, Immortal Elder, monks of Daming Temple...

Ji Yuan nodded slightly towards the old monk.

Abbot, don't worry, Ji will keep all masters safe.

Although the voice was not loud, it was soft and soft within the Daming Temple beside the boat, so that every wandering or dazed monk could clearly hear it.

What to talk to, what Ji Yuan said to King Ming before is that he has discretion whether he is with Lu Shanjun or not, but most of these monks are obviously very scared, what they want to hear most is Ji Yuan's current words.

While talking, Ji Yuan also looked at Jueming who was not far away. Really speaking, Zhao Long's Jueming now, except for his shaving, has changed the least among the Nine Heroes back then, compared to the well-maintained Luo The frosting is even smaller.

Well, although Jueming looks like a middle-aged monk, to be honest, in Ji Yuan's memory, Zhao Long was also very anxious back then, obviously in his early twenties, but he looked similar to now at that time. Deputy middle-aged appearance.

Even now, Jueming is still chanting sutras, not because King Ming is like turning soil into sand like other monks around him, but has been chanting non-stop since just now, including the previous demon law, Buddha law, fairy law, etc. The huge movement of the confrontation of supernatural powers also failed to affect him.

The power of King Ming from his body is still flowing out slowly, but since the river emerged just now, it is only a trickle now, and the direction of drifting is only scattered into Daming Temple, because the statue of King Ming who sits on the ground is gone.

While Ji Yuan was observing Monk Jueming carefully, Lu Shanjun over there had already stood up again.

Before that, King Ming's great method of subduing demons was really powerful. In the end, the mountain turned from virtual to real, and it was a real thousand-fold giant peak pressing on the top. It was irresistible. If it was just Lu Shanjun himself, he would be smashed down the mountain in one fell swoop, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die. , and there will be two golden armor warriors working together to help, but they still almost crush them.

Fortunately, the next moment, the fairy sword had already shown its sharpness, splitting the giant mountain transformed by Buddhism.

At this moment, Lu Shanjun glanced sideways at the two golden armor warriors beside him. The two warriors were extremely burly at the moment, but their red faces were solemn. It's just that the hammer arm stands there, visually bringing a kind of oppressive power just by looking at it.

Seeing that the wrestler was not moving, Lu Shanjun shook his hair and jumped over the mountain hundreds of feet away. With a lot of restrained evil spirit, he easily slid across an arc, and then fell very gently into the Daming Temple. The messy square was just a dozen feet behind Ji Yuan.

After landing, the huge demon body gradually shrank in the foggy twilight, and finally turned into a young man in a pale yellow robe with cloud patterns.

Lu Shanjun respectfully bowed to Ji Yuan.

Lu Shanjun has seen Mr.!

Ji Yuan looked away from Jueming, turned around and nodded to Tiger Lu.

If King Ming's avatar hadn't appeared, I wouldn't have shown up today, so just pretend I'm not here.


After Lu Shanjun agreed, he put away the salute, glanced at the monks around him, then glanced at the three helpless old monks, and finally looked at Zhao Long who was still chanting.

He didn't ask Ji Yuan whether he should let Zhao Long go, or even say anything superfluous. Mr. Lu Shan knew the character of his mentor very well, and he didn't have any intention of changing the plan.

Now the whole temple is quieter except for the sound of the wind, and only Zhao Long's chanting. Lu Shanjun, Ji Yuan, and all the monks just waited quietly.

It wasn't until a long time passed that Monk Jueming no longer had King Ming's power flowing out of him, and the continuous sound of chanting sutras stopped.

Monk Jueming opened his eyes, turned his gaze, and saw that the temple square was in a mess, but apart from the square, the temple that has lived for many years has not suffered much damage. Most of the places are intact, and the top is a little bit tiles.

Standing up, Jueming looked around, but he didn't find the huge monster, instead he saw Ji Yuan at a glance. After being slightly dazed, he asked a little uncertainly.

Are you... Mr. Ji?

Ji Yuan smiled and nodded slightly at him.

Should I call you Zhao Long or Master Jueming?

Sir, you can call him whatever you want...

Facing Ji Yuan, Jueming was still a little ashamed. He wanted to salute at this point, but because of the habit of these years, he subconsciously put his hands together and performed a Buddhist salute.

Then he raised his head and saw the strange man not far behind Ji Yuan, his eyes met, Jueming vaguely understood that this should be Lu Shanjun.

At this moment, Lu Shanjun took a few steps forward and walked in front of Jueming.

Now no monk would stop him, even the three old monks not far away had closed their eyes.

Zhao Long, have you changed your mind?

The middle-aged monk in front of him let out a long breath, and answered the question in a non-essential way.

I'm not a courageous person. I can't take what I should take, and I can't let go of what I should let go. I don't know what to choose or not in the face of fame and fortune. I sit in meditation and don't understand Buddhism. The monastery has fallen into such a situation, this life is ridiculous!

Jueming showed a wry smile, also relieved, and bowed towards Lu Shanjun to perform Buddhist rituals, and said as a monk.

Benefactor Lu, please kill me.

As soon as the words fell, Jueming just bent over ninety degrees in the Buddhist ceremony, and did not get up.

The breeze blows through the monastery, and the whole Xiaoliang mountain is very quiet.

Lu Shanjun took a few steps closer, straightened his sleeves, and clasped his fists together to bow to Monk Jueming.

In the eyes of the entire Daming Temple monks, in front of Ji Yuan, this picture was frozen for a few breaths, and then Lu Shanjun straightened up, a yellow and black shadow covering the light filled his body, and the shadow finally turned into a giant sheet mouth.

Monk Jueming raised his head, held his breath and opened his eyes wide, watching the bloody mouth getting bigger and bigger, then his eyes went dark, and he completely lost consciousness.

The hearts of many monks who were still in a daze trembled, watching the giant mouth of the monster swallowing Jueming, apart from the inevitable fright, they also had some special insights in their hearts.

The three old monks only opened their eyes at this time, and after saying Goodness, they bowed their heads and chanted sutras again.

Ji Yuan glanced at them and murmured in a low voice.

Daming Temple is very lucky.

A little farther away, two gold-armored warriors had crossed the outer wall of the temple and walked into the square. Their figures had returned to normal, although they were still several rounds larger than ordinary people.

Now Ji Yuan has a total of six golden armor warriors in his hands. After refining these six in the first three days and three places, Ji Yuan felt that they were enough, so he didn't increase the number, but chose to use them when he was free. From time to time, use more energy to incorporate more pieces of paper little by little.

If you blindly pursue quantity, how could these two warriors have the power they have today.

But no matter how to improve the quality, the essence of the Golden Armored Warrior is still the same. At this moment, he walked in front of Ji Yuan without any haste, saluting in a very formulaic way.

My lord!

The voice is calm, the expression is indifferent, without any ups and downs, and he really ignores anyone.

Saluted to Ji Yuan, but stood on Lu Shanjun's left and right, obviously still in the middle of the previous order.

Lu Shanjun looked at these two wrestlers a few times. If he didn't have a certain understanding of the golden armor wrestlers and knew that the golden armor wrestlers actually have no emotions, he might think that these two wrestlers are defiant.

Master Abbot, Daming Temple has destroyed a meditation room, a corner of the courtyard wall, and a square. These two wrestlers like me have no other advantages, but they have such strength. How about helping you rebuild the temple together? ?”

The abbot of Daming Temple raised his head to look at the two golden armor warriors beside Ji Yuan, and the latter also glanced at the old monk because of Ji Yuan's words.

In the eyes of the old monk, the two wrestlers had almost the same demeanor. Let alone turning around, they didn't even move their heads. bring about a stronger sense of oppression.

Seeing that the word unwilling was almost written on the face of the Lishi, the old monk dared not be ignorant.

Thank you for your kindness. My Daming Temple has not been seriously damaged. It is slightly damaged. The monks repair it as a daily practice, and it will be restored within half a month. Don't bother the two generals.

Ji Yuan looked at the golden-armored warrior, shook his head and didn't say much, it's still inconvenient for him to tell the secret of the warrior in front of outsiders.

Since that's the case, then Ji will take his leave first.

Seeing that Ji Yuan was about to leave, Lu Shanjun was also a little nervous.

Sir, where are you going? You came here this time because I was in trouble, so you came here to help?

When asked this question, Ji Yuan didn't want to say that he followed all the way, then Lu Shanjun might not let go later.

Before I was overseas, I knew you were incarnate. Come back and have a look. I still have something to do, so I will go ahead and come to me after finishing what you should do.

While speaking, the two gold-armored warriors had already turned into two beams of light and flew into Ji Yuan's sleeves. Others couldn't even see that they were two paper figures.

Lu Shanjun bowed his hands and saluted, said Yes!, watched Ji Yuan ascend the clouds, and couldn't help shouting again.



Ji Yuan paused and looked at Lu Shanjun.

The latter fumbled around on his body, except for some dog's head gold and silver coins, he found only a dried leaf bag. In desperation, he could only take a few steps closer, and handed the dried leaf bag to Ji Yuan. can be used to make tea...

Hahahahaha... I have a heart.

Ji Yuan took the small pack of goji berries, and walked away with a smile on his face. While Lu Shanjun was a little disappointed, he also relaxed a lot, at least his mentor didn't have any opinions on his actions.

Looking around again, as soon as Ji Yuan left, these monks became extremely nervous all of a sudden.

Hehe, masters, I offended you before. Mr. Lu destroyed a meditation room and a courtyard wall in the outer courtyard. As for the square, it was done by King Zuodiming.

Saying that, Lu Shanjun took out a silver ingot that must be at least ten taels from his arms, and handed it to the abbot of Daming Temple.

This is compensation, Master Abbot please accept it.

No, no, I will repair it myself, no compensation from benefactor Lu...

The old monk immediately refused, but Lu Shanjun said it again with an emphatic tone.

Please, Fang, Zhang, Da, Master, accept it!

This is good, Daming King Buddha, thank you, benefactor Lu!

Seeing sweat on his forehead, the old monk didn't dare to delay any longer, took the silver and returned it to the Buddha.

Well, I'm leaving, maybe you can see Monk Jueming in the future, don't forget about it now.

After saying that, Lu Shanjun rose against the wind, flew out of Xiaoliang Mountain, looked back at Daming Temple, and then fled away.

It was not until a long while before the monks in Daming Temple let out a sigh of relief.

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