Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 526 Cave Heaven

About a quarter of an hour later, Ji Yuan left Jiufeng Mountain with Jinxiu and Aze, and flew towards the depths of Jiufeng Cave. Because of the token, the fog in the mountain would automatically avoid Ji Yuan, and Jiufeng Mountain There will be no response to the large formation restriction.

After staying on the mountain for two months, even if Jinxiu took Zhuang Ze around occasionally, he always spent more time alone. Now when he went down the mountain, Aze was obviously in better spirits than before.

Mr. Ji, I have been on the mountain for more than two months. Sister Jin said that one day on the mountain will pass ten days down there. Isn't it two years down here? The tomb of my parents, and Aaron and the others... ...

A Ze is in a complicated mood now, expecting and apprehensive at the same time, in fact, Ji Yuan has only known about the time changes in the Nine Peaks Cave for a short time, and he has no choice but to comfort him when he hears A Ze's words.

The cemetery is over there, nothing will happen. As for your friends and the others, you have to believe that the auspicious people have their own gods. You can all escape the military disaster, starve and cross Qingtian Mountain, and arrive at Duyang. Definitely better.


Jinxiu on one side was looking around, and she rarely had the chance to go down the mountain. She was even more excited than Aze, and would keep talking to Zhuang Ze, discussing some human affairs.

But Ji Yuan looked into the distance, thinking about the flow of time in the Jiufeng Cave. In fact, no cave can exist without the real outer world. After all, the sun, moon, and stars are either not real, or they are connected to the outer world. No matter how the cave is formed, it is not so much a separate world as it is a part of the real world, but places like the cave have been stripped of the outer world as much as possible with great magical powers, so that the influence between the two is as far as possible. continuously decreasing.

Of course, the same is true for Jiufeng Dongtian. The speed of time should be the same as that of Jiufeng Mountain, and the same as the outer world, but in the lower realm of Dongtian, it is ten times faster than the upper one. It is obviously the method of the masters of Jiufeng Mountain, and it is intentional. .

As for the reason for doing this, it is of course not difficult to imagine that some precious natural materials such as exotic flowers and plants can take advantage of the convenience of this great supernatural power that changes the world to shorten the cultivation time accordingly. There are special mountain gods and land guards, and the benefits are not small in the long run.

As for the mortals in the cave, in fact, it has little influence in theory. In this kind of environment similar to a self-contained world, they can still thrive and live a lifetime without any sense of shortage. And with the passage of time, there will always be some brilliant geniuses among mortals, who can also be included in Jiufeng Mountain to inherit the orthodoxy, such as Jin Changdong is a typical example.

Baiyun has already passed through the cloud layer that separates the nine peaks, and saw the scene of Qingtian Mountain towering over Qianshan, and his thoughts of fate also faded away with his sight.

With the ability to change the sky in the cave, Jiufeng Mountain naturally has a profound foundation, but doesn't this mean that part of the time and space of the real world is distorted by the power of the cave? No matter how small the impact is, it's impossible to have none at all, right?

Ji Xianchang, what are you thinking?

Jin Xiu's voice rang in his ears, pulling Ji Yuan's thoughts back, he looked at the girl and said with a smile.

It's nothing, we will leave the mountain soon, Aze, is my hometown in the north?

Well, Mr. Ji, fly a little lower, and I will show you the way!

This young man is also a big hearted boy. If someone else was taken to fly in the sky like this, besides excitement, he must be more afraid. Even if he knows that there are immortals around, he will not fall, but the fear of heights is human nature, and he will not be too calm. .

Okay, don't look at the wrong way. Also, don't call me Xianchang, you girl, and call me Mr. Ji just like Aze. It's more pleasant.

Jin Xiu looked happy, and quickly agreed.

Xiu'er knows, Mr. Ji!

When he first came here, Aze traveled through mountains and rivers for several months, and he was unable to see Qingtian Nine Peaks after suffering so much, but now he was standing on the white clouds and left with Ji Yuan. It's time to go to the scenery outside the mountain.

There is actually a big difference between seeing the road in the sky and seeing the road on the ground. Without special adaptation, it is easy to see the difference. At least Aze often has no time to recognize the road. Fortunately, Mr. Ji seems to know the road at all. Similarly, until Aze saw the familiar scenery of his hometown, Mr. Ji didn't ask the way.

Looking at the position of the sun, it is at noon at this moment, and the white clouds of fate are falling outside the village of Aze's hometown.

As soon as it landed on the ground, a foul smell came to the nostrils. Jin Xiu frowned and subconsciously covered her mouth and nose. Even A Ze was obviously a little uncomfortable, but Ji Yuan, who had the most sensitive sense of smell, looked indifferent.

Let's go and pay homage to your family.

Ji Yuan glanced around, although it was basically blurred, he could tell that this was an ordinary village with low buildings, many houses must have collapsed, and some had been burned.

At first glance, it seems that there are vibrant scenes everywhere, with overgrown weeds and green leaves, but in fact, there are corpses everywhere, some of which have long been bones, and some of which have dried up. Most of the places with lush vegetation are There are dead bodies, and that's where the lingering stench comes from.

The three stepped into the village, startling a group of crows.

Ah... ah...


Ah... ah...

Papa papa...


Ah... ah... ah...



At first there were only a few, then a small flock and a large area, many crows flapped their wings and flew up. A young immortal cultivator in Jinxiu was startled by these crows, subconsciously shrank back, and raised his hand to block it. Seeing that Ji Yuan and Aze were fine, he pretended to be fine with his face burning.

When the three of them entered the village, Aze's expression became dazed, as if he had seen the tragic scene before, Jin Xiu stopped talking, and Ji Yuan was looking around.

At least hundreds of people died in this village. Except for the relatives buried by Aze and his partners, the others were all piled up in place. This village is so remote, and there is such an accident as a military disaster. When a person dies, the accident may not be able to catch up in time.

Except for those who have a burial place, the rest of the dead are afraid that they will all become ignorant and ignorant lonely ghosts for a while. They may not know to hide from the sun at first. I don't know how to hide.

Ji Yuan looked up at the sky, this sun is not the big sun of the outer world, even so, the power of the sun is still real. At the beginning, these dead souls were originally killed by the disaster of the army, and they may be killed by Tianguang later. They are also wandering lonely ghosts who escaped. There must be strong resentment around the corpses, and some evil spirits may be born. It is also one of the origins of the saying that there must be evildoers in the chaos of the world.

But now, there doesn't seem to be any strong resentment, is that really the case? Or someone has gone?

Ji Yuan squinted his eyes, and then opened them wider and wider. The color of the sky and the earth seemed to change slightly in his eyes, and the surrounding green scene also changed into several layers of gray light in the distortion.

Finally, Ji Yuan looked at the sky, and the power of the sun swept towards the earth, like wisps of undulating flames.

Mr. Ji, this is the grave of my parents and grandfather.

When Aze's voice came, Ji Yuan withdrew his gaze and looked forward. While walking, they had unknowingly arrived at the back of the village. There were more than a dozen small dirt bags here. There is also a wooden sign inserted crookedly, but because of illiteracy, it does not indicate whose cemetery it is.

Switching to the Internet age where you can gossip about everything in your previous life, if this incident is posted on the Internet, someone will definitely gossip about why they only buried their own relatives and not the whole village. Danger is an important factor, even if they really want to be buried together, the five graves have not been dug, so the corpses are probably all rotten.

And after saying this, Aze trotted over and knelt down in front of the first two soil bags.

Father, mother, grandpa! Aze came to see you, Aze came to see you!

As he said that, Aze kowtowed to the ground, even though it was originally mud, there were still some small stones, and he knocked so hard that his forehead was soon broken, but Aze still kept on until he felt dizzy and swayed I had to stop.

Ji Yuan sighed, and looked at the Earth Temple not far away, and at a glance, he could see that it was an empty temple, and there was no land to sit on.

Jin Xiu knelt down to support Aze, and said happily.

It's a good thing you buried them all, otherwise you might not be able to reach the underworld.

Ji Yuan frowned at the back, in the current situation, the Yin messenger might not have come to pick him up at the beginning, he quietly looked at the tomb and calculated, and finally saw that the tomb was hidden and involved, there should be the owner of the tomb in the underworld.

Okay, let's make an offering, light the joss sticks, and we'll go directly to the underworld to find them.

Ji Yuan waved his sleeves as he spoke, and there were melons, fruits, cakes and other things flying out of the sleeves, and they were neatly arranged in front of the dozen tombs, and a few incense candles appeared beside them.

Thank you Mr. Ji!

Aze wiped away his tears and the blood on his forehead, picked up the joss stick on the ground, Jinxiu pinched out a ball of flames to help him ignite, and then put them together in front of the tomb. When Aze worshiped, Ji Yuan stood still for a while Looking at it from a distance, at the same time, the thoughts in my heart are not broken.

Just after coming to this village, Ji Yuan had some thoughts and guesses in his mind, but it was just a guess without evidence.

Jiufeng Mountain developed the cave with great supernatural powers, and it has a strong self-purification ability to prevent evil spirits from arising. There are no evil spirits, so there are naturally no evil things, at most there are some ghosts.

Maybe this has been fine for a long time. If there is no A Ze, Ji Yuan may still sigh the magic of Dongtian's self-purification ability, but the appearance of A Ze shows that this is not all right.

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