Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 565 Difficult!

Hearing the emperor kept repeating this sentence, Du Changsheng was both worried and relieved. He was not worried about saying the wrong thing. No matter how he looked at it, his speech was beneficial to Yin Xiangguo. , can't be wrong in terms of emotion and reason, right?

Du Changsheng looked up at Yan Chang next to Emperor Hongwu, the latter shook his head slightly, signaling him to stop talking, of course the former didn't dare to say anything more.

Yan Chang was also afraid that the emperor would continue to ask, seeing the emperor in this state, he cupped his hands and said in a low voice.

Your Majesty, Du Tianshi is a practitioner, and he treats the affairs of the government and the public a little differently from ordinary people, so don't worry about it, Your Majesty!

Emperor Hongwu was in a daze, and only slowly came back to his senses after hearing Yan Chang's voice. He glanced at Du Changsheng below, and then at Yan Chang to the side. This Si Tianjian is also a capable person, and he has always done his job well. Beautiful, it seems that the father's several real celestial fates are all related to Si Tianjian.

Du Tianshi, go down, don't mention today's matter to outsiders.

If Du Changsheng is about to receive an amnesty, he should say yes and step down quickly. After Du Changsheng leaves, only the emperor Yang Hao and Yan Chang are left in Ziwei Palace, plus an old eunuch. Yang Hao looks at Yan Chang again.

Yan Chang, what do you think of Du Tianshi's words?

Yan Chang frowned, and answered with cupped hands.

Returning to Your Majesty, as I said just now, these are all Tianshi Du's one-sided words. People in practice do not understand government affairs, so it is not enough to make a conclusion.

Yang Hao looked at Yan Chang's gray hair and asked suddenly.

How old is Yan Aiqing?

Yan Chang was taken aback for a moment, and replied truthfully.

Weichen will be sixty-eight this year.

Hehe, hehehehe...

Yang Hao smiled.

Yan Aiqing really doesn't look old...

The emperor praised it absurdly. The humble minister does not get involved in court disputes, and there are not many worries in his heart. Naturally, he does not look old, but he is still not as good as His Majesty.

Yang Hao nodded, and wanted to stand up from his seat. Yan Chang and the old eunuch on the side hurriedly supported him. When Yang Hao stood up, he suddenly looked at Si Tianjian beside him.

Yan Chang, I just remember that you first gave Father a moon cake given by a fairy, did you eat it yourself?

This question was asked suddenly, Yan Chang couldn't help but tremble slightly, kneeling on the ground all of a sudden, and said in panic.

My minister is wronged! How dare I swallow it for myself, the first thing I think of when I receive the mooncakes from the immortals is to dedicate them to His Majesty!

Yang Hao looked at him indifferently, then smiled slightly, and helped Yan Chang up himself.

Yan Aiqing please hurry up, I'm just asking casually, I'm leaving, don't talk nonsense about today's affairs.

The minister obeys the order!

Yan Chang stood up, and after receiving the decree, he followed Emperor Hongwu step by step, and when he sent it to the gate of Ziwei Palace, Yang Hao suddenly asked Yan Chang again.

Is there really no one left?

Yan Chang was so frightened by this sentence that he fell to his knees on the ground again.

His Majesty!

Okay, okay, it scares you, it's just a joke, get up, don't send it off.

After watching the emperor leave, Yan Chang, who had lingering fears, dared to stand up and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his head. This was one of the reasons why he didn't like to participate in government affairs and liked to study astrology.


The emperor drove slowly towards the palace, Yang Hao's thoughts turned, thinking of the current court situation, thinking of the loyalty and traitors he knew in his heart, the Yin family is naturally loyal, but the Xiao family is also loyal, to put it bluntly, Officials who can be in charge of Yushitai not only need to be smart, decisive, or even more extreme, they need to be ruthless, and there are some things that are easier for the Xiao family to handle.

In the other bureaucratic factions of the Anti-Yin series, there are actually not many real traitors. At least from the perspective of the emperor, most of them are not traitors and can be used. , has already been purged by the Yin family and other ministers.

Halfway down, Du Changsheng's words began to surface in Emperor Hongwu's mind again, and Yang Hao began to repeat them again.

Magic Rising Dao Xiao...Magic Rising Dao Xiao...

Recalling the miraculousness of Du Changsheng's demonstration of spells, and thinking about the words he dared to say only after being questioned several times, the more he thought about it, the more inexplicably panicked he became.

Thinking about it, Yang Hao suddenly lifted the curtain on the side of the driver and said loudly.

Come on!

The old eunuch who was following the car quickly approached in small steps.

Your Majesty, what are your orders?

Yang Hao looked at him, looked back at Si Tianjian, who had long been invisible, and said in the direction.

Pass an order to Gu, order Du Changsheng, the celestial master, to go to Yin's residence immediately, and find a way to cure Yin Aiqing's illness. If it succeeds, Gu will promise him the position of national teacher!

The old eunuch immediately bowed to accept the order.

The old slave obeys the order!

After finishing speaking, the old eunuch quickly returned to the direction of Si Tianjian. His steps were light and quick, and his speed was far faster than that of ordinary people. He turned out to be a great master in the innate realm.

In a mansion near Sitianjianzhong, Du Changsheng was meditating in the practice room in his courtyard, and three apprentices were also practicing here together. A pillar of sandalwood was lit in the room to help the four of them concentrate and meditate. Until now, Du Changsheng finally came to his senses.

Master Tianshi! Master Tianshi!

The voice of a small official from the Sitian Supervisor sounded outside, interrupting Du Changsheng's practice. The four people in the room came to their senses and went out with Du Changsheng before arriving in the courtyard. Before Du Changsheng could speak, he saw an old eunuch standing There, my heart trembled slightly, isn't this the one next to the emperor?

Du Changsheng knew very well that this old eunuch's martial arts were unfathomable, and his exuberance of energy and blood was simply eye-catching. Even with his current skills, he would not dare to say that he could beat a martial arts master with an innate level.

Du Changsheng listen to the order~~~!

Du Changsheng hurriedly bowed and waited, when the old eunuch's sharp voice sounded.

The sage ordered Du Changsheng, the celestial master, to go to Yin's mansion immediately to treat Yin Xiangguo's illness. If he succeeds, he will promise Du celestial master the position of national teacher, and there will be no mistakes!

My humble minister, Du Changsheng takes the order!

Seeing Du Changsheng receiving the order, the old eunuch smiled.

Tianshi Du, please go quickly. With the ability of Tianshi, there must be no problem. At that time, we need to support and support more. Our family will go back and return first!

Yes, Eunuch, go slowly...


When the old eunuch walked away with light work, Du Changsheng showed a wry smile on his face. How could he be so good at treating Yin Zhaoxian's illness? It has been said that such a noble and upright minister through the ages is immune to all diseases and protected by ghosts and gods. , to the point where it is now, it is already a few days.

It is tempting to promise the position of a national teacher, but the corresponding punishment is not mentioned in the oral order, which is also very scary. Besides, the national teacher is just a title. Rights and salaries are all empty, and the cake is a painting, but the crisis is real, which is really uncomfortable.

Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji, you reminded me to be a celestial master. This is really a terrible job...

Master, Master!

Seeing Du Changsheng in a daze, the apprentice couldn't help but wake him up.


Shall we go to Yin's mansion?

Hey... now that things are going on, I have to go if I don't...

Du Changsheng sighed, rubbed his temples, and could only go back to one of the rooms to sort out some things, and then took his senior disciples to Yin's Mansion on Rong'an Street. It's hard to be a heavenly master!

It didn't take long for the old eunuch to catch up with the emperor's chariot again, slowly walked to the side of the chariot, and said in a low voice.

Your Majesty, Heavenly Master Du has received the order.


Yang Hao felt a little relieved, at least he can be sure that Du Changsheng has real skills. Let him go to see Yin Zhaoxian. Although it may not be able to cure him, it should be more useful than those quack doctors.


In the palace, Yang Sheng, who had just finished greeting his mother, was walking on the road, accompanied by only two guards. Yang Sheng grew up with Yin Zhong since he was a child. Yin Zhong's martial arts are superb, and Yang Sheng, who played with Yin Zhong since childhood, is definitely not bad in martial arts. He belongs to the type who can be unparalleled among many emperors in the world.

Walking through an intersection, he saw the emperor's car coming back from outside the palace, and then slowly disappeared from sight. Yang Sheng thought about it, but he still didn't approach to say hello, but just stared at the direction the car was leaving and murmured.

Father, my son also has something in his heart to say: Looking at the prosperity and collapse of imperial dynasties in the past and present, although there are many reasons, they are all related to the king. If the world of my Yang family will be destroyed one day, it will be the fault of the king. , It is incompetent to rule incompetently, it is incompetent to raise and dull, it is incompetent to be loyal to the emperor, and the heirs are incompetent, how can the dynasty flourish, how can the dynasty survive?

As he spoke, Yang Sheng glanced at the two confidantes beside him.

What do you say?

The two answered in unison.

Your Highness is wise!

Hehe, what a fart of Yingming! I dare not say that to my father myself! Let's go...


In Xiao's mansion, guests are being entertained in one of the living rooms at the moment. The royal historian Xiao Du sits in the main seat, and the ministers sitting below are all ministers who came to Beijing to report on their duties from outside the capital.

Master Xiao, it is said that Prime Minister Yin's health is getting worse, can we relax a little bit?

Xiao Du stroked his long white beard, shook his head and said.

No way! If Yin Zhaoxian doesn't die for a day, I can't act rashly for a day. Even if he has only breathed out but not breathed in, as long as he doesn't really die, he can't be underestimated. The emperor can protect us once or twice, and won't protect us every time. Restrain the family members, and don't commit any crimes, otherwise I will be the first to arrest someone at Yushitai!

Yes yes yes! Master Xiao is absolutely right!

While one of the officials nodded, he was also emotional.

Hey, if Prime Minister Yin died of this illness, it would be the most appropriate. As a scholar, who would really want to be an enemy of Prime Minister Yin...

To be honest, as scholars, even if they are political opponents, there are very few people who do not admire Yin Zhaoxian. Even Xiao Du couldn't help nodding his head, and had to admit that among the virtuous ministers throughout the ages, Yin Zhaoxian must be the one who will go down in history.

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