Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 71 Unintentional Coincidence

After Ji Yuan finished his joke, he also saw clearly the two children who came, yes, he saw clearly.

The light blue robes of the two were clean, without any dust, even the exposed boots were spotless, and their faces were white and clean.

This is passing through the mountain road, and it is already dark. How can two ordinary children dare to run into the mountains at this time? Still come to this kind of deep pool where staring at it is a little scary?

After looking at the back, I confirmed that there were no adults. The probability of these two children being ordinary people was greatly reduced, and there was no evil spirit or evil spirit in them...

‘God of the Mountain? Or maybe it's the first time I've met a real cultivator after someone has been here for so long? '

Ji Yuan's heart moved slightly, but he didn't seem to be as excited as he imagined before, pretending to turn back and continue reading, just curious about the details of the visitor.

But Ji Yuan calmed down, but the two children couldn't stand it anymore, the boy said.

Hey, fisherman, when are you leaving? Anyway, you can't catch any fish.

Another girl immediately followed up.

It's getting dark, aren't you afraid of wild animals in the mountains?

Standing in the logical category of ordinary people, it is actually quite interesting for the two children to ask this question.

Ji Yuan turned to look at them again.

It's getting dark, you two children are still wandering in the mountains, aren't you afraid of the worries at home, aren't you afraid of wild animals?

We are not afraid!

Yes! We are not afraid!

As if to increase persuasiveness, the girl added another sentence.

Don't look at us as small, we have very high martial arts!

Ji Yuan smiled, nodded deeply.

That's how it is, disrespect and disrespect, but I'm not afraid, I also have very high martial arts!

After finishing speaking, Ji Yuan turned his head back to read, anyway, he had no intention of moving his butt anyway.

Judging from the short exchange, these two should really be children who are about the same age as they look, not a guy who looks like a child but is actually a hundred or eighty years old.

Hmph, you won't catch any fish if you fish all night!

As soon as the boy finished speaking, Ji Yuan's expression suddenly changed. Although the fishing rod did not change, the hook in the pond seemed to be touched.

The next moment, the fishing line trembled undetectably, Ji Yuan squinted his eyes, and shook his wrist vigorously, but there was no big movement, the fishing rod was bent like magic and then swung upwards.


A string of splashes was pulled out of the originally green and calm pool water, and a small silver-white translucent fish about the length of an index finger was hooked by the hook, and was thrown into the air along the direction of the fishing line and fishing rod.

Silver Orifice!

Boys and girls exclaimed in unison.

While exclaiming, the boy almost subconsciously threw out a circular blue jade pendant from his sleeve. In an instant, the blue jade grew from small to large, dragging a faint blue light towards the silver fish that was still in the air. Go, Guang made a vague pocket outline behind the jade pendant.


Ji Yuan swayed the bamboo pole, relying on the skills of top rivers and lakes masters, the fishing line held the silverfish as nimbly as a bird, the blue jade flew not too slow, but it still couldn't catch the silverfish.

After the jade pendant brushed against the whitebait twice, Ji Yuan shook the pole directly, and the whitebait attached to the fishing line and hook suddenly went down and flew towards Ji Yuan.

A line of water rises from the pool and condenses into a water polo the size of a leather ball in front of Ji Yuan.


The whitebait fell into the water polo precisely at the very moment when it was formed, and the iron hook on the top was also shaken out of the whitebait's mouth by the ingenuity of Ji Yuan.

The boy frowned, took back the jade ring flying in the air, stared at Ji Yuan together with the girl, watched the little whitebait swimming in the water polo but couldn't escape no matter what.

Who are you? Dare to come to Bishuitan to steal silver fish!

Ji Yuan temporarily put away the fishing rod and put it aside, turned half of his body to look at the two angry children.

Could it be that this clear water pool is still exclusive to your Yuhuai Mountain?

As soon as he saw the blue ring-shaped jade pendant, he knew which side it was from.

Do you know that our Yuhuai Mountain still hasn't given us the silver orifice fish?

The boy spoke very childishly, no different from the children of ordinary people.

Ji Yuan also smiled.

I caught this fish after fishing here for a long time. Even if you Yuhuai Mountain is a famous family in Jizhou Immortal Mansion, you can't just grab it directly?

You! Bishuitan is our Yuhuai Mountain! So Yinqiaozi is also ours!

We come here every year to watch the silver orifice fish for several years!

If it was the predestined relationship in the past, maybe the two children would have been really bluffed, but now they have understood a lot of things anyway.

Hehe, this clear water pool is unstoppable, and it is nearly seven or eight hundred miles away from Yuhuai Mountain, so this has become your mountain gate?

After Ji Yuan finished speaking, under a slight twitch in his heart, he intentionally yelled something towards the back of the two children, both joking and serious.

Didn't the elders come with you? Let the two children play tricks!

Originally, these were just Ji Yuan's sarcasm probing words, but he didn't expect that there would be a voice drifting over as soon as he finished speaking.

I made your Excellency laugh, it is indeed my fault, Yu Huaishan!

Zhongzheng's voice was calm and powerful, but he could also be called gentle and elegant. As the voice fell, a middle-aged man dressed in a blue robe with flowing clouds and a hairpin on his head floated towards him, as if from the air. out of general.

Before this, Ji Yuan hadn't noticed a trace of this person's existence at all, he couldn't see or hear him, which really shocked Ji, but after several times of training, Ji Yuan didn't seem to have anything on the surface. Changes, but a pair of blue eyes never wavered.

In fact, the person on the other side was also taken aback by Ji Yuan. He couldn't see how divine the fisherman was, and he didn't see the spirit and spirit, as if he was an ordinary mortal, and he was integrated with the surrounding nature.

Especially the hand that twirled the fishing rod and line when teasing the boy just now, the weight was lifted lightly without any smoke and fire, and there was not even any trace of mana exposed. No points.

And even though the blue-robed man came out by himself, looking at Ji Yuan's special eyes, he always feels that the other party can see through himself behind the Huaxuyu Talisman.

Hehe, I just yelled casually, and I didn't expect that there would be elders following me. Your Excellency can hold back!

While speaking, Ji Yuan also sat and turned half of his body, so that he would not keep turning his head to face the rear, and also revealed the book Tong Ming Ce on his knee, which made the man in blue look slightly surprised. condensate.

'Tongming policy? It's the book of heaven! '

The person who came here didn't take Ji Yuan's big truth seriously at all, and the other party was reading while fishing, and it was absolutely impossible for him to read in the middle of the day.

Your Excellency, you are joking. It is the two junior boys who are messing around. It is only because this clear water pool can only give birth to a silver orifice in a year, which is beneficial to the cultivation of my two juniors, so I am in a hurry.

After saying this, the man in blue waved his hand, and the two boys seemed to be dragged to him by an invisible thread. They seemed to be disciplining them for being rude, but in fact they were quietly on guard.

The fisherman in front of him has unfathomable behavior, and his temper may seem mild, but it may not be true. It is better to handle it carefully.

'It's just a silver hole, find a reason to retreat! '

I'm Qiu Feng in Yuhuai Mountain. I don't know your surname, sir. Did you come here to wait for me?

Qiu Feng deliberately softened his tone, and changed his address to honorifics, and slightly bowed his hands towards Ji Yuan.

Of course, Ji Yuan didn't dare to make too much of a fuss, and after slowly getting up, he bowed his hand and returned the gift, hesitating for half a second before deciding to give his real name.

My surname, Ji, and Yuan, don't need to be honored. I came here this time just to read the legends of heretics in my spare time. I learned that the water essence is bred here, and I became interested in finding out.

‘It’s good if you don’t just wait! '

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Qiu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Since Mr. has already caught Yinqiaozi, we can't bother you any longer, so let's just leave! Heer Yiyi, let's go.

While speaking, Qiu Feng bowed his hands to Ji Yuan again, and then led the two boys to turn and leave.

Ji Yuan could see that Qiu Feng was being cautious and defensive towards him, but he didn't know what to say other than bowing his hands by the pool in return. This is the end of the first contact with the immortal?

The two boys were still reluctant and kicked rocks and weeds as they walked. After leaving the pool for a short distance, the girl couldn't help but lower her voice and complain.

What, you still robbed us of our money, making it difficult for children...

Qiu Feng also couldn't laugh or cry, this child really thought that Bishuitan belonged to him.

I just didn't expect the boy to add another sentence.

Well, smelly and shameless...

Originally, the previous few words were nothing, but as soon as the words stinky and shameless came out, Qiu Feng's face changed drastically and he stopped immediately.


The two boys of the senior brother are a little too ignorant. Many people with profound morals and virtues in this world are extremely keen in their six senses, and they are easy to talk about. It is a very taboo thing to directly insult someone's face.

Hahahaha... It makes sense, it's really shameless to grab things with children!

Ji Yuan's Zhongzheng voice came, although he was laughing, it caused Qiu Feng's heart to suddenly twitch. He had already summoned his mana while being nervous, and the jade hairpin on his head had turned from blue to a blush. The people in Xianmen actually have no confidence in their hearts.

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