Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 84 Occasionally see a fierce light

Facts have proved that for some things, Ji Yuan's self-confidence is still quite confusing. Of course, this does not refer to spiritual practice, but something more metaphysical.

Ji Yuan dared to be 100% sure that his direction was absolutely correct, he ran south along the ridge after leaving the city and turning over a small hill.

But now Ji Yuan suddenly realizes a serious problem, that is, the maps he knows may not be accurate.

In the end, the thinking impression of the previous life was too deep, and I forgot that ancient maps were sometimes very abstract, and the fineness was naturally impossible to compare with the live-action shooting and satellite positioning in the previous life.

Ji Yuan's biggest terrain reliance was engraved by Ning'an County Town God Si Wupan, so here comes the problem.

It must have been dozens or hundreds of years since Wu Pan became Wu Pan after his death. In fact, he may not have traveled far and wide during his lifetime. Naturally, the maps he engraved were copied from pictures, and some of these pictures may be An old picture hidden in the Yin Division of the City God.

Just because the person who engraved the picture is a ghost cultivator of incense and Shinto, one cannot think that the engraved picture is also miraculous and accurate. In fact, the accuracy may be worrying.

After thinking wildly for a while, Ji Yuan stopped walking and muttered to himself.

It's a little different from what I imagined... so... where is the road?

Ji Yuan was a little dazed. After running and running for a day, he became more and more panicked as he ran more and more slowly. He finally admitted that he was lost again.

'I know who I am, but where am I? ’ The torture of life arose from Ji Yuan’s heart.

He should have been able to see a river a long time ago, but he ran all the way and didn't see any conspicuous waterway, so Ji Yuan ran boldly and confidently until now.

In front of the eyes, left and right, there is a piece of not-so-dense woodland, and the terrain is full of low hills and low slopes with low ups and downs. It is estimated that the height is only tens of meters, and even the peaks are not counted.

However, there are some trails on the ground, some of which seem to have been passed by wild animals, and some are obviously left by people. Although they are covered with weeds, Ji Yuan can still feel a little trace of the wheels when he steps on them.

Then again, when it comes to the comfort of wearing shoes, Ji Yuan feels that each life has its own advantages and disadvantages. Now the shoes are all stitched by embroidered workshops or ordinary girls and virtuous women. The soles are relatively soft, and the uppers are multi-layered. It is comfortable and comfortable to wear, but this may also be due to the fact that I didn’t understand shoes in my previous life and didn’t have a lot of money and never bought high-end shoes.

Ji Yuan doesn't worry about anything, as long as the direction is roughly correct, he is no longer an ordinary person now, and when he is hungry, with his ability to smell and taste, he doesn't have to worry about finding food and drink.

At this moment, Ji Yuan didn't run any more. He took a stroll as a rest. He picked a narrow path along the direction, which might be the path of the beast. He also took out the pot of wine from his back bag, opened the lid and took a few sips. , and put it back in the bag.

When stepping over a piece of withered grass on the ground, Ji Yuan, who was about to step down, suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart, stopped his steps, withdrew his dangling feet, squatted down and stretched out his hands to carefully push aside the withered grass, revealing a trapper. organ.

I moved my face closer and tried my best to take a closer look. I could vaguely see that there were two rounds of iron hoops with sharp serrations on the main part. There were some small holes in the middle where there were many bamboo sticks that seemed to be made by dipping in oil, but now the bamboo sticks were bent. It's so powerful that it seems to be holding something that looks like animal tendons. Although the spring technology of the previous life is quite different, it should be a animal trap.

How powerful is this without the help of springs?

Some curious Ji Yuan found a wooden stick with a thick thumb and the length of a forearm from the side, and pointed it at the iron piece in the middle of the trap as a trigger.


With a crisp snapping sound, the branch in his hand was directly pinched off.


Ji Yuan gasped, knowing that he would not be seriously injured if he stepped on it just now, but his scalp would inevitably tingle.

However, if there are bear traps, there will naturally be Orions, which shows that there are still people living nearby.

After thinking for a while, Ji Yuan returned the not-too-complicated animal trap to its place again according to the order of the lines. This kind of clip based on the principle of bamboo and animal tendon should not be snapped frequently, and the bamboo will quickly become elastically fatigued.

After covering the previous weeds, Ji Yuan got up and started on his way again, but this time he did not follow the path of the beast.

When he turned up a low hill tens of meters high, Ji Yuan’s eyes lit up. Although his eyesight was blurry, he did not lack the sensitivity to dynamic things. He could see smoke rising in the distance, and the color was black , it should be that someone is lighting the fire.


Three miles away, on the leeward side of the mound, four men in light leather jackets with leather armguards tied tightly on their trouser legs and forearms were resting by the campfire. Most of them carried bows and arrows, and some of them carried bows and arrows on their backs. , Some were put aside, and there were also some machetes and spears.

A skinned hare and a plucked pheasant were being roasted on skewers over the fire.

Hey, it's been a few days since I've been out, not to mention I haven't caught any big ones, and I even lost the beads my mother gave me. What a damn bad luck!

Okay, you can go back to the temple stall and buy one for five cents for your beading. As for talking about it so much!

What do you know! My mother asked for it from the temple, not from a stall, it's different!

Look at you, I didn't say the same thing, didn't you buy it to cheat your mother, or you wouldn't be scolded to death?

Uh... makes sense!

The two people next to him also smiled when they heard the words, but they were all frustrated that they had not hunted their prey. It is impossible to return with full rewards every time they hunt in the mountains and forests.

Hush... don't talk, someone is coming over there!

The voices around the fire suddenly stopped, and several hunters either drew out their bows or picked up their spears.

But it's not dark yet, and although the few people are vigilant, they are not nervous.

Brothers, I lost my way when I was on my way. I saw a fire here, so I came here to ask you the way.

Ji Yuan's clear and bright voice came from a little distance away, and he purposely made his movements louder so that they would notice him, and when he was more than ten steps away from them, he stopped.

Where are you going?

A hunter holding a spear asked loudly, while several people were observing Ji Yuan.

The visitor was carrying a bag and carrying an umbrella, and the clothes he wore were not suitable for traveling in the mountains and forests. Although his appearance was refined, he was still slightly suspicious.

Dare to ask which direction is Qingshui County? Logically speaking, after I crossed Luoyue Ridge and walked south, I should be able to see a river, and I would be able to reach Qingshui County along the way. Why is there no river along the way? ?”

The river course?

Several hunters looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then the older one suddenly seemed to think of something.

You're not talking about Old Qingshuihe, are you?

Ji Yuan didn't know the name of the river, but it was probably the case.

should be.

I heard from the old people in the village that the old Qingshui River used to flow from Qingshui County to the area of ​​Qianling, but it seems that in order to facilitate the irrigation of the fields, the county magistrate mobilized the villagers to change the river course more than 20 years ago, so as not to go to the mountains. It's flowing.

Ji Yuan suddenly realized.

So that's the case, how far is it from Qingshui County?

Walking to the east for twenty or thirty miles, you can almost see the official road, and if you walk forward for half a day, you can see people.

Twenty or thirty miles doesn't seem to be very far away.

Thank you for letting me know!

Ji Yuan cupped his hands, and left directly. He didn't intend to make fun of himself or eat barbecue here. People were obviously on guard against him. Twenty or thirty miles was just a matter of running for a while.

Seeing that Ji Yuan left so resolutely, and he was dressed like a Mr. Gentleman, the hunters were slightly taken aback.

Uh, Mr. Elder, are you going now? It's going to be dark on the twenty or thirty mile mountain road!

After all, his heart was not bad, but in the end Orion yelled at Ji Yuan, it was the one who lost the bead.

It was this cry that made Ji Yuan take a second look at the person who made the call, and then he saw something.

Since the formation of mana, Ji Yuan's eyes have changed a bit, and he can see some qi fire of ordinary people. Tong Ming Ce refers to this as Wang Qi, and talents and skills can achieve similar effects. Ji Yuan feels that he should Belongs to talent.

For confirmation, Ji Yuan's eyes widened slightly, the blurry feeling remained unchanged, but the weather revealed by the Orions became much clearer.

The one who spoke just now had an inconspicuous red and black aura lingering above his head, like a sliver of smoke accidentally passing by indistinctly around his body, unless he looked carefully.

Ji Yuan stopped, and complained to the man cautiously.

I can't help it, why don't you hurry up and spend the night in this barren mountain? What if there are wild animals? And the bows and spears in your hands are scary...

Ji Yuan's slightly nervous and flustered look actually lowered the vigilance of the hunters.

Hahaha, don't worry, sir. We are just hunters and not strongmen. We will hunt wild animals at night. If you don't mind, please come and sit. We will go back to the village tomorrow morning. It is not far from Qingshui County.

Ji Yuan looked overjoyed but still dare not approach.

Then, is that appropriate?

Hahahaha... Come here sir, what's not suitable, look at this pheasant and hare are almost ready to be roasted, how about a taste of our country hunter's skills?

The other hunters laughed kindly, too.

Having talked about this point, the mutual can be regarded as letting go of a lot of wariness, and Ji Yuan naturally moved over with gratitude.

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