Sixteen days later, outside the city of Juntianfu in Yizhou, a green-robed man with updo hair was walking forward, it was Ji who wandered all the way.

When Ji Yuan left Ning'an County, he brought some inner linings and two sets of coats. The gray one had a hole in his armpit two days ago, so he has been wearing the blue one during this time.

These two clothes actually made Ji Yuan wear some feelings, just like the sweatshirt that Ji Yuan wore in his previous life. It was very old and worn for many years. Just loved wearing it and never thought of throwing it away.

In the same way, Ji Yuan didn't intend to throw away the gray suit at all, and Ji was thinking about buying a sewing kit or something to see if he could mend it by himself and sew up the hole in his armpit.

At this moment, Ji Yuan was still carrying the gray bundle, the oiled paper umbrella, and the green rattan sword on his back, walking leisurely. The wooden box had already been pawned for three hundred Wen in the previous county. This golden nanmu, which was very valuable in the previous life, is also a good material for making a book case in this life, and the quantity is too small to sell at a high price.

Juntian Mansion in front is getting closer and closer, and the flow of people on the official road has naturally increased, besides horse-drawn carts, there are also quite a few passers-by like Ji Yuan who are walking alone.

As one of the twelve prefectures in Yizhou, Juntian Mansion actually has no outstanding features. It can be said to be quite satisfactory. It is quite different from Chunhui Mansion, a famous mansion in Jizhou. , it's just a big name in the Jianghu, besides, many years have passed.

Compared with Ji Yuan's previous life, this is a world that is more likely to be forgotten. The restrictions on the dissemination and storage of news are enough to wipe out a famous celebrity decades ago.

With the decline of the Zuo family, most of the younger generation in today's arena don't even know that there used to be such a master who was so arrogant that he called himself a sword fairy, and even fewer people can dig up grave stickers to dig up the past. Only so few storytellers still remember some classic old stories.

As the city gate approached, the noise in the city washed over Ji Yuan's eardrums again and again, and these days I don't know if it is because of the Samadhi real fire, or because the mana is a little stronger after being tempered by the real fire, Ji Yuan always has an illusion Sexually think that my eyesight has improved a little bit, and I am trying to see if there is any improvement with my vision, but unfortunately it is still blurry.

Cooking cakes, selling cooking cakes~~~Cooking cakes that are just out of the oven~~~One penny a piece~~

Just after entering the city, someone carrying a load passed by the city gate. The yelling made him look towards the peddler, and he could vaguely see that the other party was not short.

It's just that I happened to see that although his aura is not magical, it is also somewhat special, so I hurried forward a few steps after thinking about it.

This old man, bring me two pancakes!


When the bearer heard that there was a business, he hurriedly put down the burden and waited for the plan to come up. Then he lifted the cover on the special cake box, and a burst of hot air came out, which felt like taking steamed buns from a steamer.

Here, Mr. Big, it seems that you are also from outside the city. We are particular about cooking pancakes and steamed pancakes. They are delicious.

Ji Yuan smelled the aroma of pancakes, nodded and took them, paid for them, took a bite and tasted them, and then praised the seller, It tastes good.

The latter smiled and picked up the burden and continued to move forward, shouting and selling.

However, Ji Yuan gnawed on the pancakes and followed him, and walked with him while eating, which also aroused the bewilderment of the seller who was carrying the burden.

I said Mr. Big, why do you always follow me?

Oh, when I first came to Juntian Mansion, I felt that I didn't have anywhere to go, so I just walked with you. How much does my brother have to carry the load in a day?

The big gentleman's reaction made selling cakes interesting, and I have never met such a customer.

I carry a burden to sell pancakes at noon and evening. When the business is good, they will be sold out in half a street. If the business is not good, it is not uncommon for me to walk half a city in a day.

Yo, that brother has good legs!

Hey, I'm looking for a living! Selling cooking cakes~~~It's just out of the oven~~~

The peddler chatted with Ji Yuan for a while, and suddenly he yelled like this. After a while, Ji Yuan had already eaten two pieces of cooking cakes, and found out two more coins to buy them.

Bro, two more!

Yeah, Mr. Big, don't you just follow him when you like to eat hot food?

Hahaha, that's what it means!


Ji Yuan chatted with the peddler, not only asking about Zuo's family, but also making indirect inquiries about the hawker's own situation.

Two quarters of an hour later, the peddler panicked, and the big gentleman next to him was still following him, and had already eaten at least a dozen pancakes.

This appetite can't be said to be exaggerated, but it's a bit creepy to buy two tickets after a while and chat with him while walking like a normal person.

Mr. Big... These are my last two cakes, do you think I'll give them to you?

In front of a shop selling copywriting confessions on a street corner, the bearer peddler spoke with a cautious smile on his face, afraid that Ji Yuan would follow after eating the cake.

As if waiting for this sentence, Ji Yuan suddenly smiled.

Haha... That's good, but isn't this taking advantage of you, brother? Otherwise, let me write a few words for you?


You have to keep the cake for me, but you must be faithful and wait for me!

Er.. good!

The peddler was still in a daze, but Ji Yuan went directly into the nearby shop without taking any cakes. The shop owner was flipping through a book and reading articles, when he saw Ji Yuan coming in, he hurriedly greeted him warmly.

Guest officer, what do you want to see? We have excellent inkstones and Langhao, famous fragrant inks and paperweights...

Uh, shopkeeper, how much is a piece of rice paper?

The shopkeeper froze for a moment.

Guest officer just buy a piece of paper?

Well, how much is a piece of rice paper?

The store owner lost interest and walked back to the counter.

Ordinary one-foot flowers and trees cost two coins, the large-format ones are more expensive, and the rice paper made of green sandalwood skin is much more expensive. You have to...

It's okay, the store, I want the most common...

It was a coincidence that one piece of paper was worth two cakes, so Ji Yuan took out three Wen and put it on the counter.

Shopkeeper, how about borrowing a pen from the store to write a few words?

The shopkeeper glanced at Ji Yuan, then looked up and down, took a piece of rice paper and put it on the counter, and only took away two coins, then pointed to the writing brush on the pen holder and the inkstone next to him and said:

I'm also a scholar, guest officer, please do what you want!

Ji Yuan smiled, took the remaining penny, took the brush and sniffed the fragrance of ink, dipped the ink in the inkstone, and then stood by the counter and wiped a pen on a foot of rice paper.

Langhao turned around and wrote a row of characters, the four big characters Evil can prevail over righteousness were formed in one go.

Thank you!

After returning the pen, Ji Yuan walked out of the shop while blowing on the paper, while the owner of the shop opened his mouth slightly, took a breath and hurried out from inside. The writing just now was not so good, it shocked him a bit , everyone can't do it without calligraphy!

When Ji Yuan came out of the shop, sure enough, the peddler had already run away with his burden, but Ji Yuan just stood still and looked at the corner of the street, and had no intention of chasing after him.

Oh... I'm really free...

While Ji Yuan was talking to himself, the shop owner had already run out of the shop with his robe hem in hand.

Guest officer! Guest officer stay here~~!

Guest officer, I have the best green sandalwood Xuanna in my store, I can give you some, I wonder if the guest officer can leave some ink treasures!

Ji Yuan turned his head to look at the shopkeeper with an expectant face, and handed over the paper with wet ink in his hand.

Here's this one for you, how about returning the two Wen to me?

This... how to make it!

The shopkeeper took the paper with great surprise and care, and held it in his hand to look at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and he could even feel the artistic conception in the words like an illusion.

Two pennies!

Ooooh, wait a moment, officer, wait a moment, officer!

The shopkeeper hurriedly went back to the counter to get the money, but instead of taking two coins, he grabbed a small handful of broken silver and rushed out of the shop to hand it to Ji Yuan with both hands.

Ji Yuan actually laughed, and took the money without any hesitation, and didn't shirk his insistence on two texts, he wasn't so overwhelmed.

Okay, it's worth it!

After finishing speaking, he left without looking back, not even knowing what the name of the store was, and the store opened its mouth but still couldn't have the cheek to ask Ji Yuan to write something or leave a signature.

Then he went back to the store with a smile on his face and savored the four big characters on the one-foot Xuan.

This word must be framed, it must be framed!

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