Lao Tzu is the Devil

Chapter 106 Annihilation and Suppression

(Strength level setting: Soldier level refers to the most basic energy use, such as casting skills; divided into elementary, high-level, and peak levels, divided according to the number and strength of skills;

General level refers to the second creation of energy, such as the advanced skills of fireball, double fireball, compressed fireball, double compressed fireball; physical attacks are reflected in sword energy;

Hou level, is to change the shape of energy, such as fireball into Pikachu; sword gas into horse; shield into mountain;

After the Hou level and above, I will gradually understand;

This is just the basic setting, and there are some more complicated settings, such as support, tank, summoner, necromancer and other hidden occupations, as well as special abilities of equipment, etc., these will affect the strength level, such as whether a support has Any attack ability, but if a team increases its combat ability by ten times, then the assistant's actual combat level evaluation may reach Hou level or above)


Chen Mo wanted to see what kind of tricks Mu Xiaoyi's guzheng could have.

Chen Mo did not directly destroy the ten poppies, but used his speed to move sideways and dodge quickly.

Be the waves~~ Be the waves~~

Mu Xiaoyi played the guzheng with her fingers, sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly. The ten poppies followed the rhythm of the guzheng, sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly, and seemed to have eyes. No matter how Chen Mo dodged, they always followed behind.

These annoying flies, Chen Mo finally couldn't bear it, stopped, and smashed the flowers with bloody claws, tearing the poppies to pieces!


In the poppy magic circle, except for Mu Xiaoyi, the other ten people all spat out a mouthful of blood.

Every move of Mu Xiaoyi contains the blood of the other ten people. This is a move that can only be released by absorbing the energy and blood of ten people. Otherwise, how could it be possible for Mu Xiaoyi to release the strength of the general level? skills.

Mu Xiaoyi knew that Chen Mo was very strong, but she didn't expect to be so strong. She had no choice but to be cruel and release the second form that would hurt both sides!

The second form of the poppy magic kite: cut off the thread of love!

Be a wave! Be a wave! Be a wave! Be a wave!

Mu Xiaoyi's fingers vibrate the strings quickly, and every time a string is played, a red knife shoots at Chen Mo like a bullet! !

Chen Mo was able to resist the red knife at first, but as Mu Xiaoyi's fingers got faster and faster, more and more knives were added, and the speed became faster and faster, even Chen Mo's quadruple wind claws could not stop it.

Mu Xiaoyi looked at Chen Mo's distressed and stretched appearance, and finally smiled with a sure chance of victory: Hehe, block it again! I'll let you block it again!! Once this move is made, no one can block it yet!

Mu Xiaoyi's hand was flying like lightning, dancing on the strings, dazzling people.

Thousands of magic knives formed by the condensed energy of magic kites blocked all of Chen Mo's paths like a storm. Chen Mo finally understood why Mu Xiaoyi could become the core of this team. I'm afraid there are not many people with such a powerful move. can hold back.

Chen Mo put away the vampire suit, leaving only the vampire mask, and put on the annihilation suit, and the annihilation black air surrounds Chen Mo. If the vampire feels cold, then the annihilation suit gives people the feeling of mystery, the mystery of fear !

Mu Xiaoyi raised her voice and yelled: Do you think you can stop my severing love by changing your equipment! Go to hell!


Thousands of magic knives were about to shoot through Chen Mo's body, and Chen Mo suddenly raised the annihilation magic sword high.

Close your eyes, feel the annihilating black energy emanating from your body, imagine the scene of Wu Chen's demonization at the beginning, imagine Wu Chen's ferocious face, Wu Chen's Sophon actually flew out on his own initiative, echoing the Great Demon King's Sophon.

Suddenly, Chen Mo opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red, although he did not enter the state of demonization, but he has already found the feeling of demonization!

Annihilation suppression! The sword turns into a horse! kill!


Chen Mo held up the Annihilation Demon Sword with both hands,

It turned into a cloud of annihilated black air and slashed out in the air, and the black air instantly turned into thousands of troops and rushed out.

Bang bang bang bang!

Thousands of magic knives collided with thousands of troops and killed each other, and clusters of energy particles exploded in the collision. This level of battle is already comparable to that of a Hou level. If it is seen by the senior leaders of the Shadow Army Even if the entire Sombra Army can reach the strength of Hou level, there are only a hundred people who have dropped their jaws. Now, there are two people in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds dungeon matched by a newcomer!

As soon as Annihilation comes out, whoever is fighting for the front, whoever dares to block me! Kill me! Chen Mo said hoarsely, like a general commanding the battlefield, commanding thousands of troops!

Bang Bang Bang!

All the magic knives were shattered in an instant! Annihilation Dark Horse is like a winner, proudly rushing towards the loser! !


It was like the crisp sound of glass falling to the ground.

Under the pressure of annihilation, the poppy magic circle shattered in an instant.

All eleven people were blown up, and then fell heavily to the ground, spitting out blood, their viscera writhing endlessly, in pain like a thousand cuts.

Mu Xiaoyi's expression was dull, in a trance, and she said to herself: How is it possible, how could someone break through my poppy magic circle so easily, how is this possible!!

The only boy who turned on the killing mode, it was too late to be shocked, the only thing he could think of now was to run for his life!

He rolled and crawled, desperately trying to escape.

However, Chen Mo had locked on to this killer from the very beginning, and took back the annihilation suit, because as soon as he put on the annihilation suit, Wu Chen's sophon would automatically run out, distorting his rationality, and making his thoughts lie in the place of the devil. On the verge of transformation, Chen Mo didn't want to lose his mind completely, so he quickly changed back to the vampire set, leaving only the Annihilation Demon Sword in his hand.


With the vampire's cloak raised, Chen Mo's speed suddenly increased, and he appeared directly in front of the Slayer, kicking the Slayer to the ground, and the Annihilation Demon Sword pointed directly at the Slayer's head: Don't struggle, face death!

Unlike the others, once the Slayer died, he was truly dead. (Compared to reality, it is death, because there is no going back, but it is not real death, but being imprisoned in infinite purgatory, which is a place more terrifying than death)

The killer broke down and howled, crying until his nose came out. He hugged Chen Mo's thigh tightly with both hands, and kowtowed and begged: Please, don't kill me!! My dad is here with me. I died when I was young, and my mother worked hard to bring me up alone, if I die, what will my mother do, she will definitely be in pain!

Worse than me? I'm still an orphan!

Chen Mo was unmoved, and said coldly: When you turn on the killing mode, you should be aware of death. If you want to blame it, blame your teammates. If they don't open it, you will only open it. If you don't die, whoever dies!

The black lacquered magic sword was raised again, like a guillotine that would fall down at any moment.

Captain! Help me! I don't want to die! Ahhh! I don't want to die! Please don't kill me! I was wrong! I was really wrong, I will never turn on killing mode again!! Killing The victim frantically kowtowed until his head was covered in blood.

Chen Mo said coldly: Do you think this is a school, and you will be given a chance to reform yourself? Die—

etc! !

Mu Xiaoyi was seriously injured, got up from the ground with difficulty, and walked in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo turned around, looked at Mu Xiaoyi who was disheveled, and said calmly: Don't worry, it's your turn next!

Mu Xiaoyi looked at Chen Mo pitifully, her big watery eyes filled with tears: Brother, all this is my fault, I am his captain, I ordered him to turn on the killing mode, we are all students, we are too old Young, too naive, too frivolous, I will bear all the consequences alone, can you not kill him, as long as you don't kill him, you will let me do anything!!


Chen Mo swallowed subconsciously: Are you sure you are willing to do anything!

As if Mu Xiaoyi had already prepared, suddenly, she tore off her shirt with both hands, revealing a pair of shocking big rabbits, so scared that Chen Mo's nosebleed almost burst out!

Fuck! What the hell is going on!

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