Lao Tzu is the Devil

Chapter 669 Rare warmth

Chen Mo is not Dayu, who has passed through the house three times but never entered.

Chen Mo went to the training base to visit her younger sister Ning Xuan, and found that Ning Xuan still had a bright smile on her face. One year later, Ning Xuan was fifteen years old, and her height had reached 1.7 meters. , all developed well, on the outside, she is no longer a chubby little girl, but a slim girl.

Ning Xuan's voice was still childish: You are the worst class of students I have ever brought up! It's been three months! It's been three full months! Among the two thousand of you, none of you have reached the demon level Disappointed! Disappointed! So disappointed!

Ning Xuan pouts her lips in anger, with her hips akimbo.

Qualified evolutionists have already awakened, and now the rest are basically poorly qualified.

Not only were many students not afraid of Ning Xuan's criticism, but they laughed and said, Instructor, don't be angry, you are so cute when you are angry, we can't take it anymore!

Instructor! Don't worry! We will definitely work harder! Give us another three months, and we can all become monsters!

Ning Xuan's eyes turned red suddenly, and she murmured to herself: Three months, three months, three more months, brother will lead the Aoshi Empire to a decisive battle against the Demon Realm next month, brother, you must win! !!

Ning Xuan's current strength is only at the beginning of the god level. She understands that she can't help much with her own strength, so she can only work hard to teach more students at the Demon Gate base and train more students for the Demon Gate. Combat power, join the battle!

Instructor, you are crying! Don't cry! We were wrong! Don't cry! It's all because we are so bad and let you down! Let's step up training now, instructor, don't cry!

Although the students usually laughed and laughed at Ning Xuan, they still respected Ning Xuan in their hearts.

Although Ning Xuan is young, she is very responsible, because she thinks that every time she trains a strong student, her brother will have another helper in the future.

Ning Xuan!! Suddenly, a loud voice rang out in the training base.

Many students were furious: Who! Who dares to call the instructor's name directly! I will kill him!!

When Ning Xuan heard this voice, she couldn't hold back her tears any longer, she rushed out, facing the source of the voice, the person at the gate rushed over: Brother!!


Ning Xuan flew to Chen Mo's chest and hugged Chen Mo tightly, tears flowed down her cheeks onto Chen Mo's shoulders.

Chen Mo couldn't hold back his tears, and touched Ning Xuan's long black hair: Okay, okay, don't cry, your students are watching! Don't be afraid to laugh at you!

Ning Xuan cried and laughed: Huh! Those little bastards, dare to laugh at me, I will punish them not to eat! Humph!

Thousands of students in the base watched this scene in shock. The goddess in their hearts, the black-bellied Lolita instructor, actually curled up in a man's arms like a little sheep.

Some students recognized Chen Mo.

My God! That's it! That's the Great Demon King!!

The instructor's brother! The emperor of the world-defying empire!! The great hero of China!!

It turns out that he is the Great Demon King, so young, almost like us!

I'm so envious! I have everything at such an age!

I heard that the instructor and the Great Demon King are not siblings. Don't fantasize about it. You all have no chance.

Ning Xuan took Chen Mo's hand: Brother! Let's go!

As he said that, he dragged the base classroom where Chen Mo left.

Thousands of students were left with confused faces: Instructor, you haven't said that get out of class is over yet!

The poor students didn't get Ning Xuan's order, and they didn't care to go out, so they could only stay where they were.

The base is huge and there are many beautiful recreational areas too.

The two sat in a small pavilion by the lake, admiring the sunset at dusk.

Ning Xuan, you have grown taller and your hair has grown. Your previous chubby face has now turned into a melon-shaped face. Hey, brother hasn't been with you for a long time. Don't you blame brother? Chen Mo Holding Ning Xuan's little hand, I feel complicated. In the past year,

Chen Mo almost only saw his sister a few times.

Ning Xuan grinned: Strange! Of course it's strange! I can't wait to be with my brother every day and all the time! But I know that my brother is not an ordinary person now. The more powerful my brother is, the happier I will be, so, brother, hurry up! Kill all the big devils in the Demon Realm, so that you can spend time with me!

Chen Mo patted Ning Xuan's head in comfort: My sister has grown up and is sensible! Don't worry, brother promises you, I will accompany you when I kill the big devil in the Demon Realm!

Ning Xuan stretched out her little finger: Pull the hook!

Chen Mo stretched out his little finger: Pull the hook!

It was the moment when Chen Mo and Ning Xuan's little fingers were hooked together. Suddenly, Ning Xuan shook off Chen Mo's hand with force, and then let out a series of cold laughter: Hahaha! Pull the hook! The devil emperor of the proud empire, no Thinking of being so naive, you still pull the hook!

Chen Mo's face changed, and he looked at Ning Xuan who was exuding black air all over his body. The gentle expression just now was fleeting, and he said coldly: Ling! It's you! Don't come out when I'm talking to my sister!!

Hahaha, I don't want to come out?! Don't worry, in another three months, even if you let me out, I won't be able to come out. At that time, I will die with your sister! Hahaha! Ling laughed so hard Fly like a madman.

If it weren't for the fact that Ling used his sister's body, Chen Mo would have chopped it down with a single knife. Chen Moyin endured it, and said coldly: What do you want!

Ling's face darkened, and he roared angrily: What do I want?! It should be me asking you, what do you want! Where are the things! What are the things I asked you to bring to me! Half a year has passed! Where are my things? !!

Chen Mo said coldly: Do you think that I don't want to get something earlier and let you get out of my sister's body! The wheel of the sun is on me, but the wheel of the moon is in the hands of the demon god of the demon clan. Speaking of grabbing the demon god's weapon, I can't even see the demon god's face, but after the decisive battle between me and the devil emperor in the underground demon realm, my strength will definitely break through the master, and then I can get the demon god's moon wheel , and then go to Atlantis to help you retrieve the star core!

Ling sneered: Chen Mo, I advise you not to play any tricks, obediently help me get the star core back, and then I will take the star core and leave your sister, otherwise, you will collect your sister's body! Three months, I will give you the last three months! At your own peril!


Ling suddenly went limp, and Chen Mo hurried up to support him.

Ling opened his eyes and whispered, Brother, why did I fall asleep?

Chen Mo knew that Ling left and Ning Xuan came back.

Chen Mo hugged Princess Ning Xuan directly, and said distressedly: Well, it's okay, you are sleepy, you can sleep on brother's shoulder for a while.

Ning Xuan hooked Chen Mo's neck in enjoyment, and lay in Chen Mo's arms, very satisfied: Well, I like to sleep on my brother's chest.

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