Law of the Devil

Chapter 98 [The Resentment of the Dragon Patriarch]

You can't either? Du Wei took a deep breath.

Me? The old magician smiled: I can't, at least in this world, I only think that there are two guys whose magical strength may exceed mine. One is His Majesty the Pope in the temple, and the other is the magic union. Mr.president.

Du Wei didn't understand what the old magician meant.

But then the old magician smiled wryly and said: The two guys I mentioned just now are the ones I think 'maybe' surpass me. But this dragon patriarch is the one I know, and the strength must surpass me! Because the two When I came here a hundred years ago, I had a fight with it once, and that time it almost killed me with only half of its strength. I think, if I didn’t have the share of Aragorn and The contract of the Dragon Clan, I died here two hundred years ago!

Just as he was speaking, the voice of the patriarch of the Dragon Clan came from the cave.

You are too modest, my friend.

The patriarch has come back, holding a long and narrow box in his hand, walked slowly, and said with a slight smile: I want to correct two of your mistakes. First, I don't know about others, but I think your human world The chairman of the local magicians union is definitely not as powerful as you. Second, the strength of His Majesty the Pope of the temple is not 'possibly' superior to you, but definitely superior to you.

How do you know? Du Wei asked.

Because. I have been to your human world... Incarnated into this appearance, to travel your human world, learn your culture and civilization...Because I am curious, what is the human world like? A strong man like Aragon! I go to the human world every hundred years, but I am disappointed every time! Because it seems that even the race with the largest number: human beings, there has never been a strong man like Aragon. The patriarch of the dragon clan said lightly: The chairman of the magicians union and the pope of the temple. I have challenged them secretly. So, my old friend, you don't have to be humble. I think you are among the magicians in the human world. Your strength can definitely rank first...if the pope doesn't leave the temple.

After finishing speaking, it casually threw the box on the ground, and its tone gradually became cold: Okay! Take the key and go! My old friend. You know where the secret room is! Open it and take the contents inside , and then left my territory! You are right about at least one thing: I, still hate humans! Especially that despicable Aragorn!

After finishing speaking, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan snorted. Turn around and leave.

Just when it hummed, Du Wei suddenly felt that sound penetrated into his ears, as if an invisible big hand was holding his heart fiercely, and then it seemed that the blood all over his body was rushing. Come up!

The sound was like a heavy hammer!

Du Wei's face turned pale for an instant, then his eyes darkened, and he almost passed out! Fortunately, the old magician held Du Wei with a serious face, and his palm was pressed on the back of Du Wei's heart, and a ray of light spell brilliance enveloped Du Wei. Du Wei took a deep breath and slowed down.

But then, Hussein behind him suddenly changed his face. The proud knight opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth!

The knight looked shocked. Looking at the hole where the patriarch of the dragon clan disappeared, he gritted his teeth and said, This... what is this?

It's dragon language magic. The old magician sighed: It has shown mercy.

But why is she okay? Du Wei pointed to Medusa who was standing there quietly.

Because this patriarch hates being only human beings. The old magician smiled wryly. He glanced at Hussein with an angry face: Hussein! Don't expect you to challenge him now! Believe me, even if you are a paladin, your strength is still far behind it!

The dragon language magic that the patriarch of the dragon clan showed before he left was really powerful. Du Wei's mind gradually calmed down under the comfort of the old magician's light magic, and the blood boiling in his chest gradually calmed down. As for Hussein, after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he was greatly humiliated. If it weren't for the old magician's warning, this extremely proud knight would probably have to go to the dragon patriarch for a duel now.

It seems that the attitude of the Dragon Clan is not very good. Du Wei said with a wry smile: It is because Aragorn defeated the Dragon Clan and made them lose face, so this patriarch hates Aragorn so much, and even we hate it ?”

The old magician frowned and said in a low voice: I told you, this patriarch is a complicated guy. He said that he hates Aragorn the most. In fact, I think he not only hates Aragorn in his heart, but also hates Aragorn. There is a kind of subtle respect. After all, Aragorn is the only human being who has defeated the patriarch of the dragon clan head-on. It is precisely this kind of complicated mind that it sneaks into the human world to travel quietly.

After saying this, the old magician said loudly: Okay, don't waste time, it's important for us to get down to business! Follow me, let's go see the secret room that Aragorn left here!

Immediately, everyone followed the old magician out of the hall. The old guy seems to remember the road here very well. After passing through a cave, facing the countless forks inside, he led a few people to turn left and right without hesitation.

Along the way, to Du Wei's surprise, they saw some strange things.

Just in the inner passage of the passing cave (to tell the truth, Du Wei even wondered if he got into a mouse hole. The cave of the dragon tribe extends in all directions, and there are forks everywhere.), there are some tall and short rock platforms. Those rocks are those black rocks and irons unique to Shenshan, and on the platform, there are sharp spikes one by one, with large and small... heads inserted!

They are heads, and they have different shapes. What is even more puzzling is that none of these heads seem to belong to humans!

These spikes are like sharp edges and corners. Those heads have different shapes, and some of them wear weird helmets, but the same thing is: Du Wei can see that these heads seem to have been screwed off by birth!

I don't know how many years have passed, but fortunately, the temperature here is extremely cold and dry, so although these heads have been air-dried, they have not rotted, and their true colors can still be barely seen!

so. Du Wei saw these things:

Those heads are three or four times larger than ordinary people. Judging from the facial features and bone shape, they seem to resemble some kind of feline animal, and there are faint residual lines on their dried skin... flat mouth and The nose, and the ears on the top of the head... The frightening thing is that the corners below pierced the bottom of their necks, and then protruded from the mouth. Makes this scene especially scary! .

In others, the mouth is long and protruding, but no obvious nose can be seen, just two small holes above the mouth, which are probably the nostrils for breathing. But the ears are extraordinarily small... from the shape. It is more similar to some kind of animals such as cows and horses.

What's more, the skull has a long jaw like that of a crocodile, occupying two-thirds of the entire skull, and the teeth are distributed on the upper and lower jaws, which are extremely sharp... Anyway, it is impossible for humans to have such teeth.

Seeing these heads, and thinking of those headless mummy seen at the foot of the mountain, Du Wei couldn't help but feel excited in his heart! These heads have been weathered for an unknown number of years, and their skin is shriveled. Although they haven't rotted, they still look extremely terrifying. Especially those whose eyelids haven't been closed yet, with empty and blank eyes showing from their drooping eyelids...

certainly. There are also some guys that look like humans. Those heads are slightly smaller, even much slender than normal humans. From the size of the heads, Du Wei guessed that the stature of this race is probably shorter and thinner than ordinary humans. , but the appearance of they is the most pleasing to the eye among these heads. Even though they have been weathered and dried up, the faces of these guys are still lifelike, judging from the contours of their facial features. Clearly refined and well proportioned. Just their long pointy ears...

These are elves. The old magician reminded him appropriately behind him, his tone was very low: Those bigger things are orcs.

You know? Du Wei looked back at the old magician.

Yes, these are the expelled races. The old magician whispered.

The race that was deported. Du Wei recited these words silently in his heart, and seemed to feel something, and walked slowly past these sharp rocks with heads stuck in them.

But all the way forward, what surprised him was that after walking out of this passage, it turned out to be a bottomless abyss!

This abyss is in the middle of the mountain of Shenshan, and the surrounding edges are very narrow, but at Du Wei's position, looking across from a distance, you can see a large cave entrance, and then there is a protruding rock all the way Stretching above the abyss, a huge platform was formed.

Under the abyss, there was a faint whistling of wind, entwined with deadly black air. It seemed that there was some kind of shrill cry mixed with the sound of wind, which made people feel horrified!

This is the sacrificial altar. The old magician pointed to the protruding rock on the opposite side of the abyss, and said with a smile: There is the altar. The dragons will store the heads of the captives they killed around the abyss. Inserted on the spiked rocks, and every hundred years, a sacrificial activity will be carried out. They will take the heads off the spiked rocks, and after a ceremony, throw the heads into the canyon. Then ...Looking forward to the next hundred years, in the next hundred years, they will continue to kill the strong men of the expelled races who tried to come back from the north, and then stick their heads on the spikes, wait for the next sacrificial activity, and then throw into the abyss.

Is there any point in doing this? Du Wei was puzzled.

The mission of the Dragon Clan is to guard this place! But this mission has existed for many years! Even before the era of Aragorn, the Dragon Clan has been here! You think, such a mission, it is said to be a guardian, but in fact, it is also here. Isn't it a kind of imprisonment for the dragon clan? Isn't it equivalent to confining the dragon clan here forever? What is the difference between this and a prisoner? Therefore, when the dragon clan accepted the mission given by the gods, they were not willing. So the gods gave They leave a glimmer of hope... a glimmer of hope to get rid of this mission. A condition of fulfillment of the mission.

What conditions?

The old magician's eyes were very strange. He glanced at the unfathomable abyss under his feet, and listened to the wind from below. When the head is enough to fill this abyss, the mission of the Dragon Clan is completed! Then, the Dragon Clan can live freely! No longer bound by this mission!

Fill this abyss with heads... Du Wei glanced ahead and looked at the dark, bottomless bottom—how many heads would it take!


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