Law of the Devil

Chapter 100: The Divine Beast Left by Aragorn (Part 1)

To open or not to open?

Du Wei's hands were placed on the sarcophagus, and the eyes of the dragon patriarch beside him covered him.

Du Wei suddenly sighed, then withdrew his hand, even took a step back, stood there with his hips crossed, and smiled at the dragon patriarch: I suddenly changed my mind.

What did you say? The patriarch looked gloomy.

I said I changed my mind. Du Wei pointed to his nose: I am a human being, and I am less than fourteen years old this year. The lifespan of a human being is much shorter than that of dragons, and I can only live for a year at most. One hundred years old. There are only a few decades left in such a short period of time. I still have many things I want to do, many unfinished goals, and many plans to realize... So I don’t want to die yet——I still It's not enough.

Ha! The patriarch of the dragon clan sneered: If you don't want to die, you can live without dying, then there will be no dead people in this world. Boy, you accept your fate, Aragorn owes the debt, and someone has to pay it back.

I'm not stupid. Du Wei's tone was very strong: At least now, before the matter is completed, I am still protected by the contract between Aragorn and the Dragon Clan! You can't kill me! It's like you couldn't kill me two hundred years ago. That old immortal magician! Right? You can’t kill me before the matter is completed. Otherwise, you’ve violated the contract! This is not in line with the usual pride of your dragon race.” As he spoke, Du Wei’s eyes rolled around, deliberately watching Glancing at the patriarch, he deliberately said leisurely: I heard that the Dragon Clan is a high-level race that attaches great importance to tradition.

The patriarch of the Dragon Clan was stunned, he was still holding the Frost Knife in his hand, but he didn't seem to know what to do.

This question couldn't be simpler. Du Wei pointed to the sarcophagus: If I open it, I will die immediately. If I don't open it, I won't die immediately. Even an idiot will know how to choose.

But you always have to open the ground.

Then wait. Du Wei even just sat up casually: I'm not in a hurry, not at all.

The patriarch of the dragon clan seemed to be furious, but then his eyes flashed. He sneered and said, Am I in a hurry? I've been waiting for nearly a thousand years, and it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer. Listen, walk into this secret room, If you don’t open the things here, don’t even think about going out! You are a human being, and your strength is so weak, how long can you stay here without eating or drinking? Two days? Three days? When the time comes, you will starve to death. But sadly.

Du Wei didn't give in at all: Then I can at least live a few more days. People who are dying. It's good to live a little longer, let alone two or three days!

With a kind smile on his face, Du Wei said indifferently: But, if I starve to death here... respectful patriarch, think about it, the missionary is starved to death by you, although this does not violate the contract , but... from now on, no one will be able to open the things here! Unless you are willing to give up your inner pride and break the contract... Otherwise, this contract will never be lifted! Even if you wait another thousand years. Thousands of years, ten thousand years! This contract will always be carried on your dragon clan... Don't you think such a choice is wonderful?

Du Wei sneered, folded his arms and looked coldly at the dragon patriarch.

If you don't open it, you won't open it! I'm so mad at you! Kill me? OK! My little master is dead, and you Dragon Clan will always carry this contract on your back! The day that never ends! !

You... The patriarch of the dragon clan was really angry when he moved, and his eyes suddenly released a hot light: You can't open it! If you don't open it, I will kill you now!

Then you have violated the contract and thrown away the long-standing tradition and proud dignity of the Dragon Clan! Du Wei held his head high.

You! The patriarch was furious, and it suddenly slapped a palm on the mountain wall beside him. With a buzzing sound, the reverberating sound reverberated and reverberated throughout the holy mountain. That terrifying power, with one palm, hit the iron rock on the front. Numerous tiny ground cracks appeared on the mountain wall, and the echoing sound made Du Wei dizzy.

Then you will starve to death here! the patriarch continued to threaten.

Then you Dragon Clan will always carry this burden! Du Wei insisted through clenched teeth.

!! The patriarch of the Dragon Clan was in a hurry. Suddenly he roared loudly in a language that Du Wei couldn't understand—presumably it was a curse word in Dragon Language, Du Wei guessed viciously.

The patriarch's complexion changed a few times, and then he stretched out his palm, and stroked Du Wei lightly with his sharp fingertips, and heard a few chi chis, and the skin on Du Wei's body and his close-fitting clothes immediately burst, The skin inside was exposed.

Du Wei barely calmed down, laughed loudly and said, What are you doing? I'm not a woman. What's the use of taking off my clothes? Does the patriarch of the Dragon Clan like that tune?

The patriarch of the Dragon Clan snorted. Seeing that Du Wei's clothes were torn all over his body, he stood almost naked in front of him. With a wave of his sleeves, a gust of cold wind swept in, and Du Wei felt the biting cold all over his body. The sound continued, starting from the soles of his feet, countless fine icicles appeared, and spread all the way up from his feet in an instant. In less than a moment, Du Wei's knees were frozen in the ice!

You can't drive! Your human body is very fragile. If you continue to persist, your legs and knees will be frozen to death after a while. Even after thawing, you can only chop it off! Dragon patriarch grit your teeth.

At least you can live without legs, it's better than dead. Du Wei gritted his teeth, his legs were frozen under the ice, as if there were countless tiny spikes stabbing fiercely, the numbness and pain made his face The upper muscles are stiff.

See how long you can last! The patriarch of the Dragon Clan sneered, raised his hand slightly, and the ice below Du Wei's knees spread up again, freezing all the parts below his waist in a moment: If you don't give in, you will freeze Bad! Not to mention the legs, I'm afraid I don't even have the ability to be a man!

Du Wei finally opened his mouth.

He didn't give in, he...he started cursing!

You big lizard with horns on your head, a bitch raising a big mouse! **Your ancestors have been cursed for eighteen generations, sores and festering all over your body! You narrow-minded perverted old lizard! You are a fucking big lizard! Four-legged snake! When you were young, you lacked parental love and motherly love, and you were psychopathic. You peeked at the female dragon bathing and peeking at the male dragon masturbating...

This scolding made the old dragon fly into a rage. The veins on his forehead throbbed wildly!

He has also traveled in the world, but where has he heard Du Wei's vicious curse words?

You know, in this world, those street slang and curse words are nothing more than words like son of a bitch, shit and asshole. But who is Du Wei? In the world of Du Weidi's previous life, he is deeply familiar with the language left by the 5,000-year Eastern civilization! When it comes to the variety and complexity of languages, it is number one in the world! Even cursing is ingenious! Where is the world that people in this world can imagine?

Du Wei has been cursing from spicy mother to You son of a bitch, you are so old, and then Fuck your mother and Fuck you on the street... From various places in China in previous lives The essence extracted from this dialect is scolded all the way, scolding the old dragon from the years before he was born in the dragon's egg to how he peeked at his daughter taking a bath when he was five hundred years old....

Du Wei was almost frozen to death, half of his body was frozen stiff, and his blood was stagnant, which made his voice weaker and weaker. He no longer felt pain in his whole body, and was almost completely numb. Even his face began to emit a faint blueness. , but the more he scolded, the more energetic he became. He spit so much that it almost hit the old dragon's face.

You old dragon with pus on your head and sores on your butt! Kill me if you have the ability! My life will be exchanged for your Dragon Clan's burden that will never be shaken off! It's worth it! Come! Come! Come! ah!!

What is the identity of this dragon patriarch? The people it met in its whole life, either respected it, such as its members of the Dragon Clan, or the opponents it encountered were all strong people from the mainland, and they were all self-respecting people. Where has it met someone like Du Wei? This kind of obscenity and swearing at people?

Du Wei also broke the pot and smashed it. He believed that the old dragon would not dare to kill him, so he dared to scold him. It's just that this scolding almost drove the old dragon to death.

You! You kid! You're mad at me!!!

Finally, a furious dragon howl came from within the sacred mountain, and the howling sound went straight to the sky. Even amidst this terrifying sound wave oscillation, even the sacred mountain trembled faintly! Some broken rocks in the cave fell one after another, as if about to collapse! Even the old magician and others waiting outside the secret room changed their colors when they heard it, but they didn't know what happened...

And Du Wei, who was right next to the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, was the first to bear the brunt of it. He was shocked by the roar of the dragon and spurted a mouthful of blood on the spot. He suddenly felt severe pain in his internal organs, as if his internal organs were split open. His eyes darkened, and he passed out.

I don't know how long it took before Du Wei woke up. He felt pain everywhere in his body, but he was lying on the sarcophagus, and the ice on his body was gone. He turned over and tried to sit up. A sweet, almost vomited blood again. The old dragon next to him was panting, staring at Du Wei, gnashing his teeth, wishing he could swallow Du Wei alive.

You are not a fucking dragon at all! You bastard! You are a coward! You have the ability to kill Aragorn, but you are here to show off your bullshit prestige! F**k, fuck you... Du Wei He came back in one breath, seeing that he was not dead, even the ice cubes on his body were gone, and he decided that the other party did not dare to kill him, so he continued to scold him.

You! Have you scolded enough! The old dragon gasped, and he didn't know if the dragon clan had heart disease. If there was, this old dragon would probably become the first person to die of heart disease in tens of millions of years. The patriarch of the Earth Dragon Clan.

Curse? Of course I didn't scold enough! Du Wei was also extremely tired, and his blood was rolling in his chest, but his body was so cold: I can't beat you, otherwise, I would have fucked you up and whipped you The dragon tendon is gone!

Seeing that Du Wei was so tough and couldn't stand the stalemate, the patriarch Laolong had no choice but to yell: You stay here and scold! Let's see how hard your mouth is!

After speaking, his body turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

Du Wei was left lying alone in this secret room, his body was stiff from the cold, but he was crying bitterly in his heart.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew past Du Wei, and Semel appeared in a red robe. She looked horrified, looked at Du Wei's appearance, and opened her mouth: That...that dragon, So strong magic power!

Du Wei snorted and glanced at Semel: Of course I'm strong, otherwise, how can I be Aragon's opponent? Stop talking nonsense, I'm dying of cold, help me quickly.

Then Semel nodded, and with a light touch of her finger, Du Wei's clothes were restored again, and Du Wei hurriedly dressed. Although he was naked in front of Semel at this moment, Du Wei's life was at stake, so he didn't care about it. There are a lot, and after dressing quickly, he said in a deep voice: That old bastard will come back soon! You go out quickly, let the old bastards outside hurry up! Get out of here!

Semel was stunned for a moment, but Du Wei looked gloomy: What are you looking at! That bastard is not something we can deal with! If you don't leave, everyone will die here! Although I am not a good person, I am already trapped Here it is! There is no need to let them die here in vain! Go, go!

After all, Semel is smart, she immediately understood Du Wei's intentions after a little thought, and lost her voice: Ah! You! You did it on purpose! You scolded that old dragon away on purpose, and then you knew that I would definitely Come out! Right?

Du Wei smiled coldly: Nonsense! If you don't get mad at him, how can I talk to you under his surveillance! Go out and tell the people outside! That old dragon is not a fool. Come on, he will come here to find me! Now is the only time to avoid his surveillance! Go, go!

Semel sighed, and disappeared. Du Wei was in this secret room, and he didn't know how Semel was negotiating with the old magician and Hussein outside, but his body was so cold that he barely held back his chest. In the severe pain, he struggled to stand up, and did the basic movements of the starry sky grudge once, only then did the coldness get rid of, and the body recovered a little warmth, feeling much better.

At this moment, the walls on all sides are empty, and there is only such a sarcophagus sitting on the ground under him, Du Wei has mixed feelings in his heart for a while, and he can't help thinking about it...

At this moment, a small voice suddenly fell in Du Wei's heart without a sound.

(Open! I have a way to deal with him!)

Du Wei was startled, and said loudly: What! Aha, you old dragon, you want to trick me into opening the things here in a suspicious way! I'm bah! I can't be fooled!

That voice echoed in my heart again.

(I'm not that bastard, I'm right under your ass!)

These words fell into the bottom of my heart, and Du Wei was really shocked!

He jumped down from the sarcophagus and looked at the sarcophagus in front of him in surprise!

It's something inside that speaks! It's not that the old dragon is playing tricks to deceive himself! At least with the pride of the Dragon Clan, that old dragon would never call himself Old Bastard like what Du Wei scolded him just now!

In the sarcophagus...what the hell is there! ? .

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