Law of the Devil

Chapter 109: Knocking Out Front Teeth and Swallowing It (Part 2)

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Chapter 109 [Knocking Out the Front Teeth and Swallowing It] (Part 2)

(Today's second chapter~)

Chapter 109 [Knocking Out the Front Teeth and Swallowing It] (Part 2)

The officer didn't know it, and said loudly: Master Du Wei, you don't have to worry. We have to fight a few of these mercenaries who are reckless and domineering by relying on their own strength every month. It's not a big deal. 

Du Wei sighed, and said with a smile: I sat far away just now and didn't look carefully, but now I see clearly, these two are not mercenaries, they are holy knights in the temple!

As soon as the words came out, the officer was suddenly dumbfounded.  He was dumbfounded, and then panic appeared in his eyes.  All the soldiers around them turned pale!

Beat up the Holy Knight? That's okay?

Du Wei smiled, patted the officer's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: Okay, speaking of which, you are also responsible for protecting me, so naturally I can't watch you suffer.   In this way, you listen to me, I will There is a way to help you solve this matter. ”

After a pause, Du Wei said with a smile: These two guys are just subordinates standing in the front, and there must be senior knights behind them.   You injured his subordinates, and the opponent's senior knights came to take revenge. You can't resist it. I have an idea to make them retreat obediently. ”

After finishing speaking, Du Wei glanced at the soldiers, and said, I want to be alone. I need to be bold and smart. This matter may be a little dangerous, and I may even suffer a little bit of flesh and blood, but it will not be serious.  Who Dare to come?

The garrison officer immediately raised his chest and said loudly, I'll go!

Du Wei glanced at him. Seeing that he is not a timid person, I can't help admiring him, and said with a smile: Okay, that's it. 

Du Wei whispered a few words in his ear, the officer's face turned pale, but seeing Du Wei's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart.  Loudly said: Okay, that's it!

Du Wei smiled slightly. Said: This matter, in terms of face, can pass.   But it is inevitable that someone will trouble you in the future.   In this way, after you are done, go to the barracks and tell your commander, just say that I have taken a fancy to you, and you are in the army. Get off the military rank, and then come under my command. Come back with me, and I will incorporate you into the guardian cavalry of Luo Lin’s family. ”

The officer was overjoyed when he heard this!

In this northern region, the Storm Legion in the north is the heart of the Imperial High Command. Any good equipment and supplies are given priority to the Storm Legion. These local garrisons are alternate status.  Whatever happens, it is always for the Stormtroopers.  No future. If you can follow the young master of the Luo Lin family, it will be better than being a small officer in such a small place!

Seeing Du Wei's order was over. Clark stood behind him, squinting at Du Wei with a complicated expression.

This kid... is not easy.


Outside the small city of Keluo, a hundred cavalry were slowly approaching the gate of Keluo City. Suddenly, two temple elders in the team frowned. Pointing to the distance, whispered: Look!

In the city of Keluo, a golden light shot up into the sky, just like the magic scroll that the holy knight asked for help from the nearby companions when the holy knight was in trouble was broken!

An eighth-level holy knight leading the team suddenly changed his face: There are people here who dare to attack the holy knight?! After a pause, he suddenly shouted: Did they meet Hussein?! Hurry up! ! Let's go into the city! If it's Hussein, we must not let him escape this time!

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the two elder mages, but the two old guys shook their heads: Probably not. If it is Hussein, neither of the two knights is his enemy. Where is there any chance to ask for help?

These two old men wearing the robes of the senior priests of the temple. They all have fair complexion and long snow-white hair. Holding a staff in hand, sitting on the horse, with a hint of deepness and majesty in his expression. The eighth-level knight did not dare to disobey the elders, and said in a low voice: No matter what, it is better to go and see quickly. 

Everyone was riding their horses into the city, and after walking for a while, they saw three horses galloping towards them.

Immediately the first person was the local garrison officer who was instructed by Du Wei, while the two horses behind were two unlucky holy knights, but their bodies were tied with ropes and their mouths were gagged.

The garrison officer watched the brigade of holy knights rushing head-on, and he was also surprised: My dear, there are so many people, if these guys come to trouble me, I won't be able to bear it!

Quickly jumped off the horse and stood in the middle of the road.

Seeing someone blocking the way, the holy knights hurriedly stopped their horses, and a knight at the front of the queue shouted: Why are you blocking the way!.

According to Du Wei's instructions, the garrison officer stood up straight, his face neither arrogant nor humble, and then used a standard knight etiquette. The many holy knights on the horse did not neglect, and returned a knight salute.

I am an officer of the fourth battalion of the local garrison in Keluo City! The garrison officer shouted in the loudest voice deliberately according to Du Wei's instructions.

Seeing a large group of knights being blocked on the road, and local military officers shouting, many passers-by gathered around to watch the excitement.

The garrison officer felt relieved, he felt relieved and confident, and continued to shout: Excuse me, are you a holy knight?

The leader of the eighth-level knight had long seen his subordinates being tied up and thrown behind the two horses. His face was gloomy and he frowned. He rode up and looked angrily at the little three-pole knight in front of him: Yes.

My lord.  The garrison officer bowed slightly, and then continued to shout in a loud voice: Military order of the local garrison! The place 600 steps ahead has been temporarily set up as a military restricted zone! Just now, these two gangsters pretended to be The identity of the Holy Knights, trespassing in the restricted area, and wounding 36 members of our local garrison! Fifteen of them were seriously injured! I was ordered to arrest these two people. Just hand over these two gangsters to you! My lord said that the Holy Knights are a symbol of the glory of the temple, and their status is noble, which is the pride of the mainland! Such despicable gangsters dared to defy the imperial laws and trespass into the restricted military zone , blatantly attacked imperial officials and wounded imperial soldiers! This kind of person must not belong to the Holy Knights, and now he has been brought here, and I will leave it to you to deal with!

After finishing speaking, the garrison officer gave another knight's salute, then walked to the back, pulled the two guys off the horse and threw them heavily on the ground.

Those holy knights saw their companions suffering, and their eyes were burning, and they were about to rush up and chop the little officer, but the eighth-level knight snorted, his voice was extremely gloomy, but he waved his hands to signal his subordinates not to mess up. move.

The garrison officer was also covered in cold sweat, then flew onto his horse, nodded to the knights, and was about to leave when the eighth-level holy knight suddenly shouted: Wait!

My lord, what instructions do you have?

Hmph! The eighth-level knight's eyes were full of fear, he jumped off the horse suddenly, walked up to him, picked up a bound man with one hand, then took a deep look at the officer, and gritted his teeth: Say hello to your adults for me! Just say this, I will remember!

After speaking, he snorted! This sound came out of his mouth with fighting spirit, the officer felt as if he was being shocked by an electric shock, his whole body trembled suddenly, his chest was extremely uncomfortable, and the horse under him suddenly flew up, the man stood up, and with a neighing sound, he immediately put this The officer fell off his horse.

The officer fell so badly that his bones were almost broken, he staggered up from the ground, he didn't dare to show any expression on his face, but he thought to himself: It's not a loss, I beat them two, and there are so many people still alive. I lost face to the Holy Knights in front of me, but he only slammed me once, no loss, no loss, this business is no loss!

He didn't dare to say anything more at the moment, so he quickly scolded the horse again, jumped on the horse, and left without looking back.

My lord, let's just forget about it?! A knight galloped forward, his face full of anger.

The hundred or ten knights behind them were all eager to try, and they would rush out to take revenge as soon as the leader gave an order.

Shut up! The eighth-level knight looked stern, his gloomy eyes swept over all his subordinates, and he lowered his voice: Don't you think it's not enough to be ashamed!

The two temple elders also sighed and glanced at each other.

The opponent has a good method! First occupied a word of reason, and then deliberately announced it in public. Let yourself have to suffer this dark loss. If you go up to take revenge now, make a fuss, and spread the word, it will be even worse for the reputation of the Holy Knights.

The eighth-level knight flew onto his horse, flicked his whip vigorously, and shouted: Hurry up and get these two idiots up on the horse! Let's go! We won't be staying here tonight, we'll be on our way overnight!

Seeing the angry expression on the leader's face, all the knights did not dare to defy.

On the contrary, the two elders looked at the eighth-level knight with admiration in their eyes.

Tolerable and measured. It's a nice talent.

Right now, the three major knight commanders of the Holy Knights are gone, and new talents are about to be promoted.  This guy has a future.


(Today’s Xiaonian~ send blessings, and ask for monthly ticket support at the same time~)


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