Law of the Devil

Chapter 49: On the Road of Biaohan

This proposal immediately won the absolute support of most soldiers!

As a soldier, there is really no entertainment in the barracks. The occasional rest and holiday is just a group of people going out of the barracks to go to a nearby town to drink some wine, or donate the military pay to those prostitutes.

Of course, there is another popular activity, which is gambling!

The football game created by Master Du Wei has already made everyone feel very happy...and such a happy game can also be used for gambling!

The eyes of many officers lit up! And many of the guys who were eliminated in the first round, who were originally sullen, couldn't help but smile!

This young master Du Wei... is so fucking interesting! Too fucking understand the mind of us soldiers! !

The cheers of the crowd made Robert hesitate for a while, who was planning to speak out to stop him. He glanced at Du Wei, sighed, and finally said nothing.

Anyway, it's not a big deal... Besides, it's a recuperation period, and it's normal for soldiers to gamble, so don't worry about it.

When it comes to gambling, Du Wei has a lot of ideas!

A simple bet to win or lose? What is that?

Du Wei immediately put out the routine he had thought up!

Simple lose, win! After refinement, how many wins and how many loses! Even bet on who will score! Enter a few! When to score!

You can even bet on whether someone will be sent off... Will there be a penalty, and so on!

And those complicated matching ratios... One pays a few, and a few pays one...

Soldiers and officers didn't understand these complicated number games. Du Wei explained it briefly, and everyone felt that there was an opportunity and interesting, so they immediately went back to withdraw money.

Du Wei, on the other hand, smiled happily.

He is a person who has received a complete system of mathematics education in his previous life. I am afraid that few people in this world understand this kind of number game. Here, I am afraid that even the simplest four arithmetic operations may not be able to be done by a few scholars.

As for Du Wei, he can calculate and balance the numbers, plus limit the amount of some bets, and then list the matching ratio... No matter who wins and who loses in the end...

Du Wei, who is a banker, makes a steady profit!

I have to say that the treatment of these private soldiers of Luo Lin's family is quite good! Most of the soldiers could have spare money of one or two gold coins in their hands, but those officers had more money in their hands, and they could still throw out three or five gold coins at will.

More importantly, Du Wei caught up with a good time! After the spring drills, the army has just been paid!

Most of these soldiers don't know how to win or lose a game, and they just bet based on their own preferences: for example, it's better to have a personal relationship with those people on weekdays, or to see who is less pleasing to the eye, etc...

One afternoon, the second round was over.

The busiest ones are the clerks in the military camp, they are quickly calculating the bets and bonuses.

And Du Wei, after seeing the result, was already smiling.

In the second round, ten games, most of the betting soldiers lost money, a few lucky ones won some, and finally fell into Du Wei's pocket... six hundred gold coins!

Among them, the richest officers lost the most.

This result made Du Wei very satisfied!

There was also a small episode, the last game he watched, the two sides fought fiercely to the end, which was different from what Du Wei had guessed before... After all, football is round! Even if Du Wei made a prediction, it was impossible to be so accurate. If the result of this game is different from what Du Wei expected, then Du Wei may earn a lot less.

Fortunately, before the end of the game, someone saved Du Wei!

The team that Du Wei predicted to win got a free kick in the frontcourt. A cavalry soldier walked up and kicked a beautiful curve ball! Break the door directly!

After the game, Du Wei personally summoned the hero who broke the goal...he saved Du Wei's purse!

This young man belonged to Robert's cavalry team. He was a handsome young man with blond hair, a strong figure, and he looked very energetic on the mountain.

May I ask your name? Du Wei asked.

Dear young master, my name is David... my full name is David Beckham! The young man was a little shy and nervous.

Du Wei: ...%x¥...%%...※%...※

Patting the purse, this day's game is over. After the second round, only ten teams remained. The ten teams immediately received heroic cheers. Every player was tired, but everyone was full of energy and fighting spirit. If it wasn't for the fact that the sun was about to set, I'm afraid there would be no problem for these boys to play two more games.

But then, because there are only ten teams left... how will the next game be played?

If there is a single elimination... If ten teams fight each other, there will be five left in the end! And five teams are an odd number, so there is no way to fight two by two! There will be a team with no opponents!

Du Wei, who had planned for a long time, smiled cunningly!

There is a way! Since the knockout system doesn't work... use the league system!

League format?

Du Wei quickly explained the league system, that is, each team has to play against all opponents once! Three points for a win, one point for a draw, and no points for a loss!

After all games are played, the player with the most points is the champion.

Du Wei's premeditation is despicable...

The more games, the more you can bet!

I have to are really despicable. At night, on the third-floor terrace of the small building, Semel looked at Du Wei with complicated eyes: How did you come up with such an idea?

Du Wei shook his head: Well, I can't say that.

Don't think I can't see it. Semel stared at Du Wei: I have calculated the odds you made several times by myself! I found that no matter what happens in the end, you, the banker, have a lot of odds. You will win with a big chance... How did you calculate it? These odds, dealers, and these rules are so complicated, did you come up with them? 2

Du Wei didn't even need to explain, he closed his eyes and started to meditate...

Of course, to a large extent, I don't want to see this Semel naked... This woman, why does she like to sit on the railing and swing her long legs so much?

Uh... Although her legs are indeed beautiful...

This night, Du Wei still didn't feel any so-called star power. .

But after a night of meditation, plus the mantra Semel told Du Wei during meditation, Du Wei was delighted to find that his spiritual power had taken another step forward!

If this is the case, even if you can't learn any star magic, just by allowing your mental power to grow like this, you will gain a lot!

Du Wei could clearly feel that his mental power was becoming more and more pure... This so-called purity is really hard to describe in words. But it's clearer in all the details...

Such as sight, hearing, smell, etc. It turned out that when he was meditating, Du Wei could hear the wind in the sky, but now, under the influence of the purified mental power, Du Wei can not only hear the wind, but he even feels that he can judge which direction the wind is blowing by relying on the sound of the wind ! You can even feel the strength of the wind to judge the strength of the wind!

This is a more detailed feeling, the capture of spiritual power is getting more detailed, and it seems that every detail is getting clearer... This feeling is very comfortable.

On the third day, the first football league of Luo Lin's family led by Du Wei began.

Of course Du Wei knew that he couldn't exhaust his fortune, and he also knew how much bets could be made by only relying on a thousand soldiers in the barracks to participate in the game? After all, the soldiers are not rich, and their salaries are limited. If the excessive exploitation of soldiers' salaries, then Du Wei also felt that he was too despicable.

Therefore, Du Wei felt that if he wanted to continue to make a lot of money...the only way was to increase the scope of the game!

After discussing with the officers of the barracks for a day, the two parties finally made a certain compromise.

On this day, Made was ordered to go to nearby towns to put up a series of posters.

In a small town not far from the castle, Du Wei used the Luo Lin family's relationship to ask the city's consul to borrow the square for a day.

Afterwards, Made led two teams of soldiers and came to the city that day... and played a football exhibition match.

The three-day football exhibition match immediately made people in the city fall in love with this sport.

Then, it almost repeated everything that happened in the barracks. Du Wei simply moved the league venue in the barracks to the city.

This also avoids always occupying the drill field in the barracks, which affects the normal training of the soldiers.

From Semel's point of view, this clever clone immediately revealed Du Wei's intentions: You can't bear to win money from those soldiers again, and you're worried about stirring up a mutiny, right?

After moving the football league to the city, this novel sport soon attracted a considerable audience, and even some children began to like this game...

Then, under Du Wei's behest, Made led people to set up a gambling game before the daily competition!

I am the first person to invent football in the world... and the leader of the earliest gambling syndicate. Du Wei commented on himself.

Despicable or noble. Seven or eight days later, Du Wei earned another tens of thousands of gold coins!

There are still quite a few rich people in the city, and some wealthy businessmen also think this way of gambling is much more interesting than those casinos. The bets they throw are often dozens or even hundreds of gold coins!

The news brought back by Made made Du Wei a little speechless.

First of all, someone started to follow suit!

This kind of movement has spread rapidly to the surrounding cities, and some people have already started to play this kind of game in some places, and even some casinos have begun to organize teams to play this kind of game as a gamble to attract customers.

And the second...what made Du Wei even more admirable was...someone actually tried to control the game! Someone wants to buy his own soldiers and players to release water in the game! Some casinos have begun to engage in some off-the-market gambling operations!

Dare to compete with Master Du Wei for business? Is this okay?

How can others get their hands on the money in Du Wei's pocket?

What's more, Du Wei only relies on such things to earn some emergency funds, and he doesn't want to prosper the gambling industry in disguise. I don't even want to make gambling rampant in the Luo Lin family's territory because of this incident.

Therefore, Du Wei quickly came up with a solution!

Two days later, announcements appeared in some football-popular towns in the Rowling family territory:


Within the territory of the Luo Lin family! Therefore, no one is allowed to bet on football games! The inventor of this game, Master Du Wei, owns the management right alone!

Anyone who dares to gamble without authorization will be severely cracked down by the local government and taxation!

This decree was officially issued by the ruling officials of the surrounding towns!

As for this so-called exclusive operation, does it conform to the laws of the empire?


This is the territory of the Luo Lin family! The officials are all paid by the Luo Lin family! The young master of Luo Lin's family spoke up, how could the people below not follow suit?

In this way, Du Wei brazenly embarked on the road of monopoly!

With money in his pocket, Du Wei will be more generous. He first took out 3,000 gold coins and gave them to 1,000 soldiers in the barracks at once.

As compensation for winning their money before, there is also a reward for the physical exertion of playing football.

This move immediately won unanimous cheers and support from the officers and soldiers of the guard barracks of the castle! Although the football game this young master made is really fun. However, this kind of game empties everyone's pockets in disguise, and it is still easy to arouse criticism from some soldiers, and of course some people will be secretly dissatisfied. .

And now, looking at the golden gold coins distributed... Everyone is very satisfied. Most of the soldiers paid back all the money they lost in the early stage.

For the rest, Du Wei left a thousand gold coins as working capital, and most of them were spent on the magic laboratory...

By the way, magic experiment is really an extremely expensive thing! Du Wei has already deeply realized... Solskjaer will propose to buy some materials every two days, and these things are not only consumed quickly, but the price is not cheap! ^

In just ten days, Du Wei has already thrown nearly 5,000 gold coins in, but Solskjaer has not made any new progress.

What is Solskjaer working on?

He now has two tasks in his hands. First of all, a certain amount of fire element is extracted quantitatively every day, which is what Du Wei called gunpowder.

And second, Solskjaer is working on a way. Trying to overcome the difficulty that he cannot improve his magic power. r

In the past, Solskjaer could use the magic elements created to opportunistically use some low-level magic. However, due to the limited sensitivity, it is always impossible to use more advanced magic. And now, he has another whimsical...

And this whimsical idea really made Du Wei feel... If it can really be realized, then even if it is worth emptying your pockets for it! .

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