Law of the Devil

Chapter 574 [Griffon Rider]

Du Wei smiled: The church still seems to be staring at me. Yes.

Well, just five nights ago, a master tried to sneak in quietly. But I discovered it. Hussein pondered for a while, then looked at Du Wei with a serious tone: I have a relationship with the other party. I have fought against each other, and the opponent is very powerful. I couldn't keep him, um... I think he should be a holy rank.

Du Wei immediately became serious: Holy steps? Are you sure?

We only had a few face-to-face encounters, and he quickly retreated. But I'm still sure. He is indeed a holy rank. Hussein nodded.

Du Wei thought about it, if the other party was the church. So the current holy rank powerhouses in the church, except the Pope. Is the remaining to another angel.

Naturally, the Pope himself would not come here to do such midnight peeping, so that angel must have been there.


Du Wei pondered for a moment, did the temple still refuse to let him go?

In the backcourt of the martial arts tournament that time, I had already reached a certain degree of compromise with that old fellow the Pope. The two sides should have died down for the time being. However, the temple still came to provoke him.


finally. There was a smile on his face again: Okay, let's go and see those little guys first. Hussein glanced at Du Wei. He came over and pushed the wheelchair for Du Wei himself, and Du Wei whispered something that made Hussein very happy.

I have worked hard for you these past few months. But you will be able to leave here and return to the imperial capital soon. I think Princess Louise should miss you very much. I have another suitable person to guard here.

Hussein is willing to leave here and go to the imperial capital to meet his lover. But he is a very responsible person, but he hesitated a little: But, if I'm not here. In case the church... Could you call Rodriguez? Otherwise, other people can't stop it That holy-ranked powerhouse in the church.

No, not Rodriguez. I have a more suitable candidate. Du Wei blinked.

more suitable candidates. For example... one has the shape of a golden dragon. How about adding a ten-thousand-year soul?

That guy hides in his Duke's mansion all day drinking. It's better to leave it in this remote place.

\u0026 Loop 8226:

The wooden shed is covered with dry and soft grass. and. Although these wooden sheds seem to be built very simply, in fact, iron plates are embedded under each floor. Under the iron plates are burning coals, making these wooden sheds as warm and soft as spring even in winter.

Because Du Wei understood. Griffons are creatures that grow in southern swamps. I am used to the hot climate, but here in the middle of the lion continent, it is cold winter. In order to reduce the unnecessary loss of these small things due to their inadaptability to the climate, these places where griffin cubs are bred. A lot of precise arrangements have been made.

The first batch of bred griffin cubs, so far, a total of 31 have survived, except for two that died young because of acclimatization. The rest of the cubs were thriving - Kakarot had done it right.

These little things are Du Wei's treasures. He assigned a keeper to each griffin cub—and in fact, this keeper was also the sky knight who would become the rider of the griffin in the future.

In order to allow the knight to communicate with his mount in the future to achieve the greatest degree of tacit understanding, Du Wei issued a death order, requiring the knight to raise his own griffin cubs in person.

At present, there are a total of one hundred knights selected from the Decepticon Sky Knights living in this courtyard.

Moreover, with the successful cultivation of Griffin. Du Wei has once again issued an order to recruit more Sky Knights from the northwest to come here to report.

In a warm wooden shed. There was bursts of heat from the barbecue. The room was very warm, and even made people feel a little warm.

A baby griffin is sitting in a grass nest. Stretch your head. Chirp to whine.

This is a small griffin that is only three months old, and its feathers have not yet fully grown. Its eagle head looks ridiculously bald. However, its claws already seemed to have some strength. Sharp nails have grown. Fangs gradually appeared in the mouth, but. A pair of eyes are still half closed.

In the wooden shed, when Du Wei and Hussein were here, the cub seemed to have sensed it, struggling in the grass nest. There was obviously some hostility in the whining voice. And this time, its breeder. That is, its future owner. When he came to the grass nest, he gently hugged the griffin, which was about the size of a puppy. He took a strip of meat from a skin pouch he carried with him.

The griffin immediately raised its neck, pecked sharply with its sharp mouth, and then quickly swallowed the strip of meat. Stretch your neck.

It has clearly settled down in the arms of the breeder.

Du Wei was very satisfied with this scene.

And another strange thing here is...all the breeders who entered this row of wooden sheds. They all wear a pair of thick earmuffs on their heads.

Why is that? Du Wei was a little curious.

These things are monsters after all. Hussein explained: When they howl in anger, the sound has a dizzying effect. Although there are still some cubs, if there are more than a dozen cubs howling at the same time , still quite powerful. There was once a breeder who was accidentally stunned. So now everyone has to wear earmuffs when entering here.

Du Wei sighed: It seems that this kind of thing will be raised in large quantities in the future. I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble, after all. It's still too close to the imperial capital.

These little things are very afraid of the cold. I'm afraid I won't be able to transfer them to the northwest. Perhaps the Luolin Plain is a good choice. Hussein reminded.

Let's talk about it later. Du Wei thought for a while, then shook his head. He had other plans on this issue.

Under normal circumstances, it will take another two years for these little griffins to become adults. After two years, they will have to train and cooperate with the rider... I am afraid it will take at least half a year to form a tacit understanding. Therefore, in the short term Now, I'm afraid you won't see the Griffin Rider you were looking forward to.

Du Wei heard this. Slightly smiled: Not necessarily. Hussein. Did you forget one thing? The spring of time passing! Fortunately, although the spring in the frozen forest dried up, I found another very good substitute. If there is such a substitute. I think. At most a year, maybe sooner. We will be able to see the heroic appearance of the Griffin Knight soaring in the sky..

At this time, Hussein was about to speak, suddenly. The paladin's face changed slightly. He suddenly and quickly reached out and pressed the hilt of the sword at his waist, with a solemn face, listening attentively!

In the night sky, there was a loud and clear cry!

The whining sound came from far away, and the sound waves drummed in the air. With a certain vigorous and majestic momentum!

The voice is long, but the timbre is simple and simple. As majestic as some kind of emperor. The howling sound approached from far away, as if it was approaching a lot in an instant! And under the stirring of the howling sound, the little griffins in the entire wooden shed. Suddenly they all woke up. These cubs seemed to be extremely afraid of the roar from the sky. They all shrank back into the grass nest fiercely, and opened their throats even more. He yelled loudly in the direction of the sky, with wailing and fear in his voice.

For a while, the wooden shed was filled with the cries of griffins. Even the breeder's efforts to appease him didn't work.

Dragon! Hussein's face was gloomy. Before Du Wei could speak, the paladin had already rushed out of the room in one step.

On the grass outside the manor. Suddenly, a golden light was projected from the sky. A huge golden shadow. With the golden arrogance spreading all over his body, he landed steadily on the grass field.

The slender neck has a touch of noble elegance. And the streamlined dragon body is covered with golden scales. The long wings were gently folded, and the golden dragon seemed to have a smug laugh in its mouth.

Du Wei was about to speak, but Hussein had already made the first move. After Du Wei was seriously injured, his originally extremely proud and sensitive observation ability was also lost. He didn't have strong spiritual power as his backing, and the sensitivity of his facial features was greatly weakened compared to before.

Hussein scolded angrily. The long sword in his hand immediately emitted a golden grudge. His body is like a big bird. From the balcony of the wooden shed on the second floor, he jumped down suddenly, and his body flew through the air. With a flick of the long sword, countless dots of golden dou qi radiance immediately fell towards the golden dragon on the pasture!

Yi? The golden dragon looked at the human who attacked him. Suddenly, there was a cry of surprise.

Hussein's sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and it immediately engulfed the golden dragon's body like a big net.

The golden dragon's eyes changed from surprise to a hint of mockery, and it stretched out a claw. However, he lightly poked at the center of the star-like golden grudge light...


Hussein's long sword hit the golden dragon's paw, and the golden dragon's strong body and covered golden scales made the ordinary long sword in Hussein's hand shatter immediately, but he had a strong fighting spirit. But it exploded viciously on the golden dragon's body!


In the first face-to-face meeting, the bodies of one person and one dragon suddenly shook a few times, and Hussein's body immediately made a forcible turn in the air, and flew out backwards.

And the mouth of the golden dragon has already begun to chant some kind of spell in a low voice.

At this time, Du Wei finally struggled to move the wheelchair out of the room, and he yelled at Hussein: Stop! Hussein, you are one of us!!

He yelled at the golden dragon below again: Chris. If you hurt my friend of the moon... Then what? The golden dragon glanced at Du Wei above with squinted eyes. But it still retracted its claws .

Soon, the body of the golden dragon curled up on the ground. In a piece of golden light, it turned into a human form. It turned into an old man wearing a long golden robe, and this old man's face was as thin as a skeleton. There are actually a series of large and small wine jugs hanging under the robe, probably as many as a dozen wine jugs.

Hussein, this is the person I invited to replace you to work here. Du Wei smiled mischievously, and glanced at the paladin who flew back.

Hussein frowned, but suddenly heaved a sigh of relief and nodded: He is very strong.

Well. This kid. Is it a holy rank? Chris smiled lazily, looking at Hussein above: Well, it seems that there are still many holy ranks among humans, Du Wei, Is he your subordinate?

It's my friend. Du Wei shook his head. windward. He clearly smelled the smell of alcohol on old Chris, frowned and said, I think. You should quit drinking.

Have you forgotten what I really look like? Du Wei, for me, wine is just to satisfy the sensory needs of my tongue. But I can't get drunk. Have you ever heard of a soul that can get drunk?

Chris floated upstairs gently, and he looked around. He frowned and said, This is the place you arranged for me? Although the place is not small, it's a bit outrageous. I prefer to live in a bustling place. I've stayed in that damned place for too long, and now I still prefer it to be lively .”

subsequently. Chris was suddenly attracted by the cries of those griffins coming from the wooden shed. His face showed a bit of surprise. Suddenly passed Du Wei and walked directly into the wooden shed inside, when he saw clearly the appearance of the struggling and fearful griffin cubs in the grass nest. Chris took a deep breath. A strange voice came out of his mouth: Tusia?

Tusia? Du Wei froze for a moment.

Well, it's... the language of the Demon Race. Chris' face was serious. Turning to stare at Du Wei: Isn't this kind of thing extinct on the mainland?.

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