Law of the Devil

Chapter 595: The Roar of the Lion Cub

After about an hour of fierce fighting, the human warships finally collapsed under such embarrassing predicament. One by one, the warships were sunk, and countless sailors and sailors jumped into the water----this At that time, they didn't take the initiative to go into the water to meet the enemy--a large number of sailors saw the crisis and had to jump off the boat to survive. For a while, the river was crowded with people, and these sailors swam towards the river bank trying to escape.

However, in this chaos, the hippo orcs hunted and killed human sailors wantonly. Some sailors were swallowed and bitten by the hippo orcs in the water, some were injured and drowned, and some were fleeing in panic. But I forgot to identify the direction, but swam to the north bank! As a result, as soon as they landed, they fell under the minions of the orc wolf cavalry who had already been waiting on the shore.

General Dominguez on the shore looked pale, and he kept yelling and screaming, but he couldn't do anything about the situation on the water.

Seeing that the fleet sank, the entire river was covered with broken ship planks and dead bodies, and the blood dyed the entire nearby river red!

On the surface of the water, the screams of the sailors shook the sky, and the human soldiers on the shore changed their colors.

Although there were some soldiers on the shore who were familiar with water and jumped into the river first, trying to rescue their colleagues, but most of these diving people fell into the prey of hippopotamus orcs. Beast shadows can be seen everywhere on the water, and the Hippo orcs have done their best in this battle!

In this battle, the hippopotamus tribe among the orc tribes was originally just a small tribe with less than 8,000 people, but this time they invested more than 3,000 hippopotamus orcs at one time. Immediately, the water surface in this area became a hell-like death zone.

Before evening, the sun was only slightly slanting westward, but the battle above the river had come to an end. The fleet stationed in the eastern fortress. The eight imperial sea soul-class warships were all sunk!

More than 3,000 sailors died, the water surface was full of corpses, and the color of the river had completely turned into a chilling dark red.

At the end of the battle, the heads of densely packed and terrifying hippo orcs emerged from the river. Thousands of hippo orcs roared frantically on the water, threatening humans wantonly.

The human soldiers on the shore fell into a deathly silence. Many soldiers bit their lips, looking miserable. But watched helplessly as his colleagues on the water were hunted down, while General Dominguez clenched his fists. The fingertip pierced the palm, and the blood was dripping!

In the evening, humans tried to prevent a counterattack, and a brigade of 150 airships was ordered to mobilize. Under the strict order of Dominguez. Immediately went into battle... But what awaited them was a more miserable result than a battle on the water! ! When airships flew overhead, it once boosted the morale of the human army! Those airships painted with the imperial thorn flower totem flew towards the north bank in formation, and the bombs hanging under the airship were like eggs, with a faint cold light.

However, above the sky. A large number of densely dotted shadows soon appeared in the north. From a distance, it looked like a large dense flock of birds.

When they fly close, they show their true colors!

A large number of elves came flying, and those elves used their talented wings to soar in the sky. After approaching the airship. Quickly broke into pieces, and scattered with a bang!

One elf. Flying deftly, holding the bow in his hand, he began to attack the airship skillfully. All the elf archers have magical talents, and thousands of elf archers joined in, immediately bringing disaster to the human airship troops!

In front of the dexterous elves, the airship's bulkiness, slow flight speed, and lack of air-to-air counterattack capabilities are all revealed!

One airship after another seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. After being surrounded by dozens of elves, those elves flickered around like flying flies, and shot out arrows with purple magic light from the elves. The airship and those leather balloons have been thickened before the war, but no matter how thick the leather is, it still looks so fragile under the magic attribute bows and arrows of the elves...

Like sparks blooming in the sky, balloons, after being pierced by magic bows and arrows, exploded under the light of magic power, turning into fireballs one by one.

This group of human air forces are all air forces that have received rigorous training in the Northwest. Many people bravely took up bows and arrows to shoot at those elves, but those dexterous elves flying all over the sky are not so easy to be shot ? Even if they hit it occasionally, the elves are a race born with magical talents. These elves wear gorgeous armor, and those hollow patterns seem fragile, but they often carry some kind of strange magic blessing attribute. Linley's ordinary bows and arrows used by human fighters are difficult to effectively kill them.

A brigade of airship troops seemed to be trapped in a sea of ​​clouds, and the airships were quickly swallowed up one by one. In the sky, after the balloon exploded, some airships turned into a mass of fire, while others After the balloon was broken down, it fell from the sky.

Less than one-fifth of the airships dropped the bombs in a hurry. Unfortunately, the accuracy of this hasty bombing is really not worth mentioning, and it hardly caused much effective damage to the orcs on the ground.

Compared with water, humans lost even more in battles in the sky!

One hundred and fifty airships were wiped out, and none of the airships could fly back! !

More than a thousand air force fighters died in battle. More than half of these dead soldiers died tragically under the sharp bows and arrows of the elves, while the other half turned into flames in the air as the airship exploded. Some, in despair, fell from the sky and died. Some fell from the sky, and even if they miraculously landed on a tree and were temporarily injured and survived, they were quickly captured by the orc wolf cavalry patrolling on the north bank...

By the time the sun went down, the battlefield had already fallen into silence!

The human fleet was wiped out on the river, and the airship troops in the air were wiped out.

Watching this scene blankly, the supreme commander of the eastern fortress, General Dominguez. His face was pale, and finally he swayed, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell off the horse. The soldiers around him hurried up and hugged him.

At this time, the orcs on the north bank began to cross the river! .

On the river, those hippopotamus orcs became the vanguard of building the pontoon bridge. These hippopotamus were huge and powerful. It doesn't even take much effort to just hold the wood and fall into the water. Then, using their natural water properties, they quickly erected bridge piers one by one on the river.

The humans on the south bank still rose up to fight back, the archers continued to shoot, and the catapults also roared. But after solving the human airship troops. Those dense elves flying in the sky. Immediately, he rushed fiercely at the human army on the ground on the south bank! !

These elves, flying like the wind, wantonly plundered the lives of human soldiers with precise and tricky arrows.

Facing the enemies in the sky, the human army finally experienced the horror of the air force for themselves!

On the river, the orcs' pontoon bridges were built faster and faster. Under the influence of the hippopotamus, planks were soon erected piece by piece, and bridge piers stood on the water one by one.

The human army resisted to the death, while the archers had to deal with the elves attacking from the air. On the one hand, they also shot towards the river bank. The infantry raised their shields and formed a phalanx, resisting the arrows of elves flying all over the sky.

From time to time, arrows pierced through the gaps in the shield, and there were screams from soldiers.

The catapults and ballistas of the humans on the shore became the priority targets of the elves. As the catapults were destroyed one by one. And human soldiers, some to protect the ballista. Even the whole person lay on the ballista, using his body as a shield, and some people were directly nailed to the ballista stand by the elf's long arrow!

Even though it was difficult, the orcs still paid a considerable price in the process of crossing the river. During the construction of the pontoon bridge, the hippopotamus who had shown their ferocity in the water battle just now finally came out of the water and were attacked by human archers. Heavy damage, huge hippos one by one, if they are not hidden underwater, then their huge bodies are the best targets for archers to aim at.

Those huge hippopotamuses often have dozens or even hundreds of arrows pierced on their bodies, covered in blood, struggling and roaring in the water...

When night fell, the pontoon bridge was finally built. When the pontoon bridge extended to the south bank, the human infantry immediately ignored the rain of elf arrows and rushed to the river bank frantically. Some even swam towards the hippopotamus in the water. past.

In the shallows, the river water only reached the waist. The soldiers tried their best to resist the rain of arrows with their shields, and at the same time they raised their swords to chop at the hippopotamus.

The competition for the shoal was extremely fierce, and this shoal even turned into a meat grinder! In just one hour, a large number of infantrymen died on the river beach, and the bodies of many soldiers were still floating on the water after death. The scene was extremely tragic. And the Hippo tribe suffered the biggest collision since the start of the war. In the battle to snatch the river beach, more than 300 hippo orcs were killed or injured in the short one-hour battle. He was at an absolute disadvantage with his body, but he swarmed up like a group of ants, with the spear and sword in his hand, stabbing at the enemy recklessly.

The corpses gradually piled up, and the river beach almost became a huge corpse field!

On the shoal, when the first team of orcs stepped on the pontoon bridge built by hippo orcs on the river and finally rushed across the river to the south bank, the bank was almost full of corpses, and there was no place to stay.

Without the warships on the water, on the river, the half-crossing strategy that humans expected before is completely impossible to realize. The only threat the orcs have to face when crossing the river is just human archers shooting—and the strength of human archers shooting is getting weaker and weaker. After all, human soldiers have to face elves from the air .

The first team, the second team, the third team...

Teams of orcs finally rushed to the south bank on the pontoon bridge. During the process of crossing the river, humans launched two desperate counterattacks and once took the south bank back. However, under the counterattack of the hippopotamus, the orcs re-established The bridgehead on the south bank. And as more orcs crossed the river. A thick phalanx formed on the south bank, stubbornly resisting the momentum of humans trying to counterattack.

Finally, when the moon rose into the sky and the stars first appeared in the sky, the morale of mankind finally inevitably weakened.

After fighting from dusk to midnight, human beings paid a heavy loss for three infantry regiments being wiped out, two infantry regiments were maimed, and human soldiers died in the shallows on the south bank. Orc warrior, the corpse of the Hippo tribe. They fell together regardless of each other, and some of them still maintained their fighting posture after death.

The orcs finally gained a firm foothold on the shoal on the south bank, forming a phalanx one by one, tightly split. Hold on tight. There are more and more orc troops in the back, striding forward from the pontoon bridge, rushing to the south bank!

General Dominguez has already mobilized the reserve team of two regiments from the city, but seeing that the general situation is over, he knows in his heart: the river defense line has already been lost!

In fact, since the human fleet was sunk on the river bank, this fact has been irreversible! Without warships, humans lost their water advantage. Then it is difficult for this big river to provide much protection for human defense. With this kind of momentum, even if they can stop the orcs from crossing the river today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... they will always be unstoppable!

General Dominguez's eyes were red. The corner of the mouth was still stained with blood. At this time, even though his heart was filled with grief and indignation. But he had to order the army to retreat—while there is still a chance, he must lead people back to the fortress, and he can only defend the fortress in the future!

If it was delayed any longer, once more and more orc armies rushed across the river and finished reorganizing on the south bank, they would not even have the chance to return to the city if they chased after them with their tails! !

At night, finally, the elves began to retreat first. These terrifying races in the air finally retreated to rest after a lot of fighting. Because, the strategic plan for crossing the river has been completed, and there is no need for them to continue to exert pressure on human beings.

And the orders of the human commander were issued one after another. Even though they were full of hatred and anger in their hearts, the human army had no choice but to retreat steadily.

But at this time, seeing that the human beings seemed to give up on robbing the river beach, the orc phalanx that had already crossed the river came up cunningly!

It seems that the orcs seem to have a huge appetite, not only wanting to occupy the river, but also trying to swallow the human army guarding the river! .

Dominguez immediately sensed the crisis of the situation. At this time, he had to make a decision: a team must be left behind, and then the large army would have a chance to retreat back to the city. Otherwise, I am afraid that the whole army will be firmly bitten to death by the enemy here! But...the army left behind is probably close to death, and there is no chance of survival! !

At this time, before Dominguez issued this difficult order, a general at the forefront of the human army had already understood the situation of the battle. He suddenly ordered the flag bearer to wave the flag, then raised his long sword high and roared. Warriors rushed towards the muddy river beach!

Dominguez was behind, and he saw the flag clearly. The content of the flag was clearly:

Die for the Empire!

The head coach of the eastern fortress recognized the frontline general. He was the commander of the Sixth Infantry Division of the Storm Legion, Major General Fink! This major general is a well-known brave general in the Storm Legion, and is also a well-known young man. He and Luo Yantar, the son of Lord Rostock, the head of the army, have the reputation of Little Tiger and Lion Cub in the Storm Legion. called Tiger Cub and this funk is called Lio Cub!

The two are known as the twin heroes of the younger generation of generals of the Storm Legion!

In today's battle, the division led by Fink the Lion Cub was at the forefront. In the battle for the Disabled People's Federation fighting for the river beach, his division had already been disabled and suffered heavy losses...

Seeing the banner in front of him at this moment, Dominguez knew that it was the young lion cub, General Fink, who had taken the initiative to take on the important task of ending the war! He... is begging to die!

At this time, Dominguez has no time to be sad. As a general, he must bring this army back to the city to garrison!

With an order, the rear army began to retreat in groups and left the battlefield, while the young lion Fink in the front had already used the most daring roar to inspire the morale of the remnant soldiers under him, commanding the remaining soldiers around him. There were not many soldiers, and the orc phalanx that was pressing towards the river beach went up one after another!

This time, no tears! All tears have been burned into blood.

The last reserve team around him has rushed up, and the major general, the commander of the imperial division, is already standing at the forefront. There are no soldiers in front of him, and on the shallows ahead, his subordinates are dying with their flesh and blood. body, firmly delaying the orcs trying to chase there!

Looking around, there were less than two hundred guards left.

The two hundred personal guards are all cavalry - although Fink is the commander of the infantry division, but as the division commander Imperial Major General, the personal guards are all cavalry, which is also his privilege.

There is no time to hesitate now. He grabbed the soldier captain beside him, his eyes were bloodshot, and he issued the last order to him:

Take ten people... to destroy the catapults and ballistas we left behind! Set them on fire! Not even a piece of wood can be left for these enemies!!

The captain of the bodyguard also knew that today was the day of his death, but without any fear on his face, he agreed with tears in his teeth, and immediately led ten people off their horses and lit torches and left.

Fink the cub looked behind him, and the brigade had already left the battlefield under the leadership of Dominguez, and retreated far away towards the fortress defense. He was relieved.

General Fink's young face was full of determination, he knew that he was doomed today--hmph, that Reoenthal, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight him in the future! It's a shame, until now, I haven't been able to distinguish between him and me!

Young Twins? snort! Reoenthal, my lion cub, Fink, is stronger than you! Braver than you! !


He pulled out the saber and held it up high. Fink shouted at the cavalry guards who were less than 200 people around him: Brothers! Today is our death day! Even if we are all dead, but the Sixth Division There is absolutely no shame in the banner! There is only glory!! You are not afraid of death!!

The cry of two hundred people is like tens of thousands of soldiers at this moment: Don't be afraid!!

Okay! Follow me!

The young general laughed wildly, held up his saber, kicked his spurs, and galloped towards the river beach. Behind him, two hundred cavalry guards followed without hesitation, and no one hesitated! ! All the river banks of the Eastern Front were lost, the fleet and airship troops of the Eastern Fortress were completely annihilated, 1,000 airmen and 3,000 sailors were killed, and a division of infantry soldiers died heroically!

As for the young lion Fink, he became the highest-ranking general who died among the soldiers of the empire since the war started.

In this battle... none of the Sixth Infantry Division of the Imperial Storm Corps under his command survived, including the general himself! It continued until the dawn of April 1st!

And on the battlefield, the last slogan is the last cry of the young lion general Fink:

follow me! ! .

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