Law of the Devil

Chapter 611: God’s Punishment Squad

snatch snag snag...

A row of dense arrow rain, sharp arrows nailed to the wooden board, the astonishing movement made the human soldiers hiding below almost have their hearts jump out of their stomachs.

Above the head, those terrifying shadows in the air shone brightly, but they finally receded far away.

In the distance, there are still a few shadows floating in the sky with magic lights. They are human magicians fighting up to resist. Some powerful magicians often fly into the sky to fight back with magic, but elf archers, But it has almost become the natural enemy of magicians! The bows and arrows of the elves have a long range, and the accuracy is astonishing. After the magician flies into the sky, when he casts magic, he can only try his best to deal with the elves. Besides, the number of magicians in the city is only about 20, and it would be too difficult to dispatch hundreds or even thousands of elves to the opposite mansion at every turn. Even the sky above the fortress couldn't be completely protected, so they could only try their best to resist in a few important areas.

Even so, after a few days of fighting, the magician was finally killed or injured.

Fortunately, this is the last wave of today, and it will be dark soon.

A soldier vigorously lifted the thick wooden board on his body, and glanced at the nails full of arrows with his scalp numb.

The arrows used by these elves look very simple, as if they were cut directly from the branches of some unknown plants, but the power is so terrifying...

In the fortress on the eastern defense line, since the river was lost, the human defenders in the city have had a difficult time. The criminals have unparalleled air superiority, those elves with the ability to fly. Every day, they fly to the city at least three times and carry out three waves of air strikes.

As a result, after the humans suffered a lot at the beginning, the defenders in the city, without the ability to counterattack in the air, could only try their best to resist, and the door panels of all the houses in the city had been dismantled. When the elves attacked, the defenders could only hide in groups of three or four under thick planks.

even. When the elves occasionally attacked, the defenders on the city defense had to hide under the dense arrow rain to eat. Despite this, the casualties of the soldiers in the city are still rising, and many people will still be shot to death by the arrows when they are moving around with wooden planks.

Under such circumstances, news of the embarrassment on the eastern front spread to the rear, and the human air force commander, General Andre, also launched two counterattacks. But in the air, the combat ability of the airship was far lower than that of the elves, and after paying two more painful prices, the air force did not send out to die.

Hey, it's time to eat. A cook and soldier supported a wooden board on his back, with a few arrows nailed to the wooden board, and a large wooden basin in his hand. Running back and forth in the city, he distributed the bread in the basin to the hands of the soldiers.

These damned monster races... The soldiers crouched under the wooden boards in embarrassment, gnawed at the bread in their hands, and cursed in their hearts.

It's been three days... By the riverside, the evening breeze blew by, gradually carrying a hint of warmth.

Luoxue's long hair was blown up by the breeze. It squinted its eyes and looked at the human fortress wall in the distance. On that stunning face, there was a somewhat unpredictable expression.

He looked up at the sky. A dense group of elves, shrouded in a faint golden light, has flown back from the sky above the fortress.

It's been three days. It turned its head and looked at the elders of the two elves, and quickly lowered its head: Yes, king. Humans seem to have no effective means of dealing with our aerial attacks. These days, our The archers have killed four of their magicians.

Luoxue nodded, but sighed in a low voice: Killing four magicians is indeed good. Because the total number of magicians among human beings is not too many. But... our soldiers also suffered losses.

Compared to humans, our loss is almost negligible. An elder elf looked up, his old face still had the fair complexion unique to elves, long ears, and a pointed chin. The long hair is also quite elegant: Ordinary human fighters hardly pose any threat to us. Their bows and ballistas are nothing but jokes to our fighters in the air. The only ones that can cause us a little damage , there are only those magicians. Fortunately, their number of magicians is too small. I think...

Luo Xue smiled: Please don't worry about what you want to say.

King. The elder wondered: With the level of human beings, why don't we take this fortress in one go? Since they can't resist our air attack, if we attack by force in one go....

Because of life. Luoxue sighed, looking at the elder, his voice was soft: Our population, among the criminals, is still too small.

As it said that, its eyes turned to the distance, and it said quietly: Even if tens of thousands of soldiers are lost, with the reproductive ability of those orcs, it only takes one year to give birth to more people. But we... Even the loss of hundreds of warriors will take a long time... The birth rate of our family has never been high. It will take a long time to lose every elf warrior...

But it then smiled: Of course, I'm not afraid of casualties. Since it's a war, I don't have such worries. I waited for a few days, and it was just a tentative attack, which is actually gradually disintegrating the fighting spirit of human beings. When we just crossed the river, the momentum of human beings did not weaken much, on the contrary, under the mourning soldiers, their morale increased, probably inspired by the army that finally defended the river beach and killed all the troops. It paused. After a pause, he said with a faint smile: But things like morale are aroused very quickly. After it dissipates, it is not so easy to arouse it again. The soldiers in the city have been repeatedly tortured by us in the past few days. They should have Gone are the spirits.”

talking. It clenched its fists lightly: Break the city, tonight! The Elf King's gaze flickered: Has our... God's Punishment Team arrived yet? Well, let them go out tonight, tomorrow In the morning, we can watch the sunrise from above the city wall.

A definite smile appeared on the corner of its mouth.

The two elders were shocked: Are you...really planning to let them go out? This is not in line with the tradition of the elves! The elves are a proud race, how can we use...

Power is power. If you don't use it, it's a waste. Luoxue shouted decisively: Besides, even if it can save one soldier from my clan from dying, I won't hesitate to use any method!

It stared at the two elders coldly: Pass my order, after sunset, the God's Punishment Squad will dispatch, let them work harder, otherwise...

The two elders trembled and quickly lowered their heads.

Luoxue turned around and continued to look at the city defense fortress in the south, with her hands behind her back, she was silent for a while. But suddenly he said in a low voice: Are you worried? Rohart?

Not far from Luoxue's side, Rohart, who was a prisoner, stood there with a complicated expression, his hands were tucked into his sleeves, and there was a hint of anger on his face.

Rohart was wearing a set of elf-style robes, and he was pretty handsome, if he didn't have the pointy ears of the elves. Then it's like an elf family.

Worried about the fate of your kind? Luoxue glanced at the prisoner who had been by her side for many days: You must really want to go back now and fight with them.

Luo Hart's eyes were serious, and he glanced at Luoxue. His voice was hoarse: You brought me here to see these things and say these things. Why? To torture my heart?

Luoxue smiled, its smile did not have any smoke, and said indifferently: I am not that cruel. It's just... Rohart, you have stayed by my side for so many days. During this time, the arrangements I made, everything The deployment has never been hidden from you, you can see it in your eyes, and you must have weighed it in your heart... Do you think, under such circumstances, can your eastern front be held?

Rohart looked miserable, and he shook a few times. But finally gritted his teeth and whispered: I can't hold it!

But then, he raised his head and shouted: But even if you break through this fortress, the empire will never compromise! Countless fighters of my kind will come forward! Swear to defend our land to the death!

Luoxue was silent, but then he also nodded: This. I never doubt it. However, after breaking through the Eastern Fortress, this is not my strategic goal. It is just a move. I must let your empire understand that our race , have the strength to pose a deadly threat to them!

Then, it laughed again, the voice was sweet, as if it had a seductive magic power:

Whether it's humans, elves, orcs... In this world, any intelligent race is the same: in any race, although there are brave ones, there must be cowardly ones. There are despicable ones. If there are selfless ones, there must also be selfish ones. There are those who advocate war... At this point, it deliberately paused, and said the last sentence: There must also be fear of war! My purpose is to Show our strength! To you humans, show the mighty strength of our sinners!.

As night fell, the soldiers on the city defense finally breathed a sigh of relief. According to the practice of the past few days, these monster races approaching the city will die down at night. They only try to attack the city a few times during the day, and those air strikes in the sky will also be dispatched two or three times.

Faced with enemies both on the ground and in the air, the defenders of mankind, despite all their courage, suffered heavy losses.

As the days went by, this embarrassing situation did not improve at all, as Luo Xue said: morale inevitably began to slacken.

Watching the sun finally set, even the last twilight gradually dissipated, the defenders on the city wall lit torches, and some soldiers who were injured during the day began to withdraw from the city wall to the rear for treatment.

Soldiers in rotation boarded the city wall, guarded the city defense, and carefully watched the enemy's barracks by the river in the distance.

And at this moment...

A loud roar, the sound of that roar, came from afar, piercing the night sky!

The endless howling, in the howling sound, there is a certain sense of oppression that shocks the soul! And then, the whistling sound evolved from one point to one piece! More and more loud and long whistling sounds came, as if after the vibration of the air, the sound directly smashed into people's hearts deeply! There seemed to be some kind of magical power in the voice, and when people listened to it, they immediately felt trembling, and their strength seemed to weaken immediately!

In the city, some mages were resting after fighting during the day, and some took the time to meditate to replenish their magic power. The whistling sound came from far away, and when the soldiers on the city wall fell into panic, the faces of many magicians in the city changed wildly. Almost at the same time, more than a dozen magicians came out of the door, and some of them even flew directly. In the air, staring at the north with a distorted expression...

This voice... this voice...

This sound... is not the roar of some beast! Such a strong momentum, such a strong sense of oppression and power...

This is……

Finally, above the northern sky, a bright light flashed, and then turned into a flame-like light, and then, with that majestic roar, countless huge black shadows, in the night sky, like monsters in the sky, With huge wings vibrating, it soars fiercely toward the human fortress! !

Dragon! Dragon!! It's a dragon!!!

I don't know which magician was the first to see the dark shadows in the sky, and let out a cry of surprise...


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