Law of the Devil

Chapter 618 [Thunder Riding]

Yajin City. Forty miles south of the city.

It was getting dark. The sun was setting. The afterglow is reflected on the land in the north.

This is a small town. It is also the nearest town to Yajin City. Since the fall of the northern fortress, many residents near here have moved south to avoid the disaster of war, and it is already evening at this moment. The town seemed even more silent. Look from a distance. There were only a few pillars of smoke rising in the town. In most of the houses, there is no gun at all, and it looks very deserted.

In order to meet the challenge, the outskirts of this kind of town with a population of only one or two thousand. It is also surrounded by a wall made of fences and earth and rocks - but this kind of earthen wall looks too simple. The highest place is only two meters away. As for the lowest place-I'm afraid as long as the cavalry gallops and sprints. You can jump over it with one jump.

hard to imagine,

This crude fortification,

When war comes,

How much real effect can it play.

But the rest of the residents living in the town. But it seems that because of this simple earthen wall, it has increased a lot of sense of security, even if it is just a little psychological comfort-it is better to have a wall than no wall.

But now, because of the special geographical location of the town. Since Du Wei presided over the front-line military affairs. Three hundred infantry were also dispatched to this town.

Since Yajin City assembled the army. In this small town in the south, under the order of the empire. Some retired veterans who had military experience, as well as some powerful young men also formed the militia in the town, because this road is the main road leading to the frozen forest. close to Northland. It is an area where mercenaries are prevalent, and many people among the people are quite martial-minded. These people mainly help the imperial army stationed here to maintain order, and when the supply troops passing from south to north pass by. Help provide some places to stay, and undertake some simple security work

Now the sun has set. In front of the gate of the village on the south side of the town. Two militiamen in leather armor were leaning against the front of the village and looking from a distance—judging from the leather armor on them. These two people had obviously worked as mercenaries, and their faces were not easy.

Since the fall of the fortress, the area south of the fortress has only one solid stronghold, Yajin City. Other places are open plains. Under such circumstances. Although the enemy will not drive straight in until Yajin City is captured, it is inevitable to occasionally send some wolf cavalry to harass. Even a few days ago, it was faintly rumored. People around have already seen the wolf cavalry figure.

Although the news is not certain, it may be that some ignorant villagers mistakenly saw wild wolves as wolf cavalry. But this kind of news. It still made everyone very nervous for a while.

At this moment, two militiamen. From a distance, I heard a dull sound of horseshoes on the road in the south. I looked up and saw it. On the distant horizon of the road. A burst of dust was raised, and when the two were a little nervous, finally. After seeing the figure and the flag clearly, they were relieved.

is our army.

Fight those monster races of the north. At least one is very simple: It is very easy to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. All human beings are naturally their own army. It is not easy for those monsters to sneak into human territory because of their different races and appearances.

On the main road, horseshoes are flying, dust is flying, and they are gradually entering. A team of war horses galloped. Immediately riding a full-body light armor, and the leader holding a flag in his hand. It was a golden tulip blooming in the raging fire.

Look. It looks like Lord Tulip's cavalry.

The two militiamen immediately laughed. Others raised their hands high and waved as a signal.

And there were less than a hundred cavalrymen in this team, and as they galloped all the way, the militiamen who guarded the gate felt a little different!

Such a team of hundreds of cavalry. Came all the way. I only heard horseshoes coming in front of me. The queue came to a sudden halt. The queue is still neat and meticulous, showing extremely brilliant riding skills and tactical qualities. As for the riders on the horse, each of them was not only wearing leather armor, but also a helmet, and a pair of black iron masks on the helmet. Only a pair of eyes were exposed. These cavalrymen rode on horses. Pause. But it was silent. No one spoke loudly, even after they stopped. Facing only two militiamen, they all maintained a uniform posture while riding on the horse: holding the rein in one hand, but holding down the hilt of the sword with the other! This is a posture that maintains full vigilance at all times.

A hundred riders are in front of him, and the horse has no hissing. The person was silent, but there was a faint murderous aura!

The distance is only about a few dozen steps. The sun had already set, and he was stared at coldly by such a hundred cavalry with iron faces. The militiamen seemed to suddenly feel chills all over their bodies, and they were stunned for a while. I even forgot to say the words.

finally. A cavalryman at the front slowly drove his horse and approached. Under the iron mask. Stern words were issued: We are Tulip family cavalry, ordered to go north. Please open the door!

Ah... oh! The two militiamen woke up with a start.

Then the knight on the horse threw over a rolled wooden cylinder, which was an official marching pass. Two militiamen hurriedly took it and took a look. After verifying it, the one who was a little bolder forced a smile and said, Great! Anyone who can come to help, we welcome you! You are going to Yajin City, and you will be there in another forty miles after passing this town.

talking. He gestured to the archers guarding the wall. Behind the earthen wall, some soldiers in the town were already standing on ladders, leaning against the wall and looking outside.

The gate of the village opened slowly. Imperial infantry stationed here came out to meet them.

And when this group of cavalry approached the people, the militiamen and soldiers in the town were surprised to find an extremely unusual situation:

These cavalrymen from the Tulip family, their horses... so tall!

Although the Tulip family is located in the northwest. Relying on the geographical advantage, they can get a large number of horses from the grassland nearby. It is rumored that the cavalry horses of the Tulip family are also of outstanding quality, but no one expected that they could be so good!

Ordinary horses in the imperial cavalry army, pack horses generally have a body height of more than 1.50 meters. The height of the cavalry's horse is about 1.80 meters, which is already the standard of the elite cavalry unit of the empire.

As for some exceptional war horses. The body height can reach two meters - but only senior officers at the general level can be qualified to ride. .

And this team of hundreds of cavalry. Judging from their attire and weapon configuration. Obviously it's just an ordinary vanguard, all cavalry with ordinary ranks, but their horses...


When the people in the village saw it, they couldn't help but widen their eyes!

These war horses, even the shortest ones. There are also at least two meters or more!! What's more, the body shape may have exceeded 2.5 meters!! The body is thick and huge, and the muscles are as strong as copper and iron, and the limbs seem to contain heavy and violent strength. Judging from this huge body shape and muscles full of explosive strength. These war horses are obviously top-notch, whether they are carrying heavy loads of endurance or sprinting explosively!

Even weirder. These war horses are huge. The horse still wears a metal helmet. The horse helmet was actually in a complete shape, and there was an iron bit at the horse's mouth, which sealed the horse's mouth, and the war horse slowly entered the gate of the village. When passing through the gate of the village. The militiamen clearly heard the heavy breathing from the horse's nostrils. Like the howling wind, these war horses have their eyes exposed. It turned out to be faintly red in color!

no doubt. Each of these one-hundred-man cavalry is a superb war horse! Such horses. in the army. And only first-class fierce generals can ride! And in the Tulip family... can even small soldiers ride such a good horse?!

Among the militiamen in the town. Some used to be mercenaries. No stranger to horses either. After looking at it, I can faintly feel that these war horses seem to have a strange should I put it? Although these horses don't neigh, they seem to be quiet. But in those crimson eyes, there always seems to be a faint and shocking violence!

As if in front of this. Not war horses one by one. But a hundred ligers on chains!

We are just the vanguard, and the big troops are behind. The captain of this team of cavalry jumped off his horse, walked up to an imperial officer wearing an officer's uniform, and gave a military salute.

The officer stationed in the town was stunned.

The cavalry of a hundred men dismounted. Each cavalryman is close to two meters tall, and they are all standard muscular men and strong men.

A hundred people were silent, just using the eyes hidden behind the iron mask. Looking around coldly, those eyes make people shudder.

Ah...oh, yes, we know. The officer finally realized, and asked again: Do you need food?

No, please provide some water. Our horses need water, so we don't need food. The voice of the cavalry captain was still stern: We still have to hurry. His voice was a little stiff. It seems that he doesn't like to talk so much. In the end, he still said two short words: Thank you!

But when the military officer in the town wanted to arrange for a groom to take care of the horses, the other party flatly refused.

Thank you. But no need. Our horses are a little different, and must be looked after by our cavalry.

When the people in the town watched these cavalry collectively come to the water ditch next to the stable. When the cavalrymen took off their helmets and drank water from the same water tank as the horses—these tulip family cavalrymen, who had taken off their helmets and masks, looked no different from ordinary people. Most of them looked young, but these young people. But they are full of murderous spirit! One by one, they are as silent as iron stones, with that oppressive aura. It is felt from afar. I dare not approach.

However, the amazement didn't end there.

When the garrison in the town prepared a large amount of water and fodder, one hour after the arrival of this group of hundred vanguards, it was far away. There was a faint thunderous sound of horseshoes!

Under that deep voice, it seemed that the ground was shaking faintly. Experienced soldiers recognize it immediately. This is a march with a large troop of cavalry. approached here.

This evening, on the road. In the distance, a group of mighty cavalry came galloping. The rising dust blurred the horizon. The cavalry came along the road like a long black dragon. The horseshoes sounded like thunder, and the ground trembled!

This is a cavalry force of ten thousand people. Whether it is the banner or the passing order, it is clear that it is the family's private army transferred to the north by the Duke of Tulip. The passing order has the seal of the Imperial Army, and the procedures are complete.

However, when the later 10,000 cavalry came to this small town, it still caused quite a shock.

This small town is located in the south of Yajin City. These days, the troops who come and go do not know how many times they have passed by. In almost three days, troops from all over the country were ordered to go north to gather in Yajin City. The villagers and garrison here have seen many troops, but there has never been an army as shocking as this cavalry of the Tulip family!

A full ten thousand cavalry, those horses. Without exception, they are all such giant horses that make one's scalp tingle! Even the most well-informed people. It is also impossible to say: Where did so many such strange war horses emerge on the mainland?

These war horses are huge. At first, everyone thought it would be shocking for the vanguard to have a hundred good horses, but they didn't expect it. There are actually 10,000 horses! And the level and quality are even faintly higher!

Some war horses are more than 2.5 meters tall. Breathing, like a beast roaring on the ground!

The army stationed in the town also had a hundred horses, but when the cavalry of the Tulip family army arrived. The war horses of the Tulip family drink from the trough in front of the stable. When those war horses approached, the defenders of the town were surprised to find out. But their own horses seemed to be facing a formidable enemy. One by one cowering in the stable. Some circle around. Restless. Some uttered a low cry of fear, and some shrank their heads, as if a mouse saw a cat...

It is not possible for all the large cavalry to enter the town, but all the soldiers in the town are dispatched. Buckets of ground water were brought out.

These tulip family ground cavalry. It seems that each of them is cold and blunt, and their attitude is also cold, not at all as friendly as other imperial troops in the past.

Even when the soldiers in the town brought water, and occasionally someone accidentally approached their horses, the cavalry of the Tulip family would immediately greet them coldly. Prevent the opponent from continuing to approach.

these guys. Really rude and disrespectful.

Some defenders felt a little dissatisfied in their hearts.

After this army, there was a series of carriages and luggage, but they didn't know what they were carrying, but they were just one cart after another. I'm afraid there are more than two hundred cars.

Only one carriage came into the town, and those cold Tulip family cavalry. When the carriage approached the ground, they all lowered their heads and voluntarily moved out of the way, appearing extremely respectful. .

The shape of this carriage is very luxurious, the black carriage is engraved with the totem pattern of the Tulip family, and each stripe is extremely exquisite.

When it stopped by the square in the town, the car door opened, and the person who got out was a half-old man.

When Made came out. He moved his body hard and twisted his waist. He wore a leather robe half open. But he looked a little uncomfortable.

Sigh. In the past, I used to sit in the coachman's seat and drive the young master. Why is it so awkward to sit in the carriage this time? It seems that my old Ma De didn't have a good life.

He came out. Every cavalry member of the Tulip family around him is at least a lot taller than him. But everyone respected him very much, and stopped his movements from a distance. Stand up and salute.

The officers of the garrison rushed up to meet him. Respectfully said: Your Excellency... Excuse me, are you the commander of this army?

Me? Made was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled: You misidentified me, I'm not an officer. I'm just an old servant, ahem, officer, do you want to see the commander?

talking. He turned around, and with a posture that didn't match his solemn attire, he opened his throat and shouted in a very inconspicuous manner: Hey! Call that kid Al Qaeda here. Someone here wants to see him!

Not long. The commander of this army. In the tulip family, second only to Longbottom, the little two hundred and five Gaida ran over. Gaida is two meters tall and has become more and more robust in the past few years, but his body shape has also begun to faintly resemble Longbottom. - Maybe it's because the food in the Northwest is so good. Although the training is very hard. But the flesh all over his body gradually became uncontrollable.

He looked like a fat man with a height of more than two meters. He looked a little bloated, but his steps were very agile and vigorous. He ran over with big strides and said with a laugh: Mr. Mad, are you looking for me?

Uh... the officer here wants to see you. Made waved his hand.

The officer of the garrison looked up at the general of the Tulip family who was much taller than himself, and opened his mouth: Uh, I just ask you to sign some formalities... um. It's just the practice of the past army.

Gaida nodded. He said in a low voice, Understood, I will sign for you later... He turned to look at Made again: Mr. Made, do you have any orders?

Oh... by the way, I need some wine. Made blinked, and glanced at his carriage: Inside...

Wine? Gaida frowned. Rubbing his hands together, he glared at the defending officer: Do you have any?

Not long after, someone from the town came carrying a barrel of wine. Many people looked at Made and thought: As expected of a wealthy family! Even marching and fighting. You can still drink, if it is other armies of the empire, no one would dare to do so brightly Zhang Yuedan.

Mader was only filled with skin. Drilled back into the car.

We won't spend the night here. The soldiers will go on the road after feeding the horses. Let the vanguard go to Yajin City first. And...

Al Qaeda was giving instructions to the officers beside him, but the guarding officers had already walked over with wry smiles. He took out a document: This... When you signed it just now. It is not written here...

The officer swallowed and said, Please state your army's serial number. Otherwise, the formalities...

Al Qaeda glanced at the officer. He took the document and scribbled a line.

Private Army of the Tulip Family. Independent Guards Cavalry Regiment: Thunder Cavalry!

Thunder ride?

What a weird name...

The defending officer shook his head secretly, but he didn't want to deal with these cold and blunt guys anymore. nodded. Just turn around and leave.


After Mad got into the carriage. Carefully close the door.

The carriage of this carriage is extremely spacious, and it is the innermost part of the carriage. seat. A figure was half leaning there, even if it was half leaning. The slender and strong figure is also amazing.

This man had long, messy hair tied up simply with a single tendon, and his upper body was bare. Exposing a body of strong muscles like steel, the skin also faintly glows with a faint metallic luster.

Dressed up like this, he looks wild

And those eyes. under the mess. Shining light. Also like a unicorn in the wild. Seeing old Made leaning over, he let out a few low whimpers. It didn't seem like a human voice, but a beast's cry.

Okay. Come on, Sebasta. Have a little wine, this is something you like. Made leaned over. Sebasta was still struggling, but when he smelled the wine, he fell silent down. Even though Made got close to him, he grabbed the skin bag and swallowed it.

Made sat beside him, stretched out his hand and patted Sebasta's back lightly, and sighed. With a smile on his face: What an obedient child.

Sebasta seemed a little uncomfortable. Twisted body. But there was a clanging sound - it turned out that his wrist and ankle were tied with a black belt, judging from the texture. It seems to be silk, said to be shackles. But it doesn't look like it, after all, such a fragile thing as a ribbon. How can it be a shackle?

Just on that ribbon. There were also a few metal bells tied, and when the bells jingled, Sebasta immediately fell silent...

It's almost there, it's almost there. Made reassured Sebasta. It's like comforting a frightened child. Wen Yan said with a smile: When you get to the place, you can get out of the carriage to get some air. I know, this journey. You will be bored.

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