Law of the Devil

Chapter 624 Cooperating tacitly (two in one)

In the conference hall of the imperial palace, all the dignitaries of the imperial capital were whispering to each other. Just now His Royal Highness the Regent announced the latest battle report: the content is certainly exciting and exciting.

However, after the reading was finished, when Prince Chen glanced at everyone with smiling eyes, all the bosses, one by one, acted like ostriches, and each of them just sat in their seats, preferring to whisper to each other, as if everyone It was in amazement at the content of the battle report - but no one spoke openly.

Prince Chen smiled, he knew what these people were planning.

The Duke of Tulip presided over a great victory on the eastern front, wiped out more than 40,000 enemies, and recaptured the fallen eastern fortress in one fell swoop. This battle not only saved the empire from the shame and embarrassment of the previous fortress' fall and defeat, but also created a large area of ​​​​the empire south of the fortress. The territory has resolved the crisis. What’s more, such a victory is also the biggest victory we have achieved against these enemies since the beginning of this war.”

After Prince Chen said these few words, he finally set the tone for his evaluation of this great victory.

All of you who were still pretending to be talking in low voices below finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, the big boss has spoken. Since Prince Chen said that this is a great victory and of great significance...then this is considered final!

Speaking of which, if it was back then, such a victory would have something to do with the popular Duke Tulip. The news was revealed. Naturally, everyone was busy and praised. Because at that time everyone knew that Prince Chen trusted Du Wei extremely, and the Tulip family was almost the pillar of the empire that he single-handedly held up. At that time, naturally everyone was willing to do the icing on the cake.

But now... the situation is different.

The relationship between the Tulip family and the royal family has become more and more ambiguous. Under such circumstances, who dares to talk nonsense? God knows it's in Prince Chen's heart. What is the attitude towards the Tulip family.

Let's talk about this big victory. Victory is victory, but no one dared to say anything of praise first - if Prince Chen is upset with Du Wei, you still openly applaud Du Wei, it will be a big inconvenience.

Seeing that Prince Chen first opened his mouth to applaud, the people below hurriedly cheered.

For a time, the hall was full of cheers.

But then, there is always a time when these words of praise are finished. The scene fell into a subtle silence for a while...

Now that we have won the battle. If there is a great achievement, then, logically, it will be a reward.

However, it's okay for others to say, how to reward Du Weidi? ?

give money? Don't be kidding, the Duke of Tulip is already recognized as the richest man in the empire! Even the Liszt family has become a subsidiary of the Tulip family, and the weapon dealer Delan Mountain Warcraft has long been willing to bow down.

Promotion? Du Wei's current official titles include: Admiral of the Empire. Commander of the Eastern Front. Holding the command of 200,000 imperial regular troops.

Further up? How to upgrade? Let him be the commander-in-chief of the theater? Putting such things aside, where is General Rostock? Besides... With the ghost relationship between the Tulip family and the royal family now, let Du Wei go to command the northern theater of the empire, which almost includes more than 80% of the military power of the most elite troops in the empire?

Who dares to say such a suggestion? ! court death!

So, promotion?

Du Wei's title is already a duke! Duke. In theory, it is already the best title that a courtier can obtain. Further up is the prince level. But the problem is. Unless it is a direct line of the royal family, it is impossible to be a prince.

This is troublesome. No money, no promotion, no promotion!

How about a reward?

Some people couldn't help thinking of a palpitating sentence in their hearts:

The merit is so great that there is no reward!

None of you here is an idiot, at least half of your life has been soaked in the big dye vat of officialdom, and none of you is not an old fritter - even a young man like Kamisiro has been raped by the old prime minister Rob in the past two years. Scheer has been nurtured and gradually evolved into a little fox.

Everyone has witnessed the whole process of Du Wei's rise.

Speaking carefully, Duke Tulip, a young man, has brought credit to the empire since he emerged, really...


The astonishing performance on the coup d'etat day, if it can only be said that he has achieved his personal reputation and established a close personal relationship with the regent himself. But then, the contribution he made to the empire was probably unmatched by any courtier since the Augustinian dynasty!

First, he created the Magic Sharing Spirit, participated in the establishment of the Imperial Academy of Magic, and broke the magic union's monopoly on magic in one fell swoop----the imperial government and the magic union have been secretly competing for many years. And the toughness of the magic union caused even the royal family a headache.

With the establishment of the Academy of Magic, the establishment of the Society of Magic, and the promotion of the spirit of sharing magic, the Magic Union no longer occupies a monopoly in the magic field.

This allows the empire to have a way to cultivate magic talents for itself-although in this war, the empire's own magic talents have not shown much effect, that is because the time is too short after all. From the establishment of the Magic Academy to the present, it has only been a few years. Even the first batch of students have only learned magic for a few years, and they have not yet reached a relatively deep level of strength.

But I believe that as time goes by, the role of the Academy of Magic will become more prominent.

Also, after Du Wei went to the northwest, he successfully defeated the prairie people in the defense of Gilliat City. With Du Wei sitting in the northwest, the threat of the prairie people to the empire was greatly reduced-even now among the high-level empire , Some people also vaguely know that Du Wei has intervened in the situation on the grassland. Operate secretly. It was only in exchange for the internal friction among the grassland people. Powerless to look east to the situation.

And... the separatist rebellion war that annihilated the Northwest Army, in that battle, the Tulip family made the first contribution!

And... created an epoch-making air force single-handedly!

And...During the three years of preparing for the war, Du Wei donated at least 50 million gold coins out of his own pocket to support the empire's finances and military expenditures!

As for the other small contributions. It's not listed yet!

Now, he has made such a huge military contribution on the Eastern Front...


To reward or not to reward, that is the question.

How to reward, this is a difficult problem!

The silence of the crowd once again plunged the hall into a weird atmosphere.

Finally, at this time, Camisiro coughed and opened his mouth. Everyone immediately turned their eyes to the young Minister of Military Affairs. Everyone knows. In addition to being a direct descendant who is deeply trusted by the regent, this Camisiro also stands behind the old prime minister. .

Your Highness. Camisiro's voice was clear and frank, and he said calmly: I think it's gratifying for Lord Tulip to defeat the enemy on the Eastern Front, but we haven't reached the point where we can really sit back and relax. According to me I have seen the detailed report submitted to the military headquarters. Although we have conquered the fort, but because of the previous enemy's massive destruction and demolition of the fort, as well as the method of fire attack adopted by Lord Tulip Duke during this war. As a result, we Although the fortress was recaptured, what was obtained was nothing but ruins.

Having said that, he hastily added: Of course, I absolutely do not mean to deny Lord Tulip's contribution at all! It's just that I, as the Minister of Military Affairs, purely from a military point of view. The top priority now is to re-perfect our The defense system on the Eastern Front! It is urgent, and now we are faced with two choices!

Prince Chen's eyes lit up: Go ahead.

Number one. Camisiro opened his voice. In the spacious hall, his confident voice floated: Because the fortress has become ruins, it has no value and function as a garrison site, and it cannot play an effective defensive role. I am afraid that the troops on the eastern front will still have to retreat to Yajin City. We must Mobilize more materials and manpower as soon as possible to further strengthen and expand Yajin City! Make it a new and stable military stronghold on the Eastern Front. The advantage of this option is: Yajin City is an existing city, as long as it is reinforced and expanded, There is no need to invest too much in terms of time, cost and manpower. But the disadvantage is: after all, Yajin City is located in the back. Once our army retreats to Yajin, it is equivalent to giving up the control of the territory north of Yajin City. Moreover, the defense of Yajin City lacks overall effect and can only be regarded as a stronghold. Theoretically speaking, the enemy can bypass Yajin City to harass or sneak attack on our inner territory - although this possibility is unlikely , but after all, the enemies we face are not humans, but some monster races, and we cannot measure them with normal human thinking.”

Everyone who said something nodded.

Especially when I think of those barbaric races, bypassing the frontline strongholds, dividing troops and running to the inner territory of the empire to harass or sneak attack...

Even, theoretically speaking, as long as the opponent dared to risk their losses and send a large number of extremely mobile wolf cavalry to carry out a surprise attack, they might even wander around the imperial capital!

This is definitely not alarmist talk. If the opponent loses thousands of wolf cavalry and wanders into the interior of the empire, instead of seeking strategic goals, just blindly burning, killing and looting...God knows if those barbaric races will do it.

And this kind of thing, although it may not cause real harm to the imperial capital or the empire, once this kind of thing happens, whether it is the turmoil of the people, or the face and dignity of the empire, the royal family will absolutely not allow such consequences! !

It is conceivable that if one day in the future, a group of wolf cavalry suddenly ran outside the city of the imperial capital, burned, killed and looted, even if they were finally surrounded and wiped out by the army mobilized by the empire... But once such a thing happened, how much would it cause? The panic and turmoil of the people? ! If this kind of thing really happened, it would definitely be an extreme shame for the empire!

The second option. Camisiro coughed and said with a wry smile: We must rebuild the recaptured eastern fortress. Because of its geographical location, it is the best in terms of strategic defense! But the problem is. This fortress has almost turned into ruins, the enemy's land was destroyed and the fire was burned, and according to the detailed battle reports I saw, the damage to the northern city wall was particularly serious, and more than half of it was almost demolished by the opponent! Although the fire burned , will not shake the foundation of the building. But it is not an easy task to rebuild.

After a pause, he gave a wry smile: What's more, the enemy is now on the north bank of the river. Moreover, we have lost control of the river! The enemy has control of the river. Once we rebuild the fort—— can As far as I can imagine, no matter how stupid the enemy is, they will not allow us to complete this task smoothly. They will harass and counterattack! The river is lost. Our defense lacks layers, and the enemy can cross the river and directly attack the fortress we are rebuilding …While working, there are people who are constantly making troubles, this kind of reconstruction, just thinking about it, I will feel my scalp go numb.”

He talked eloquently, and at the end, everyone in the hall fell silent. For a while, there was complete silence, and each of them poked their heads to look at Prince Chen.

Prince Chen, who was sitting on the throne, didn't have any other expressions on his face, he seemed to be very calm, and pondered for a moment. Only then did he speak softly: We'll discuss this matter in detail... Let's leave it at that for today. Camisiro stays. The others are all gone.

Except for Camisiro, when the other bosses left. There were still people whispering to each other while walking.

It's just the Minister of Finance, this old man didn't say a word today, after he walked out of the hall, he turned around and glanced at the hall behind him unconsciously, saw the figure of Camisiro who was still staying in the hall, couldn't help but frowned slightly frown.

There was a colleague who had a good relationship with him next to him. Seeing him stop, he smiled casually: Why, did you lose something?

The Chancellor of the Exchequer smiled and shook his head: I was just thinking that our Minister of Military Affairs and the Regent's cooperation are getting more and more tacit.

How to say? The colleague's eyes lit up.

The chancellor shook his head, smiled inscrutably, and left.

Hmph...Camisiro, you interrupted and deliberately used the two choices to throw out such a difficult problem. You used this tricky thing to attract everyone's attention, but you cleverly changed the topic!

The original topic was A big victory on the front line, how to award a reward, but after Camisiro finished speaking, it became The crisis on the front line, how to solve it.

Of course, it's not that some old foxes can't see this kind of trick, but they all cleverly kept silent. And most importantly, it seems that the regent is very cooperative. In Prince Chen's study, Camisiro presented a detailed battle report from his arms. This battle report is much more detailed than the one read by Prince Chen at the meeting. It includes all the details of the war, the start of the war, the stalemate, the final victory, and so on. The level of detail is almost a text broadcast.

Obviously, in addition to the official official channels, in the army in the northern theater, there is also an intelligence transmission channel for the military's own internal secret system. .

What do you think of the new troops that Du Wei created? Prince Chen sat back on his seat: The Griffin Knight?

Camisiro was speechless.

Prince Chen himself laughed first, but the smile was not easy. His voice was full of emotion: This Du Wei is always amazing! He is like a magician, and he took out a hat from his hat. A rabbit, God knows what else he's hiding in his hat.

Your Highness. Camisiro reminded cautiously, Du Wei is a magician himself.

Well, I know. Prince Chen nodded, pondered for a while, and when he raised his head, his face was solemn: Leaving aside the Griffin Knight, we have estimated that this kind of troops is expensive and rare, and it is impossible to mass-produce them. It was his Lightning Cavalry... the cavalry that Du Wei had been hiding all this time, and the fighting power that it unleashed really surprised me.

10,000 Thunder Riders, in a field battle, charged head-on, and beat the orcs to pieces----this was absolutely impossible for any human army before!

Your Highness, are you worried... Camisiro said half a word carefully.

No, I'm just curious. The regent suddenly smiled, and his smile was very calm: Shouldn't I be curious? Du Wei's subordinates have mastered too many strengths that I don't know. Master, it would be strange if I showed no interest at all.

Looking at the regent's calm smiling face, on the handsome face, that smile is as elegant as ever, with wise eyes, exuding a kind of confidence that everything is in control.

Camisiro sighed inwardly, but with a frightened expression on his face, he quickly lowered his head and said, Your Highness, that's not what I mean. What I mean must fully understand it first! I still can't figure it out. How the strange cavalry was formed. Some war horse experts in the military department have also conducted many days of research, but they still haven't figured out how to make this strange giant war horse...

The court magician can't figure it out. Prince Chen smiled: But the only thing that is certain is that it is different from the Griffin Knight... This kind of Thunder Knight, as a powerful army, can be formed in large numbers. !! This is what attracts me.”

Camisiro gritted his teeth: Maybe... we can find a way to check in the northwest...

No need. Prince Chen immediately shook his head and rejected the suggestion, but he deliberately took a deep look at Kamishiro: Are you a little dull too? You actually said such a suggestion. Du Wei's confidentiality measures He has been doing very well, and the Northwest has already become his stronghold, with a deep foundation. We didn't have any news before, so if we deliberately check now, do you think we can hide him? Besides, doing this kind of thing , wouldn't it be chilling?

Camisiro nodded quickly: Yes, Your Highness! I was wrong for a moment.

Prince Chen stared at this direct descendant carefully for a while, with a deep light flashing in his eyes, then the light faded away, and he returned to a relaxed and calm smile: Actually, you don't need to take this matter too seriously. I just I'm just curious. After all, this kind of lightning cavalry with amazing combat power really amazes me... If such a powerful army can be formed in large numbers...

He shook his head again, and took another look at Camisiro: You don't have to have any doubts about Du Wei. From what I know about Du's a good thing that he is willing to show such a hole card openly now. Just imagine, if the country is facing a crisis, he hides such a powerful army and refuses to use it...then this army is not used to deal with the orcs, but who is it used to deal with?

The last sentence was a little heartbreaking, and when Camisiro heard it, he broke out in a cold sweat! !

That's right! An army is built to fight wars! If Du Wei didn't use it to deal with the orcs this time, but hid it... who would he want to use such a powerful army against? !

Against... the Empire? Royalty?

Camisiro stopped himself from thinking about it!

He is willing to take it out, and he is also conveying a message to us in a disguised form: he has no private information.

Seeing what Prince Chen said so easily and calmly, Camisiro closed his mouth and fell silent.

Afterwards, Prince Chen casually confessed a few things, and asked Camisiro to leave the detailed battle report before telling him to leave.

After Camisiro left and the door of the study was closed, Prince Chen leaned on the chair, but sighed deeply. The self-confidence and calmness just now turned into a little worry!

It means that you have no selfish intentions... This is certainly one of your intentions, Du Wei... Prince Chen curled his lips, but said to himself: But there is another intention, which is to demonstrate against show off your strength ?is that so?

Prince Chen squeezed his forehead hard.

Du Wei, in the end, does he know about my condition?

Know? have no idea? Still know and pretend not to know?

(Slightly less today, more tomorrow).

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