Law of the Devil

Chapter 631 Westbound

Muse was out of luck.

As Mrs. Liszt's sister, she was raised as a boy since she was a child - because the Liszt family has no males, in order to prevent someone from ulterior motives, she has no choice. Muse was disguised as a boy since she was a child, but it was because of her gender that she had disguised since she was a child, in order to keep a secret. Naturally, she has no chance to learn to swim...

You know, if you swim, you take off your coat, a girl. How can you pretend to be a man?!

So, Muse...she has poor water skills, or in other words, she was originally the kind of person who entered the water. A landlubber that will sink after a few flops.

later. As the Liszt family merged into the Tulip family, with the Tulip family as a protective umbrella, the family no longer needed a Muse to pretend to be a man. The Muse, who had regained her identity as a girl, also tried to learn to swim, but her water quality remained the same. not good. It's better now than before. It's just a few dog digs. Dropped into the water, barely drowned.

At that time, when he ran away, he didn't think about these things in his heart. When he came to the river, Muse sank when he saw the water.

The others are old mercenaries who have spent their entire lives running in the mountains and swimming in the water. Even Longbottom, although his water skills are average, but Fatty is a master of martial arts after all, even if his swimming skills are not good enough. But he has a strong grudge and can hold his breath, which helps a lot.

Muse will not work.

and. Even more unfortunate is the place where she jumped into the river. In the shallow water, there happened to be a stone - originally it was autumn, although the river had not yet entered the dry period. But the water is much shallower than in summer.

Muse plunged headlong into the river, but just barely died, hitting her head on the rock. Immediately fainted.

Fortunately, the river is shallow in autumn. After Muse fainted. The body could not sink. shallow water. Her body was half exposed on the water, and she was still floating downstream along the way.

At that time, Longbottom and others swam across the river in a mess. Behind him is the wolf knight chasing after him. No one noticed her for a while—the fat man still cared about Muse very much. However, Fatty himself is not good at water, after getting into the water. Just forget to look after the Muse. After landing. It was too late when the Muse was found missing.

Sounds around. Obviously not a human language, Muse could vaguely hear these voices, but she was a little dizzy for a while—just because her stomach was really full, and she moved a little. I could feel water coming out of my mouth.

at this time. Finally, it seemed as if someone came up from the side and kicked Muse fiercely. subsequently. Two long knives stretched out—fortunately, they didn't want to chop her, but turned her body over with the backs of the two long knives, face down.

In this way, Muse couldn't bear it any longer, lay there, opened her mouth and vomited.

She didn't know how long she had been soaking in the river. Constantly spraying water from mouth and nose. I just feel like I can barely catch my breath.

After finally spitting out the water in his stomach, Muse was slightly relieved. But this one wakes up. But even more cold hands and feet - not for anything else, just because she has seen her situation clearly!

Several wolf riders around stared at him coldly. Those wolf riders with sharp beaks and fangs all had green eyes. Some even held long knives with the tip facing themselves. There are still a few who don't know what to say.

Muse's heart sank to the bottom immediately - she felt that she was doomed. look like this. I was captured by these wolf riders. After spending so many days at the front, Muse had already understood. It fell into the hands of these orcs and became a prisoner. Where is there a way out?

What is waiting for me? Being killed is not the most tragic result. The most tragic thing is that these orcs are cannibals! I am afraid that my flesh and blood will become the delicacy of these orcs.

Think here. Muse trembled involuntarily.

Two werewolves approached Muse. He slapped Muse hard twice with the back of the knife, and yelled something loudly.

There is only one thought in Muse's mind: They are going to kill me! They are going to kill me!

Proud Muse, trying to look a little more death than surrender. But she is not the kind of real warrior after all. Although he was desperate at this moment, he still couldn't help but feel a little weak. He wanted to curse impassionedly, but his voice became a little hoarse.

Fortunately. The Muse doesn't know. I fell into the hands of the wolves, but it was a blessing in misfortune!

If it fell into the hands of other orcs. Then it is true as Muse thought. Not only was she dead, but it was a nine out of ten chance. Flesh and flesh will become the opponent's food - although Luoxue has ordered that the orcs are not allowed to eat human flesh anymore, Luoxue is far away on the eastern front. And the Central Front and the West. Orcs eating humans are still happening.

Although the wolf clan is a branch of the orcs, fortunately, they are among the criminals. The wolf clan is an alternative among the orcs. From the relationship. The wolves are very close to the elves. And Domines, the leader of the wolf clan, one of the Big Three. It was also Luo Xue who trusted her very much. so. Falling snow many commands. Most of the orcs in other places will obey others. But here in the wolf clan, it has been extremely resolutely implemented.

Captives cannot be killed at will, let alone eaten. The wolf clan resolutely obeyed these two orders.

Several werewolves stood beside Muse. Under the gloomy eyes and the cold glare of the blade, Muse felt uneasy. Waiting for their final fate.

Time passed by, and what made Muse even more worried was that these guys didn't seem to have the intention of killing him right away—but Muse felt even more disturbed, because there were a lot of rumors about these orcs on the front line. Legend: Legend has it that after they captured human captives. Some orcs will not kill captives with knives, but like to throw people alive into a cauldron and boil them to death!

Muse subconsciously touched her boots, she remembered that there was a dagger hidden in the boots. She didn't expect to kill these werewolves with a dagger and get away - she wanted suicide!

It's a pity that these wolves have already searched for her, and Muse found nothing.

finally. After a while. Another group of wolf riders surrounded them—it turned out that these wolf riders were sent out to search along the upstream and downstream of the river. These wolf riders were divided into two groups to search from the upstream and downstream, but they could not find a place to cross the river. , and then come back to life.

Muse is still restless. A werewolf has already shouted two sentences. Immediately, other werewolves came up and forcibly lifted her up. .

Muse is tall even among women. But these werewolves were all strong and strong, and it took no effort to lift her up.

Muse was casually thrown on the back of a giant wolf. A wolf rider seemed to be carrying a trophy, and then many wolf riders howled and left in a gust of wind.

The bodies of these werewolves and giant wolves were full of stench. But Muse couldn't care less about this.

This group of werewolves quickly returned to the previous forest. All the way around the past. They came to the place where their large troops were stationed.

There are thousands of werewolves stationed here—the number is even more than the mercenaries under Longbottom said before! Muse glanced at it. The number is probably close to 5,000!

What she didn't know was that the pathfinding mercenary under Longbottom didn't misread it, it was just a coincidence. The mercenary who explored the road only saw part of it, and there were two other groups of werewolves, and then they came along the main road.

result. Just in time, I saw Longbottom and the others fleeing. That's why Longbottom and the others were discovered so quickly.

Muse was brought into the temporary camp of the wolf riders, and was thrown down heavily in front of a fire. She was in pain all over from the fall, but suddenly she heard cheers from the werewolves around her.

She turned her head to look. I saw those wolf riders who came back from the same batch as me just now, holding long knives in their hands one by one... they were among my group. The head of the comrade who fell behind and was killed! And the helmet!

Looking at the faces of his companions fighting side by side, Muse suddenly twitched in his heart. Couldn't help but wow, and vomited violently again.

suddenly. The sound of cheering quickly subsided, followed by the sound of steady footsteps. A guy slowly walked up to Muse, and Muse looked up. I saw a pair of muddy boots in front of me. Looking up again, a werewolf was standing in front of him. Those green eyes stared at him coldly.

The whole body of this werewolf. It seems to exude a special aura that is different from others. After it appeared, all the wolf riders around stopped making noise, lowered their hands respectfully one by one, and looked at this guy with reverent eyes.

Muse took a few glances. The werewolf standing in front of her was different from the other black-haired werewolves—its hair was actually brown with a hint of gold—a golden wolf?

Its armor is also much more refined than other werewolves, coupled with its burly figure that is much thicker than other werewolves. It makes it full of the majestic temperament of the leader at first glance.

more importantly. In the eyes of this werewolf, it was not the pure killing and brutality of other orcs, but a faint light of wisdom.

Your name, human.

A string of difficult words came out of the werewolf's mouth, which shocked Muse. This werewolf can actually speak human language!!

When she was in a daze, the werewolf was obviously impatient: Your name. Human!

What Muse didn't know was that the werewolf standing in front of her was the leader of the wolf tribe, one of the three giants among the orcs, Dominus!

As Luoxue's trusted ally, among the Dominus orc clan, the only giant who obeyed Luoxue sincerely. It is an outlier among the orcs, and it believes that it can only rely on the wisdom of the elves. Only criminals can win the final victory in the war of return, so. under its leadership. The wolves have always stood firmly on the side of the elves-this made other orcs very dissatisfied with the wolves.

And because of trust in Luoxuedi. Dominez was also under the influence of Luoxuedi. Learned some human languages.

To fight your enemies, you must first understand them.

Dominez agrees with that. Although its human language is very blunt, it can only go out word by word at present. But I can barely express myself.

Dominez looked at the somewhat sluggish human prisoner in front of him. It can be seen. This guy is a woman.

A female human prisoner of war...

The leader of the wolf clan frowned. It thought for a while. Still decided to kill this guy.

Although it is an order to not slaughter prisoners of war at will. but. This time, my group brought almost half of the elite of the wolf clan. I came here to do a secret order that Luoxue personally ordered!

It thought for a while, and was about to order Muse to be killed casually, when suddenly, it was behind it. Several figures in black robes walked over.

These figures are from the figure. Slightly shorter than a werewolf. There is also a cloak on the robe. He also covered his head underneath.

Several figures came to Dominez's side. Dominez immediately nodded friendly and politely. What did you say for a few decades.

subsequently. A guy in a robe standing at the front gently took off his cloak, revealing his true colors.

Human? Muse almost blurted out. But then. She realized that she had made a mistake.

Although this guy looks like a human being. But it is extremely handsome, especially the pointed ears, which are even more prominent features.


Lord Dominus, this prisoner of war cannot be killed. This elf obviously has a high status. It slowly said in a gentle and pleasant voice: I have a strange feeling... this human being. It seems that there is some aura of our elves on him.

What? Dominez was a little surprised.

I'm sorry. I can't explain the source of this feeling. I'm also surprised. But this breath. It can't be mistaken. The elf said slowly: It's not just me. The few people behind me Every clansman can feel this breath.

Could it be...she is an elf? But she is clearly a human being.

The elf's face was a bit dignified: Perhaps, she has the blood of our elves... It's really strange. Could it be that after ten thousand years, the elves still have remnants of blood in the human world...

After a pause, it slowly said: So. This prisoner of war cannot be killed easily. If she is really a half-blood elf, then I must take her back and let the elf king make a decision himself.

Okay. Dominez respected the elf's opinion: But. For our mission this time, it is not suitable to bring...

She's just one person. The elf smiled: And it seems that she's not very strong, she's just a weak guy. Bringing her alone shouldn't cause too much trouble.

Dominez thought for a moment. Nodded: I respect your opinion, then as you wish..

Muse didn't hear a word of these people's conversations. But what she finally understood was that the other party had no intention of killing her, even. Seems like she's been treated a lot better too.

This group of wolf riders set off again soon. But this time. She was not tied up and thrown on the back of a wolf riding a wolf, but with those elves.

Several elves sat in a strangely shaped car. Pulling the cart are several giant wolves.

The other party didn't tie up Muse, she was just arranged to sit in the corner of the car so casually, and the elves didn't seem to care much about her existence.

The Muse made no attempt to resist. She is no fool. She could feel the strength of these elves. It's not something you can resist on your own.

Moreover, I am still single, I don't even have a horse, and I want to escape alive among thousands of wolf riders... Is it possible?

What confuses Muse even more. Such an army...

A total of five thousand elite wolf riders. Plus at least six hundred elf fighters!

Such a team is heading west all the way!

Walked for about six days. These elves did not embarrass the Muse, and even the Muse could get off the car and move his body when he was resting, and he could identify the direction from the sun. She could clearly identify her own team. It's heading due west!

The evening of the sixth day. this team. Came to the foot of the mountain...

In front of you is a stretch of mountains. Look from a distance. It seems to be endless, the outline of towering mountains. under the sunset...

Muse recognized it immediately. This is Kilimaro Mountains!!

Into the mountain. Dominez said very. Quickly ordered.

This team quietly entered the mountains...

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