Law of the Devil

Chapter 76 It's him again!

The Fountain of Life, in the Treant Race, also has an ancient name passed down from generation to generation: the Fountain of Youth.

This spring water is said to be the foundation of the tree people's inheritance from generation to generation. According to the ancient legend of the tree people, a long time ago, when there were no tree people in this world, a big tree grew beside that spring, and the roots of the big tree absorbed the water from this magical spring, and then ...The big tree came alive and became the world's first treant, the ancestor of all treant races.

Then, the ancestor of the only tree human race in the world felt very lonely and had no companions, so the gods in the sky took pity on it and gave it a natural horn. Blowing this horn can wake up other trees.

After that, there was a race of tree people.

And the biggest function of this fountain of youth is to allow the tree-human race to continue their lives. You know, the awakening of tree people is a long process. Every tree person is awakened by a horn. At the beginning, they were just companions without self-awareness, just a bunch of people who could walk and walk. It takes a long time for moving wood to form self-awareness... not a few years or ten years, but at least a hundred years, or even more.

The problem is that the lifespan of most trees is generally only about a hundred years, and it takes decades for small seedlings to grow into big trees, and then wake up to become companions. At this time, their lifespan is only a few decades left.

But it takes at least a hundred years to go from the companion class to becoming a real tree person. Most trees don't have that kind of lifespan. Wouldn't they all die of old age before they can form self-awareness?

Therefore, this fountain of youth is very important to tree people. All tree people, as long as they come to the spring and draw a little spring water with their roots, they can live forever. There is no problem in living for a thousand or two thousand years. of.

Hearing this, Du Wei couldn't help asking questions again: If you only need to draw a little spring water, you can live for a long time...then how could the real tree people in the past, before the appearance of the evil-eyed tyrant, only There are three or five left? Theoretically speaking, all the 'companion' classes can draw water from the spring and have a long life, waiting for the slow formation of self-awareness.

Wood sighed for a long time, and the last tree man in the world said in a low and helpless tone, Because...the spring

After some explanations, Du Wei understood.

This spring is really... small, or in other words, compared to the tree man's huge body, such a spring is far from enough. The amount of water gushed out was far from enough for the tree man's huge body to enjoy, and it was pitifully small.

According to Wood's gestures, this spring is only about the size of a tree pole. No one knows where the spring comes from. Even this spring sometimes dries up, and once it dries up, it will take a few years before it will come again. Water trickled out slowly.

Sometimes it is there, sometimes it dries up, such an unstable state... In addition, it is likely that a tree person will consume a lot of spring water... Such a state has greatly affected the tree person's inheritance from generation to generation. The reproduction and population of this race has always been kept at a very small number.

In Wood's description, Du Wei accidentally discovered something...whether it is too kind or simple-minded, in short, before the appearance of the evil-eyed tyrant, the canyon was still under the control of the tree man At that time, the tree people never thought of having this spring alone.

They naively think that this is a gift from the heavens and gods, so they are all willing to share this spring water with other monsters in this forest, which makes the spring water that is already scarce become even rarer!

But unfortunately, the longevity effect of this fountain of youth seems to only have an effect on treants. Other monsters, drinking the spring water here, will not have any obvious effect on lifespan, but... there is another magical effect place.

First of all: No matter how serious the injury is, even in the dying state, as long as you take a sip of this spring water, you can immediately bring the dead back to life! This one is enough to make Du Wei's eyes shine.

Second, this kind of spring water seems to have a magic power effect on monsters. Some monsters who drink the spring water will undergo some changes. Simply put, it is advanced. This concept was a bit vague, so Du Wei asked Old Wood a few more words, and Old Wood's slow words couldn't describe clearly, but he mentioned an example that Du Wei was very interested in. .

When Old Wood was young (God knows how old it is by young), the kind and docile treant lived in peace with the monsters around him. He once had a friend, an adult ice and snow wolf. Immediately after that demonic wolf drank a little spring water, an advanced event occurred. A low-level ice and snow demonic wolf actually advanced into a high-level Storm Wolf King.

According to some rough grade divisions made by the Magician's Union on the existing types of monsters, the Storm Wolf King is the final advanced state of this kind of monster of the Ice and Snow Demon Wolf. The Storm Wolf King is a real high-level monster. Possesses all the abilities of an ordinary ice and snow wolf, and is stronger, smarter, and more intelligent... At the same time, it also has a special ability: summoning!

The summoning technique of a storm wolf king can summon all the people in this area according to the size of the area covered by the strength of the magic power... Note that it is all of them, regardless of any type, and their level is lower than that of the wolf king. Become the subordinate of the wolf king and obey its command! In other words, this is an ultimate summoning technique. When an adult wolf king is summoned, all within the range covered by the magic power, whether it is jackals, tigers, leopards, or any monsters, as long as they are lower than the wolf king's level, they will become its subordinates.

It's almost like a monster army... Du Wei sighed.

However, this example also illustrates from the side... the magic of this fountain of youthful youth, which made the light in Du Wei's eyes brighter.

What surprised Du Wei even more is that this spring water even has a magical effect on human beings. Old Wood told a surprising thing, and at the same time explained why this tree man said that human beings Language, and it is also the common language of the Roland Empire.

Wood can speak human language... It's not innate. Du Wei didn't ask whether the tree people have their own language, but at least a tree cannot be born to speak human language. Even human beings have to learn language from The church began in infancy.

Old Wood's human language was taught by a human.

A long time ago... Du Wei couldn't figure out the age of Old Wood. Anyway, it said a long time ago, it should be at least hundreds of years ago. There was a powerful human being who came here. Stayed in this forest for a long time, and made friends with kind and docile tree people. Old Wood's human language is the one who taught it. As a reward for his friendship, Old Wood took that human being to the Fountain of Youth, and let that human taste the magical spring water.

What happened later? Du Wei's heart moved, Is that human being your friend? Who is he? Do you know his name?

Du Wei believes that the human beings who can come to the depths of the frozen forest are definitely the one in a million strong people, and they will definitely not be able to get here without enough strength.

...Let me...think about it... Old Wood thought for a long time, and then replied with some regret, It's been...too But...I...know...he...was...a...human emperor, uh...that's right...was...'emperor', the...word...I...remember...

Not to mention that Old Wood was happy that he had not forgotten this title, but the shock in Du Wei's heart could not be described in words.

The emperor of mankind, a long, long time ago, a strong man who could go deep into the frozen forest!

In the history of the current Roland Continent for thousands of years, the only person who can be counted as the most powerful person and is still the emperor, counting and counting... There is only one person: Aragorn Roland!

Du Wei couldn't help but sigh. Why... It seems that every bizarre and legendary thing I encountered was related to that peerless powerhouse? After a bit of calculation, all the news that can be obtained is basically obtained... Du Wei thought of this, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

The tree people are indeed kind and docile. Old Wood has a simple mind and a docile temperament. He almost didn't use Du Wei's stereotypes, and he said everything Du Wei wanted to know... Although Du Wei sighed that these tree people were too simple , the existence of the Fountain of Youth will definitely arouse the covetousness of everyone who knows it, but at the same time, he can't help but feel a strange feeling for Old Wood's simplicity.

Dear Wood... Treeman friends, Du Wei bowed slightly, and then smiled, I am sorry for hurting your companions. Of course, we are also willing to make compensation. In this way, me and my Companions, you all have some good skills. I sympathize with the experience of the tree people. I am willing to help you deal with the evil evil-eyed tyrant in that canyon. In this way, you can make up for the conflict just now. , what do you think of my proposal?

Now it was Old Wood's turn to be worried. The tree man said something that worried Du Wei...


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