Law of the Devil

Chapter 91 Turning against each other

What is the use of returning the King's Heart?

The old magician didn't say this answer, and his story ended here, and he refused to continue. This made Du Wei very depressed. Whether it was in the past life or in this life, he was a very curious guy. The mysterious story, told halfway without giving an answer, really made him very uncomfortable.

However, the old magician at least vaguely answered one of Du Wei's questions: Our goal is still to go north all the way. Taking you... will be useful when the time comes.


Du Wei gritted his teeth. Anyway, he had already boarded the black ship, so he might as well go all the way to the black ship. Besides, under the hands of such two strong men, Du Wei had no choice.

Although there is a Queen Medusa behind her, Du Wei will not naively think that this Queen Medusa will obey his orders. This beautiful snake, who is so beautiful that it is almost a catastrophe, followed him purely to observe human nature. .So, don't expect others to be your thug and younger brother.

All the way north... what's in the north?

The old magician smiled mysteriously: You will know when you arrive.

If it weren't for the huge gap in strength between the two sides, Du Wei really wanted to take off his boots and smash the old magician's nose hard. Let's see if this old guy would smile so proudly if his nose was flattened. !

In this way, there was one less Dardanelle in the team, but one more old magician.

We have to hurry up. The old magician announced: I set up a magic circle for those guys in the temple, just on the shore of Dayuan Lake. According to my estimation, they want to get out of that magic circle. , It will take two days. And I have arranged some false appearances for them, hoping that they will chase us in the opposite direction.

OK. Let's go!

Du Wei sighed.

The old magician took out the bag that seemed never to be exhausted from his bosom, reached in for a while, and found a whistle, which he held in his mouth and blew for a while... The whistle didn't make any sound, but Hussein and Medusa beside him frowned at the same time.

Obviously, this is another magic tool.

Not long after, there was the sound of running in the snow. Then, in Du Wei's surprised eyes, four strong wolves ran from the snow in the forest!

Ice Demon Wolf! !

Oh! No, no, don't move, don't frighten these little guys! The old magician waved his hands, preventing Du Wei and Hussein from attacking. He walked over slowly, opened his sleeves, and said He muttered a spell that Du Wei couldn't understand. The four ice and snow demon wolves in the snow were as docile as domestic puppies, barked a few times, and obediently bent down on the snow Let the old magician lightly stroke the fur on their backs.

Then the old magician smiled and said: Okay, there are four of us in total, and each of us rides one. This is better than walking on legs.

Riding a... wolf?

Or the Ice Demon Wolf?

Du Wei didn't know whether he should sigh or sigh.

Come here, kid. The old magician smiled kindly, You are the smallest and the lightest... Oh, you just ride it. He pointed to one of the gray-haired demon wolves , seeing Du Wei approaching, the magic wolf suddenly bristled all over its body, let out an extremely unfriendly threatening sound, bared its teeth, and stared at Du Wei tightly.

Are you sure? I'll ride it? Looking at the wolf, Du Wei suspected that if he took a step closer, it would definitely open its mouth and swallow him.

Come here! Don't be afraid! The old magician waved to Du Wei and hugged the wolf's head at the same time. He leaned down, as if whispering something in the wolf's ear. After that, the magic wolf really calmed down and followed me docilely. The old magician came to Du Wei's side.

Although the middle-level magic beast like the ice and snow wolf is not too tall, it is nearly twice as tall as the average wolf. It lay down in front of Du Wei meekly, and Du Wei tried to reach out and touch it under the guidance of the old magician. Touching its back, the demon wolf didn't resist, but lowered its head down and hummed softly.

Okay, it likes you. The old magician said with a smile: Now, ride on, don't move around, I will control where they go.

When he and the old magician entered the frozen forest before, Du Wei had already admired his ability to communicate with animals. At that time, he saw a few snow dogs that the old magician got randomly from nowhere. , but manipulated so freely, even the knowledgeable Du Wei couldn't identify what kind of magic it was...communicating with animals? Haven't heard of any kind of magic that has this kind of ability?

Hussein and Medusa did not need the help of the old magician. Hussein suppressed the wolf with the powerful fighting spirit of the knight. The wolf under him let out a mournful cry, and stood up helplessly and walked with the knight on his back. Feeling slightly dissatisfied, the knight flicked the wolf's forehead lightly with his finger, and it would make it jump in pain.

As for Medusa, it is even more frightening. The top-level monsters originally have the instinct to summon lower-level monsters than themselves to drive them. Medusa sat sideways on the back of a wolf, but the wolf was already frightened. Ming, how gentle and gentle you want to be.

However, Medusa accidentally looked at the old magician one more time. Although she didn't really open her eyes, there was clearly a trace of surprise written on the face facing the old magician.

Your ability to communicate with living beings is very good. Medusa said softly, It's been a long time since I've seen such a purebred virtue like you...

Speaking of this, Medusa suddenly smiled and shut up.

The old magician nodded gratefully. Then he coughed: Okay, let's go!

At this moment, a sharp shout suddenly came from the canyon behind: Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Wait for me!!

Then I saw a gray meat ball rolling out from the entrance of the canyon. It was none other than the Rat Prime Minister, Lord Gargamel.

Gargamel had already taken off that ridiculous prime minister's robe, and covered his gray hair with a

I don't know what kind of animal is fur and fur. It has a funny hat on its head and a small burden on its back. It uses all its limbs to run wildly in front of the crowd, and it lands on it, crying loudly. Your Majesty! You can't just leave poor Gargamel alone! How can Gargamel survive here alone? You know, I'm a mouse now, and I can't return to being a human. The world is over...but you can stay here. The canyon belongs to the treant land again...I...

Even though Medusa is a monster and does not understand human nature, Gargamel has been with her for twenty years and taught her a lot of human knowledge. Hearing Gargamel begging at this moment, she couldn't help sighing slightly, Medusa thought for a while One click: Okay, then you follow.

Gargamel was overjoyed when he heard that, he had already made up his mind to follow Medusa, and he had already packed his things in the luggage behind him. As for the rat people in the valley... let them die on their own! .

Now that I got the consent, I immediately wiped away my tears, but I just looked around, but it was a bit difficult.

There are four demon wolves in total.

Gargamel's body is small and doesn't take much weight. Even if he squeezes with someone and rides a wolf together, it's no problem. But after looking at it, Queen Medusa is too beautiful to be human. And she has been there for many years, Gargamel Where dare to go up and ride with her?

As for the indifferent knight who was about to cut his own neck with a sword at every turn, it was too late for Gargamel to hide from him! If you ride with him, maybe some sentence on the road annoys him, and your gopher head will move.

As for that strange old magician... forget it.

After watching for a long time, Du Wei still seemed the most friendly. Gargamel's mouse walked over with a smirk on his face. He bowed his head and didn't speak yet. Du Wei already understood its meaning, and sighed: Okay, you Come up, should be able to get smaller?

Gargamel nodded quickly. Although it turned into a mouse from a human body, it was also because of drinking the fountain of youthfulness. Naturally, 90% of its magical shape-shifting skills were useless, and it couldn't turn back into a human or other appearances. But At least maintain the shape of a mouse, and it can still be made smaller.

I saw it shaking its body a few times, chanting a few incantations, shaking its body a few times, then shrunk down immediately, and finally became the size of an ordinary mouse. But it was still very fat, round like It's like a meatball. It's just that this appearance is much more pleasing to the eye. It looks a bit like the pet mouse that many girls in Du Wei's previous life liked to raise, and it also looks a bit like a famous cartoon image of Du Wei in his previous life. Japanese animation master Miyazaki's work: My Neighbor Totoro Totoro.

Du Wei picked it up with both hands, and Gargamel's burden was also behind his back, then Du Wei put Gargamel in his coat on his chest, but warned: Be careful not to move around, if you dare Get into my clothes, be careful I will roast you!

Following the old magician's yell, the four demon wolves immediately spread their legs and ran with all their might!

In the boundless forest and snow field, four strong demon wolves ran with all their strength, leaving long strings of footprints on the snow, but after a while, a dark cloud gathered in the sky again, and then snowflakes floated up. The footprints are covered.

The running speed of these demon wolves is several points faster than that of ordinary horses! In addition, the demon wolves are agile, jumping up and down, even if the forest is blocked by dense trees, they can jump on the branches and continue to move forward.

It's just that sitting on the back of a wolf is much more uncomfortable than sitting on the back of a horse. Although the journey was fast, the degree of bumps almost knocked Du Wei's body to pieces.

Fortunately, when he was resting at night, Du Wei could stretch his body to his heart's content, and did that set of movements several times in one breath, before he regained his strength.

When Du Wei was moving, the old magician was watching from the sidelines. After watching Du Wei finish the first time, the old magician sighed: This set of things. Hussein taught you?

Du Wei didn't hide it, and admitted it directly. The old magician's face was a little complicated. He stared at Du Wei for a long time, then sighed, turned and left, and his soliloquy seemed to be heard in the wind:

Destined... Everything is destined. I taught him the first way, and Hussein can teach him the second way... These coincidences are all arranged by fate.

I rode these demon wolves all the way for about four days. During the four days, I ran wildly in the woods during the day, camped and rested at night, and got up early in the morning to continue my journey.

In this way, even though the demonic wolves are much stronger than ordinary wolves. They are strong and have sharp claws and teeth, but such a journey as a coolie is finally unbearable. The four wolves are a little listless. The old magician sees it , on the fifth day. He let the wolves go, and then took out his whistle again.

After he blew the whistle this time, it wasn't the magic wolf that he summoned, but with a rustling movement, a big hole collapsed in the snow's inner surface! Immediately, a ground that was as big as a big bed crawled out from the hole——


Seeing such a huge giant spider standing in front of it, gently shaking off the snow and ice from its body, its thick eight-legged claws were covered with a thick layer of yellow hair! Circles of black stripes were exposed on the bulging belly, and its face... After Du Wei took a look, he almost didn't dare to take a second look!

This giant spider actually has a human-like face! It's just that it seems to be distorted, and the facial features are a bit misplaced. After opening the mouth, there are two huge teeth!

The old magician jumped onto the spider's back like no one else was there, and then lightly pressed on the spider's head, closing his eyes...

After a while, he wiped his sweat lightly, and said with a smile, Okay, come up...all come up.

Gargamel in Du Wei's arms was trembling with fright, its teeth were chattering: The Evil Faced Spider Queen! God! This is an Evil Faced Spider Queen!

Evil Faced Spider Queen?

Du Wei frowned, and he couldn't help but get goosebumps!

Du Wei, who has learned a lot of knowledge about monsters along the way, once heard the leader of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group, Beinrich, mention several high-level monsters. Among them is this evil-faced spider queen.

It's a horrible and disgusting thing. They... they to be precise. This spider grows

Under the deep ice under the ground, and often after the male and female spiders mate, the female spiders will eat the male spiders. Therefore, all spiders that can grow to a large area are female spiders, so they are called spider queens.

This kind of monster lives under the ice and snow, and it has infinite strength. It can easily tear the ice that is harder than metal. Their bodies are covered with a hard shell! If you want to know how hard it is... There was a record in history that several fifth-level warriors slashed with their swords with all their strength, but they couldn't hurt it at all.

At the same time, they also have the instinct of spiders: spinning silk and forming webs!

The spider silk of this kind of monster is extremely tough, and it can't be cut with a sword. It is several times stronger than an iron chain, and it carries a deadly dissolving venom! Once the prey is entangled on this spider web, the venom will immediately invade the body, and then the whole body will quickly dissolve!

That's not counting. This kind of spider has another powerful ability, that is, they can spread a poisonous mist!

This is a kind of weakening magic that has been strengthened several times. Once this kind of spiders face the enemy, they can disperse the poisonous mist and make the enemy weak several times. Whether it is magic or martial arts, it will be weakened a lot. And, also With a strong penetrating power... Even if you hold your breath, the poisonous mist can invade your body through the sweat pores of your skin.

And what makes it disgusting is the eating habits of this kind of thing.

When catching prey, they will not kill the prey immediately, but paralyze the prey with venom and keep the prey alive... They will not bite or gnaw the prey, but this long growth grows in their mouths The long and sharp straw-like thing can penetrate the prey's body, and then... suck! .

Suck blood, brains, bone marrow...all liquid or semi-liquid things!

Even the prey paralyzed by the venom can still maintain a clear consciousness when being sucked, but the pain will be much lower... Will watch this monster suck its own body fluids!

Moreover, this kind of spider monster is a kind of guy who likes to storage. They don't eat their prey at once, but eat half... keep half! Often after the prey is sucked a lot of liquid, they will be stored in a cocoon-like state wrapped in spider silk... Even, after a period of storage, the prey is still alive!

I don't know what kind of skill the old magician used to be able to attract and drive such high-level monsters, but obviously he is not as easy as controlling those magic wolves before.

Heaving a sigh of relief, the old magician looked at Du Wei who was in a daze, and said with a smile, What's the matter? Boy, are you afraid? Well, this guy is very obedient, come up quickly.

Du Wei endured the nausea and climbed onto the spider's back. The yellow hairy tentacles on the spider's back made Du Wei feel sick again and again, but after he sat down firmly, he smiled bitterly: I said, can you not make it next time? Such a disgusting thing? Can't you summon four more demonic wolves?

Demonic wolf? The old magician smiled: Boy, look here! This is already the northern part of the frozen forest! All the monsters that can move here are magic beasts, and there is no land here at all! Can you find such a master? Dude, you've been lucky.

Seeing that Hussein sat down next to Du Weidi without saying a word, Medusa hesitated a little... It seems that snakes don't like spiders either.

Gargamel was still hiding in Du Wei's arms and shivering. Du Wei couldn't help but mutter: What method did this old guy use to drive these monsters...

Just before Du Wei finished mumbling, a familiar voice suddenly came from the depths of his heart:

You can't guess? You can't guess?

Du Wei almost called out!


Semel, who couldn't be contacted for so many days, finally responded!

Semel survived by relying on Du Wei's spiritual power. At this moment, there was no need to talk, and Semel's voice fell directly into Du Wei's brain clearly word by word in the spiritual world tightly in his mind.

In vain you have read so many books, claiming to be the most knowledgeable member of the Luo Lin family. Why can't you turn around in this matter? You always think it's a kind of magic, why don't you think about other things out of magic? Way? Let me tell you, this ability to manipulate creatures is not a magic at all, but a very famous thing... Have you guessed it?

Manipulate creatures... Manipulate creatures...

Du Wei's eyes suddenly lit up!

Indeed. This is indeed not any kind of magic!


Du Wei peeked at the old magician, and suddenly remembered a sentence that Medusa almost said that day!


De what?

druid! !

Only druids, this magical race, can have this ability to be close to nature and communicate with all creatures!

However, Du Wei has read in the literature that on this Roland continent, the name Druid is already a historical term. This magical race was extinct a long time ago.

But nothing is absolute.

Hey. Du Wei thought of this, and suddenly smiled: Old guy... I suddenly thought of it. You are a druid, right? I didn't expect that you are a druid! The race of druids Isn't it extinct?

There was no surprise on the face of the old magician, he gave Du Wei a cold look, as if he didn't care, and said in a low voice: Guess? Huh, did Semel tell you? Otherwise, it's up to you You kid, how can you guess? I’m afraid you don’t even know what a Druid is! Stop shouting, everyone here knows what I am except you!”

Sure enough, Medusa had recognized the true face of the old magician a few days ago, and Hussein also had a calm face, obviously he knew it a long time ago.

The only one that I don't know until now is probably Du Wei alone... Oh, and maybe the mouse in his arms.

The old magician's eyes lit up suddenly, and his face showed a bit of excitement: Saimel communicated with you? Can you ask her to come out... Sigh, why doesn't she want to see me?

Du Wei was also thinking about the relationship between the old magician and Semel. He asked a question in his heart, and Semel's answer was also a little dazed: I don't know... I probably don't know him. But not only do I know something. I just feel so against this guy.

Refuse, as if you don't want to get close to this guy.

Du Wei shrugged his shoulders, and before he could speak, the old magician had already guessed something when he saw Du Wei's face, and he sighed: Forget's not surprising that she doesn't want to see me. But, I want her to come out and take a look... look at this place! We used to come here together back then!

As soon as the words fell, Du Wei felt a sudden gust of wind behind him, and then Semel's hand was on Du Wei's shoulder. When Du Wei turned his head, he saw Semel standing beside him Behind the ground, her silver hair looks extraordinarily elegant in this icy and snowy place. She is dressed in red and barefoot. She just floats in the air, staring into the distance.

The old magician saw Semel, with an excited expression on his face, and took a deep breath: are willing to show yourself after all!

I don't know you. Samel looked into the distance with a blank face. He shook his head and said, I'm not the Samel you know either. Besides, I've never been here... But, why Is the sense of familiarity in my heart getting stronger and stronger?

Hussein snorted, hugged his long sword and closed his eyes to rest his mind, while Medusa didn't say a word, just faced the direction where Samel was standing, frowning in silence (although Samel looked like an ordinary person) It is invisible, but Queen Medusa doesn't need to look at all, she can already sense that there is one more person here.)

Although this kid said that you are not Semel, but a magical creature... But I feel that this may not be true. The old magician stared deeply at Semel: You feel about this? Familiar... for real? What does that feel like?

A stern look suddenly appeared on Semel's beautiful face, and this stern look flashed through her eyes. Her bright red robe was suddenly rolled up in the cold wind, and she shouted: I don't know! But All I know is that when I stand here, I suddenly hate you very much! I suddenly feel that I hate you so much in my heart... I can't help but think... think... want to kill you!

As she spoke, she raised her slender fingers and pointed at the old magician. A layer of frost had covered her pretty face, and a slight chill came out from her fingertips, which was faintly mixed with lightning!

Hahahahahaha!! The old magician laughed long and loudly. Then he looked at Semel's fingertips: Look! Look at your fingers! Do you still dare to say that you are just a magical creature? A pure spirit It is impossible for a magical creature to use magic! Look between your fingers! What is that! Isn't that the star magic you used back then!!.

Semel couldn't help being stunned when she heard the words. She lowered her head and looked at her fingers, the bewilderment in her eyes became more intense, and she couldn't help but tremble: I...what's going on...I, how can I use magic? ?”

Du Wei sighed.

Use magic? This woman has used magic more than once or twice along the way, and one of them almost killed Hussein. It's just that the previous two times seemed to be insane, but now, she is in a sober state.

Semel... The voice of the old magician suddenly softened, and there seemed to be something called tenderness in his eyes, and he whispered: I don't know what happened to you, But I believe that I can figure it out, let me help you recover your memory, okay?

No! Semel suddenly changed color, and shouted: I don't want to restore any memory! I am not the astrologer Semel you said! I am me, I am a magical creature! Old guy! Don't bother me !

After speaking, Semel waved his hand and disappeared with a whoosh.

Du Wei and the others fell into silence, all with strange expressions.

Only Gargamel, who was in Du Wei's arms, suddenly managed to get a mouse's head out, squinted his eyes in the cold wind, and asked curiously: What did you just say? Who did you talk to just now? What Semel? What do I think? not see?

But it seems that no one will pay attention to the curiosity of the mouse prime minister. Du Wei stuffed it into his coat casually, then turned to look at the old magician, his eyes flickered: I said, how many things do you have left? Tell us, old man?

When you know it, I will let you know. The old magician's expression was a little gloomy, and there was even some pain in his eyes.

So, what about Semel? She is now connected to my spiritual power! I don't care if she is the real Semel or a magical creature, I think I need to know something about her.

Okay. The old magician thought for a moment.

His expression was a little haggard, and the pain in his eyes became more and more intense, and he sat down slowly, sitting on the spider's back. At this moment, he seemed to be ten years older.

Sammel... the old magician said in a deep voice, I knew her a long time ago... well, more than two hundred years ago. At that time, she was still a famous female astrologer in the mainland .”

Then what?

The old magician laughed suddenly, his laughter went from low to loud, and he looked at Du Wei with a strange look in his eyes: Boy, you are such a smart person, didn't you even guess it?

He patted his mage's robe lightly, and said with a sneer: Semel, originally a pure master of astrology, who doesn't know the slightest bit of magic...but suddenly he can comprehend a set of magical star magic by himself! Could it be? , don’t you think it’s strange? Huh, you’ve learned a little bit of Starry Sky Dou Qi now, don’t you think it’s strange to hear the name Star Magic? Don’t you even have any associations?”

It's because I thought of it that I need to ask you for confirmation. Du Wei said coldly.

Sammel... She was such a simple woman back then, a genius who was obsessed with astrology, a female scholar who wanted to speak a lot about astrology. And then she suddenly realized the star magic... Actually... The old magician pointed to his nose: Actually, the truth is very simple! She is the same as me, and she is also the descendant of Aragon! We were supposed to be companions, but later... turned against each other!.

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