Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 484 Void Hunter

On August 10, the sixth year of Golden Banana, the snowstorm in Lierte Forest lasted for more than a month and finally began to gradually weaken, and the heavy rain in the south also began to have a tendency to stop.

Just as Newton Einstein speculated, the turmoil that took place in the Golden Banana Federation is finally coming to an end.

For this world, the more prosperous the region, the more severe the disaster will be.

System compared several planes and some continents. The Golden Banana Federation suffered the most severe disaster and lasted the longest.

Even on the relatively undeveloped plane of the original Koslin kingdom, the tornado natural disaster lasted for a full twenty-nine days before it came to an end.

In comparison, the changes in the world of the mighty Kauz Empire, another continent on the other side of the Warren Plain, only lasted for seventeen days.

Like the Golden Banana Federation south of the Warren Plain, the Kauz Empire was devastated by torrential rains and floods.

Because there were no geological experts from the Golden Banana Federation, and no federal executive power, although the torrential rain in the Kauz Empire was only half that of the Golden Banana Federation, it was washed away by floods and destroyed countless towns, causing countless casualties.

But the washed-up towns were only the beginning of the disaster, for the plague was already raging in the Kauz Empire as the dead rotted in the river too late to clean up.

And after natural disasters, there are man-made disasters.

In some respects, the heaven and earth changes that came with the arrival of the saints have given some backward regions a chance to catch up.

At this time, the Kauz Empire is facing the problem of alien invasion. The barbarians in the south of the Kauz Empire are eager to move, and the Western orc kingdom suppressed by the Kauz Empire has already begun to loot the Kauz Empire in the flood.

When the Kauz Empire was strong, these alien races were honest, and now the Kauz Empire has been ravaged by disasters, it is a weak period.

Coupled with the threading of the saints, war inevitably occurred.

According to Kino's analysis, it is now August, and two months later, Kauz's farmland is almost dead. Under this winter's famine and cold, the mighty Kauz Empire is likely to fall apart.

Of course, this world is a magical world, and powerful extraordinary beings can easily defeat a thousand with one, and may also have some special means.

Just like the dragon beast technology of the Dragonborn Empire, the Silver Armored Corps and the blood race technology of the Silver Empire, and the alchemy field of the Kauz Empire also has high achievements.

It is impossible for the Kauz Empire to have potions like Bigu Pill, as well as magical medicines for the treatment of plagues and injuries.


In the same face of the flood, the Golden Banana Federation, through its super high execution power and the super efficiency brought by the network, should relocate the people, and hide if they should hide, and some important cities were also rained by spellcasters. Ditches for flood drainage were built.

Although it cannot be said that there is no loss, many factories and large granaries in the federation have been submerged and destroyed, and individual citizens of the federation have lost their lives due to the flood, but the federation can fully bear such losses.

The aliens around the Golden Banana Federation are no different.

The harpies have no intention of flying out of their territory at all; the ratmen of Warren Plains are still shivering in their mouseholes; Banana Commonwealth.

As for the murloc kingdom in the southern sea, it is still being squeezed by the Golden Banana Federation.

Due to the disaster, the wonderful potions provided by the Kauz Empire have been greatly reduced, while the potions provided by the Federation have not been affected, and the attitude of the murlocs towards the Federation has been much better.

Now the Federation is instigating the murloc nation to counterattack the Kauz Empire.

The murloc warriors could not go ashore, but the Federation was planning to cause a tsunami near the borders of the Kauz Empire, filling the back of the dying Kauz Empire with a large rock.

The problem that the Golden Banana Federation is currently facing is that the number of void monsters continues to increase, far exceeding other continents by dozens of times, and occasionally there will be transcendent, even legendary void monsters.

However, these Void monsters that appear are prompting the rise of a new profession in the Federation - Void Hunter.

In fact, under the impetus of System, this kind of disaster is already developing towards the industrial side.

The transcendent rank enchantment slimes cultivated by System are still relatively rare, but the mind slimes of the magical rank and the spiritual slimes of the transformation rank already have a large number.

These slimes are extremely restrained against Void monsters, and even leapfrog challenges are easy.

Because all the cells of the spiritual slime have [data template] and [intelligent module], as long as System gives permission, these spiritual slimes can be controlled by anyone.

After discovering the Void monsters that kept appearing in the Federation, System also made this business cooperation model of selling spiritual slimes for the people of the Federation to raise and then recycle them.

In this way, the trouble of void monsters endangering the world can be solved, and secondly, the number of his spiritual slimes can be increased.

It seems that the effect is not bad now. After these days, System has sold more than 100 spiritual slimes, and more than 40 Void Hunters have traveled around the world according to the clues on the Internet.

System also launched a new software for these Void Hunters to prevent these Void Hunters from receiving the same information and crashing and reducing efficiency.

System knew that this was still due to the inconvenience of transportation in the sky and earth mutation, and the number of Void Hunters would further increase after the day and earth mutation ended.

And the speed of his cultivation of spiritual slimes will be further accelerated.


Also on August 10th, System's slime friends successfully devoured the fantasy-level Void monsters.

As System had guessed before, because he participated in killing this void monster, his title was strengthened, and [Blessing of the World] was successfully upgraded to a legendary ability, and it seemed to give him a stronger fortune.

But System still did not understand the so-called fortune.

However, it didn't take long for the [Blessing of the World] to be obtained, and the snow in the city of golden bananas gradually decreased, and the changes in the world began to decrease.

Maybe this fortune really has some use.

Without thinking too much, System watched his two legendary rank spiritual slimes.

Two days ago, two enchantment slimes that devoured dozens of the same kind of enchantment slimes finally completed the mutation and grew into a legendary rank by eating the monsters of the fantasy rank.

In addition to inheriting the enchantment slime that can be spiritualized as armor, this new spiritual slime has also acquired some characteristics of the void monster and has a space ability.

It is not a short distance spanning space like Mantis Kainan, nor is it breaking space barriers like Kun, but after a brief guide, it teleports like a teleportation array.

This type of slime is also named the Shift Slime by System.

If System and Little M didn't control them, these slimes would use their teleportation ability unconsciously, and occasionally teleport to System's office.

But it is a pity that if System deliberately ordered the transition slimes to teleport, these slimes could not complete the teleportation. In just two days, System did not find any solution...

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