Leading The Whole Village To Apply For Online Loans And Build A Financial Tazhai Village

Chapter 66: This Is How You Use The Yellow Wax Stone At Twice The Price?

Boss Dai was furious. He thought that he was the most powerful local boss in Jiangcheng. When had he ever suffered such humiliation?

People in the underworld would have to show some respect to him.

However, this remote place in a poor village actually messed with him again and again?

It was okay for Lin Dong at the beginning, he was just one person.

Even if he suffered a little loss, it would not affect his foundation.

But Boss Dai never expected that after this guy ran away and returned to his hometown, he not only did not restrain himself, but became even worse!

It's okay for you to take advantage of him, but you also took the whole village with you. What does this mean?

Do you think I, Boss Dai, am doing charity?

"How much money did you lose this time?"

Boss Dai suppressed his anger, his eyes fell on the bespectacled henchman, and his voice was low.

When he heard Boss Dai's voice, the bespectacled henchman trembled slightly and trembled at this moment.

He hadn't seen Boss Dai get so angry for a long time!

This gave him a very bad premonition.

Because whenever Boss Dai gets angry like this, he will do something extremely crazy.

I still remember the last time, he left Jiangcheng with hundreds of people to cause trouble for the forces in the neighboring city.

That time, a large-scale fight broke out directly, which directly alarmed the local police, and they sent a large number of armed police to suppress it.

Is Dai going to go crazy again this time?

Thinking of this, the bespectacled henchman said tremblingly:

"Seventy...more than seventy million!"

"After the discovery, there were only more than four million left in the account.

When the bespectacled henchman found the abnormality and closed the system for review, it was too late.

More than 90% of the funds in the account had flowed out, and the remaining four million was almost the same as nothing for Dai.

You know, there are thousands of people in Tazhai Village.

Under their simultaneous operation, the money was emptied in less than a day.

The money was spread out among them, and it was only tens of thousands of yuan per person on average.

When Dai heard this, he suddenly became quiet, his eyes red.

The anger was accumulating, like the calm before the storm.

"Go, call the skinny monkey over."

"Let him call all his brothers back. "

After a while, Dai Lao Da spoke to the bespectacled henchman in a slightly hoarse voice.

What he wanted to do was self-evident.

The bespectacled henchman trembled and wanted to persuade him again.

After all, Wu Ji Ge had been arrested, and the company was in a very dangerous situation.

In addition, all cities have been carrying out anti-gang and anti-evil operations recently. It is not easy for the company to hold on until now without being hit by 953.

If Dai Lao Da went to trouble Tazhai Village at this time, there is a high probability that something will happen!

"Boss, calm down 2

The bespectacled henchman was about to speak out to dissuade him, but Dai Lao Da suddenly became furious!



Dai Lao Da slapped the table hard, and the loud noise instantly scared the henchman in the office.

The bespectacled henchman was so scared that he collapsed to the ground, his face full of fear.

At this moment, Dai Lao Da's forehead was bulging with veins, his eyes were red, and the whole person was like a demon crawling out of hell.

Seeing this, none of the henchmen dared to speak again, and they all ran out of the office.

"Lin Dong, right? Tazhai Village, right?"

"You dare to mess with me, Dai Yong, from a remote place?"

"Even if I have to pay another 7,500, I will still take care of you!"

"Otherwise, I won't be called Dai!" Boss Dai was furious, and threw the water cup on the table fiercely, making a loud noise. Soon, Shouhou received the news from his henchmen, and immediately gave up his business and rushed back without stopping. After receiving the news, his henchmen gathered together immediately. Here. The police station in the town is particularly lively today because the big boss of the Ancheng police is here! "Hahaha, it's a great job!" "This group of people roamed all over the country, and even the police in major provincial capitals couldn't catch them." "I didn't expect that they would be arrested in a town in our Ancheng this time!" In the police station, Jiang Zhengyi, who was wearing a white uniform shirt, was speaking, looking very happy. Chen Feng's arrest of the criminal gang this time involved a lot of things! This directly involved a large criminal group in Jiangcheng! The police in Jiangcheng have always wanted to eradicate that criminal group, but the other party has taken too deep roots and its power is everywhere in Jiangcheng! It is really difficult to uproot it. And this group of people is likely to be the key to eradicating this criminal group!

"More than 20 people, half of them are on the wanted list!"

"I will report when I get back, and you will definitely get the second-class merit!"

Jiang Zhengyi said with a smile, and he was so happy in his heart.

Chen Feng has made me proud. If he can use this as a clue to eradicate the criminal group in Jiangcheng, it will definitely be the first merit!

When the meeting is held, I will be able to stand up straight!

"We can get something this time because we received reports from enthusiastic citizens, so we can know their whereabouts in advance."

"Otherwise, I guess we can't stop them in advance, and we may let them run away."

"So, leader, I want to apply to the city to award the honor of a good citizen to the reporter!"

Chen Feng said this with emotion on his face.

He knew very well that this time such a big gain was all Lin Dong's credit.

If he got this honor, he must not forget Lin Dong.

Therefore, Chen Feng asked Jiang Zhengyi for instructions, hoping to apply for the honor of a good citizen.

At that time, it will be sent to Tazhai Village together with the bounty for wanted criminals!

"Is that Lin Dong, a villager of Tazhai Village, whom you mentioned before?"

"He deserves the award for helping the local police catch a gang of more than 20 people!"

"I will recommend him to the city when I get back and try to apply for it."

Jiang Zhengyi nodded slightly and answered without much hesitation.

It is precisely because of the help of these enthusiastic citizens that the police can solve cases quickly many times, and the rewards that can be obtained must be obtained.

After hearing this, Chen Feng immediately showed a look of joy.

I immediately brought the brewed tea over and said with a smile:

"I am here to thank the leaders on behalf of the whistleblower!"

If Lin Dong can get the Good Citizen Award, it may attract the attention of the city.

Tazhai Village is the poorest town in the town. If it can attract attention, it may change the current situation of Tazhai Village.

In any case, Tazhai Village is also a part of this town.

As a native of the town, Chen Feng is naturally willing to seek benefits for his own people.

After taking the tea from Chen Feng, Jiang Zhengyi suddenly showed a serious expression and said:

"Although you have made great contributions, you must not let your guard down!"

"Once these people are handed over to the Jiangcheng police, they will probably take action soon."

"You must manage public security well. If there are fish that slip through the net and cause an impact, I will definitely hold you accountable!"

The criminal group in Jiangcheng is very large, and the number of people involved in the scattered cases is estimated to be very high!

If these people start to flee, it will inevitably spread to the surrounding cities.

And Ancheng is separated from Jiangcheng, and it is very likely that someone will flee here, and even affect public security.


"Please rest assured, our town police will never let any criminal go!"

At that moment, Chen Feng patted his chest and promised.

After seeing Chen Feng's determination, Jiang Zhengyi nodded slightly, showing satisfaction.

After that, he explained the handover work with Jiangcheng, and then prepared to go back.

He had to hurry back to write a report and report this deed.

Otherwise, how to apply for the second-class merit and good citizen award?

And Chen Feng's heart has long been a little impatient. Whether it is the second-class merit or the good citizen, it is the honor of the town!

He is proud to win honor for his hometown.

At this moment.

Lin Dong naturally didn't know about Chen Feng's efforts to win honor for himself in the town police station.

Lin Dong didn't know that the strongest local boss in Jiangcheng hated him and wanted to make trouble for him.

At this moment, Lin Dong was in the warehouse with a group of people, selecting yellow wax stone!

Yellow wax stone, like jade, is not all valuable.

Lin Dong hired some people to select yellow wax stones with good color, water head and transparency.

When Zhong Hong's marketing comes out, these yellow wax stones will be transformed into Huanglong jade, and their value can be directly multiplied by a thousand times!

As for the remaining ones, Lin Dong will also find a way to deal with them and prevent them from flowing out.

Because things are rare, the fewer the number, the higher the price of Huanglong jade.

For this reason, Lin Dong will offer a high price and buy out all the yellow wax stones in the town!

"Dongzi, this is the purchase order for the past few days."

"Take a look, if there is no problem, you need to sign it."

At this time, Lin Wenshan came over and handed the order in his hand to Lin Dong.

Now that the investment company has been established, it is natural to formalize it.

Lin Dong naturally cannot do many things himself, so he asked Lin Wenshan to be his assistant.

Lin Dong took the order and looked at it. It was a variety of expenditure orders for purchasing yellow wax stones.

After looking through it and finding no problem, Lin Dong signed his name.

"Dongzi, is it really okay for us to buy the yellow wax stone at this price?"

"It's only been a few days, and we have already spent more than three million!"

"The company's funds have been reduced by half!"

Looking at Lin Dong who was signing, Lin Wenshan showed a trace of worry on his face.

In his opinion, more than three million is already an astronomical figure!

In just a few days, he spent money that he could not earn in his lifetime!

And the yellow wax stone he hoarded was worthless.

He has always believed in Dongzi, but watching the money disappear like water, coupled with the increasing number of rumors in the village recently.

It made him a little unconfident.

"Uncle Wenshan, don't worry!"

"Within three months, these yellow wax stones will allow us to double our profits!"

"I promise!"

After Lin Dong signed the order, he showed a confident look.

Now the yellow wax stone has been prepared, and Zhong Hong's marketing team and packaging are almost ready.

Just waiting for the Jade Expo to start.

It can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is missing!

After hearing Lin Dong's confident tone, Lin Wenshan felt a little relieved.

He then looked at the piles of yellow wax stone, still a little puzzled.

"But Dongzi, isn't it too extravagant to buy yellow wax stone like this?"

"We can talk to the quarry in Xiaoheishan and let them supply us directly."

"In this way, the price can be much lower."

Since the news that Lin Dong bought the yellow wax stone at double the market price spread, the stone dealers in the town have become even more crazy!

The purchase price of yellow wax stone is not high, and Lin Dong gave double the market price.

In this way, the profit is very substantial.

In just a few days, almost all the yellow wax stones in the town were sent to Tazhai Village by stone dealers.

Even the Xiaoheishan quarry was contracted by them, and they were sent here as soon as they were mined.

Lin Wenshan was very puzzled by the practice of middlemen making a profit from the price difference.

After listening to it, Lin Dong shook his head slightly, and then responded:

"That's too troublesome. If we go there ourselves, it will take a long time."

"And we don't have that much time to do something."

"The double price is to monopolize all the yellow wax stones. The less yellow wax stones there are on the market, the higher the value in our hands."

"After all, things are precious because they are rare!"

Listening to Lin Dong's explanation, Lin Wenshan suddenly understood a little.

Because Lin Dong's price is high enough, there is almost no trace of yellow wax stone in the town now.

And Lin Dong hired people to pick out the yellow wax stones with good color, water head and transparency, and discarded the others.

This further makes yellow wax stone more scarce!

In this way, the price of yellow wax stone will be higher at that time!

This is not the truth that things are valuable because they are rare.

"So that's how it is."

"Dongzi, you came back from a big city, so you know more about these things."

"With you leading the investment company, we can all rest assured."

Lin Wenshan smiled, and his heart was full of expectations for the future.

With Lin Dong leading everyone to make money, Tazhai Village will definitely be lifted out of poverty in the future and lead the villagers to the road to wealth.

The first batch of villagers who invested in the Tazhai Investment Company established this time were only more than 70 people.

The total amount of funds raised was about 5 million. On average, each person invested about 70,000 to 80,000.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lin Dong directly invested 2 million, accounting for about 30% of the company's shares.

In this way, Lin Dong has control over the company.

Then why doesn't Lin Dong directly hold more than 51% of the shares?

That's because if he holds more, then when the profits are distributed, the villagers will earn less.

And the original intention of Lin Dong to establish an investment company is to help the villagers make money.

There are other channels for making money, not in this investment company at all.

In addition, there will be a second batch of villagers to invest in the shares [and they will be redistributed at that time.

Lin Wenshan heard Lin After Dong's speech, he regained his confidence.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and asked again:

"Dongzi, those yellow wax stones with good color, water head and transparency have been picked out and are waiting for the price to rise."

"What do you plan to do with the remaining yellow wax stones?"

Those yellow wax stones with good quality only account for almost one ten-thousandth!

And the vast majority of the remaining ones will be disposed of.

But even those that are left are bought at twice the market price!

What should be done with these?

"Those are useless."

"It just so happens that the village road is too bad, so let's use it to repair the village road!"

After hearing this, Lin Dong said casually without blinking.

After hearing this, Lin Wenshan opened his mouth wide.

This is the yellow wax stone bought back at twice the market price!

You use it to pave the road?

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