Leading The Whole Village To Apply For Online Loans And Build A Financial Tazhai Village

Chapter 82: The Plan Failed, Lin Peng Was Bitten To Death By A Tibetan Mastiff!

Today, Tazhai Village is particularly lively because it is the day of ancestor worship. As the saying goes, Chinese people have the custom of respecting their ancestors. Since ancient times, Chinese people have had the custom of worshipping their ancestors and continuing the incense to show filial piety and remember their roots. And Tazhai Village is a village with a strong clan concept, and it attaches great importance to ancestor worship. Anyone with the surname Lin in Tazhai Village must prepare tributes and participate in ancestor worship activities on this day. Even those who have left the village and are temporarily unable to return from other places will also offer sacrifices on this day. It can be seen how important this day is to Tazhai Village. Early in the morning, several trucks entered Tazhai Village. When the villagers saw what was loaded on the trucks, they immediately showed surprise. Because it was full of pigs!

"What's going on? Who bought so many pigs?"

"Who wants to get rich by raising pigs? It's such a long time, and you still want to get rich by raising pigs?"

"That's right, I haven't even invested in the investment company yet, I'm making money quickly with Lin Dong!"

"Wow, there are three trucks, how many pigs are there?"

Just when the villagers were talking, Lin Dong came.

He was wearing a black Zhongshan suit, glasses, and his hair was slightly tidied.

Just kidding.

Today is the day of ancestor worship, and it's my first time hosting an event, so I can't mess up my image.

Lin Dong looked at the villagers with surprised expressions, smiled slightly, and then said:

"Fellow villagers, since I became the new village director, I haven't given you any benefits."

"I decided to give you some small benefits during this ancestor worship activity."

"So I directly booked the pig farm in the town, and these pigs will be available to every household!"

A few days ago, Lin Dong said that this ancestor worship activity should be held more grandly.

Ancestor worship is not only about remembering the ancestors, but also "three, five, three" to ask the ancestors for blessings and bring good luck to oneself.

Since it is to ask the ancestors to bring good luck to oneself, good tributes must be arranged!

And it can't be less!

So, Lin Dong decided to arrange a pig for every household, so that the tribute will be there.

And this is just a small amount of money for Lin Dong now.

When the villagers knew about it, they immediately showed joy.

They came forward to register to receive the pigs, and in the process, they were even more excited about Lin Dong praised!

"Wow, the village chief has made such a thoughtful arrangement!"

"One pig for each household, this is really generous!"

"Since Lin Dong came back, the conditions in our village have really been getting better and better."

"Yes, in the past, there was no such thing as ancestor worship. It was good enough to have a pig for the ancestor worship activities. ”

“Brother Dong is really generous!”

As the villagers spoke, they were filled with emotion. The changes that Lin Dong brought to the village were really huge!

If there was no Lin Dong, it is estimated that Tazhai Village would still be the same as before. How could there be such a big scene?

Lin Dong saw that the villagers were all smiling, and he couldn't help but smile.

Seeing that Tazhai Village was gradually changing under his efforts, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

What no one noticed was that among the people who transported the pigs to Tazhai Village, someone had already set his sights on Lin Dong!

It was Feng Yuxiu!

In fact, the smell of pigs is particularly strong, so in order to cover up the unpleasant smell, the people in charge of transportation wore masks.

Feng Yuxiu was hidden among these people and it was difficult to attract people's attention.

These pigs are Lin Dong asked Lin Wenshan to go to the town to buy it, which was not a secret.

Many people in the village also knew about it, and when Lin Peng knew about it, he immediately informed Feng Yuxiu of the news.

The next thing was much simpler. Feng Yuxiu went to the pig farm and said that the order was too large and he was a temporary worker hired by the boss, so he easily got away with it.


"There are too many people, we can't do it here."

Feng Yuxiu was very calm. After observing the situation on the scene, he had no intention of taking action now.

If he took action now, he would be sure to kill Lin Dong!

But if that happened, he would probably be out of Tazhai Village.

After all, many villagers had gathered here after hearing the news of the pigs being collected, and many more were on their way.

"Don't do it here, go to the village committee!"

At this time, someone suddenly came to Feng Yuxiu's side and whispered.

It was Lin Peng.

While everyone's attention was on collecting pigs, Lin Peng took Feng Yuxiu away.

"The place where Lin Dong spends the most time every day is the village committee."

"And there are not many people in the village committee. As long as we find an opportunity when Lin Dong is alone, it will be easy to succeed!"

Lin Peng took Feng Yuxiu on an empty path, his heart pounding and extremely nervous!

What was he doing?

This was murder! It was illegal!

Even if he didn't do it himself, he was an accomplice!

Just thinking about this, Lin Peng's legs were a little weak.

He wanted to kill Lin Dong many times, but that was just a thought. When he really came to this step, he was still very scared.

But since it has been done, it must be done to the end!

Just when Lin Peng was feeling guilty, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

This sudden action almost frightened Lin Peng to jump up!

Turning around, he saw Feng Yuxiu staring at him.

Feng Yuxiu's indifferent face suddenly showed a smile and said:

"Don't be nervous."

"I was the one who killed Lin Dong, why are you panicking?"

"You will easily attract other people's attention if you do this!"

Feng Yuxiu seemed very calm, after all, he did this kind of thing more than once or twice.

The psychological quality is naturally quite strong.

Lin Peng looked at Feng Yuxiu, took a few deep breaths, and finally forced himself to calm down.

Then he continued to take Feng Yuxiu to the village committee.

Because everyone was walking towards the village entrance, Lin Peng and Feng Yuxiu walked through the alleys and basically didn't meet anyone. However, just when Lin Peng and Feng Yuxiu were about to reach the village committee, they were seen! "Lin Peng?" "What are you still doing here? Go to the village to get the pigs!" The villager was excited and wanted to pull Lin Peng to the village entrance to get the pigs. When Lin Peng saw that he was discovered, his whole body stiffened and cold sweat broke out on his back! He was already guilty of being a thief, and his legs softened at this moment, and he almost couldn't stand! "Who is he?" At this time, the villagers saw Feng Yuxiu behind Lin Peng, and couldn't help showing doubts, and asked Lin Peng. Feng Yuxiu looked at the frightened Lin Peng, and immediately said: "I am delivering pigs. The boss asked me to send this list to your village committee. "It needs to be checked at that time." "I don't know where your village committee is, so I found someone to take me there." As he said, he also showed a list he picked up at random. When the villagers heard this, they immediately showed a look of realization.

"If you have something to say, you should have said it earlier!"

"No, I have to go get the pigs quickly, otherwise they will be gone if I go too late."

After saying this, the villager hurried away.

It's not that the villagers are not vigilant, they just don't think so much.

In this peaceful era, who can think of someone premeditated murder out of thin air?

Seeing the villagers leave, Feng Yuxiu's eyes fell on Lin Peng, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

This guy is really a waste!

I haven't done anything yet, but I'm already so scared!

If I keep it, if the police find out, it will probably hinder me.

Let's just get rid of it together when the time comes!

Thinking of this, Yu Xiu's eyes suddenly showed a murderous intent!

"Let's go!"

The next moment, Feng Yu Xiu returned to his original appearance and urged.

Lin Peng was almost scared to death, and only after Feng Yu Xiu's reminder did he come to his senses.

Soon, Feng Yu Xiu arrived at the village committee, and then found a place to hide in advance.

"You hide here first."

"I'll find an opportunity to lure Lin Dong here alone later."

"When you take action, no one will know about this!"

Lin Peng hurriedly explained, and then left quickly, ready to participate in the next sacrificial activities.

The next things went smoothly. After the villagers received the pigs, they left and went home to deal with them.

Then it was the sacrificial activities!

The villagers came to the ancestral hall together, and the ancestral worship activities officially began.

The ceremony was quite complicated, with fine wine and delicious food, tributes, etc., followed by burning incense, worship, etc.

Before the start, someone needed to read the prayer, because Lin Dong is now the village chief of Tazhai Village and has made great contributions to the village, so he has enough prestige.

So this ancestor worship activity was hosted by Lin Dong, and naturally Lin Dong also came to read the prayer.

Soon, Lin Dong finished reading the prayer and burned it.

Then the villagers came forward to burn incense and offer tributes.

Their faces were all solemn and pious, asking their ancestors to bring them blessings.

Lin Dong looked at the villagers and wanted to check the time, but when he touched his pocket, he found that he didn't seem to have a mobile phone with him.

Then he remembered that his mobile phone seemed to have been left in the village committee office.

"Why do I feel that my memory is getting worse recently?"

Lin Dong muttered, and planned to go to the village committee to get his mobile phone.

Not far away, Lin Peng was thinking about how to fool Lin Dong, and then he saw Lin Dong walking towards the village committee.

This made him immediately look happy.

"I was thinking about how to let you go, but I didn't expect you to seek death yourself!"

"Then you really can't blame me!"

After seeing this scene, Lin Peng's mouth corners slightly raised, and he felt very excited.

After bowing three times to the ancestral hall, Lin Peng still felt a little uneasy...0

"No, I want to see Lin Dong die with my own eyes!"

"I can't sleep if he doesn't die!"

Thinking of this, Lin Peng gritted his teeth, his eyes were fierce, and he also walked towards the direction of the village committee.

As he said, he couldn't sleep if he didn't see Lin Dong die with his own eyes!

Here, Lin Dong came to the village committee office and saw his mobile phone on the table.

As soon as he picked it up, he heard a slight movement behind him.

The moment he turned around, he saw a cold object stabbing at him.

Lin Dong's pupils shrank, and he quickly avoided the evidence.

With a body in his early twenties, he reacted very quickly and narrowly dodged the dagger!


Lin Dong fell to the ground, and when he saw Feng Yuxiu and the knife in his hand, he immediately reacted!

Damn, in this Tazhai Village, there is actually someone who wants to harm me!

Feng Yuxiu was slightly surprised to see that Lin Dong could actually react, and immediately waved the next page.

Lin Dong saw this, and quickly rolled over and ran out!


"Is there anyone? Hurry up and help!"

Lin Dong shouted while running, calling for help.

He knew that this guy was definitely not someone he could handle alone!

Feng Yuxiu chased after Lin Dong, and when he saw him do this, he immediately became anxious.

Hurry up and make Lin Dong shut up forever.

At this moment, someone nearby actually heard Lin Dong's voice and ran over.

"Brother Dong!"

The man saw that Lin Dong was in danger and rushed to help.

This was a young man who had just become an adult and was younger than Lin Dong, but when he saw that Lin Dong was in danger, he was not vague at all!


"Lin Ze, don't come over, hurry up and find someone!"

When Lin Dong saw this thin young man, he cursed in his heart and shouted quickly.

But Lin Ze obviously didn't listen to Lin Dong's words, and rushed up to wrestle with Feng Yuxiu.

How could the thin Lin Ze be Feng Yuxiu's opponent?

If he continued like this, he would probably be stabbed to death!

Thinking of this, Lin Dong was about to go back to help, but at this moment, Lin Peng suddenly appeared and blocked his way.

"Lin Dong, you must die today!"

Lin Peng's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he was like a madman!

He held an iron rod in his hand, blocking Lin Dong's way.

At this moment, Lin Dong suddenly saw the knife in Feng Yuxiu's hand piercing Lin Ze's abdomen.

"Lin Ze!"

"Lin Peng, you want to hurt me?!"

"Get the hell out of here!"

Lin Dong was furious, his adrenaline surged, and he kicked Lin Peng directly.

Lin Peng was about to swing the iron rod, but he was kicked to the ground unexpectedly.

After passing Lin Peng, Lin Dong did not go to Lin Ze's place, but went straight to somewhere.

He was very calm and knew that this was the only way to save himself and Lin Ze.

Feng Yuxiu put Lin Ze on the ground, and seeing Lin Dong was about to run, he quickly chased after him.

After arriving at the place, Lin Dong opened the door of a room and suddenly stopped.

Feng Yuxiu chased after him, and when he saw Lin Dong stop, he immediately sneered and said:

"Do you know you are going to die, so you don't run anymore?"

At this time, Lin Peng also caught up, holding the iron rod in his hand, and ran straight to Lin Dong.

"Why are you talking so much, just kill him quickly!"

Lin Peng was very anxious, he had to kill Lin Dong quickly and then prepare the scene.

If someone found out, he would be finished!

Lin Dong turned around and looked at the two people in front of him. He didn't say anything, but took out a whistle from his pocket.

Lin Peng and Feng Yuxiu were stunned when they saw this scene. Before they could react, Lin Dong had already blown the whistle.

Then, more than a dozen black shadows rushed out of the house behind Lin Dong!

That's right!

This is where the Tibetan mastiffs are temporarily living!


The ten Tibetan mastiffs were very fast, and they ran directly towards Feng Yuxiu and Lin Peng.

The black mane trembled when running, and the momentum was very scary!

When Feng Yuxiu saw this scene, his scalp numbed and he turned around and ran.

And Lin Peng was already scared silly, and the whole person was stunned in place, and was directly thrown to the ground by two Tibetan mastiffs and bitten!

The intense pain came, making Lin Peng scream very shrilly!

His face was full of fear, he wanted to struggle, but he had no strength to deal with the two Tibetan mastiffs.

One of the Tibetan mastiffs bit Lin Peng's neck and easily bit the fragile neck!

Lin Peng saw his blood gushing out from the aorta with his own eyes, but he had no way to stop it.

Soon, he could no longer make any sound, his vision gradually blurred, and finally died.

When Feng Yuxiu, who was running away, saw the eight Tibetan mastiffs chasing him, his face suddenly changed. .

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