Since it is an NPC, Jiang Yichen can understand why the behavior is a bit strange.

He has his own system, so it is understandable that the people around him behave strangely.

"How about this, let's compete in the next mock exam, and the loser will buy ice cream for everyone."

Jiang Yichen naturally accepted the task, and not only that, he simply proposed a condition. According to the logic of general novels, there should be some bets. It

's not yet completely autumn, and the ice cream is just right.

Hearing this, the classmates in the class also became interested.

If it was a matter between two people, it would not be their business, and they would just watch the fun.

But with this bet, no matter who wins or loses, there will be benefits, and naturally there will be a lot of noise.

"Okay, but someone should not be too embarrassed to lose."

Chen Hao replied.

Pan Yun came back at this time and hurriedly took Jiang Yichen's shoulder,"Old Jiang, you are crazy, he usually scores more than 110"

"Don't worry." Jiang Yichen shook his head with a smile,"I can kill him in seconds if I learn it casually."

"Yeah! I see, this is a strategic contempt for the enemy."Pan Yun nodded when he saw him speaking so casually.


Jiang Yichen was too lazy to pay attention to him, but took out the long-forgotten calligraphy practice copybook.

His handwriting was average. Although it didn't look like chicken claws, it wasn't very pretty either. The characters looked good individually, but they were not very pretty when written line by line.

Now he doesn't have many problems with Chinese. Unless he loses points for subjective questions, all other knowledge is like a revelation, and he is not afraid at all.

The only thing that deducted points was that the handwriting was not very good-looking.

Well, just spend some time practicing.

The copybook in his hand was bought in the store. When he bought it, he thought that he must practice his handwriting well. He bought the regular script that was more pleasing to the eye. It has a taste of Jianghu style.

But when he really used it, he found that he couldn't practice it well at all, and finally it was pressed at the bottom of the book and gathered dust.

He opened the copybook and found that he had practiced two pages, and the rest was blank.

After observing for a long time, Jiang Yichen began to copy it himself.

"Lao Jiang, are you planning to practice calligraphy again?"

"Write twice"

"I think you should just forget it. We are all in the third year of high school now. How can we practice calligraphy? Just write it well enough so that the examiner can read it clearly."

Pan Yun really doesn't like practicing calligraphy. His handwriting is very plain. If he writes slowly, it can still be seen as a decent one, but if he writes quickly, it is simply like a ghost painting.

"I'm different, I'm a genius."

Jiang Yichen shook his head and continued writing.

He didn't know if it was because he was a soul from his previous life that he had a deeper understanding of how to write well. After just a few minutes of writing, Jiang Yichen heard the system's continuous learning crit sound.

【Ding! Learn to hit 88 times…】

【Ding! Learn Critical Hit 97 Times…】

This is amazing! With such an awesome critical hit rate, Jiang Yichen feels that he will become a famous calligrapher in a few more days!

He can even make a copybook.

In just five or six minutes after class, Jiang Yichen felt that his understanding of calligraphy had obviously deepened. His experience in the weight, connection and movement of the pen had greatly increased!

Originally, he was just copying, but when Jiang Yichen came to summarize his progress in calligraphy during class, he found that he had reached the E level!

【Calligraphy (Hard Pen): E-level (432/1000)]

With this level, Jiang Yichen can basically write decent characters.

Jiang Yichen used this Jianghu style to write a poem,"Once you have seen the sea, all other waters are but puddles; except for Mount Wushan, all other clouds are but mists." A quick glance at it shows that it actually has a smooth and flowing feeling!

Jiang Yichen smiled smugly. With the system, he could really learn anything quickly!

In the future, no matter who wants to compete with him, it would be like looking for death.

Mock exam, right?

That would be a great opportunity for me, Jiang Yichen, to become famous!

----₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑----

In the next few days, Jiang Yichen spent some time studying the course during class, and ate and played during normal times, and did not spend too much time studying.

But even so, Jiang Yichen's various attributes increased significantly!

Host name: Jiang Yichen

Age: 18

Knowledge and skills: D level (ordinary)

--Language: D-level (1564/10000)

--Mathematics: D level (376/10000)

--English: Level E (768/1000)

--History: E-level (889/1000)

--Geography: D-level (3741/10000)

--Politics: E-level (560/1000)

--Others: Omitted

Life skills: E level (weak)

--Cycling: D-level (6789/10000)

--Cooking skills: E-level (56/1000)

--Writing: D-level (35/10000)

--Others: Omitted

Art skills: F level (dismal)

--Singing: G (8/10)

--Calligraphy (Hard Pen): E-level (432/1000)

--Others: None

Jianwu Skills: G-level (weak)

--Basketball: F (63/100)

--Others: None

The main reason is that the knowledge and skills have increased very fast, so Jiang Yichen sometimes can't keep up with the speed of learning critical hits.

Except for a few who spent less time and had low critical hit luck multipliers, the others have reached D level.

But he also felt that with the progress of learning to D level, when he read the high school books now, there is basically no big increase in the multiplier, that is, Chinese, the multiplier is basically less than 10 times.

Jiang Yichen estimated that if he wanted a high multiplier, he must find university or even more advanced books to read, so that the multiplier can increase. What surprised him was that his riding skills increased rapidly without him noticing.

Because he rode a bicycle to and from school and home, plus the level of the electric donkey in his previous life, it was almost flying.

Now Jiang Yichen can easily ride home even if he lets go.

And tomorrow, it will be time for the mock exam.

This is their first mock exam since the third year of high school.

The purpose is to feel everyone's bottom line. It is expected that in another month, all the third-year courses will be completed, and then it will be a comprehensive review and mock exam.

Everything is for the sprint to the college entrance examination.

Although the overall performance of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School is much worse than that of No. 1 Middle School, the school still attaches great importance to the college entrance examination. After all, the admission rate also means the teaching performance, and even affects the financial support of the county.

"Hey, do you remember the bet?"

Just when Jiang Yichen was about to leave, Chen Hao came over arrogantly.

Beside him, Zhang Ya was just about to leave with her bag on her back.

Jiang Yichen sneered,"Just prepare the money."

"I've been prepared for a long time," Chen Hao took out two red bills from his pocket."But you, don't be unable to come up with the money when the time comes."

Pan Yun was unhappy,"Isn't it just a matter of two hundred yuan? I paid for Lao Jiang, and I think the money should be handed over to Zhang Ya first, so that no one will be reluctant to give it and make excuses."

Zhang Ya looked innocent,"What does it have to do with me?"

"You are the living committee member, so I'm sure you will keep it safe."

Pan Yun giggled, and while speaking, he took out 200 yuan and stuffed it into Zhang Ya's hand without saying anything.

Zhang Ya said with a smile,"Okay, then I'll keep it. When you buy it later, you boys can help carry it."

While speaking, she took the money from Chen Hao's hand without any hesitation.

"Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, there will be drinks."

Jiang Yichen was very calm and not worried."Thank you for the warmth sent by Lao Chen."

"It’s hard to say who will win or lose!"

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