Pan Yun was really impressed by Jiang Yichen.

They had clearly agreed to take the driving test and learn swimming together during the summer vacation.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yichen learned to drive in just one day. With the help of"cigarettes", the coach readily arranged consecutive exams for him.

Now there are only subjects one to three, which means that Jiang Yichen can complete the driver's license test in 4 days at the fastest.

At this time, Pan Yun was still practicing subject two hard!

The same goes for swimming.

Mingming learned swimming with him and had the same coach.

But then, Jiang Yichen basically mastered the swimming skills in less than half an hour.

While he was still learning to hold his breath, Jiang Yichen was already swimming in the water.

【--Swimming: E grade (33/1000)】

""Coach, are you sure you didn't teach him any quick secrets?" Pan Yun asked in disbelief.

The coach also opened his mouth wide,"Your friend is here to play the pig and eat the tiger!"

"I feel the same……"

Pan Yun was speechless.

Fortunately, the next moment, a familiar figure caught his eye.

A girl swam to the shore from the deep water, wearing green diving goggles and a black swimsuit, showing off her slender figure.

"Zhang Ya!"

As he spoke, he ignored the coach in front of him and ran over.

Zhang Ya looked at him with a smile,"Oh my God, you actually came to learn swimming? Aren't you afraid of sinking and not being able to get up?" Pan Yun blushed,"You, don't look down on me, I have lost 20 pounds!"

Zhang Ya looked at him in surprise for a while,"Yes, I lost a little weight."

Hearing this, Pan Yun became happy,"How come you are so good at swimming?"

"I started learning swimming when I was very young, so it's not that difficult." Zhang Ya said with a smile,"But you are a landlubber, right?"


"Are you alone?" Zhang Ya rolled her eyes at him and asked

"Jiang Yichen and I came here together"

"What about others?"

"Look, over there!" Pan Yun pursed his lips and looked over there.

Zhang Ya raised her eyes and saw Jiang Yichen swimming happily in the shallow water."He just learned it too?"

"Yes."Pan Yun felt very shocked when he talked about this.

"Jiang Yichen is so talented, he learns everything quickly."Zhang Ya curled her lips, a little envious.

Then she waved,"Jiang Yichen!"

Jiang Yichen, who was enjoying the pleasure of swimming, finally reacted, then got on the shore, and cleaned the water droplets on his body with a towel.

Jiang Yichen, who practiced bodybuilding, has a more symmetrical figure and his muscle lines are exposed.

Bare-chested, people will feel a little embarrassed when they see him.

Jiang Yichen clearly felt that many greedy eyes were looking at him in the swimming pool.

But he also felt a few hostile eyes.

Alas, being handsome is troublesome!

"What a coincidence?"Jiang Yichen was a little surprised.

"Yes, I didn't expect that you two grown men would come to learn swimming." Zhang Ya said with a smile,"By the way, you don't look like beginners at all. You must have learned a little before."

"I swam in the river in my hometown when I was a child."

Jiang Yichen made up an excuse.

"You are doing well. Go back and teach Pan Yun. I will be able to do it after practicing for a while. I won’t be here for a few days."

Pan Yun:??

"No way, Achen, you cheated me in the driving test, but you also left me alone in swimming."

Jiang Yichen raised his eyebrows at him, thinking, isn't this creating an environment for you?

Zhang Ya spat,"He is so fat, I can't teach him, let him learn from the instructor."

Pan Yun snorted,"I don't need to learn for a few days, I can learn it too"

""Tsk, you're just bragging."

Jiang Yichen lazily lay in the water,"I plan to go traveling in a few days."

"Travel?" Pan Yun was stunned for a moment.

"Well, it would be a shame if we don't go out during the great summer vacation."

Pan Yun was a little envious,"I want to go too.""

"Get out, stay at home and take the driving test first." Jiang Yichen scolded with a smile,"If I take you out to play every day, people will think I have an abnormal sexual orientation!"

Zhang Ya chuckled and said,"Of course not, you don't want a little beauty like Zhong Ling, and you don't want a big beauty like Leng Qingxue."

"By the way, did nothing really happen the night before yesterday?"

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes,"We are only in high school now, I don't want to find a girlfriend now, how boring my future college life will be."

Zhang Ya said lightly,"You just want to be so romantic and dissolute!"

"……"Jiang Yichen doesn't want to talk

"Oh, right? You still need to fill in your application form. It will be troublesome if you leave."Zhang Ya was a little surprised.

"Just fill it out online, there's no need to come back."

Jiang Yichen shook his head gently,"Besides, once the scores come out, this place will be a place of trouble. It's better to leave early and save yourself so much trouble."

Pan Yun scratched his head in confusion,"Why?"

"Stupid, Jiang Yichen's score is probably the best in the province, wouldn't all the reporters come by then?" Zhang Ya was very dissatisfied with Pan Yun's slow brain.

""Is that so?" Pan Yun smiled awkwardly,"I didn't expect that even if I got first place, I would still have so many troubles. I'd rather not get first place."

"……You won't be able to pass the test, okay?" Zhang Ya chuckled.

The few of them laughed and talked for a while, and then Jiang Yichen went to find the coach to learn new postures.

It only took half an hour for Jiang Yichen to learn all the swimming postures. What he lacked now was just practical experience.

And Zhang Ya knew that Jiang Yichen and Pan Yun also joined the army of drivers after learning to drive.

Not to mention Pan Yun's joy, Jiang Yichen successfully got his driver's license in just 4 days. The day after getting the driver's license, Jiang Yixin also finished his final exam.

After discussing with his family, Jiang Yichen went to Changcheng.

These days, Jiang Yichen didn't even participate in the score estimation organized by the class.

Just because he didn't want to have any trouble because of the grades.

With this Canon 5D2 camera, Jiang Yichen went on a casual trip.

During the trip, he took some time to write manuscripts at night, and took travel photos during the day.

In order to take pictures For some good works, Jiang Yichen even rented a few lenses specially. When he arrived in another place, he rented a car to go there.

It was quite cool.

On the fifth day, Jiang Yichen arrived at a place he planned to go.

Tianfeng County, East Sichuan Province.

He planned to find someone here.

A woman he missed in his previous life.

In his previous life, Jiang Yichen failed to get into college, so he went to Pengcheng to work.

He struggled there for 5 years.

He also met a pure and lovely girl.

She had just finished the college entrance examination, but unlike Jiang Yichen, her grades were still good.

But because of an accident, she gave up an exam and finally failed to get into college.

So she embarked on the road of working in Pengcheng.

It was because of this that the two had the opportunity to meet.

But Jiang Yichen himself could not make ends meet at that time, which became an extremely regrettable life experience.

Until now, Jiang Yichen still can't forget it.


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