Let You Build A Fuel-Efficient Car, You Build A Super Electric Car?

Chapter 117: Open! Worldwide Attention Defines The Name Of The Train! !

Three days passed in a hurry.

Publicity on the Internet.

It was better than Li Ming expected.

Announced the opening news in Kunlun.

After a "Candle Dragon Commemorative Edition" has been publicly auctioned.

There have been international superstars who have publicly stated one after another.

Willing to endorse for free.

To know.

Ordinary car companies.

Even if it is to invite these international superstars to endorse, it will cost tens of millions of Longguo coins.

And now.

These international superstars rushed to express that they could speak for Kunlun for free.

This is a manifestation of strength.

When you build a certain car.

reached the top of the world.

No endorsement needed at all.

All will recognize your transcendent status.

on the contrary.

For these international stars.

If a "Candle Dragon" can be stored in the garage

That would become one of their auras of glory.

So now the supply and demand of endorsement advertising.

It's been completely reversed.

That's why.

The reason why "Candle 12 Dragon" is so attractive.


For the requirements of these international superstars.

Li Ming didn't think about it at all.

The sales thinking of the top supercar.

It is different from ordinary car models.

To ensure its preciousness and scarcity.

It is not possible to distribute the quota of sales at will like distributing Chinese cabbage.

if not.

Even the aura of "Candle Dragon".

will also be diluted.


Kunlun as the rule maker.

Naturally, the rules cannot be easily broken.

in this regard.

Li Ming was very stuck.

"Candle Dragon" released at the opening.

Only one.

And it is a public auction in front of everyone.

No black box operation is allowed.

want to buy.


But there is only this one, and those with strength live there.

"Boss, everything is ready for Eagle Country. When you come over, we can hold the opening ceremony!!"

The young man who made a video call to Li Ming was named Ding Kai.

He is the deputy director of operations of the company and one of the core executives.

Sent to build a direct store in New York.

Both the area and the design were built strictly according to Li Ming's meaning.

Li Ming is very satisfied with his ability to handle affairs and the efficiency of communication and compliance with arrangements.

If the whole goes well.

Next, Li Ming also decided to hand over the operation of Kunlun in Eagle Country to its development.


Li Ming was on the passenger plane contracted by Kunlun.

Go together with other main high-level members.

It only takes half an hour.

to New York.

Although mentally prepared.


when it arrives.

Still couldn't help being surprised.

There are too many foreigners on site.

The number of media, more than expected.

these foreigners.

There was excitement and anticipation in their eyes.

The line up is amazing!!

If it weren't for Kunlun's directly-operated store, there would be an extremely huge commercial plaza outside.

Not a free neighborhood.

Otherwise, it will cause traffic problems.

No other place can accommodate such a long queue.

In fact.

On the outskirts of this commercial plaza.

There has been some congestion.

Ding Kai was sweating a little on his face now.

Seeing that the boss and his party finally arrived.

Hastily greeted him, smiled wryly and said:

"Boss, these people have been waiting here early in the morning. They are too enthusiastic. If they don't open again, I'm afraid the entrance of the store will be overcrowded!!"

The enthusiasm of these foreigners.

Far beyond his imagination.

If it is not very orderly.


I thought it was a parade.

Only on the first day of sales of Apple's new mobile phones, have I seen such an exaggerated scene in the commercial street.

And now.

The momentum caused by Kunlun.

More than anything else!!

"so many people??"

Li Ming was also slightly shocked.

"In this way, our 300-square-meter directly-operated store may not be able to accommodate so many people. Even if we come in batches in turn, we may not be able to satisfy so many foreigners in one day."

In order to ensure the style and specifications of the first overseas store.

Kunlun directly bought a venue of more than 300 square meters in this most luxurious business district, as a direct store.

As expected.

Even if it's hot.

It is also enough to accommodate various media and people.

But did not expect.

The popularity of this first day is still a bit higher than expected.

"Boss, what do you think about this? Are we inviting those celebrities and the media first?"

Ding Kai couldn't help being nervous.

Li Ming shook his head: "How is this possible? On the first day of opening, they are treated differently?"

Don't say you can't accommodate it.

Even if it can be tolerated, it is easy to make people angry if they are treated differently.

Hook Kunlun's brand image and snobbery.

What's more, here is a foreign country that pays attention to human rights.

Looked at the commotion scene.

Li Ming made a quick decision.

"In this way, the supercar will be opened directly from the store, and our opening ceremony will be held directly in this huge commercial plaza. We want to satisfy everyone's attention!

Ding Kai hesitated a little.

Then he nodded decisively.

"Yes, boss!!"

Follow instructions.

All Kunlun employees took action.

These groups of foreigners who are waiting at this time.

There has been a commotion.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"We want to see the supercar——Candle Dragon!!"

"Too many people, the first to go?"

"We want to buy Kunlun trams!! 770"

"God, there are too many rich people here, what did I see, even the stars are crowded with everyone else, no privilege at all, even so they didn't choose to leave, oh


These foreigners waited a little anxiously.

If they can't see the Longguo supercar in their minds today.

There will definitely be riots and protests!

Just when all kinds of voices are noisy.

Kunlun store.

Finally opened!!

But no one was welcomed and guided in.

All foreigners present.

Can't help but be taken aback.


appeared before their eyes.

It is a supercar with a unique appearance, slowly driving out of the store!!!

The whole body is simply a work of art!!

A gem of contemporary industrial design!!

The light refracted in the sun.


The iconic rocket propeller rear is so eye-catching.

It indicates that this is a top version - "Candle Dragon"!!


Here comes!!!

Everyone's breathing can't help but stagnate at this moment!!

They finally met again.

This one tops the current world record.

The legendary car that suppressed the global supercar!!!

And the opening ceremony of Kunlun overseas.

Also at this moment.

Strong start!!!.

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