Let You Build A Fuel-Efficient Car, You Build A Super Electric Car?

Chapter 123: Many Resources Are Tilted, And The Excited People Of Dragon Kingdom! !

If you say the first article.

It just makes people feel bright and powerful.

Then this one.

Undoubtedly, it is to take out real money to save money for the common people.

Twenty thousand yuan.

Portions are heavy!!

"Damn, in this way, if I buy the Jade Bird car, wouldn't it only cost 160,000???"

"It's so cool, the country gave away 20,000 yuan for free???"

"Purchase tax plus new energy subsidies, equal to 40,000 yuan cheaper to buy a tram!!"

"This policy is really good."


A lot of people are really excited!

I said it before.

For ordinary people.

Buy a car.

In fact, 90% of ordinary families have a budget of no more than 150,000 yuan for their first car.

Dragon country is a developing country.

Although the gap between rich and poor is huge, there are many voices on the Internet.

It seems that there are two to three hundred thousand cars everywhere.

Gives the impression that everyone is rich.

But the actual data does not lie.

For the working people.

The distance between buying a car between 150,000 and 200,000 is a natural moat!!

Let alone 50,000 yuan.

That's an extra 30,000 yuan.

For many people.

Even if you really like this car.

Will eventually give up.

but now.

The state has successively introduced purchase tax and subsidies for purchasing new energy.

The Kunlun "Blue Bird" that originally needed to land 200,000 yuan.

Pulled to the price of 160,000 landing.

That means.

Those mass groups with a budget of only 150,000.

Now you can really stand on your toes!!

Even if it's just a normal battery version.

The battery life is enough for them to use.

The meaning of this.

Much more than cutting the price of a luxury car.

It is a strong support for ordinary working people to really catch up with the trend of new energy.

"Article 3: The state announced that from today onwards, if you buy a new energy vehicle with a green card, you can get the right of passage in first-tier restricted cities for free, without lottery, and enjoy free parking subsidies in public parking spaces."

"Wow this..... I can only describe it as terrifying. As a first-tier city resident who can't get a ticket, I decided to order a tram right away!!!"


Migrant workers in major first-tier cities.

After seeing the release of this policy.

Can't help but look crazy!!

The news is for them.

It's great news.

"Damn!! Really??々°?"

"Green cards are not restricted?"

"Wow wow wow!!!!"

"I rely on me to be too excited, the country really provides benefits!!"

"Five years! Do you know how I have lived these five years? I play Blue Moon every day... No, I have been working in Shanghai for five years, but I haven't been able to get one The number plate of the car, today, the country finally released it, I can finally drive my own car in Shanghai, and commute freely, it's so cool!"

"This policy is really good news for workers in first-tier cities. Many people have been struggling in big cities for seven or eight years. They may even get the down payment, but they may not be able to win the number plate."


For these migrant workers who live in big cities for a long time.

They were so excited and touched by the news!


This is so sad.

earlier years.

The country has issued a policy of restricting travel.

Let a lot of hit workers.

Even if you buy a car in a big city, you can't use it for commuting to and from get off work.

You need to work for one year before you can start lottery and draw your own vehicle number plate.

But there are too many people participating in the lottery.

The probability is too low.

Many workers have been shaken for five years but have not been able to win.


There is nothing the country can do about it.

current economic trends.

Everyone goes to the big cities.

If everyone buys a car, big cities will be stuck in traffic from morning to night.

It doesn't work at all.

Traffic jams in many big cities are already very serious.

Therefore, the expansion of high-speed rail and the development of urban bus roads have never stopped.

Occasionally let go of some number plates.

They were also quickly sold out.

Now the country can open number plates for new energy trams.

It is equivalent to opening up a way for these migrant workers.

at the same time.

Complements the large number of trams in the city.

It will also reduce the city's emissions.

"The fourth and last article: the state announced that people who buy new energy trams and install home charging piles can declare to the local power grid and receive a free 5,000 kWh charging quota...almost equal to the basic charging amount for the previous two years. for free!!"

Someone has done it before.

If you buy a tram, the annual charging fee is about one or two thousand yuan if you drive more than 10,000 kilometers per year.

Even if you drive a little harder.

The electricity bill is only 3,000 yuan a year.

And if you refuel, the annual fuel cost can easily exceed more than 10,000, and today the oil price is so high.

For those who need to travel frequently, it is not uncommon for them to add 20,000 to 30,000 to their gas bills a year.

Not counting engine and vehicle maintenance.

This one comes out.

It is equivalent to further saving the expenses of the first two years of driving the electric car.

It can also be regarded as reducing travel costs for the working people.

A lot of news.

bombarded the internet.

All major car companies have seen it!

Those fuel car companies have been suffering enough recently.


Kunlun is supported by the state.

The treatment is already at the level of "pro-son".

did not expect.

There are more extremes than this.



But there is no way.

Today's "consumers" and "people's hearts" and the wind direction of the market are less and less blowing to them.

These "big powers" that dominate the Dragon Country market are already showing signs of decline.

And the domestic car companies that have close ties with Kunlun.

Seeing this information, I felt a sense of "lucky".

They this time.

It's the right team!

In Dragon Country.

Only by keeping up with the development of the country can the enterprise succeed early!

What the people need, what they make.

Only in this way can it be successful.

people today.

The "oil price" has been suffering for a long time.

Kelong is an oil-poor country.

The international situation, and Western countries' targeting of Dragon Kingdom.

Bring oil prices back down to previous levels.

It has become more and more a luxury.

In a place like Dubai, refueling is cheaper than buying water, and it is a feeling that the people of Longguo have never experienced in their lives.

The arrival of the tram.

It brings a new way of travel.

Really let the travel no longer consider the cost.

Kunlun headquarters.

When Li Ming saw these messages.

The interior of Kunlun.

Already cheers!

High-level calls continued to announce the good news. (Money is good) Such a policy.

For the development of Kunlun.

It's really awesome.

"Boss, the country has stepped in to support it again. It's really great. I really don't lack the confidence to compete with those fuel vehicles in the future!!"

Chen Shuang cheered, and Tian Fen said happily.

Li Ming nodded with emotion.

"Yes, the country really paid for it this time."

He could clearly feel the kindness of the country's release.

This wave...

It's really awesome.

Kunlun just found success overseas.

It ushered in another strong support.

Many policy tilts.

Make up for the last point of lack of energy.

The status of new energy trams has been pulled to the point where they are on an equal footing with fuel vehicles.

And even beyond.


The main thing is.

Country shot.

Really let more common people enjoy the dividends brought by the tram.

This indirectly expanded Kunlun's influence on society.

Kunlun has really taken a step in the direction of "greatness". .

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