Let You Build A Fuel-Efficient Car, You Build A Super Electric Car?

Chapter 127: Yingjiang's Face, Kunlun's Overseas Crisis Is Coming! !

"Good guy, what's the situation??"

"Eagle Country is going to block the trams?!!"

"No way? Why is Eagle Country doing this?"

Many netizens.

The first reaction was unbelievable!!


How many days has Kunlun been out to sea?

Not even a few cars were sold.

How could Eagle Country do such a thing???

"Damn it, it's not true, is there someone who can send out the content of the bill to have a look??"

"Don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors, Kunlun cars haven't sold a few units yet, why is Yingguo doing this?"

"Whether there is a boss or not, let's see the specific content."

Some people are skeptical.


Someone posted the content of the bill.

I see.

The federal government of the eagle country has announced a regulation on the sale of automobiles.

Among them, the definition and modification of the standard for pure electric drive vehicles are added.

[Unanimously recognized by the Federation, pure electric vehicles, as a product of no carbon emissions, reducing oil consumption and air pollution, will be approved and can be sold in all continents of Eagle Country, and all consumers who purchase pure electric vehicles will be given 800 Environmental protection subsidy in US dollars......Based on safety considerations, all pure electric vehicles sold in Eagle Country, the batteries produced in them are flammable items, so factories must be built in Eagle Country, and the battery production process is complete Accept the government's technical safety supervision, otherwise it will not be sold in Eagle Country on the grounds of endangering the public. 】

A bill for pure electric vehicles.

When netizens see the first half of the content.

They were almost stunned.

Eagle sauce is obviously doing a good thing.

Actually follow the example of Longguo and give cash subsidies for buying trams.

Although 800 US dollars is not much, it can also increase the enthusiasm of consumers to buy trams.

After all, it is within the Eagle Country.

Because of freedom of speech, the voices of various environmentalists are very loud.

Increase the subsidy for buying trams.

Can get the support of these environmentalists.


When netizens saw the second half.

Now I understand what it means to kill and punish one's heart.

He was so angry that he yelled out.

"The battery factory must be built in Eagle Country?"

"The production process must also be subject to technical and safety supervision throughout the whole process???"


"It's so shameless!!!"

"If you, Eagle Country, want graphene battery technology, just say so!!"

"Kunlun sells a car in Eagle Country, and you have to hand over the graphene battery technology to your Eagle Country for supervision?"

"I never thought there would be such a shameless country in this world!!"

"No, we should have thought of it a long time ago. The energy and impact of graphene batteries are too great. They can replace oil to a certain extent. In the future, various electrical industries around the world will be greatly promoted by graphene batteries. It is also very broad, and the power generation capacity is not weak. If they are allowed to grasp the pricing of oil, and then grasp the alternative energy source of graphene batteries, their hegemony in the world will be more stable in the future.”

this moment.

Netizens and people in Longguo are furious!!

It is not once or twice that companies in the Dragon Country have been sanctioned in the Eagle Country.

It is also good for the semiconductor chip industry.

It was still before that the use of short video software in Eagle Country was prohibited on the grounds of security threats.

And this time.

The familiar routine is here again.

A country called "freedom".

However, under the pretext of various high-sounding reasons, they unscrupulously blocked the Dragon Kingdom.

Netizens who are still looking forward to the development trend of Kunlun overseas.

It's even more heart-cooling.

Now this situation.

For Kunlun.

It simply cut off the possibility of overseas markets...

And Kunlun during this time.

Huge investment in overseas markets.

will also disappear.

"Freedom... When invading other countries' markets and harvesting other countries' wealth, talk about economic freedom and global trade..."

"Now, some people are not happy to do business in Eagle Country."

Kunlun headquarters.

Li Ming got the news immediately.

His complexion was not very good-looking.

did not expect.

Sanctions came so fast.

And Eagle Country is so ruthless.

Just let Kunlun choose between the dilemmas.

Want to do business in Eagle Country Market.

Either hand over the graphene battery technology.

Or give up selling cars in Eagle Country entirely.

The degree of cruelty of this trick.

It's tantamount to murder.


The huge investment and publicity that Kunlun made in the early stage.

It's like making a wedding dress for someone else.

in overseas markets.

The trams produced by those giant car companies are hoisted by graphene batteries.

But if Kunlun cannot be sold overseas.

lost the competition.

They can occupy the magpie's nest.

Although the battery technology pulls the hips.

It can also gradually occupy the market with the gradual support of Eagle Country.

"Is this the influence of the Locke Filler family?"

Li Ming shook his head.

Speak the truth.

He really has nothing to do.

Thinking of the investment in Eagle Country in the early stage.

Now it will all come to naught.

Although it will not hurt the muscles and bones.

But it is also a loss that cannot be ignored for Kunlun.

The power of great powers.

for any business.

All crushing.

"Boss, your premonition is too accurate. We are just about to increase our investment to expand multiple super charging stations in Eagle Country at the same time. Fortunately, we didn't invest in it. "Otherwise all the money will be wasted!!"

in the office.

The faces of several high-level officials were full of joy and shock!!

Kunlun's overseas layout is very detailed.

For the existing hot sales.

The layout of the connected stores and charging stations has been completed.

This is a huge financial investment.

But it was temporarily stopped by Li Ming.

Did not expect now.

Such a huge crisis broke out in overseas markets!

This is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

But analyze from the perspective of interests.


this day....…

I'm afraid it will come sooner or later.

It's just that 790 came earlier than they expected.

"Boss, what should we do now? Are we going to give up all the money invested in the Eagle Country market, the backlog of orders, and foreign consumers?"

Chen Shuang's pretty face was full of dissatisfaction, and her big watery eyes were so wronged that they mist up.

So bullying!

When I thought of giving up the overseas market.

It means that so much effort they have made recently will be in vain.

I couldn't help feeling distressed.

So foreigners, after the test drive, they all recognize the Kunlun car.


But it was cut off by the hegemony of Eagle Country.

Li Ming shook his head and said:

"Now that Eagle Country has enacted the bill, we can only temporarily give up the Eagle Country market. It is impossible to want battery technology...

"The worst situation in the future is that we lose the Eagle Country market, but the changes brought by the tram have been seen by the whole world. In the future, more and more people like the Prince of Dubai will come to seek us Cooperation."

have to say.

This trick is indeed ruthless.

However, Kunlun's current main industry and revenue are still in China.

It is absolutely impossible to defeat Kunlun with this.

Not to mention the attractiveness of graphene batteries.

As long as Kunlun continues to expand its production capacity, the supply will be slightly released.

Even if the Eagle Country market is lost.

There are also companies from other countries that will rush to seek cooperation.


It is impossible for Li Ming to bow to Eagle Country.

I want Kunlun's technology.

Go dreaming!!!.

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