Let You Build A Fuel-Efficient Car, You Build A Super Electric Car?

Chapter 96: Good Guy, The Tram Spontaneously Ignited? Angry Consumers! !

"Hello, let me take a look at the new tram.

After much deliberation, Xiao Yang decided to visit the 4S store.

He found.

There are many people who have the same idea as him.

I saw a car that looked like a BMW 3 Series in the exhibition hall.

After being arranged, it is very shiny under the light.

But there are some differences in appearance.

"Hi sir, this is our newly launched 'BMW i3' which is at the same level as the 3-series, you can also see it as a pure electric 3-series..."

"You have to know that the top configuration of our BMW three-series usually costs between 380,000 and 40,000,000.

"And our new BMW i3, free of purchase tax plus discounts, can win the top configuration for only a little over 300,000 yuan, which is very cost-effective!!"

A BMW salesman introduced with a smile.

have to say.

This simple marketing method.

It immediately hit the minds of people like Xiao Yang.

People like him have ideas about BMW 3 Series and Mercedes-Benz C-Class.

always feel.

This level of car is a bit "little expensive".

Especially the car price of 350,000.

Plus 30,000 purchase tax.

That's three hundred and eighty thousand.

And now.

There is no purchase tax on trams.

It is equivalent to the country saving them a sum of money.

Think in this way.

Three series of 300,000 is really worth it.

"By the way, why is the battery life of your car only marked as 400 kilometers?"

Xiao Yang couldn't help asking.

He found that BMW, which costs 300,000 yuan, has a lower battery life than Kunlun's 200,000 yuan electric car.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable inside.

"Sir, it's like this. Our luxury brand cars are more piled up, so the body is heavier and the battery life is relatively lower... If you buy a current car today, in addition to the included charging pile

We can also give you a discount of 5,000 yuan on car film. "

The salesman said with a smile.

Of course, it is impossible to admit that their batteries have low energy density.

In this regard, they have already prepared a set of "one country, three" tactics.

"All right."

Xiao Yang nodded.

This statement is barely acceptable.

Can have a "luxury car" of their own.

It can be regarded as an obsession in the heart of many people who are struggling in society.

Xiao Yang took a deep breath.

Make a decision now!!

Easy card payment.

It only takes an hour to complete the complete set of procedures.

When Xiao Yang drove away from the 4S shop.

Just feeling refreshed!!

"Although Kunlun's trams are very good, BMW is BMW after all...

"This steering wheel, this crystal shift handle!!"

New car mentioned.

Xiao Yang is very excited and can't put it down!!

Very satisfied.

arrive home.

Park the car at the door.

"Old Yang, come to my house today and go out for a meal!!"

Call your two brothers.

Not much.

people come.

"Wow, it's okay, Brother Xiao!!"

"Driving in a luxury car!!"

"Don't say... this pure electric i3 is really similar to the three series!"

"And it doesn't need to burn oil, it's so cool!!"

The two surrounded the car and observed for a while.

Be amazed.

"Let's go, go for a walk around to eat.

Xiao Yang chuckled.

I am about to take my brothers out for a drive and have dinner.

And at this moment.

when he was about to open the car door.

Suddenly there was a smell.

Xiao Yang frowned and stopped immediately.

"Did you catch a scent?"

The other two were taken aback.

"It seems that something is burnt..."

"Strange, where is it burning?"

When they are still wondering.


But they found wisps of white smoke floating out from the bottom of this brand new "BMW i3".

And that burnt smell came from it.

Xiao Yang's eyes widened, his complexion changed!!

"I wipe!!!!!!"

at this time.

"Mr. Chen, the sales volume of our BMW i3 has exceeded 1,000 in the past few days. Consumers are very interested in electric cars!!"

BMW headquarters.

The secretary reported the good news.

Mr. Chen is very satisfied with this.

He laughed:

"It seems that with the brand power of our bwm ​​and the characteristics of trams, it is enough to break the myth of trams in Kunlun in the Longguo market."


According to the trend of going offline after the hot publicity in the past few days, it is estimated that one thousand units may be less than five thousand units a month.

After all, it tends to be stable after the heat is over.

But it's a clear trend.

This means that they no longer have to worry about the threat of Kunlun.

And sell trams.

It also gives them a lot of carbon credits.

The income obtained is not low.

"Mr. Chen, the Panasonic Group sent a message saying that after the first-generation battery packs are installed in the car, let us increase the factory test cycle as much as possible to avoid problems..."

"Mr. Chen, do we need to notify the factory?

said the secretary.

As soon as this word came out.

Mr. Chen frowned slightly, then waved his hands and said:

"What's the problem? Now is the time to seize the tram market. If the factory test takes too long, the opportunity will be missed."

"Even if there is any problem, the big deal is to let consumers enter the store for maintenance."

He didn't care at all.

After all, Longguo consumers are inclusive of their luxury brands.

The previous problems are not anymore.

It's nothing more than compensation later.


Consumers in Longguo will accept it.

But your car was released late.

Then you really miss the market.

Over there at Panasonic Group.

When the supply first started, a similar message came.

But Mr. Chen disagreed.


If only every car was tested for that long.

The day lily is cold.

As he said so.

A department call came in suddenly.

Mr. Chen took a look and picked it up.

"Mr. Chen, it's not good. The i3 we sold to consumers suddenly ignited... Now it's been uploaded on the Internet!!"

The eager voice of the staff came.

in an instant.

Mr. Chen's face changed drastically!!


Spontaneous combustion?!!

how can that be?!!

The streets of the magic city.

A "BMW i3" is burning crazily!!

The fire engine rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the call.


When the water gun washed over the burning vehicle.

But it didn't do anything to extinguish the flames.

The bottom of the car was still emitting black smoke crazily.

And there are continuous flames bursting out.

This scene.

Directly to the onlookers look stupid!!

"Fuck me, what is this?"

"Why does this car burn so fiercely?"

"Hey guy, even the fire trucks can't put it out?!!"

"This is the electric car just produced by BMW!!"

"Yeah, the brand is i3, I want to test drive it!!"

"If this person is in the car in my day, wouldn't it be burned to carbon, it can't be extinguished at all!!"

Several firefighters showed serious faces.

"No, this is a tram with a huge lithium battery pack installed underneath, we can only isolate the surrounding area!!"

When they found out that it was a tram, they were a little surprised.

It's a good thing it's in an open area.

Once the lithium battery spontaneously ignites, it is almost inextinguishable!!

The chemical substances in it will continue to react and heat up.

Traits are much like gunpowder.

Similar cases have occurred in some factories before.

The only way is to continuously spray water on the battery to cool down.

After the reaction is complete, the temperature will be lowered to the ignition point automatically.

at this time.

Xiao Yang looked at the "new car" he just bought with a look of despair!!

Never thought of that.

Such a thing can happen!!

The blow this brought to him was huge!!

Some good things passersby.

It was even made into a short video and posted on the Internet.

In just a few hours.

Douyin's most popular comment area.

"I'm going, is this natural?!"

"Oh my god, this is too scary!!!"

"Has BMW's trams been tested for safety before leaving the factory?"

"Such a big car can't even put out a fire truck when it burns?!"

"What's going on, didn't the car say it was safe? Why did it catch fire all of a sudden? My God!"

"Damn, it's scary, but luckily no one is sitting on it!!"

A group of people are very shocked!!

They vaguely remember.

In their impression, then even is very safe.

But they did not expect this "very safe" concept.

It is the halo brought by Kunlun before.

Kunlun's design of the car, as well as its unique technology and craftsmanship on the battery pack, make the electric car produced by it a very safe product!!

But this does not mean.

The same is true for trams produced by other brands.

In the past few days, the joint venture car company has promoted its trams fiercely.

How powerful the backlash came.

When people are still discussing the spontaneous combustion of this pure electric BMW.

It's not been a few hours.

It's like a chain reaction.

Suddenly the situation broke out again!!

"The new test drive car in the Mercedes-Benz store caught fire!!"

"Toyota users have just bought a new electric car, and are lying on the high-speed vehicles!!"

Two short videos.

It quickly attracted everyone's attention.

I saw a Mercedes-Benz new energy vehicle in the video also caught fire in the same situation.

And a Toyota tram is even more outrageous.

Even when the user was on the way home at high speed, he directly lost power and lay down!!

Just one day.

#Joint venture car company's new energy vehicles exploded, causing major safety hazards

This hot search went straight to the top!

Countless netizens were angry below.


"It's like using the user as a guinea pig. How did such a car pass the factory test?!"

"Terrible, luckily no one was injured!!"

"These joint venture car companies are too heartless!!"

"How can the new energy vehicles they make spontaneously ignite? Don't trams claim to be safe? Kunlun's trams have not had any problems for so long!"

Many people can't figure it out.

Very confused.

Why is there such a big difference in making electric cars?


Can I still buy a tram??

below the comments.

Some people in the industry have come forward.

"Let me popularize science, the reason why there are so many problems with the new energy trams of these joint venture car companies is because they

What we use is the first-generation battery pack just developed by the overseas Panasonic Group. In order to seize the market, it was put into production almost as soon as it was developed..."

"According to the principle, the newly developed products need to go through detailed and precise tests, and the test process must be run when the vehicle is off the assembly line, but these are in order to save time.

, There was no rigorous testing at all, so a large number of new cars were rolled off the assembly line, and now they exploded, and some models didn’t even have a collision, and they ignited spontaneously!!”

"It can be seen that there is a huge gap between the battery packs newly developed in overseas markets and Kunlun's battery packs!!"

“Security cannot be guaranteed!!!”

This person in the industry really can't stand it anymore.

These joint venture car companies actually did such a thing.

In order to seize the market, the user's safety is not taken seriously.

If it's just some assembly quality issues, that's fine.

Now there is spontaneous combustion and stall.

If a large number of offline.

It is simply killing the lives of those innocent Longguo consumers!!

And consumers on the Internet.

After learning the truth.

The public opinion is even more crazy!!

Many consumers have fantasies about luxury brand trams.

Immediately my heart was half cold.

Those who just booked a car.

Or the owner of the car already mentioned.

Take a deep breath!!

At the fastest speed in my life, I drove the car to the door of the 4S store.

"Back the car!!"

"Zinima return the car to us immediately!!"

"Brothers, I really regret it. If you buy a tram, you should buy a Kunlun. These joint venture car companies are so inhumane. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we can't even get the most basic safety guarantees."

"Me too, I thought luxury brand trams would be unique, but now, I'm numb!!"

"If you don't return the car today, we won't be able to leave here!!!"



These are the first batch of consumers who support and trust the electric car of the joint venture car company.

I just feel that I am a big wrong!!

Today they must have an explanation!!

The 4S store has never seen such a battle.

The sales inside are all ignorant.

The news immediately spread to the headquarters of the joint venture car company.


"Go and control the public opinion!!"

"We only spontaneously ignited one car, why are these people so excited?!!"

Mr. Chen's face was livid.

Immediately furious.

The current situation has ruined their previous propaganda.


BMW has only rolled off thousands of i3 models.

One in a thousand is already a huge problem for the car industry.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do?"

The secretary couldn't help saying.

"Convey it, let the 45th store in charge of sales return the car.

Although Mr. Chen looked extremely pale, he did not lose his mind.

This time it broke out, but it was a security issue.

Not what it used to be.

Those who can prevaricate casually.

If the consumers are not given an explanation, the officials of Longguo will intervene at that time.

Although Longguo's 4S store is a distribution channel.

But when this kind of thing happens, their manufacturers must cover the bottom line.

Mercedes-Benz headquarters.

"How could it spontaneously ignite?! Return the car?!!"

"These people, can't they give us a little trust in 5.4 Mercedes-Benz?"

Old Mr. Jessie was shocked!!

He felt terrible and immediately called to confront him.

"Why did this happen to the battery you provided? This seriously affected our Mercedes-Benz sales plan and had an indelible impact on our brand!!"

Mr. Jesse said angrily.

In his opinion.

This is entirely Panasonic's fault.

"Mr. Jie Sai, when the battery pack leaves the factory, we have repeatedly reminded you that the first-generation battery pack must undergo detailed testing before it can be offline. If there is any problem, please contact us immediately.

Returning to the factory for replacement, you ignored our instructions and chose to go offline without going through detailed testing..."

"And the spontaneous combustion of the battery pack is not necessarily our problem. Your high-voltage wiring harness must not be well insulated, so that once an accidental short circuit occurs, the wiring harness will be damaged.

Immediately ignite the battery pack. "

The person in charge of Panasonic Group tried his best to argue.

This kind of thing happens.

It can only be said that both sides have problems.

Mr. Jie Sai lived in Bengbu directly.


They don't have time to conduct such detailed tests.

Now I can't take the responsibility away from myself.

"Even so, the safety of your battery pack is too bad!!"

Old Mr. Jesse's chest rose and fell.

"Sorry, we did our best..."

"The current battery pack has achieved the best level we can do in a short time!"

The person in charge of Panasonic Group said helplessly.

Kunlun technology and patents.

It is too strong.

If there is a way, they don't want to.

And Mr. Jesse.


Originally thought that with the supply of battery packs, it would be able to seize the tram market.

it's good now.

Even the brand image is cracked!!

(Holy shit, who cast ten reminder votes in one go, I can't finish writing, I'm torn apart!).

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