Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 89: Discover The Plot Of The Dragon Kingdom! Ruined! How Many Longguo Nuclear Bombs Are Inst

"Dr. Jones! Dr. Jones! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Doctor! Why hasn't he woke up yet!"

"What happened to the power station? I need an explanation!"

The noisy sounds around him gradually awakened Dr. Jones' consciousness, and he struggled to open his eyes.

What caught his eye was the dazzling chandelier and the white ceiling, and there were people standing around him, some familiar to him and some he didn't know.

At this time, the sharp-eyed John saw Jones who opened his eyes, and immediately shouted: "The doctor is awake!"

Everyone was startled and lowered their heads one after another. Looking at Dr. Jones who had woken up, they all wanted to ask questions.

At this time, a white-haired old man said: "I suggest everyone go out first, Guosi's mental state is not very good now!

Everyone heard the words and had no choice but to leave. The status of the old man was too high. .

Jones said, "Thank you, Dr. Stein."

Dr. Stein nodded slightly: "You are from our District 11, so I naturally want to protect you!"

Jones nodded.

Dr. Stein said: "Tell me, what happened? Your people found you in the place where the fuel rods were placed, and you were already unconscious at the time."

Jones heard this and was about to say something, but before he could speak, his head felt a sharp pain. He opened his mouth, shook his head and said, "I don't remember, I just remember going to check the nuclear fuel rods, and then fainted."

Stan said with a puzzled face: "You are really not afraid of death, you didn't do any protection, just went to check the fuel rods, fortunately this is a reactor without nuclear radiation!"

"Did you find anything during this inspection? How did Longguo manage to use light nuclear fission?"

Jones shook his head: "Actually, I don't know, I can hardly remember what happened at the time."

Dr. Stein was a little sorry to hear that.

In current science and technology, heavy elements such as uranium undergo fission, and light elements such as deuterium undergo fusion.

However, Longguo actually innovated and realized the fission of light nuclear elements. If Yingjiang got this technology, it would definitely be better than Longguo.

Unfortunately, Dr. Jones can't remember anything.

He had no choice but to comfort him: "It's okay, you may have just woken up, and you still have some confusion. If you take a good rest, you may be able to remember."

Dr. Jones nodded: "I'll do my best."

After speaking, Dr. Stein walked out of the ward, looked at the people staring at him and said: "He has forgotten everything, don't bother him."

Someone wondered: "Dr. Stein, are you sure that Dr. Jones is not hiding anything?"

Dr. Stein frowned: "Are you questioning the loyalty of our District 11?"

The man dared not speak.

The team leader John immediately came out to smooth things over and said: "Everyone is serving the eagle sauce, don't hurt your peace, since Dr. Jones has forgotten, let us come!

Dr. Stein shook his head: "Don't worry, wait and see tomorrow, maybe Jones can think of something."

next morning.

Everyone found Dr. Jones again, and after a night's rest, the hypnotized pain in the head gradually disappeared.

Some memories also came to my mind.

"Jones, do you remember anything?"

Dr. Stein asked with concern.

Jones nodded slightly, looked at the crowd and said: "I remembered, I pulled out the fuel rod at that time, and confirmed that Longguo had mastered the light nuclear fission technology, but the reactor has a strong electromagnetic wave. Before I finally passed out, I pulled out the fuel rod Put it back.

Stan murmurs, "Sure enough! True!"

Team leader John asked curiously, "So what?"

Stein said: "Powerful energy often has its unique energy field, such as heavy nuclear fission, which corresponds to strong radiation.

Jones continued: "Light nuclear fission corresponds to a powerful electromagnetic field! An electromagnetic field that can affect human minds!"

Team leader John wondered: "What do you mean?"

Dr. Stein excitedly said: "If we master light nuclear fission, not only can we solve the energy problem, but we can also make great progress in the field of human hypnosis! Immediately! Immediately! Send someone to check again!"

Human Hypnosis?

Isn't this the technology the FBI needs most?

Team leader John immediately became excited.

The people in other departments are also very excited. This kind of technology is very important no matter in which field!

Soon, the new task was formally established.

Various departments joined hands to start a new round of investigation.

However, all failed, everyone fell into a coma, woke up the next day, and there was no difference between the rhetoric and Jones.

white room.

Listening to John and Stan's report, old man Deng wondered, "You really believe that, is it true?"

"Since according to your statement, Longguo's light nuclear fission technology can develop the technology of human hypnosis, then you are sure that Jones and the others have not been hypnotized?"

After saying this, old man Deng blushed. He felt that this was the happiest time since he sat on the leader of Yingjiang.

The staff at the side looked surprised, when did old man Deng become so smart.

Stan and John were also stunned, and they looked at each other.


The leader is right!

"Doesn't that mean that if we go on investigating like this, we won't be able to find anything at all?"

Team leader John said.

Stan nodded: "At present, as long as we can't break the hypnotic device, we can't check it!"

Team leader John scolded: "Damn! Then why don't we announce this news directly! Let the international fishing boats put pressure on Longguo! Just say this is a technology that violates ethics and morals, and let it be made public for the world to study!"

"In this way, it is also a way, at least everyone has it, just like nuclear bombs, there is no such a big threat!"

Stan shook his head: "Leader John, your thinking is too simple. Since you know that nuclear bombs are so powerful, then you think Longguo is selling this power station and using this hypnosis device to cover up certain things. What is the purpose?"

Captain John was taken aback.

The old man Deng said: "I know! I know!"

At this moment, old man Deng seemed to be a student raising his hand to answer questions. He watched everyone staring at him, and felt that he had once again ushered in the highlight of his life!

He said: "Longguo sold so many power plants just to install their nuclear bombs in other people's homes!"

After finishing speaking, it was as if a basin of cold water was poured on old man Deng.

He exclaimed: "Oops! Now how many stops have Europa and Yadong been drinking?"

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