"Get in the car quickly."

Yan Dafu himself acted as the driver, driving a car with a school badge, carrying Wang Qing and Lin Tianhua, and drove south after leaving the campus.

On the way, the three of them did not speak.

Yan Dafu concentrated on driving.

Lin Tianhua has closed his eyes and rested since he got in the car.

Wang Qing looked out the window, secretly guessing where the provost was going to take them.

Judging from the driving route, it seems to be heading to Central City...

In the very center of Binhai City, there is an area of ​​less than thirty square kilometers, surrounded by water, which is the financial and political center of the city.

It's called Central City.

People who live in the central city are either rich or noble.

More than twenty minutes later.

As expected, the Provost drove the car to Central City.

Ahead is an open bridge that can rotate up and down. After passing this bridge, you can reach the central city on the other side of the river.

At this time, many vehicles were queuing up, waiting to enter the central city.

"Hey, what day is it today? Why is the investigation so strict?"

Yan Dafu looked at the vehicles blocked in front and couldn't help complaining: "Don't delay my work."

"Provost, what are we doing here?"

Wang Qing, who was sitting in the back row, asked.

Yan Dafu moved the car and walked forward slowly, and replied: "I will take you to the management meeting."

"Enter the management committee?"

Lin Tianhua, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes with a look of surprise on his face.

The Management Committee is the abbreviation of the Evolutionary Management Committee.

As the name suggests, this is an official organization that specializes in managing evolutionaries. It has great power. It not only has the power of life and death over domestic evolutionaries, but also monopolizes the most important cultivation resource-evolutionary genes.

The 600 evolutionary genes allocated to the school this year came from the Entrance Management Committee.

"What will we do if we go to the management office?"

This time it was Lin Tianhua who asked the question.

Yan Dafu said: "I will take you to apply for the certificate."

According to national regulations, evolvers who are over 18 years old must go to the local immigration management committee to apply for an evolution certificate.

The evolution certificate is the identity card of the evolver.

The basic information of the evolver is recorded, including name, age, gender, and most importantly, the number of evolutions.

"Can the evolution certificate be applied for in advance?"

"Normally not."

Yan Dafu glanced at the two people in the back row through the rearview mirror and chuckled, "However, geniuses are an exception."

After listening to the dean's explanation, Wang Qing found out.

There is also a special rule of the Entrance Management Committee. Evolvers who have just completed their first evolution can go through a special channel and apply for an evolution certificate in advance if their Qi and blood exceed 30 within forty-five days.

And, there are additional benefits.

As for the specific benefits, Yan Dafu did not say much, only saying that it varies from person to person.

While talking.

Yan Dafu finally moved the car to the inspection point, then turned off the engine and got out for inspection.

There are more than a dozen heavily armed guards at the checkpoint.

Wang Qing took a look. The leader was a third-evolver, and the rest were all second-evolvers. The lineup was luxurious.

A few minutes later.

All three were pat-downs completed.

Even the car was searched inside and out by one of the guards.

The three were released and returned to the vehicle.

Yan Dafu started the car and drove away from the checkpoint. After driving dozens of meters away, he muttered: "It's so heavily guarded. Don't let anything happen..."

After the checkpoint, there is the open bridge leading to Central City.

There are four such bridges in total, one each in the southeast and northwest. They are open to traffic during the day, and the bridge deck is erected at night to isolate the central city from the outside world.

The car passed the North Bridge and entered the central city.

Wang Qing came here for the first time.

He turned to look outside the car. He saw the majestic office buildings, the magnificent townhouses, the spotless black asphalt road, and the exotic flowers and plants that could be seen everywhere on the roadside...

The scenery outside the car exudes a rich and luxurious atmosphere.

"What a paradise on earth."

Thinking of his old house of less than 60 square meters, Wang Qing couldn't help feeling emotional.

Lin Tianhua was also attracted by the scenery outside the car, staring motionlessly with a trace of longing on his face.

“Most of the powerful people who live here are self-made.”

Yan Dafu lost no time in taking a sip of old chicken soup, "If you practice hard, you can change your destiny, become a master, and live in this paradise on earth."

Lin Tianhua nodded silently.

Wang Qing looked outside the car with deep eyes.


After a while, Yan Dafu drove to his destination.

Evolver Management Committee - Coastal Branch.

The three people got out of the car, and the first thing they saw was a magnificent white office building. Although it was not very tall, it covered a large area. In the central city where land is at a premium, this is the real grandeur.

"Please show me your evolution certificate!"

The three of them walked outside the gate and were immediately stopped by two guards.

Wang Qing glanced at it.

Good guy, even the people watching the gate are secondary evolvers.

Yan Dafu showed his evolution certificate, and one of the guards took it to verify his identity. Then, he took out two more documents with official seals and handed them to another guard.

Obviously, he was prepared.

Soon, the three of them successfully passed the access control and entered inside.

Since he had made an appointment in advance, Yan Dafu took Wang Qing and Lin Tianhua directly to an office on the third floor.

There is a silver metal number on the door: Clerk Level 1, Zhao Jinhe.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Please come in!"

"Commissioner Zhao, I brought two students."


Zhao Jinhe, who was sitting behind his desk, put down the pen in his hand, first looked up at Yan Dafu, then looked at the two young students standing behind him, and nodded slightly.

These two students look very talented.

"Who should we start with?"

Zhao Jinhe didn't talk nonsense and went directly to the topic.

"Lin Tianhua."

After Yan Dafu finished speaking, he took Wang Qing out of the office and closed the door behind him.

Then, he pulled Wang Qing to a corner and whispered: "Commissioner Zhao will ask you some questions later. You answer honestly and don't hide anything. Remember, you can't fool anyone who comes into the management meeting." "

"I see."

Wang Qing nodded silently.

five minutes later.

Lin Tianhua walked out of Zhao Jinhe's office.

Yan Dafu patted Wang Qing on the shoulder and said, "It's your turn, go ahead."

Wang Qing walked into the office and, at Zhao Jinhe's signal, sat on a chair opposite him.


"Wang Qing."





"What is the evolutionary gene you first evolved and fused with?"



Zhao Jinhe, who was taking notes with a pen, suddenly raised his head and stared at Wang Qing with an expression of 'are you fucking kidding me'.

"It's really Peppa Pig."

Wang Qing said without any fluctuations in his tone: "On the day of the evolution ceremony, I was injected with the Pepi monster gene."

"Who asked you to use Pepi's genes?"

Zhao Jinhe asked with a straight face.

Some of the 600 evolutionary genes allocated to Binhai No. 1 Middle School this year were secretly stolen and sold by a group led by Vice Principal Cheng Yuanying.

This matter is not a secret, it has been spread for a long time.

As one of the competent authorities, the Entrance Management Committee knows the inside details better than anyone else.

As far as he knows.

Among the evolutionary genes that can be swapped, the Pipi monster gene is not included.

After all, no matter how crazy that group of people are, they would not dare to use garbage like Pipi, who cannot awaken their talents, to make a fool of themselves and harm the students...

Think of this.

There was a dangerous light in Zhao Jinhe's eyes.

"No one did it of my own free will."

Zhao Jinhe was shocked when he heard Wang Qing's answer.

After taking a deep breath, he said: "Wang Qing, please tell the truth boldly. Don't be afraid. The Commission will uphold justice for you."

"I really volunteered."

Wang Qing continued in an unwavering tone: "That day, what I got was originally the Cave Rat gene. Later, I was not satisfied, so I went to the Provost and asked him to change it for me with the Pipi Monster gene... By the way, I also signed a voluntary agreement with the school."

After listening, Zhao Jinhe was silent for a while.

He has worked in this building for so many years, from the third-level clerk to the first-level clerk, and has seen many strange people and strange things.

In front of me, there is another example.

Moreover, in terms of weirdness, it is enough to rank in the top three.

After Zhao Jinhe glanced at Wang Qing with a strange look, he returned to the topic and continued to ask: "How long did the transformation period of your first evolution last?"

"About four and a half days."

Wang Qing replied that his first transformation period was indeed only four and a half days.

"Four and a half days."

Zhao Jinhe nodded. After incorporating the garbage evolutionary gene of Pipi Monster, he could still have a transformation period of four and a half days, which showed that the student in front of him was really talented.

It's a pity that Pipi was chosen.

After recording on the form.

Zhao Jinhe originally wanted to ask Wang Qing what talents he had awakened, but then he thought about it. It was impossible to awaken any talents by integrating the Pipi gene.

This is something the whole world knows.


He simply didn't bother to ask any more questions.

With the pen in his hand, he wrote a big 'None' in the column of Awakening Talent.

"last question."

Zhao Jinhe raised his head and looked at Wang Qing, "What's your current blood level?"


Wang Qing said: "However, those were the data measured at school ten days ago. These days, the energy and blood in my body have increased a lot."


Zhao Jinhe couldn't help but smile.

Ten days.

It takes ten days to increase a few qi and blood. How can this be a lot?

Is it possible to break 40?

Zhao Jinhe filled in ‘30+’ with a swipe of a pen.

Then, he took the two forms from Wang Qing and Lin Tianhua in his hands, stood up, and said to Wang Qing: "Although I believe what you said is true, we still have to go through the necessary procedures."

"What procedure?" Wang Qing asked.

"What else could it be?"

Zhao Jinhe said: "Of course it's a blood test."

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