Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 61 The Way Wolves Express Their Love

After listening to what Lu Nan said, Xiao Youwei naturally turned her gaze to her guardian's shoulder.

This Sanwu loli was obviously very moved by Lu Nan's words.

It's just...she didn't come over the first time.

Xiao Youwei still stayed in place, she seemed to be afraid of something.

"...Don't be afraid, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

Lu Nan slowed down his tone slightly and said softly.

"Can I really come here?"

Xiao Youwei held the pen in her hand and lowered her head.

A rustling voice came from the book's position.


Lu Nan did not hesitate, he rarely spoke in a very direct tone.

It's just that...such words can't change Xiao Youwei's mind.

This Sanwu loli just lowered her little head and dragged her left hand, which was not used to writing, as much as possible, and wrote three short lines to express her concerns.

"But I'm not a useful girl."

"I embarrassed Lu Nan... I lost to Grandma Wolf, and I even bothered Lu Nan to save me."

"According to the company's regulations, useless people are not worth saving."

Xiao Youwei lowered his little head with frustrated eyes.

She looked at herself silently.

At this moment, she was no longer a cute and lovable girl. Her dominant right hand was weak and hung down because it was broken. Her body was covered with blood and dust, making her look dirty.

Even that barren figure looks even more unsightly because of those unsightly scars.

At this time, Xiao Youwei felt like the kind of puppy that was abandoned in the garbage dump because it was ugly.

No one will like such an unlovable canine, and no one will be willing to hug it.

"Now you are useful again." Lu Nan knew exactly what to do at this time.

He did not directly say words of comfort. The guardian just silently took out the wolf ear headdress from his pocket and put it on the head of this Sanwu loli.

While making such an action, Lu Nan did not forget to touch Xiao Youwei's head a little.

An uncomfortable feeling spread along the position of his hand.

Because there was a fierce battle just now.

Xiao Youwei's hair looked messy, and there was blood on it that had been stuck together and solidified.

However...Lu Nan didn't mind, his actions were the same as before.

"As for me, I am a very duplicitous person, and I am not as loyal to the company as you think."

"So, Youwei, you can rest assured that I will not abide by all the rules."

"Compared to those rigid things, you are more important."

See this.

Xiao Youwei couldn't bear it anymore.

She jumped directly into Lu Nan's arms and buried her little head deeply in it.

Sounds called sobbing came intermittently from the mouth of this Sanwu loli.

This is the only sound that a girl who cannot speak can make.

"Uh...wu...ahhh..." Xiao Youwei's shoulders trembled violently with her movements.

[Little Red Riding Hood], who has wolf characteristics, appears to be quite cold most of the time and is not good at expressing his feelings.

But after all... wolves are also members of the canine family.

In the eyes of a domesticated canine, the owner is her entire world.

And now it was Lu Nan, the guardian, who responded to her so positively this week, no, it was the first time so far.


Lu Nan said nothing.

He just held the girl in front of him so quietly.

And that Princess...who likes to cause trouble to others, is not so incomprehensible at this time.

She just looked at the guardian and ward from the company in an unknown void with great interest.

The two of them hugged each other in different spaces without being affected by outsiders.

It wasn't until a long time passed that they separated again.

"Are you feeling better?"

Lu Nan put his head close to Xiao Youwei's ear and asked in a low voice.


Xiao Youwei nodded slightly.

"Then do you have any questions to ask me?" Lu Nan slowly opened his mouth.

"Well, speaking of which, why...from just now until now, Lu Nan hasn't called me weapons again."

Xiao Youwei raised her head. She seemed to have forgotten all the doubts Grandma Wolf had brought to her, and instead asked a seemingly inconspicuous question.

"I just don't want to shout like that anymore."

Lu Nan scratched his face and slightly avoided Xiao Youwei's sight.

His expression looked a little embarrassed.

"So, Lu Nan won't call me... Weapon again?"

Xiao Youwei's movements paused for a moment, and then she quickly wrote such a line as a question.

There was a little eagerness in the blue pupils of this Sanwu Loli.

"Yes, but it doesn't have any deep meaning. Don't think too much about it... I just think it's not very convenient to change my name all the time."

"It's good to have a fixed title, so when I call you, you know it's me calling you."

Lu Nan tilted his head and answered with such ambiguous words.

His answer seemed to be a normal reason.

But if you think about it carefully, almost all of them are flaws.

Since I think it will be troublesome to change my words.

Then why do you keep calling "Youwei" instead of "Weapon"?

"Lu Nan, can you come close to me?"

Xiao Youwei wrote a line of words with her left hand with some difficulty, and dragged her petite body covered in blood and wounds to come closer again.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Nan did not refuse, he gently leaned his head over and showed a questioning look.

The next moment, Xiao Youwei opened her mouth without hesitation and bit her guardian's cheek.

The unique fragrance of a girl penetrated Lu Nan's nose along with the rusty smell of blood.

"Youwei...what are you doing?"

Lu Nan was stunned for a moment, and looked at the girl who was having close contact with him with doubtful eyes.

Rather than biting, Xiao Youwei simply covered Lu Nan's face with her mouth.

You won't feel any pain from being treated like this, but your face will feel a little moist and itchy.

"It's a secret...but if it's Lu Nan, he will definitely understand."

Xiao Youwei let go, and she wrote this line in the notebook with an expressionless face.

"A secret that I must know? Oh, I think... I understand."

Lu Nan couldn't help but shift his gaze to Xiao Youwei's wolf ears.

Something in his heart moved slightly.

Creatures like wolves... seem to try to swallow their lovers' heads into their mouths when expressing their love.

This practice is also called "kissing with one mouthful" by romantic people.

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