Early the next morning, Wang Anshi got on the shuttle bus back to the city.

In the car, Wang Anshi swiped a short video and forcibly refused to look at his foreign exchange trading account. Last night, because I was nervous, I stared at the candlestick chart for several hours, and the whole graph turned out to be smoother than the windless lake.

Suddenly, a message popped up.

[Shocked!] In the early hours of this morning, country E launched a special military operation against W, and the EW war officially broke out. Wang

Anshi quickly clicked on the message, read the content of the message in general, and was slightly excited. Immediately afterwards, Wang Anshi opened the foreign exchange trading software again.

"It's gone, it's gone!" Wang

Anshi's excited roar startled the old lady next to her.


the old lady glanced at Wang Anshi, got up and sat in the back row.

Wang Anshi ignored the eyes of the people around him, staring at the K-line chart on his mobile phone. An upward curve of nearly 60 degrees stands out, and the joy in Wang Anshi's heart is also rising like the K-line chart.

After checking all the accounts in a row, and after finding that there was no problem, Wang Anshi turned off the screen of his mobile phone. Since he was staring too late last night, he was going to take a nap. However, the excitement in his heart made him unable to sleep. Just as he forced himself to close his eyes, the phone screen lit up again, and someone called.

Wang Anshi picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was Ou Qin who called, answering the channel.

"What's the matter! Sell me Jiang Yiyi again?"


"Then why are you calling? It won't be to persuade me not to divorce, you don't need to persuade me to do this, I won't agree." Wang Anshi said impatiently.

"That, in fact, is still a matter of you and Yiyi. Ou Qin on the other end of the phone smiled awkwardly.

"What? Jiang Yiyi agreed to marry me?" Wang Anshi quipped.

"Not really. Ou Qin replied, and hurriedly added. "Although she didn't agree to get married, what she meant was that she could try to get along with you first, and if it was suitable, the two of them would get married again. "

Hehe!" Wang Anshi smiled, "Forget it! We've lived together for two years, do you still need to try if it's suitable?" She doesn't want to marry me, and I don't have the heart to marry her, so don't mess around with the mandarin duck score." I still have something to do here, so I'll hang up first. Hearing

that Wang Anshi was about to hang up the phone, Ou Qin hurriedly shouted: "Don't! Yiyi has promised to try it, how can you suddenly change your hexagram here, didn't you agree to it yesterday!"

"When did I agree yesterday." It's impossible, no, I won't marry her. Wang Anshi said resolutely.

When Ou Qin heard this, he thought for a moment and said, "That's it! As long as you agree to try it with Yiyi, I don't care about the divorce between you and Jingqing."

Wang Anshi frowned, if Ou Qin could ignore the divorce between him and Jiang Jingqing, it would indeed be a good thing. According to the simulation of the future of the system, he knows that Ou Qin has been thinking about this house for many years in order to let his son get married and have a house to live in. If she messed with it, it would be a bit difficult for her to completely take over the house.

"Okay! I promised. But you don't have to worry about Jingqing's affairs anymore.

"Ou Qin's head said hello again and again.

After the two reached an agreement, Wang Anshi hung up the phone.

Of course he won't marry Jiang Yiyi again, after all, the things that simulated the future before are still vivid, and he doesn't want to wear a "big black hat" again.

At present, the most important thing is to divorce Jiang Jingqing, as long as you get the house and 200,000 yuan, you don't care about Jiang Yiyi later. Ou Qin wants to use Jiang Yiyi to tie him up in the Jiang family again, but it is impossible now, he is not the previous Wang Anshi.

"Jiang family", Jiang Yiyi, who was sitting next to Ou Qin, gritted her teeth.

"Whoever wants to get along with him is the same.

"Alright, it's settled. You bear with it first, it's a suite, don't make a fuss at that time. Ou Qin said on the side.

"Wait! When the day comes, I'm going to make him look good. As she spoke, Jiang Yiyi asked again, "When will you ask him over?"

"Judging by what he means, it doesn't seem that he wants to make contact with you, and in that case, of course the sooner the better. Ou Qin thought about it for a moment, "This must be done before he divorces your sister." Just these two days, when the time comes, I will take your sister and them out to sweep your father's grave, and you will ask him to come over at home alone.

"Is it so fast!"

Ou Qin didn't want to be so fast, after all, many of the details of the plan had not yet been perfected. Before, she thought that Jiang Yiyi was so beautiful, Wang Anshi must be willing to get along with her, after all, he is also a lustful character, otherwise he would not lick Jiang Jingqing for so many years.

Now that Wang Anshi is unwilling, he must settle the matter before the two of them divorce. Otherwise, when Wang Anshi is divorced and gets the house, Jiang Yiyi will want to ask him out again, and it will be difficult.

In fact, Ou Qin is quite accurate in seeing people. If there was no simulation before the system, Wang Anshi would really agree to get along with Jiang Yiyi, after all, who can refuse a big beauty.

After returning to the county seat, Wang Anshi first went to the unit to go through the resignation procedures. When Lin Qiangjun found out, he hurriedly dissuaded him and asked him to gather the money to open a restaurant, and it was not too late to leave his job. Wang Anshi said that he would pay off the house and go to the bank to borrow some money, but Lin Qiangjun did not stop him after hearing it.

After the resignation, Wang Anshi asked if he could live in the staff dormitory for a few days and move out after a while. Because they were all acquaintances, the management did not refuse, telling him to stay for a week at most, and after a week, he had to move out. Wang Anshi hurriedly nodded in agreement.

After returning to the dormitory, Wang Anshi took out the junior high school textbooks he brought from home. After reading the book for several hours, I gained a lot of revenge points.

When he studied mathematics, physics, and chemistry, he felt that he had gained a lot. However, when he saw English, with the help of Awakening Dan, although he was not sleepy, he couldn't remember the words.

Wang Anshi had no choice but to look for it in the system's item mall to see if there were any props that could help him. After looking for a while, he found that only the Memory Pill was helpful to him, but the price was relatively expensive, 500 points of revenge for a piece. His current revenge value is only 1,500 points, and a memory pill will use up one-third.

Wang Anshi reluctantly bought one, swallowed it in his stomach, and a cool feeling rushed to the top of his head. When he saw the words in the textbook again, he only felt that the letters on them seemed to have long legs, and they jumped into his mind one by one, and he memorized more than ten in an instant.

Although he had long known that the Memory Pill could help people improve their memory, after all, the system had an introduction to the goods sold, but he didn't expect the effect of the Memory Pill to be so domineering. The effective time of this elixir is three hours, and it is almost unforgettable within three hours, and it is no problem to go to the strongest brain after taking it.

Wang Anshi couldn't help but look forward to the other items in the system, but unfortunately his revenge value is a little small now, and many things can't be bought.

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