Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 250 Changes in Thoughts

At this moment, Gu Siwei's mind was spinning very fast, but it was spinning so fast that he might not even know what he was thinking now.

Suddenly, this incident brought back the life that Gu Siwei had almost forgotten. It was his own life decades later. At that time, he had parents, a younger brother, a house and a car...

"Hey, hey! Are you distracted again?"

When Hu Yanqiu saw Gu Siwei still standing at the door, he knew that he was distracted again, so he came over and asked gently.

After coming back to his senses, Gu Siwei found that the Li family's father and son had already entered the house and were no longer at the door, so he stretched his head and looked into the living room again.

Seeing that he cared so much about the father and son, Hu Yanqiu nudged him gently with his elbow: "Do you know him?"

Gu Siwei shook his head: "I don't know."

I really don’t know Gu Siwei. Normally, you know Jack Ma, but Jack Ma doesn’t know you. At that time, this Li Xinda was not only the richest man in the province, but he must also be in the top five in terms of wealth. How could a little person like Siwei be remembered by him? No one could even glance at him.

Hu Yanqiu didn't quite believe it, so he opened his mouth and whispered: "You must know this liar. If you didn't know him, you wouldn't look at him more than once."

I have to say that Hu Yanqiu, a big man, sometimes looks like a woman, and his thoughts suddenly become a little delicate.

Gu Siwei smiled and replied in a low voice: "I think he is good-looking, why don't I take a second look at him?"


Hu Yanqiu couldn't help but burst into laughter. Fortunately, she was here, otherwise everyone might be looking at her.

Hu Yanqiu stretched his neck into the living room and took a look. The father and son were placed together. It was hard to say that they were ugly, but they were beautiful. These two words were obviously inappropriate for the father and son.

It's almost inappropriate to the point of calling a deer a horse.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Hu Yanqiu was very happy. It had to be said that Hu Yanqiu also liked Gu Siwei's sometimes a little unruly look, which made her very happy every time.

The two chatted quietly while listening to the conversation in the main room.

The matter when the Li family and his son came over was very simple, that is, they were not going to take the house anymore, and they didn’t know if the Li family and his son had heard some news or something. They came to thank Hu Yanming today, but they insisted on returning the house to Hu Yanming. Yan Ming.

Originally this was a happy thing, but Hu Yanming didn't know which one was wrong, but now he was very determined to give the house away.

Now, except for Gu Siwei, everyone in the room felt a little anxious, especially Lu Yihui, who winked directly at his son.

Hu Yanming saw it, he paused for a moment, and then said: "Dad, Mom, I know this house is very important to me, but it is equally important for him to go to Brother Xinda. The conditions of my master's house are not very good." Well, it’s not easy for Brother Da Xin to find a wife. If he doesn’t have a house this time, how can he get married?..."

The fact is too simple. Old Man Li's family of seven or eight people are crowded into a house of more than 50 square meters. There is probably not even a place for plugging in the house.

If you can find a city wife in a place like this, you have to burn a lot of incense. Now that there is one, the house is a big problem. If the girl wants to marry in, it doesn’t matter whether the girl is happy or not. Even if the girl is happy, she can’t marry the bride after she comes in. Hang it on the wall.

Otherwise, where would you live?

Hu Yanming then decided to lend a hand to repay the old man for taking care of him when he first joined the factory.

Only then did Gu Siwei realize that his father-in-law had also 'made mistakes'. The reason why Hu Yanming remembered it was because Master Li didn't care about Hu Shunkai's affairs and cared about him both at work and in life.

"Yan Ming, I know what you mean. Let's put it this way, if you can speak openly, I will be satisfied. Really, I can't have your house. I was also greedy at the beginning, and I had one thought. Luan agreed. When I got home, I felt uneasy no matter how much I thought about it. Later, when Daxin came back and talked about it with me, I felt even more inappropriate. This house is still yours..." .

Old man Li made it clear here.

From the way this man spoke, Gu Siwei knew that Master Li was also a serious person.

Why can't such people mix well? The reason is very simple. Have you ever heard of a society where an upright and pure person can do well? People who are too serious or too upright are destined not to be liked by most people. Others don't like you. Do you want to get promoted and make a fortune? What is that if it's not a dream?

Lu Yihui's face was already livid at this time.

Hu Yanming continued: "Master, I have already asked someone to change your name for this quota. If I ask someone to change it back, will they be happy?"

When Hu Shunkai and Lu Yihui heard this, their faces immediately turned pale, and Lu Yihui's mouth trembled with anger.

Li Daxin opened his mouth and said: "I'm going to tell them. We can't do this. I know you want to get married and are waiting for a house. You've been talking about it for several years. This won't work."

Hu Yanming smiled and said: "My family is big. I can live at home when I get married. How will your family live there? Can the house be smaller? No way, so you can live in this house. It's okay for me to be straight here. Don't Worry, it’s not as difficult as you think.”

Hu Shunkai listened for a long time without saying a word.

Gu Siwei looked at his father-in-law's face, which changed from anger, to helplessness, then to disappointment, and finally turned back. It was not anger, but his face softened. When he finally looked at his son, there was actually a little anger on his face. Rejoiced.

Gu Siwei looked at that strange thing, turned to Hu Yanqiu and said, "Dad, is this a magic piercing?"

At this moment, Gu Siwei seriously doubted that his father-in-law had changed his personality. Is the look of wanting to hit someone on his mother-in-law's face a normal reaction? At this moment, his father-in-law had a smile on his face, as if my son had a future. If someone slapped you in the head and damaged your brain, it can only mean that you were penetrated by someone's soul!

"What are you talking about?" Hu Yanqiu didn't know whether it was divine or not, but she knew it was definitely not a good thing, so she twisted the little flesh on Gu Siwei's arm while speaking.

There was no heavy blow, and it didn't hurt at all. Gu Siwei pretended to hum twice, and Hu Yanqiu rubbed it again. The two of them felt tired.

Neither of them noticed that Hu Yanping, who was sitting not far away, almost turned his mouth to the back of his head at this moment, but they were disgusted by them.

"Master Li, let's let this be settled. Don't refuse. This child did receive a lot of care from you in the past. I should have brought it up, but now I think it's right for him to do so... ".

Be good!

Gu Siwei thought from the side: This is not a divine piercing, this is a holy piercing. My father-in-law is going to become an immortal and a Buddha. This guy suddenly has a spiritual level that is several stories high, and he can't catch up!

Hu Shunkai's words once again stunned everyone in the room, especially Lu Yihui, whose face was so unpredictable that for a while Gu Siwei didn't know how to judge whether the mother-in-law was happy or happy!

"My dad is so angry, right?" Hu Yanqiu muttered softly.

At this time, Hu Yanping opened his mouth and said: "It's not a man to be dishonest! I said you should give the house to Master Li, so you should keep it count! How can you give something away and get it back!"

Hu Yanping's voice was very low, but these words made Hu Yanqiu and Gu Siwei both turn their heads to look at this kid.

When Hu Yanping saw his sister and brother-in-law looking at him as if they were looking at something strange, he scratched his head and said, "Shouldn't it be right?"

"Boy, it's okay!"

For such a child to say such a thing, Gu Siwei couldn't help but think highly of his brother-in-law, thinking that although he was young, his outlook on life was still acceptable.

"You're still praising him? If my brother didn't have this house, why would he be married?" Hu Yanqiu was a little anxious.

If Gu Siwei didn't know the future story, he might be anxious too.

What, if Gu Siwei has money, he can buy a house for his uncle?

Sorry, there is no such thing as buying a house now. Even if you have money, you have no place to buy commercial housing. Nowadays, commercial housing, commercial housing, houses must be commodities before they can be bought and sold. But now there is no such thing. Rural people It’s called building a house, and non-agricultural household registration is called housing allocation. It doesn’t even involve raising funds to allocate a house, let alone buying a house.

Gu Siwei didn't know how to evaluate this matter at this moment. According to normal people's thinking, Hu Yanming did something very stupid, extremely stupid.

But the excitement lies in the follow-up. Li Xinda has become prosperous and he has not forgotten this matter. This naturally became a good story.

But in fact, if 10,000 people did this, almost 10,000 would die. It is precisely because of this last story that this matter can be spread. After most people do this, the result is that others take it. The house is married, but you are not.

After a few years of delay, you will be allocated a house again. This time you have been severely beaten by the society. This time you finally won't let it go, and your family will follow suit. The relationships that should be entrusted have been entrusted, and the gifts that should be given have been given. The people who need to be managed are now in place.

So you finally got the house. By the time you got the house, you would be in your early thirties. Young city girls would probably not marry you, because who wouldn’t get married at this age?

Either find a second marriage, or find a young country girl.

This is normal, Hu Yanming let Fang's secular follow-up.

Society's scripts are generally this type of script A, like Hu Yanming's, which is plan B and is not within the normal range.

"I have always taught Yan Ming that they should be honest and trustworthy in order to show their true nature. But who knows that when they encounter benefits, they will start to say one thing and do another. Now Yan Ming has taught me a lesson today. Master Li, You can take this house, and Yanming can get married at home. A daughter will be married off to our family soon, and another daughter will be married into the family. This is also good..."

Hu Shun said with a smile.

Gu Siwei was really confused by her father-in-law's sudden turn and didn't know what to say.

Worn by saints! An absolute saint to wear!

Anyone with a normal mind wouldn't be able to do this!

Gu Siwei thought with a smile.


He turned around and glanced: "Why are you screwing me?"

"My dad is stupid and you are stupid too!" Hu Yanqiu definitely couldn't point it at his father, he could only point it at his future husband.

Gu Siwei rubbed his arms and grinned, looking like I was speechless.

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