I slept until three o'clock in the morning, no, there was no sun today, only snowflakes, but the snowflakes were not as big as yesterday, floating feebly in the gloomy sky.

Gu Siwei yawned, stretched, and sat up from the bed.

After sitting on the edge of the bed for a while, Gu Siwei stretched his head to look for his shoes, and found that at some point, one of his shoes had gone to the cabinet.

So with bare feet, Chuu pulled on one shoe and went to find the other one.

Just as she put her foot into the other shoe, Sicui opened the door.

"Brother, are you awake?"

Sicui laughed when she saw that Gu Siwei had gotten up.

"Of course I woke up, what are you doing?" Gu Siwei asked.

Sicui said: "I won't do anything!"

After saying that, he turned around, closed the door, and ran away.

Next, Gu Siwei heard the girl shouting outside: "Sister-in-law, my brother is awake!"

"Then bring him this bowl of soup."

Hu Yanqiu's voice came.

Gu Siwei thought it was hangover soup, so he left the room and sat down at the small table.


Yawning, Gu Siwei still looked like he hadn't fully woken up yet.

Soon Sicui brought a bowl of soup over. Seeing that Gu Siwei was already sitting next to the table, the girl brought the soup to the table.

"Brother, sister-in-law asked you to drink it quickly, otherwise it will get cold," Sicui said with a smile.

When Gu Siwei took a look, he realized that it was not the hangover soup he had imagined, but a bowl of mutton soup. The side dishes in the soup were bean sprouts and tofu skin, as well as some vermicelli noodles, a little thin gravy, and sprinkled on top. A little pepper, and chili paste.

Gu Siwei picked up the spoon in the bowl, took a spoonful and put it to his mouth. He couldn't help but praise: "Sister-in-law still understands me!"

The taste of this bowl of soup directly hits Gu Siwei's taste buds. The control of pepper and chili is perfect.

"By the way, why do you think of making haggis soup this early in the morning?"

Gu Siwei asked while eating.

Sicui didn't ask any questions. Wu Meiling, who had just walked in, listened to the question completely. So when she came in, she smiled at Gu Siwei and said: "There are so many haggis left at home, we can't feed them all." Da Mao."

As soon as Gu Siwei saw her coming in, he immediately stood up and said, "Sister-in-law Meiling."

This person showed up at his home early in the morning, which made Gu Siwei feel a little confused.

Sicui said with a smile at this time: "See, you drank the elder brother who was promoted to longevity yesterday, and you can't even go home."

Only then did Gu Siwei remember it, patted his legs and said with a smile: "I forgot about this incident. Where is Brother Shengshou?"

"I haven't gotten up yet, including a few old men. You said that you don't have enough when you drink, and everyone is a bit high after drinking," Wu Meiling said with a smile.

It's not easy to have a good drink these days, and there are no sources of information for everyone now. I haven't heard of anyone who died after drinking, and the drinking mate at the same table was sued by his family, so no one has I care too much about this.

Not to mention Shimo Village, when the town invites guests, if you can’t get down after drinking, it means you are not enthusiastic, so when there is wine to drink, you have to be drunk. Only when you are drunk will the host’s family feel that they have served well. .

Wu Meiling didn't mean to blame Siwei in her words, that's what she said.

"Hehe! So I woke up early?" Gu Siwei sat down with a smile, continued to pick up the spoon, and continued to ladle the soup.

"You are the first!"

As soon as the words here finished, a voice came from outside: "Hey, it's still snowing!"

"Well, the second one is up too," Sicui said with a smile.

Gu Siwei and others realized that it was Tao Yisheng who spoke.

Then Hu Yanqiu's voice rang out: "Uncle Tao, would you like a bowl of haggis soup? It's still hot now. Maybe they will heat it up later, and the taste will be a little different by then."

"Come here, have a bowl, come here, why don't you have a bowl of this?" Tao Yisheng said.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei picked up the bowl and pushed open the door. Just as he was about to go out, he felt a gust of cold wind that almost knocked him over. Only then did he remember that he was still wearing a half-thick coat.

You say it's a coat, it's a bit thick, you say it's a cotton coat, the material is quite soft, you say it's pajamas, no one says anything when I wear them, in short, they are all three different, on Gu Siwei's body, one is Secondly, it fits well and is comfortable, so Gu Siwei also wears it when sleeping.

After returning to the room, he put down the bowl and put on a cotton coat, then Gu Siwei walked out of the room.

After leaving the room, I saw that Tao Yisheng had already put the bowl in his hand, and his whole head was almost stuck in the bowl. His posture when drinking soup was really unscrupulous.

"You actually got up so early?"

Gu Siwei said something to Tao Yisheng.

Why do you ask? Because the old man drank a lot yesterday, almost more than a pound.

When Tao Yisheng heard Gu Siwei's words, he raised his head and said: "This is so much, that is to say, I am older. When I was young, one pound or two pounds of wine could only be used to pad my stomach and moisten my throat. By the way, you're not a bad guy, you didn't drink less yesterday, I think you're doing fine today."

"No, no!"

Gu Siwei was really not as humble as Tao Yisheng. He started stealing wine at the end of his drink yesterday. In fact, he drank half of it and drank half of it. It looked like almost a pound of wine, but in fact it was only six taels at most. As for how much it was after six taels, he couldn't remember because he was drunk.

The two of them chatted about drinking while sipping the soup together. After finishing the soup, the two of them ate two more steamed buns, which were grilled salted fish. They were so full now.

People woke up one after another, and the last one to wake up was Wu Shengshou. The one who was better than him was Song Rui, but he was not much better. The difference between them was less than a quarter of an hour.

It was already that time, and no one was allowed to go home, so everyone got together again at noon and had another hot pot meal. This time there was no wine. The white flour steamed buns were served in a big cabbage pot with tofu vermicelli inside. The white meat slices paired with the wild boar were a bit spicy, covering up the wild boar's flavor, which was pretty good.

After dinner, people like Wu Meiling and Song Rui went home when it was time to go home. Song Rui really went home. With the weather and the fact that there was nothing going on in the village, he had been waiting since the winter. , I stay at home for almost twenty days a month, and rarely come to the Sixth Team to stay for a fixed period of time.

The only ones left behind are the permanent residents of Gu Siwei's family, five old guys who were allotted, along with Gu Siwei's family of four, and Tao Yisheng.

There were so many people, and it was snowing outside, so it was quite lively. Everyone was together, playing poker and chess, just like a cat in winter.

There is grain in the barn, vegetables in the cellar, and meat in the pen. There is nothing to worry about, so everyone has no mental burden this winter. They just eat, sleep, and play every day. It is a joy to live a small life.

The snow falls intermittently, although it is not heavy, but it is not small when accumulated, but it is very normal for snow to fall in winter at this time.

Gu Siwei felt that the temperature at this time was almost three or four degrees colder than the time he was born, and it snowed much more frequently.

In winter, it snows in almost half of China, and there are no snowflakes in one or two provinces in the south.

The only person working is You Xugang, because his job is to deal with wood and he is in the house all day, so it doesn't matter whether it snows or whether it's cool outside.

But not long after, the group of people who were a little bored playing chess began to play wood carving. For them, it was just playing. There was not much difference between carving wood and playing chess.

After playing wood carving for a while, some of them started to learn painting from Lu Yan, including Hu Yanqiu, Sicui and Hu Yanping.

For a time, the amount of paper used by Gu Siwei's family increased significantly.

But fortunately, paper can not only be used for drawing, but can also be used for wiping buttocks and so on. In short, the used paper can always be used two or three times, which is quite economical.

Gu Siwei now walks around the house and feels that he has a lot of cultural flavor.

Everyone started playing art, except Gu Siwei who did not join in. Whether he was learning painting from Lu Yan or sculpture from You Xugang, Gu Siwei had little interest.

It's not that Gu Siwei is lazy, it's that this kid always learns everything last, and loses interest in learning. This makes Gu Siwei feel that all his previous enthusiasm for learning has been exhausted by turning on the machine.

My life was uneventful, which was considered to be the ultimate happiness in such an era, so no one complained or was dissatisfied. Gu Siwei's Yinsongya was filled with laughter and laughter all day long, and it seemed like there was a paradise to escape from the world. the meaning of.

The folks in the Sixth Team are living a good life this year, at least much better than last year. Now everyone doesn’t say how good the food is, but at least they can eat enough. Last year, there were rats running around in the cellars at home. This year, the cellar at home is piled with potatoes, potatoes, cabbage, and vermicelli.

Regardless of whether it's good or not, at least the family is no longer hungry. Although there are still two meals a day, each person has a big bowl of food, which is different from last year.

Many villagers are satisfied. Once people are satisfied, there will naturally be more smiles on their faces.

The only one who is not very happy may be Liu Fulin. As for why he is unhappy, there is no need to explain the reason. Now you catch a mouse in the village and ask: Why is Uncle Liu unhappy?

The mouse will definitely answer you: I gave birth to a terrible grandson.

Yes, that's the reason.

After New Year's Day, Gu Siwei was ready to leave. Where he was going, he had already said that he was going to Hong Kong.

Gu Siwei may have felt a little bored, but he actually had a little expectation for this trip to Hong Kong. He didn't know if it was because of the evil energy deep in his heart, but he always felt - well, it was exciting!

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