58 – Wanting to Become an Adventurer Again

In the end, I couldn’t break Philstone’s persistence and returned to the guild.

Since it wasn’t a busy time for adventurers, Tina was focused on paperwork.

As I approached the reception desk, Tina noticed my arrival and asked.

“Oh, Yunoa! How did it go? Did you meet the Master?”

“Yes, I did meet him, but…”

I told Tina that the owner of the Coubelle Refinery was also the guild master.

Tina’s expression showed a slight surprise upon hearing my words.

She must not have known either.

Well, if she did, she would have told me before writing down the address.

What kind of Guild Master operates without even showing his face in the guild, let alone being the Guild Leader?

No matter how you think about it, it couldn’t be anything other than a ridiculous situation.

I told Tina about my conversation with Philstone.

Tina listened to my story with interest and spoke up.

“Oh… When I got hired as a receptionist, I was trained with the principle of prioritizing document processing. Sending documents to the Master once a month is part of that.”

“No matter how I think about it, it seems like only receptionists like you suffer because of that person.”

“Ahahahaha… It’s work, so I can’t help it.”

Tina laughed awkwardly.

Seeing that expression, something came to mind.

It was the weary, exhausted expression unique to receptionists who had to endure heavy work every day just to make a living.

“So, in the end, it seems difficult to resurrect the dismissed documents, and you want to register as a new adventurer?”

I asked Tina for a favor.

But I didn’t plan on registering as an adventurer right away.

It’s meaningless to register if I can’t even get the Silver rank from the beginning.

With my current skills, it wouldn’t be too difficult to raise my rank from Bronze, but it’s a matter of pride.

Besides, there was actually a minimum period that had to be fulfilled for each rank in the adventurer rank evaluation.

It’s impossible to go from Bronze to Silver, or from Silver to Gold, in just two days.

So, somehow, I wanted to immediately achieve the Silver rank.

“Are you registering as a new adventurer?”

“But, I won’t register if I don’t get the Silver rank right away. Can you at least look at the conditions and tell me what rank I can get?”

“That… There are several conditions. Should I take a look?”

Tina pulled out the adventurer registration form from under the counter.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, the adventurer registration document filled with insurance terms and such.

I never thought I would see it again for something like this.

“First, please sign here and we’ll proceed with the questions, but feel free to ask your own questions first.”

“Yes, please.”

“Have you received education from training grounds, academies, swordsmanship schools, magic universities, or any other educational institutions?”


“Does your family have a gold-ranked adventurer or the founder of a recognized swordsmanship style or magic school in the kingdom?”


Yes, these were definitely the kinds of questions.

After receiving the questions, memories of when I first registered as an adventurer come flooding back.

Just like back then, I could only answer “no” to those questions.

Now that I hear the questions again, being an adventurer seems to require a solid background and connections.

Surprisingly, it also requires a substantial initial capital, family background, and education…

Being born into a wealthy family and receiving education from a good institution makes a difference right from the starting line.

Well, that’s how life is.

“Do you have any experience in war, mercenary activities, or victories in battles against monsters?”

Finally, a question I can confidently answer has come up.

“I have experience with two subjugation forces and I’ve defeated countless monsters. I even fell into a hole leading to the demon realm in the Horn Canyon and arrived here alive. Isn’t that quite an impressive career?”

I confidently spoke to Tina.

But Tina looked at me with a strange expression, appearing uncomfortable.


“Is there a problem?”

“It’s just that… all the experiences you had as an adventurer cannot be counted towards your new registration.”


What kind of absurdity is this?

From Noble mtl dot com

“War experience is recognized as a qualification for soldiers, and mercenary work is only acknowledged if you have actually worked as a mercenary. Since the Unoa who has been active as an adventurer and the Unoa who is registering as a new member are treated as different people on paper, the documented records of your adventures cannot be used.”

What the hell is this?

It’s unfair enough to treat someone who’s perfectly alive as dead, and now this.

“Well, um…”

“Unfortunately… you don’t have any recognized qualifications… Of course, we’re not doubting the authenticity of your experience, it’s just the guild’s policy…”

That damn guild master who’s addicted to potions. How strict did they make the guild rules?

It feels like dealing with a government agency that is so rigid and inflexible that not even a single hair can get through.

“Lastly, what class would you like to register in the guild?”

Tina asked the final question.

Wait a minute, hasn’t the answer to this question remained the same since I first registered as an adventurer?

“Well… before I answer, can I at least roughly know what ranks are available now?”

“That’s… true…”

“Seriously, I was just wondering.”


“Really, surely, it’s not the Novice rank, is it?”

Tina hesitated slightly in response to my question.

She must be feeling awkward too.

She clearly knows better than anyone how I’ve lived as an adventurer.

Tina looked apologetic and said,

“It’s Novice… That’s right.”

Damn it, I won’t register.

* * *

I gave up on registering as a new adventurer for now.

If they won’t even accept Bronze rank, then Novice?

What’s the difference between being told to go back to being a trainee after suffering in the military and becoming a corporal?

For now, I’ll put registering as a new adventurer on hold until I find a solution.

Luckily, I had some money on me.

I can manage to eat and live decently without working for a while.

I thought there would be some way if I followed the hint Naration gave me, but it seems that’s not the case.

To relieve stress, I bought some chicken skewers from a street vendor.

Ah, it’s so satisfying.

This is the taste of human society…!

Being unintentionally stuck in the Demon Realm made me miss the taste of human society’s food so much.

The feeling of sinking into the adventurer registration request was loosened a bit by a few chicken skewers.

“Haah… Anyway, what should I do….”

Feeling a little better, I walked through the evening streets and thought about it.

Should I go and persuade Philstone again? No, that would be impossible.

It seems that I can’t use the experience I gained during my adventurer days as a credential.

Should I go to the nearby forest now and quickly build up a reputation by defeating monsters?

Upon further investigation, it seemed that the experience of subduing monsters was only recognized as a credential if it was done in a place where many people could witness it.

Even if there were few eyewitnesses, at least three were needed. It’s not easy to meet the conditions unless monsters suddenly attack the village or deliberately bring witnesses and go to subdue powerful monsters.

Three people….

Let’s see, who can I bring….

Sylphi, Tina, and Meruru, maybe.

If I ask Sylphi, she might say, “I’ll help you, Senpai!” and follow along.

But it would be a hassle to take Tina and Meruru with me all the time and ask them to be witnesses for my career building since they are working as receptionists.

Meruru seems a bit more free, but Tina is really busy.

Shari… let’s exclude her since she’s a ghost.

Milaya is not here, so forget about her.

But it would be strange to find someone I don’t know and ask them, “Please watch me defeat monsters for my adventurer registration experience!”

Is there no other way?

“Yunoa was racking her brain, thinking about how to create experience that she could use for her new adventurer registration.

However, it was difficult for her to achieve the desired rank simply by subduing monsters without any background.”

Then what should I do?

I can’t accept the fate of being reset to the Novice rank and starting an adventurer’s life from scratch.

“Right now, the only way to quickly build a respectable career, including guild elites, was to start from scratch. And there were a few conditions for that,” the narration continued.

“You must defeat a powerful monster that even Silver-ranked adventurers would struggle with. When subduing the monster, gather at least three witnesses and submit a certificate to the guild. And in the process, gain the recognition of the guild master to fill in your lacking background.”

The first and second conditions are already known to me.

But what does the third one mean?

To fulfill those conditions and gain the recognition of the guild master?

I wasn’t born into a famous family, nor did I graduate from a specific institution, so it seems like gaining the recognition of the guild master would fill in my lacking background.


“It won’t be easy to change Philstone’s unreasonable and inflexible attitude, but for now, I had no choice but to go along with his coercion. However, if I could break through this properly, it wouldn’t be just bad things waiting for Unoa. If I could restore my adventurer rank according to Philstone’s standards, something terrible awaited him.”

I really hope that’s the case.

If something terrible awaits Philstone, then I definitely can’t give up.

I thought maybe the narration would give me a hint, but after that, there was no more narration.

Damn it, they had to give me the information and leave me with an ambiguous part.

I understand the direction clearly.

Summon three witnesses to subdue a monster worthy of a Silver Rank and obtain recognition from the Guild Master.

It won’t be easy to gain the recognition of someone as tightly sealed as him.

I mulled over the words that the narration had said.

Among them, the part that bothered me was “obtain recognition from the Guild Master directly during this process.”

It sounds like we have to achieve all the conditions at once, rather than separately.

Well, I guess I have no choice but to go find Philstone again.

Before it got too late at night, I hurried my steps towards the Cube Refinery.

* * *

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