61 – I Want to Be an Adventurer Again

After the disaster of the mutants that stormed into Kuver.

The atmosphere in the center of Kuver was in complete disarray as a result.

Several buildings were completely engulfed in flames, and while there were no fatalities, there were many injuries.

It is said that all the injured were people who repeatedly received blows to the abdomen from the mutants.

But most shocking of all was that the guild building itself was also damaged by the fire.

Naturally, the mountainous pile of documents stored in the guild also burned down, and the feared incident occurred.

Guild operations were completely paralyzed, and adventurers who were based in Kuver found it difficult to continue their activities.

How bitter it is.

For now, I decided to observe the situation.

Kuver was like a second hometown to me.

Moreover, all my close acquaintances were here.

Philstones was found unconscious with his face buried in the debris of the Kuver refinery, which he had poured his heart into.

He was probably beaten by those mutants who grabbed him by the hair and focused on repeatedly hitting his abdomen.

I imagine him being punched by the mutants until he lost consciousness, even though he had immunity to magical attacks.

Well, it’s his own fault.

After all, he raised them himself.

The situation in the Kuver guild was immediately reported to the capital, and Philstones was questioned and arrested for his responsibility in this incident.

Regardless of the intention, the fact remains that the demons were raised and let loose in the village, so the guilt is by no means light.

Naturally, the guild master was also stripped of their position along with the arrest.

And news came that a new guild master, Kubel, was coming from the capital.

* * *

A few days later, I decided to visit the guild upon hearing that the new guild master had finally arrived.

The guild building was still under repair, with one side of the wall covered only with tarp, and there were traces of scorching here and there.

The guild’s document storage, where various documents were kept under Philstone’s orders, was completely destroyed and gone.

The building was filled with heaps of documents, so I wondered how well they burned.

I can only hope that the new guild master is somewhat sane.

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There were a few other adventurers who had come to see the new master besides me.

Adventurers who came to receive temporary documents for relocation, adventurers who couldn’t receive their quest completion rewards because the guild burned down, and so on.

Most of the adventurers who had business at the guild were present.

“Nice to meet you. I am Algot, the new guild master of Kubel Adventurer Guild, starting today.”

In front of the receptionist and the adventurers, the new guild master Algot briefly introduced herself. Surprisingly, she was a woman.

She was petite and looked quite young.

However, she had a fairly strong aura compared to that. She had curly blonde hair and wore a red hairpin. She had two small swords hanging from both sides of her waist, dressed like an adventurer.

“Algot, the new master of the Kubel Adventurer Guild, was a woman with a gold rank adventurer qualification who had been active in the capital, Piphnal.

She had been called a prodigy since she was young and had temporarily served as a swordsmanship instructor for the knights. She also had experience working as a mercenary in the northern city of Arunhem for six months.”

She must have been an active adventurer.

Even though she was small, she had a charisma that drew people’s attention with her gaze.

She was someone who raised expectations in many ways.

“I have assessed the situation with the guild. There are many issues with the existing guild procedures, so I will focus on restoring the guild as quickly as possible. First, starting today, we will issue guild transfer documents through the reception desk. And we will omit the various complicated procedures and necessary documents that were previously required. Oh, please make sure to carry your adventurer badge.”

Algot spoke to the adventurers.

“Until the normal operations are restored, the existing tasks will be temporarily suspended. The reception desk will be divided into three sections: this side will issue temporary documents, this side will settle unpaid quest rewards, and I will personally handle consultations at this reception desk. Regarding the reward settlement, if you provide the quest form you have, we will take care of it.”

Algot immediately arranged the receptionists, including Tina, at each temporary reception desk.

Adventurers who had work to do lined up in front of the reception desk, as if they had been waiting.

Wow, a guild master who actually works properly.

Filstone observed with interest, sitting at the waiting area, without even catching a glimpse of Tina, who was a receptionist.

“The processing speed has become incredibly fast….”

Tina quickly stamped the transfer declaration form requested by the adventurer and sent it out.

Although it was called a transfer declaration form, in reality, it was just stamping the seal of the Cube Guild on the paper.

There were no complicated documents to sign and verify like before.

Since she was originally skilled in document processing, the work was simplified, and she moved like a machine.

The reception desk that dealt with unpaid reward cases also seemed to handle the tasks quickly.

In the past, whenever the guild wanted to do something, several documents would pop up, and they had to sign them multiple times.

But with the simplified procedures, all of those things disappeared.

I also lined up to consult directly with Guild Master Algot.

Although the records were probably burned and lost now, there was an issue I wanted to confirm.

“Hello, first of all, congratulations on becoming the Master. I am Yunoa, a Silver-ranked adventurer from Kuber.”

“Yes, what seems to be the problem?”

As soon as I stood in front of him, Algot asked me directly.

I explained in detail what had happened before.

The incident where I participated in the demon subjugation force led by Mireia.

The incident where I fell into a hole in the Horn Canyon and was declared dead, not missing, resulting in the erasure of my adventurer record.

The incident where I used the new adventurer registration system to restore my adventurer rank.

Algot listened carefully to my words and immediately gave an answer.

“Since all the guild’s previous records have been burnt, there’s no need to document them again. Do you have the badge?”

“Oh, yes. I have it.”

I took out my Silver-ranked adventurer badge.

I even had two badges.

One was the one I originally had, and the other was the one I received when I registered again.

Since there was no way to return my badge, which was declared dead on paper under Philstone’s operating policy, I had kept it.

“Since the adventurers who will continue to work in Kuber will simply transfer their registration, you can come and show it to us and register at that time. Oh, please return one of the badges now. It could be misused.”

“Do I not have to fill out any documents?”

“The badge is enough.”

“What about the previous record that was declared dead?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. The guild is responsible for managing adventurer ranks, requests, and transfers between guilds, not for managing adventurers’ personal information.”

I was deeply moved by those words.

The era of clerks mindlessly writing complex documents without even knowing their contents has come to an end.

From what I heard, Philstone used to demand unnecessary information from adventurers and document everything.

While each guild operates differently in each region, Kubele’s methods were extreme.

There was no reason for the guild to manage adventurers’ identities as strictly as Philstone did in the first place.

Adventurers’ guilds mainly focus on commission requests, payment distribution, and adventurer ranking evaluations.

Of course, there were clearly some administrative procedures that were necessary, but most were resolved by simply showing a badge.

If a special situation occurred, the guild master would handle it directly.

The reason for reporting a guild transfer when moving an active guild was to keep track of adventurers in case of kingdom conscription orders, among other things.

It was not a system used by guilds to record everything, including adventurers’ identities, like Philstone’s method.

In other words, Philstone was taking advantage of the guild’s autonomy in each region to engage in unnecessary abuse of power.

It was a way to run the guild without actually going to work, relying only on documents and rules.

I asked Alcott about one more thing that concerned me.

It was about the ownership of the Bellaforte Mansion, which had been entrusted to the guild for consignment sales.

“Just one more thing, I have a mansion that I entrusted to the guild for consignment sales in the past. What happens to that? Since I will be declared dead, does the guild now own it?”

“If the original owner is Miss Yunoa, then it is still a mansion owned by Miss Yunoa. The matter entrusted to the guild becomes non-existent. If you really want to prove ownership, it would be better to ask the former owner and have them leave a written statement.”

“Then does that mean the previous paperwork for the declaration of death is now completely null and void?”

Alcott chuckled slightly at my question.

“There was never a death to begin with, so wouldn’t it be even more strange to have two people with the same identity on paper? You seem quite troubled. As long as I manage the guild, such a thing will never happen again.”

Alcott answered without any hesitation.

Thanks to the Kubele Adventurers Guild burning down, all the problems were actually neatly resolved.

The strange guild master who was obsessed with paperwork had changed, and all my suspicious records tied to the guild disappeared.

I thought there would be a great confusion due to the loss of a tremendous amount of documents accumulated in the Kubel Guild, but it wasn’t the case.

All adventurers had badges that corresponded to their appropriate ranks, which was enough to prove their qualifications.

Above all, it was significant that the guild master, who could exercise the most powerful authority in the guild, resided in the guild itself.

Even situations that receptionists couldn’t handle could be dealt with flexibly when the guild master was present.

Even the situation where the transfer records of adventurers belonging to Kubel were floating in the air was resolved without any problem.

Having one guild master residing in the guild was sometimes much more efficient than dealing with millions of complicated documents.

Under the new guild master, the Kubel Adventurers Guild quickly regained its proper function.

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