Life swap game

Chapter 384 382. I am an eagle (two-in-one/updated yesterday)

After making sure that Yu Ningmeng had calmed down and would not do anything to hurt her ears, Xia Yu put the phone back to her ears.

"Just an ordinary princess." Xia Yu replied.

"That's a princess too. You're tired of playing with the rich lady, and you're starting to attack the princess?" Yu Ningmeng didn't know what to say at this time, so she made witty remarks casually.

"..." Xia Yu couldn't answer.

"Wait a minute, you said you knew the princess's father, that is to say, your friend is the king?" Yu Ningmeng discovered another blind spot.

"No." Xia Yu replied.

"Your denial is more irritating than your affirmation. I need to deal with it." Yu Ningmeng put down her phone and touched her chin.

Xia Yu has a friend who is a princess and her father is not a king.

Picking up the phone, Yu Ningmeng sighed: "That king is a bit green."

Xia Yu also discovered the problem in his words and was thinking about how to explain it when he heard Yu Ningmeng's thoughts and was speechless for a moment.

He didn't want to talk about this issue anymore: "It's hard to say whether it's green or not. In short, she is no problem in all aspects. She is a real princess. Just tell me whether it can be done."

"The royal blood must not run around, but District 232 is just a community. Let me ask." After saying that, Yu Ningmeng hung up the phone.

Xia Yu put down his phone and threw it aside. He knew that he would probably not be able to draw any conclusions tonight and would have to wait until tomorrow for any news.

I don’t know if Zhu Mei will follow me honestly tomorrow, but if that doesn’t work, I’ll kidnap her.

Clicking on the game column, Xia Yu began to think about which one to go to today.

He decided to go to Wen Ziying's place, wondering how her new books were selling.

However, he did not go there immediately because he felt that something else would happen tonight.

He was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone. At half past eleven, he heard a gentle knock on the door.

Xia Yu didn't care. He knew that the person outside the door must be Zhu Mei.

As for Zhu Mei's purpose, it was nothing more than to promise him her life and then let him save his younger brother and the others.

Xia Yu knew what Zhu Mei was thinking when she was dangling in front of him in a swimsuit in the afternoon.

Although rescuing her brother was troublesome, it could still be discussed, but letting Zhu Mei into the house in the middle of the night was not negotiable.

He is an upright man.

Zhu Mei and Hu Lianglu live in the same room. With Hu Lianglu's character, she will definitely keep an eye on Zhu Mei. If she sees Zhu Mei not coming back for a long time...

This door cannot be opened.

Lying on the bed, Xia Yu thought that Zhu Mei would leave in a sensible manner after knocking on the door for a while, but he did not expect that the other party decided to open the door herself.

Xia Yu didn't have the habit of locking the door while sleeping. When he saw the door handle being twisted, he immediately got out of bed, pushed the door handle back, and locked it.

Hearing the click of the lock, Zhu Mei's face turned red with embarrassment outside the door.

There was no answer when she knocked on the door just now. Zhu Mei could still think that Xia Yu was asleep and didn't hear. The door was locked at this time. It was impossible for Xia Yu to lock it because of sleepwalking.

After feeling ashamed, Zhu Mei's mood turned into disappointment.

She finally worked up the courage to do such a thing, but the other party didn't like her at all.

Zhu Mei loosened her grip on the door handle and looked towards the stairs.

Since the other party is unwilling to help save people, do you want to leave?

There was no moon outside the window, and the stairs were dark and unsettling. But there was a little light on the other side of the corridor, which was the light of Hu Lianglu's night light, which was soft and warm.

Zhu Mei thought again that even if she walked through the stairs to get downstairs, she couldn't leave. The door on the first floor required iris authentication.

Taking a step forward, she returned to Hu Lianglu's room and quietly got into bed.

The warmth in the bed made her fall asleep quickly.

Hu Lianglu, who originally had his back turned to her, turned over, opened his eyes and looked at her, then closed his eyes again.

It was almost twelve o'clock at this time, and the game opportunity would be wasted if it was not used. Xia Yu chose Wen Ziying's column and clicked to log in.

After a period of darkness, what he saw was still darkness.

Wen Ziying went to bed so early today?

Xia Yu stretched out his hand and was about to touch the light switch, but what he touched was a very strange touch.

The wall didn't feel right, nor did the feeling of reaching out.

Before he could be surprised, he felt something unstable underneath him and he fell down.

If he were on an ordinary bed, he would roll down and hit the ground immediately, which would only hurt slightly. However, Xia Yu had been down for two seconds and was still in a weightless state.

Barely able to steady his rolling body, Xia Yu quickly looked around.

He saw the stars in the sky, and with the help of the starlight and night vision skills, he could see clearly what was going on around him.

He was falling from a cliff and was about to fall into the valley below in a few seconds.

What the hell is going on!

[Bonus generation completed]

[Bonus obtained: flight bonus lv1, distance viewing bonus lv1, tracking bonus lv1]

Seeing this bonus that was completely different from Wen Ziying's, Xia Yu knew that he had triggered the bug again. At this moment, he was in the body of an animal.

If he guessed correctly, it was probably the body of a bird, so the feeling of reaching out just now was very strange.

The ground was getting closer and closer to him, and when he was about to land on the rock surface, and the bird's life disappeared, Xia Yu hurriedly opened his wings and barely made a glide.

After sliding for a second, he hit a tree, his vision obscured by leaves.

He had no choice but to claw at the branches, hoping to catch the branches and avoid falling to the ground after passing through the canopy.

A second later, the field of vision suddenly broadened, and what caught Xia Yu's gaze was the surface of the hard rock.

If it were to hit him at this speed, he would have to lie on the ground for at least ten minutes, and he might even get a bloody head.

Fortunately, before landing, he felt something solid in his claws and grabbed the branch.

Stopping his falling body and swinging around the branch for a while due to inertia, Xia Yu successfully got out of the crisis.

He didn't rush to release his claws, and just hung upside down on the branch. After first making sure that there were no animals around and there was no danger, he did a backflip and landed firmly on the ground.

Fortunately, he has dexterity, otherwise he would not be able to react in time when using an unfamiliar bird body.

Lying on the ground, Niao Yu eased his intense heartbeat.

If he guessed correctly, he was in the bird's nest just now. Because of the operation of spreading his wings to turn on the light, he turned out of the nest. Fortunately, nothing happened.

He glanced at the direction where he had just fallen. It was a towering cliff. He didn't know what kind of bird this body was, and it could actually build its nest in such a high place.

After taking a rest, Xia Yu stood up and began to think about what to do next.

First, you must learn to fly, and then find a pool to take a photo to see what kind of bird you are.

So the question is, how do you learn to fly?

Just like in the legend, climb to the edge of the cliff and then jump down?

Not to mention whether this method is reliable or not, just climbing up the cliff requires a lot of effort, and it might be daybreak when you climb up.

Instead of climbing mountains, Xia Yu chose to climb trees. The tree has a certain height and nothing will happen if it falls, making it a perfect practice object.

Thinking like this, Xia Yu grabbed the tree trunk with his claws and climbed up.

Fortunately, he has strength level 3, otherwise he would be very tired even if he could climb the tree with his claws.

Xia Yu chose a thicker branch, stood on it, prepared, and then jumped down.

He glided for two seconds, and because his tail was not swung properly, he fell into a rollover state and landed on the ground. After getting up, Xia Yu continued to climb the tree.

With this continuous practice, Xia Yu didn't know how much time had passed. By the time the sun appeared, he could glide at low altitude skillfully. When the sun completely jumped out of the horizon, he had also acquired the skill of flying level 1.

It is estimated that there will be at most one hour, and the eight hours of game time will be over. Bird Yu flew high into the sky, looking for the river, hoping to take a look at his own bird-like appearance.

He didn't find the river, but he found two people on the cliff.

They were two climbers, wearing thick clothes and holding trekking poles, sitting in an open space eating.

Xia Yu thought for a while. Although the river was not difficult to find, the mirror effect of the river was inferior to that of a mobile phone.

The most important thing is that with his mobile phone, he can know where this place is and quickly send someone to capture the bird and take it home!

But as a bird who has received compulsory education, is it bad to take other people’s mobile phones?

After a while, he was reassured that if he just held it and used it, stealing the phone would not count as stealing, he strengthened his confidence.

Adjusting the angle, he swooped down.

The two climbers were eating potato chips one bite at a time, not noticing the bird in the sky at all.

Since they didn't notice, Xia Yu didn't take the initiative to expose them. He landed not far behind them, then took steps to come behind them.

As he got closer, he found that when he stood, he was a little taller than the two seated climbers.

In other words, the bird body he used was at least less than one meter tall.

This is no longer an ordinary bird, but an eagle or eagle.

Just take a photo and you'll know.

Lowering his head, Diao Yu looked at the thighs of the two of them. In the pants pocket of the bespectacled woman on the left, he saw a mobile phone.

Stretching out his paw, he went to get his phone.

If he used his hands, Xia Yu could ensure that everything goes smoothly, but what he is using now is a claw with only three toes.

The bespectacled woman felt as if something was digging into her pants pocket. She turned her head to look, and met the eyes of Diao Yu who was looking down at the progress.

One person and one eagle were silent for a second.

"Ahhhhh!" The woman with eyes stood up in panic and hid behind her companion.

Looking at his empty paws, Xia Yu sighed, almost stealing the phone.

But it doesn't matter, he has a backup plan.

Putting down his paws, Xia Yu looked at the two women in front of him.

The woman with glasses was a little panicked and curious. She pulled on her companion's clothes and cautiously looked at Diao Yu. The other woman with short hair was full of vigilance. She raised the hiking pole in her hand and faced Diao Yu directly.

No wonder two women dare to go to the mountains to play. It turns out there is a powerful one.

Xia Yu didn't intend to rob them by force. After making sure that the two of them wouldn't run away suddenly, he started to perform.

Spread its wings, kick its claws, move its neck, comb its feathers, in short, it looks harmless to humans and animals.

The short-haired woman remained alert, but the bespectacled woman slowly relaxed, and the curiosity on her face gradually overcame her panic.

"This eagle doesn't seem to bite?" she said to her companion.

"The eagle is a carnivore. How can it not bite people? Moreover, this is not an eagle, but an eagle!" The short-haired woman took the bespectacled woman's hiking stick and looked at Diao Yu with the stick in both hands.

"That's right, the eagle bites people, but it's an eagle!" The bespectacled woman said happily.

"..." The short-haired woman had nothing to say and could only look at her companion with a look that looked like she was mentally retarded.

"I'll go take a look." The bespectacled woman walked towards Diao Yu.

"Wait!" The short-haired woman was afraid that the violent movements would trigger Diao Yu's attack, so she failed to hold her companion back.

Arriving in front of Diao Yu, the bespectacled woman rummaged through her backpack on the ground, took out a ham sausage, and handed it to Diao Yu's mouth.

Looking at the unpeeled ham, Xia Yu suspected that the woman in front of him was mentally retarded.

"Ah, I still need to peel it off." The bespectacled woman reacted. She peeled off the ham sausage and put it back to Xia Yu's mouth.

Xia Yu ate.

Seeing that the feeding was successful, not only the woman with glasses, but also the woman with short hair also relaxed.

There is always a feeling in the human heart that "if you eat my food, you will become mine." The bespectacled woman had already regarded Diao Yu as a wild cat on the roadside.

After feeding the ham sausage, she took out the bread and gave it to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu ate slowly, and halfway through, he saw the bespectacled woman put her hand into her trouser pocket, just as he planned.

When encountering a raptor, the first reaction of ancient people was to run away immediately, while the first reaction of modern people is not only to run away, but also to take a photo.

He acted so harmless just to get the other person to take out his phone and snatch it away.

When the bespectacled woman lowered her head to press the phone, Xia Yu raised his paw and headed straight for the phone.


The moment before he was about to get his claws, the short-haired woman pulled the bespectacled woman, and the two of them rolled to the ground. The bespectacled woman's mobile phone was crushed under the two of them.

The plan failed. Xia Yu was angry. He flew over the two of them and was about to push them away to get his phone. However, he found part of his phone exposed in the jacket pocket of the short-haired woman on top.

Diao Yu lowered his head, picked up the phone in his mouth, and ran away quickly.

"Ah——!" the bespectacled woman's cry sounded from behind him. He thought it was an accidental injury, but when he turned around and saw that both of them were fine, he flew back down regardless.

"Ah——!" the bespectacled woman continued to shout.

"Stop screaming and fly away!" the short-haired woman said.

After opening her eyes and seeing Diao Yu really flying away, the bespectacled woman cried and threw herself into her companion's arms: "How are you? I'll call 120 right away!"

Just now, she was holding her mobile phone and adjusting the camera when she saw the eagle's claws attack her face. Fortunately, she was pulled by her companion to avoid the attack. But before she could react, the eagle pounced on her companion again, lowered her head and pecked at his chest.

Not daring to look anymore, she closed her eyes and screamed.

"I'm fine." The short-haired woman touched her body. Even her clothes were not torn.

"But I just saw that eagle peck you." Looking at her intact companion, the bespectacled woman was shocked.

After checking it again, the short-haired woman said with a complex expression: "It took my phone away."

"Huh?" The bespectacled woman was stunned.

The previous scene appeared in her mind, and she said hesitantly: "At the beginning, the eagle was picking out the pocket where I kept my mobile phone. Later, it seemed that it wasn't trying to scratch my face, but it was trying to grab my face." The mobile phone in my hand..."

The two looked at each other with disbelief on their faces.

Is this eagle here for the mobile phone?

Before the two of them could figure it out, they saw the eagle flying back again.

The two of them looked at the eagle as if they were facing a formidable enemy, but the eagle had no intention of getting closer. He put down two things in the distance and left.

After being vigilant for a minute and confirming that there was no danger, the two came to the place and saw a mobile phone and a dead rabbit.

Picking up the phone first, the short-haired woman looked at the rabbit in confusion: "Is this the reward for using the phone?"

"Hey, you're so polite, but I didn't take any pictures." The bespectacled woman lay on her companion's body, feeling aggrieved.

"I think I have one here." The short-haired woman opened her phone and found that it was in the camera interface.

She opened the photo album again and found several photos of Diao.

"This guy took away the phone to take a selfie?" The two people's world view was shocked.

Xia Yu was naturally not bored enough to take selfies. He just felt that the two women would like it, so he took a few pictures for them.

He was thankful that the short-haired woman's phone didn't have a screen lock, otherwise it would be useless if he got it.

At this moment, he not only knew his appearance, but also his location.

This is the junction of District 26 and District 232, not far from Haiming City.

Standing in the nest where he fell before, Xia Yu thought about how to recover the eagle.

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