
Chapter 997: what happened?

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"Since you all know, then why ..." Huo Xiuwen frowned, looking at Shang Wenhong.

Shang Wenhong smiled bitterly: "The group of people will only protect the prince and will not let him really die. Other things, they will not intervene. Zhou Han also got the group of people in those years. Guarantee. Otherwise, do you think he has the guts to dare to usurp the throne directly after the domain master has an accident? "

She sighed and said quietly: "Also, there were some things that we didn't know at that time, but over the years, I gradually wanted to understand some, and also to detect some."

"This world is not as simple as we think. Those who do not intervene are not as we think. They may also be involuntarily."

Huo Xiuwen's eyes widened: "Those beings can't help themselves? How is it possible?"

"Think of the domain master, you will understand." Shang Wenhong shook his head and said: "You, what you see is the endless territory of the chaotic domain, and you value the supreme power and status. There are many things, you all I didn't see it. "

"What? Realm?" Huo Xiuwen asked.

Shang Wenhong nodded and shook his head: "I don't know much. I only remember that the domain master once told me that the world is far from being as calm as we have seen. The problem of the realm is not that simple."

"I know a little bit about this." Huo Xiuwen cheeked Shang Wenhong's hand and pulled her back to the seat.

Shang Wenhong blushed and wanted to get it back. After trying a few times without success, he gave up.

"Others don't know. How can those of us who have spent so many years with the realm of the realm know that the group of spirits controls the chaotic domain of countless eras, some of which have already been integrated into this world." Huo Xiuwen said.

"Yes, so many great powers are looking for ways to completely eliminate the realm of demons, and a large number of ancient religions and Taoism are also established for this reason."

Shang Wenhong said: "But there are still some people ... Accurately speaking, there are still some people with the blood of the realm of demon, trying to completely occupy this world, and also established a large number of ancient religions and Taoism. From Tiangong World, until Lower bound. The struggle between the two sides is by no means a mere war. "

She looked at Huo Xiuwen: "So, don't think how good is the position of the domain master, really, who sits in that position, who understands in his heart."

Huo Xiuwen thought for a while and said, "I never thought of being a domain master, neither of them, nor even I dare to say, Lin Xuesong or Xu Zhen's **** ... they didn't even think about it I want to be the owner of this domain. "

"Don't scold Xu Zhen." Shang Wenhong gave Huo Xiuwen a blank look: "He's not so embarrassed."

"Bah! It's shameless! Can my wife be dying everywhere when she dies? Now you confess to you, what have you thought about?" Huo Xiuwen sneered, disdainful.

"It sounds like you are stronger than others." Shang Wenhong rolled his eyes.

"But I succeeded!" Huo Xiuwen laughed heheily: "Go back and be angry with that bastard!"

"Shameless, did I promise you?" Shang Wenhong pouted.

"If you didn't promise you would let me kiss you?" Huo Xiuwen was silly.

Shang Wenhong stared at him, but his eyes were full of charming, and then sighed: "You had to eliminate the dissidents, or just show it to Zhou Han, too many people killed."

"Those people, if we don't kill, we will die even worse." Huo Xiuwen said silently: "I'm not making excuses for myself. I know that things were not done right. But in that case, Zhou Han was in Looking around, what can we do? "

"We are not you. Your relationship with Zhou Han is deeper. He treats you as a sister and has always spoiled you. You can let you be self-willed. You can keep your hands free of blood, we can't!"

"Those people were cleansed and suppressed by us, but in fact, their souls are there and we were secretly released."

Shang Wenhong was slightly startled, surprised and said: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Huo Xiuwen smiled bitterly: "How much hatred and resentment? We must make people feel so disappointed! We did that in the past, but in fact it was also necessary, and it was considered to have preserved those people. But no matter what, it was us We do, we also agree. One day someone really comes back to liquidate, and we have to continue. There is nothing to say. "

"If this is the case, who dares to liquidate you, I will stop!" Shang Wenhong said seriously, then she sneered: "The only person who is qualified to liquidate the year is the prince. he……"

"Don't always look at people with old eyes, the prince is different from before." Huo Xiuwen said.

"What if it's different? Don't you still want to be a puppet?" Shang Wenhong said.

"This question is very difficult to say." Huo Xiuwen said: "If he really has the ability ... so to say, if the prince can have the ability of the domain master 10%, we really recognize him as the master, and how can What about? "

"Really?" Shang Wenhong looked at Huo Xiuwen suspiciously: "You are too cunning."

"You just look at me like this?" Huo Xiuwen looked wronged: "I can be cunning with others, when have you been cunning with you?"

"That's hard to say." Shang Wenhong whispered, "You see you flickering, haven't you left me?"

"You agreed?" Huo Xiuwen looked surprised.

Staying with Shang Wenhong is more than just like it.

Their existence at this level, no matter how much they like it, can never regard love as everything.

Shang Wenhong's ability is also first-class!

Not only is he brave, but his IQ is also extremely high.

Looking at a bite of an old lady, like a female man, she is actually very delicate and extremely intelligent.

Otherwise, why should a generation of female prostitutes take a place in the seventh and seventh right?

This quota was obtained by real skills!

Those who followed the domain master were not only their fourteen.

There are so many amazing and powerful people!

Why did they stand at the highest place in the end?

Moreover, from the left seven to the right seven, which wasn't the big man with heavy soldiers in his hand?

He Shoucheng has a large army, Zhou Han has an open army, she still has Wen Hong, and she also has a shocking army!

It was a super elite army composed entirely of women.

Although the number is small, there are only more than 30,000 people. Whichever one you choose, if you let it go alone, you will definitely have the talent of a general.

And the most powerful thing is that this group of people is only loyal to Shang Wenhong.

In addition, only the master of the year can mobilize this amazing army.

The great thing about Shang Wenhong is that she is very keen. When the domain master had an accident, she immediately disbanded Jinghong Jun.

You know, at that time, everyone thought that the next step was the crown prince to become the new domain owner.

So at the time, no one understood why Shang Wenhong disbanded Jing Hongjun.

Shang Wenhong's explanation for this is: the domain master died, the chaotic domain was peaceful, what do I keep an army formed by women? Let them go home to marry a child.

Subsequently, it was Zhou Han who became emperor and ascended to the domain master.

At that time, Shang Wenhong was already the commander of the bare rod. In addition, she first stood up to support Zhou Han, so Zhou Han did not hesitate to vote for Tao Li, and directly sealed a Northern King to her.

Zhou Han also asked Shang Wenhong several times about the whereabouts of Jing Hongjun.

Shang Wenhong's answer is the same every time: When people go home to marry a child, what is this about? People are women, don't you need to marry someone? More than 30,000 people, even if I get them back, what can I do? Is it enough to rebel?

That's why Shang Wenhong dared to speak like this in front of Zhou Han and changed to someone else. I was afraid that he would have been killed so many times.

Therefore, to obtain Shang Wenhong, Huo Xiuwen, they are a very important part.

Shang Wenhong sighed quietly and looked at Huo Xiuwen: "Promise me, don't make my soul too charcoal. I can promise you to recall the Jinghong Army. But I hope this war will end as soon as possible."

Huo Xiuwen nodded and said seriously: "Originally, we just had this plan, but now, I am completely at ease! I believe Wen Wei and Yushan, and now they are all at ease."

Just talking, there was a loud noise outside. There was also a scream in the middle.

Huo Xiuwen and Shang Wenhong glanced at each other, knowing that two other people were warning them.

The two went straight out, and when they came outside, they found that there was a little **** air in the air.

A corpse fell there, his head separated. There was a lot of blood on the ground, and in the unskilled Baixue, still breathing hot air, it was obviously just killed.

Shang Wenhong showed surprise in her eyes, because she saw that the dead man was actually a prisoner!

This problem is a bit serious.

The supervisors who could be sent were all cronies around Zhou Han. Most of them are eunuchs coming out of the palace, and a few are not eunuchs, but they are very big.

If the deceased was an **** or an army, then this kind of thing is big and big, and small and small. It depends on what Zhou Han thinks.

Anyway, in the current form, there are hardly any big problems.

After all, Zhou Han had to use these people to fight against those of Lin Xuesong.

Coincidentally, the dead man was not the eunuch.

Shang Wenhong really knew the identity of this person. So she suddenly felt a headache.

Although in the secret room, a group of people conspired to react. But when and how to react, this is by no means determined by a thigh shot.

And there are too many questions involved.

For example, how to deal with the current army?

How to deal with the relationship with those opposite?

People's flag is to support the crown prince, what flag should we fight?

Is it an alliance with those opposite? Or is everyone playing their own?

How to deal with the thunder blow that followed Zhou Han?

It really needs to be reversed, there are too many things to face. If these problems are not dealt with properly, it is a big problem.

So even if they are a group of experienced veterans, it must be weighed again and again before they can be finalized.

But just for a while, Min Yushan and Wen Wei actually slaughtered a huge army of warlords!

These two guys are very stable kind on weekdays!

They are all gangster-level characters, and they are all veteran players in the battlefield. How could this kind of thing happen at this time?

Shang Wenhong couldn't help but glance at the gloomy Minyu Mountain and Wen Wei over there.

Asked: "What's going on?"

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