
Chapter 999: Slash

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Chu Die yelled, leaned on the chair, pillowed her hands folded, and said: "Anyway, how to fight, who will be the domain master, has nothing to do with us, is it like this?"

Lin Shi nodded: "Almost."

"Then what do you say we're so tired of living?" Jiang Zilian blinked and said, "Simply contact Zhou Han directly and tell him that this Prince Rush, we're wrong, let him return the fairy to us, and That is the real spirit. Then what they are willing to fight is their business ... "

She said something, but she couldn't say anything, because even herself felt that this idea was particularly unreliable.

Lin Shi looked at Chu Yu and said, "Speaking of that, Xian'er is afraid of danger."

"Why?" Chu Die frowned.

Jiang Zilian also looked at Lin Shi in surprise.

Chu Yu sighed: "The incident happened suddenly, and even if she wanted to get her back, it was too late. Once she shot it, it would definitely be exposed."

"But Xian'er is very clever. These things should be clear in her own mind." Lin Shi said.

"I hope." Chu Yu sighed.




In the main hall of the palace, Zhou Han was on the throne. The angular face could not see the joys and sorrows, and he watched the following group of people whispering quietly, and did not say anything to stop.

"The group of people who went to copy the back of the Cangxun army actually annihilated the whole army? Chen Xiaozhan died ... God, how could this be?"

"Why is this happening? Did Chen Xiao's group encounter the main force of the Cangming Army?"

"I heard that it is not the main force of the Cangjun army, it seems that the people around the prince shot ..."

"Prince? Which prince?"

"Which prince are you talking about?"

Tiangong World's network restricts all kinds of discussions about Chaotang.

But it's really up to Chaotang, but it's actually going on like that.

Who can stand here, whichever one is not the one to go out?

They are all confidants of Zhou Han, and their speech is naturally relatively casual.

The news of the annihilation of the whole army on the other side of Daze World has been reported, but the specific reason for those survivors who fled is unknown.

I only know that it seems that the former prince and the people around him shot, and Chen Xiao seems to have been chopped to death by the former prince.

Many people do not believe this statement.

The former prince, can kill Chen Xiao with a knife?

That Chen Xiao led the soldiers to fight is not very good, but his strength is quite powerful.

Even in this Tiangong world, it can be regarded as the kind of strong man.

How could it be chopped off by the former prince who only knows how to spend time? Isn't it a joke?

However, no matter how much discussion and speculation, the entire army of nearly 600,000 people in Daze World has been annihilated, which is a fact that cannot be changed.

Another thing people talk about is the one that has just happened on the front line where the four kings of the Western King, Northern King, Earth King and Ghost King are located.

"Those people, even if the domain master dare to activate them, where are their minds, who is clear?"

"This can't be said indiscriminately, since the domain master dare to use them, it naturally has the truth of the domain master. And the soldiers under their command are not theirs. It is no problem to command those soldiers to attack the enemy. It is impossible for people to do anything else. "

"But they actually moved Cao Guifei's younger brother this time to see how they ended."

The following people had a lot of discussion, this is the news that I just received. The first time this group got the news, they all felt a little unbelievable.

Those, including the northern king Shang Wenhong, have been particularly low-key in recent years.

So many younger juniors don't even know who they are.

Even the law-enforcement team dare to find the next thing, go to the front line, dare to kill the prisoners? Especially the identity of the prisoner of war is so special.

That's Uncle Guo!

This matter is really too big.

Zhou Han looked blankly at the discussion there, sat on the throne for a while, and simply stood up.

He stood together on the side, and the entire hall was instantly silent, and everyone looked at Zhou Han. Waiting for him to speak.

As a result, Zhou Han got up and left without a word.

What ... what is this?

Everyone was a little dazed, not knowing what happened to the domain master.

Bring them in and let the people report the two news, and then leave without saying a word?

What about playing?

But Zhou Han's Ji Wei was so deep that he got up and left, but no one dared to stop him.

The face was calm, but the upset Zhou Han had just returned to the harem and saw a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous long skirt ran to him in tears. It is Cao Guifei, who is very popular today.

In fact, there are not many concubines in Zhou Han's harem.

Zhou Han is not a woman who is greedy for female sex. Although there is also a demand for normal men, the number of concubines is only a dozen.

It may not even have as many women around the owner of a small city in Tiangong World.

This Cao Guifei, gentle and demure on weekdays, knowledgeable and reasonable, noble, especially good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. It's a real lady show.

Therefore, she is very favored by Zhou Han and is also very good for her.

It's just that at the moment she cried and choked with tears, but Zhou Han frowned slightly.

"Owner of the domain, you have to decide your concubine!"

"That group of people acted boldly and did not take the Lord of the Domain in their eyes, and dared to kill the Superintendent. The Lord of the Domain, the brother-in-law of the concubine died of injustice!"

The woman threw herself in front of Zhou Han, fell to her knees directly, and wept bitterly, accusing Wen Wei and Min Yushan.

With no expression on his face, Zhou Han stood there and looked at Cao Guifei calmly.

Cao Guifei knelt in front of Zhou Han and wept bitterly. She and the younger brother were a compatriot, and she had a very good relationship since childhood. So after hearing about the death of his younger brother, the whole person collapsed. She was a deep girl. Although she usually behaved softly and wisely, she knew well, but she knew too little about the outside world.

It is very difficult for people who have never experienced the baptism of wind and rain to learn that Taishan collapsed and remained the same.

But she was quite smart, crying and crying, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

So he raised his head and met Zhou Han's calm face.

There was a slight chill in my heart.

She couldn't help remembering what her father had said to her before entering the palace.

"Good girl, this entrance to the palace is like a sea. It will be difficult if you want to come back later."

"Remember, since you married the domain owner and became the concubine's concubine, you have to abide by your duty. We, the domain owner, are really talented people, so scary that they are smart."

"This chaotic world contains all realms, but not everyone can control it. For example ... His Royal Highness is not really a waste, as people say, but on the contrary, he is very talented."

"But what's the use of talent alone? This is a world of practice, without extraordinary strength, without the ability to lead a group of heroes, it's useless at all. If you were born in an ordinary aristocratic family, it's a good talent. Unfortunately ... … "

"The master of this domain knows him very well for his father, he is very cold-blooded ... Such words, you know it yourself, just say it to me, into your ears, don't say it."

"In the future, remember that you are his concubine and no longer the daughter of the Cao family!"

Cao Guifei remembered that when she heard her father say that, she cried on the spot, thinking that her father didn't want to be herself.

I have become a concubine. Isn't it the water splashed by my married daughter?

As a result, her father told her that you only need to remember that you are the domain owner's woman. Forget everything else.

That day her father told her a lot of things that she never told her. For example, those who were banned from the king, don't make trouble easily. Don't look at the fact that those people have lost their military power, but their status in Zhou Han's mind is by no means comparable to those of the new kings and upstarts.

Cao Guifei had just heard that her brother was dead, and the whole person collapsed, and did not expect that much.

Now when I suddenly remembered my father's words, and then looked at Zhou Han's expressionless expression, I suddenly felt a very cold feeling in my heart.

She suddenly felt as if she had done something wrong.

She knelt there and choked: "Your Majesty, the concubine ... the concubine is just ..."

Zhou Han said lightly: "Get up."

"Concubine ..." Cao Guifei's pear flower looked at Zhou Han with rain.

"Get up." Zhou Han said lightly.

Cao Guifei stopped her tears, and stood up tremblingly, watching Zhou Han carefully.

The man who had been very gentle and gentle to her seemed to go away in an instant, and Zhou Han in front of her made her feel very strange.

"Go back." Zhou Han said looking at her calmly.

Cao Guifei was a little embarrassed and wanted to say something, but she had no courage to give Zhou Han's cold eyes again.

Eventually he could only choke and walk back sadly.

Zhou Han looked at her back and hesitated in her eyes, but in the end, she sighed and turned away.

Cao Guifei had just returned to her dormitory, and there was a maid there, who ran over crying and knelt in front of her: "Ma'am, no good ..."

This maid was the girl she had married into the palace and had a very good relationship with her.

Cao Guifei's eyes were red and swollen, and she looked at her with a blank face.

What's wrong with Xin Dao? No matter how big it is, the younger brother who could be bigger than this palace was killed?

She looked at the maid and motioned her to speak.

As a result, the maid was crying.

Cao Guifei was upset and said angrily: "Say!"

"Ma'am, Cao's ... it's over!"

"You, what are you talking about?" Cao Guifei shook her body twice. She was also a practitioner. Although she could not talk about how high it was in this Tiangong world, she had already stepped into the real fairy level. Unbelievably stared at the maid who knelt there and wept: "You say it again?"

"The Cao family ... was chopped off by the door ..."

After the maid finished speaking, the whole person collapsed to the ground.

Cao Guifei also paralyzed to the ground.

This kind of blow is useless for anything.

The spirit of her whole person was completely emptied at this moment.

Sitting on the ground so blankly, the brain was blank.

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