
Chapter 1012: Buckeye

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Nine-leaf clover.

The name of the big drug looks ordinary and common. It's hard to imagine that under such a common name, there is a huge aura hidden.

As one of the world's top medicines, nine-leaf clover only exists in legends most of the time.

According to the records of the Xianhe Danjing: Nine-leaf clover is the main medicine, supplemented with Youhuangshen, the fruit of the virtual realm ... Jiutian Aixuan can be refined. Effective.

There is no realm to use, only a magical effect.

At that time, Chu Yu did not know what these medicinal materials were, or where to find them. Although the Xianhe Danjing has detailed information on the appearance and growth habits of these herbs.

Therefore, Xianhe Danjing is a very mysterious classic, which also confirms the extraordinaryness of the earth.

Chu Die can also recognize that it is a great medicine, but it is not how proficient she is in alchemy. But Chu Die's knowledge is very profound and knowledgeable.

Nine-leaf clover does not exude any breath of highway, nor does it have the ability to smell fragrant.

As a herbal medicine, it is very high, about two feet long, a green main stem, with nine leaves growing at the top.

The leaves are narrow and long, drooping slightly, forming an arc.

Unless someone who has heard the nine-leaf clover legend, it will unconsciously ignore it.

It will not be regarded as a strange thing at all.

At most two look, I think this grass grows quite character.

Chu Yu hesitated.

I couldn't help but looked at the mountains again, and then there was a firm look in my eyes.

Wealth in wealth!

I didn't see from the Xianhe Danjing the role of these nine days, but now it is clear.

A red medicine that can allow the monk of the red peak realm to step into the virtual realm, and ask who doesn't want it in the world?

Even taking Jiu Tian Ling Dan can not be 100% successful, but at least, it can make this chance very large.

that's enough.

Chu Yu finally made up his mind.

He glanced at the women around him and said, "Wait a minute, I'm going to grab this thing and run. You first enter my body universe to hide."

"Really?" Chu Die also glanced at the mountains with some worry.

Even if Chu Yu didn't say it clearly, but years of tacit understanding still made Chu Die and Lin Shi and others realize that the nine-leaf clover is not so easy to get.

Chu Yu nodded.

Subsequently, he was just about to open the door to the world of the body universe, but suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky opposite.

Seven or eight huge birds of paradise spread their wings to cover the sky, and they were flying from that direction.

There is a person standing on the head of every **** bird.

Law enforcement team?

Chu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't think of anyone who would meet the law enforcement team in such a place.

What are they doing here?

Hunt yourself?

It should not be!

Zhou Han should be unlikely to send a law enforcement team to hunt down people.

Lin Shi also showed a look of surprise in her eyes.

"do not move."

Chu Yu used a breath of chaos to completely cover several people, and then looked at the gods flying closer and closer with cold eyes.

In the end, a total of eight **** birds stopped over the basin.

Then, there were eight figures leaping from the **** bird.

It even came directly towards this basin.

And their purpose seems to be that nine-leaf clover!

This is to grab something?

Chu Yu was not impulsive, but chose to look down.

After the eight people fell into the basin, they did not do anything to the nine-leaf clover, but walked in front of it and observed it carefully for a while.

At this time, one of them said: "Boss, do we need to be so careful? Also put the equipment of the law enforcement team to check here?"

"Yes, leader, it's a bit weird that the people of the law enforcement team appear in the Liantian Mountains." Another said.

The leader looked back at the two of them with a cold look, and said, "What do you know? Some big monsters in the Tianshan Mountains have an agreement with our domain master. The people of the law enforcement team come in and will not be attacked."

"It turns out that it's still our main face."

"Isn't that nonsense? Our domain master is the domain master of the chaotic domain! Even if the big demon in Liantian Mountain Range is even stronger, it is just the big demon in Liantian Mountain Range."

If the leader of the eight did not pay attention to his men, Shen Sheng said: "Nine-leaf clover is about to mature completely. The more time you are, the more careful you will be. . I teach you the method, do you remember? "



Seven other people answered one after another.

The leader nodded and said, "Be sure to remember the method, otherwise the guardian will wake up when the time comes, and he will be angry when he sees the nine-leaf clover to be taken away. "

"Chief, why didn't the domain master send more powerful people?" Someone asked.

The leader glanced at him, and said angrily: "More powerful people? How powerful? Let the king-level people come? Those people are all inseparable now. Besides, no one in the mountains even dares to come. Domain master I have already made an appointment with those big monsters. This nine-leaf clover is for us! "

"Hey, nine-leaf clover ... see you for the first time." Someone stood in front of the nine-leaf clover, looked up and down, and said with a smile: "This thing is honest, it is really not like a top medicine, a little spiritual There are no fluctuations, and I ca n’t feel any magical things. If I do n’t say, standing in front of it, I wo n’t treat it as a good thing. ”

The leader said, "Okay, just stay here and wait for the nine-leaf clover to mature, we will take it for the first time!"

Subsequently, the eight people sat around the nine-leaf clover from eight directions.

Lin Shi, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian looked at each other, then all looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu frowned, feeling a little trouble.

These eight people, although dressed as a law enforcement team, obviously, they are not!

It is very likely to be eight masters who have broken the virtual realm.

Even if not all eight are broken, at least, there must be two or three.

From this group of people, I can't feel any breath.

Very low-key and very cautious.

If you act rashly, it may lead to a series of uncontrollable consequences.

At this time, Chu Die whispered: "Let's wait."

Chu Yu glanced at her and understood what she meant. Nod.

Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian also understood Chu Die's meaning.

Since it would cause trouble at this time, just wait for them to pick the nine-leaf clover before talking.

The basin was very quiet, two groups of people, one in the light and the other in the dark, all waiting silently.

The mountain wind blew, with a hint of coolness.

This inexplicable snow has a great impact on the entire Tiangong world.

Almost all creatures have long been accustomed to the growing environment of four seasons like spring, and in the face of the sudden snowfall, they are somewhat at a loss.

Fortunately, this kind of coldness can be tolerated by powerful practitioners.

Lin Shi tightened his fur and stared at the nine-leaf clover in the basin without blinking.

This is half a month.

Almost all the people on both sides turned into statues.

This is nothing to the practitioners, so they should retreat and practice.

It's just that people on both sides are afraid that they have no intention to practice, and are waiting.

"Nine-leaf clover is completely mature, what does it look like?"

Chu Die suddenly asked.

"It will change color. Nine leaves will change from green to red." Chu Yu said: "The leaves are completely bright red, just like flowing blood, it is really mature."

As I said, the nine-leaf clover in the basin suddenly changed dramatically.

The leaves ... began to turn red!

Not a little bit of slow transformation, but in a moment, the nine leaves that were originally green and green suddenly turned bright red like blood!

As Chu Yu said, the nine leaves seemed to have blood flowing slowly.

At the same time, a magnificent breath burst out along the nine-leaf clover.

This breath is simply earth-shattering!

Instantly ditch the sky tens of thousands of miles.

The wind is rising!

All these changes came very suddenly.



A dull voice suddenly sounded.

The voice was dull to the extreme.

It seems that the whole earth is torn apart.

I saw that the surrounding mountains began to appear huge cracks, and huge mountains began to appear landslides.

The towering ancient trees on the mountain, a plant fell suddenly.

A large number of creatures fled wildly from there.

Those guardian beasts, wake up!

The eight people sitting around the nine-leaf clover in law enforcement team costumes stood up instantly.

Seven of them flew directly into the sky, each offering a magic weapon.

That instrument has a bowl, a pestle, an ancient bell, a bell ...

The seven artifacts are completely different.

Seven people jointly sacrificed the magic weapon to form a magic circle.

At the same time, the voice of the road sounded in their mouths.

The majestic avenue, through the blessing of the magic weapon, instantly blasted towards the beasts that had just awakened but had not yet appeared.


A huge and unmatched wolf, contaminated with countless earth and rocks, arched a large mountain and stood up.

This thing ... just call it a wolf.

Because it just looks like a wolf, but it is completely different from the wolves that Chu Yu has seen!

The body was covered with huge **** objects that looked like scales at first glance, but they were much heavier than scales.

There is a long horn on the head, which is very bright, looks colorful, and has ample color.

A pair of pure white eyes seems to be two terrifying vortexes, which can devour everything!

This thing is too huge, with an unimaginable oppression.

After standing up, there was a long howl.

Later, under the other mountains, ancient beasts broke out of the ground.

To be precise, they just shake off the things attached to them.

There are five heads in total, each of which looks handsome and powerful.

And the breath from his body was full of coercion.

People even feel breathless.

This is a real demon!

Belong to the creature standing at the top of the food chain.

The seven men in law enforcement team's clothes looked sober and nervously urged mana.

The avenue of breath emitted by the magic circle seemed to appease these beasts.

Although they all roared in a low or high voice after they were unearthed, they did not take the next step.

Then, the leader of the eight, shot like a power, went to the nine bright red leaves above the nine-leaf clover.

It was at this time that the abrupt change occurred.

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