
Chapter 1017: Scolded by birds

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Chu Yu was silent.

Infinite Dao Zu said: "Many people in this Tiangong world, although born in Tianchi, are far from the horizon and the pattern."

"In their eyes, the power and status of the chaotic domain is still the first priority."

"Although they should understand that becoming a domain owner, they may not be able to get gas."

"The position of Master Ke Yu still has great appeal to them."

"You don't want to be a domain master, that's how your heart affects you!"

"Your first life is a stunning superpower. You don't want to be the domain master, you just want to slam the realm and drive them out of the chaotic domain."

"Unfortunately, you were calculated by someone and died on the battlefield."

"After reincarnation, you became the prince of the chaotic domain, and the person became a person who only talked about Fengyue."

"This matter, except for a few, almost no one knows."

"Of course, your father knows."

Infinite Daozu looked at Chu Yu: "So he has always believed that you will be truly awakened one day sooner or later."

"You will carry a long knife again and embark on that road of war."

"As for your father, there are some other people. The reason why I say they are not dead is because I am with them now!"

Countless Daozu said, waved his hand, a picture appeared in his eyes.

Chu Yu looked up, and at first glance had not waited to see the content of the picture clearly, he was oppressed by a breath of air that made his internal organs tumbling, and the whole person was uncomfortable.

Chu Yu was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly urged to kill Heaven's Heart. That sense of oppression disappeared.

Later, Chu Yu looked towards the picture.

Although that sense of oppression disappeared, it was still difficult to see clearly what was in the picture.

Too grand!

This feeling is like putting a planet in front of a person. No matter how hard you try, you can't see the whole picture of the planet.

There seems to be a battle in the picture, but Chu Yu can only see a corner.

He was shocked in his heart.

I feel very incredible.

He has already entered the Tao and successfully stepped into the broken realm. Even for a series of creatures like Zhou Han last week, when they are really desperate, they may not have the power of a battle.

But can't see all the scenes in this picture.

What is the state of the creatures in the picture?

Are you free?

"I can only see a corner ..." Chu Yu looked up at the infinite Taoist ancestor: "Are you fighting?"

Infinite Taozu nodded slightly and said, "It is a battle, and it is a battle that has spanned countless eras and has not stopped."

"My father ... on that battlefield?" Chu Yu asked.

Infinite Taozu nodded: "We are all here."

"What level do you get to be eligible to participate?" Chu Yu asked.

Somehow, he had no interest in being a chaotic domain master, and he was extremely bored by those people.

But when he saw this picture, his mind suddenly gave birth to me thinking of going there!

"Xiaoyaojing, barely qualified." Infinite Taoist said, looking at Chu Yu faintly: "I still think that the things in the chaotic domain have nothing to do with you?"

"I want to go there." Chu Yu looked serious.

Infinite Taoist ancestor said: "If you don't solve the current troubles of the chaotic domain, what do you take to that battlefield? You have no qualification to connect close!"

"It is qualified to solve the trouble of the chaotic domain?" Chu Yu was a little unbelieving.

He understood the meaning of Infinite Dao Zu, and wanted to tell him to overthrow Zhou Han and smooth out those who were Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen, and then he could gain gas.

If the number of qi is enough, it will naturally break through to the free environment.

The problem is, Chu Yu is really not interested in that!

"You are here to retreat for a while." Infinite Taoist looked at Chu Yu: "I have a red furnace, you can refine the nine days of 缥缈 丹. Also, a few confidantes around you can also retreat here breakthrough."

Chu Yu nodded and did not refuse again.

He felt that this was the biggest gain this time.

At the same time in his heart, he was still thinking twice about the picture that the infinite ancestor showed him.

It's really shocking!

Afraid of the entire Tiangong world, not many people know that there is a group of people in another place who are fighting with the enemy.

Warriors have no merits!

Keep all dangers out of the domain directly.

In contrast, the group of people is the true most respectable person.

Chu Yu directly released Lin Shi, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian. Then looked at the infinite amount of Taoist ancestors: "There is another person ..."

"Is it Xu Zhen's daughter? No one can find her here."

Infinite Daozu said.


Chu Yuchong gave countless Taoist ancestors a grateful look, and then released Xu Xiaoxian to unseal the seal.

For Xu Xiaoxian, it was like sleeping.

Seeing Lin Shi, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian, Xu Xiaoxian looked happy and ran to chat with the three girls.

Soon, they knew where they were at the moment, and they were filled with surprise.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yu could actually escape to the ancestors of the infinite Taoist ancestors.

Before the conversations with the infinite Taoist ancestors, Chu Yu did not say much. I only told a few women that the infinite Taoist ancestors would temporarily provide asylum so that they could wait in peace after the Nine-day Refining Dan Refining was successful.

This is for Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, I am afraid it is the best news after coming to the Tiangong World.

Even Xu Xiaoxian was a little bit emotional: he was able to stay calm for a while.

This kind of comfort that even ordinary people have at their fingertips is really too difficult for them.



Sima Jun was full of anger in his heart.

Walking out of the mountain gate, looking back, the huge towering mountain gate gradually disappeared into his eyes.

He knew very well that the reason why Shanmen was revealed before was because of the man named Chu Yu who had robbed him of the nine-leaf clover!

What he did not expect was that the man ... was actually the murderer who killed his brother!

The legendary chaotic domain prince!

If he dares to be brazen in front of the infinite Taoist ancestor, he will definitely shoot Chu Yu.

It is a pity that his master would actually shelter that person.

Ha ha, just because he is the noble prince of chaotic domain? Even masters such as worldly masters, take the initiative to associate with them?


Chu Yu, you robbed my nine-leaf clover and killed my younger brother. If you just let you go, how could my Sima Junxiong and his face survive in this world?

I must kill you!

Sima Junxiong finally looked at the direction of the mountain gate, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Master, you are not kind to me, then, Mo stranger is not righteous to you.

Sima Junxiong took a step, and his figure disappeared instantly.

A few days later, he appeared in a small city. Instead of using the network of Tiangong World, he took out a magic weapon and got in touch with the family.

"The person who killed my younger brother is hiding in my master's dojo ... yes, countless Taoist ancestors."

"Also, he snatched the nine-leaf clover that should belong to me. Why didn't I say? Am I such a superficial person? There is no success, what do I say it does?"

Sima Junxiong quickly put away the communication tool to contact the family, and then logged into the network of Tiangong World.

I found a person directly from the contact, and sent a message in the past.

"Prince of Chaos Domain, hiding in the dojo of the infinite Taoist ancestor. He also robbed the domain owner's nine-leaf clover!"

After a while, news came from over there: Chu Yu snatched nine-leaf clover? How did I hear about you?

There was a trace of embarrassment on Sima Junxiong's face. What a special, cheap price was taken by Chu Yu, but the black pot turned his head up.

This will not work!

"It's nonsense, what can it have to do with me? The thing is in Chu Yu's hands, do you believe it or not."

It is estimated that there is also verifying something over there. After a while, the message passed: "Thank you, if you can catch Chu Yu this time, remember your first credit."

Sima Junxiong sneered and responded over there: "Don't think that the nine-leaf clover was just grabbed by me!"

Smile back over there.

After doing these two things, Sima Junxiong's eyes flashed a vicious color and muttered: "Master, although your old man is very powerful, I want to see how you want to withstand Zhou Han Domain owner! "

In the palace.

Zhou Han sat there quietly, listening to the report of the following people.

"Sima Junxiong? The young man who visited the infinite ancestor?"

Zhou Han pondered, and the color of thought flashed in his eyes: "He said Chu Yu ... where is the infinite Taoist ancestor?"

"Yes, he also said that the nine-leaf clover is also in Chu Yu's hands ..." Someone beside him said: "We calculated based on time and found that there is really such a possibility."

In Zhou Han's eyes, it seemed as though the universe was dying.

He stood up and walked around the room.

Unlike Sima Junyu's ignorance, Zhou Han was very aware of the terrible Daoist ancestor.

Even he always felt that the hidden world powers of the infinite Taoist ancestors always seemed to be hiding things from him and the entire chaotic domain.

Zhou Han has always been terrified of the infinite Taoist people.

From the very beginning, I have followed the attitude that you will not provoke me, and I will never provoke you.

If Chu Yu is really in the infinite Taoist ancestry, then ... even if he doesn't want to provoke anymore, he has to touch the legendary, especially good-selling hidden world.

After briefly explaining some things, Zhou Han did not directly go to the dojo of the infinite Taoist ancestor, but appeared on the earth again through the teleportation array.

But this time, he did not go to the town and mutton soup at the foot of Mount Tai.

Not even staying on earth.

He flashed around, and in the next moment, he appeared directly in the world.

With a pair of eyes, he swept around in the world of Thousands of Thousands of Worlds, and finally fell in the direction of Chu Jie.

Then, he walked over directly and found a hand. When everyone didn't respond to what happened, his big hand fell into the sky, holding all Chu Yu's friends and family in his hands.

At this moment, Zhou Han's hand is like a world!

The whole Chu world is in a panic!

It's as if Chu Yu couldn't see all the content in the picture that the infinite Taoist showed him.

The people of Chu world can't see Zhou Han's whole picture at all.

They could only see a huge, unmatched hand, which fell from the sky. The lines in the palms are like heaven. Speaking of which, at first they didn't even realize that it was a hand!

Zhou Han caught those people, and did not move others, and left the world.

At the next moment, Zhou Han's figure appeared on the earth's teleportation array.

He murmured: "Those who don't reach the realm will be crushed directly into dust ... If you want you to live in that world, you must make you stronger. In order to threaten someone, you need to help him Relatives and friends raise the level ... What is this called? "

Then, with a sigh, he waved freely in the void, and above the sky, a huge matchless palace appeared.

But on the whole earth, no one can see its existence.

Zhou Han threw the group of people directly into the palace and walked in by himself.

Looking blankly at this group of surprised people, as well as birds and beasts?

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Zhou Han said coldly: "You are very lucky to meet me!"

Everyone looked at Zhou Han: "Who are you?"

Zhou Han looked at it and said coldly, "God!"

Everyone's thieves looked at Zhou Han like an idiot, and sneered: "God? Ye is still the **** in the eyes of many people! Young people, can you die if you don't blow it? I think we can do whatever we want here. Say, who the **** are you? Do you want to use us to threaten Chu Yu? Despicable and shameless! "

The cold light flashed in Zhou Han's eyes. He didn't expect that this bird had actually seen through his mind.

The most important thing is that he was the curse of the chaotic domain master, but he was scolded by a bird!

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