
Chapter 1023: change of weather

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Shang Wenhong said: "Then, those who agreed to support the prince expressed their posture. I agree."

Huo Xiuwen, Wen Wei and Min Yushan followed immediately after agreeing.

This is also what they have already said well. It is the most righteous thing to support the Crown Prince. And Chu Yu is in high position, and the benefits obtained by these people can also be maximized!

Everyone has selfishness and cannot count on unconditional support from others.

After the four of them finished speaking, there was a silence in the room.

Shang Wenhong looked at Gongye Yingwei Yan Ran and smiled: "Did you see it?"

Gongye Yingwei looked at Shang Wenhong, then looked at Lin Xuesong, sighed, and smiled bitterly: "This, indeed, is a bit difficult to choose."

At this time, He Shoucheng said: "I agree to support His Royal Highness."

All along, He Shoucheng's attitude is actually a little vague.

He didn't object to Lin Xuesong's desire to be in power, but again, he did not expressly disagree with the Prince.

But one attitude is quite clear, that is, once His Royal Highness can do something that convinces him, then he will support the Prince without hesitation.

Is Chu Yu doing something particularly convincing now?

It seems that apart from saving the family members of the Cangming Army, they have not shown any other extraordinary features.

But with Shang Wenhong's clear statement, He Shoucheng finally expressed his position.

He is willing to support the crown prince!

In the past, Zhou Han was the king of Kaitian, known as the first king.

Can be ranked second here, it is a little vague.

Some people say He Shoucheng, some people say Xu Zhen, and of course some people say Lin Xuesong.

But there are more people who think He Shoucheng is the second-ranked king.

Therefore, He Shoucheng's statement is actually a very important thing.

With He Shoucheng's position, Gongye Yingwei finally gritted his teeth and glanced apologetically at Lin Xuesong, and said, "I also support the support of the Prince.

Ai Yongfeng shook his head: "That little guy, I'm not convinced, he can't ..."

Cao Hongzhi said: "I think His Highness' return this time is different from before, so I support it."

Ai Yongfeng did not support it, and Lin Xuesong would definitely not support it. Xu Zhen didn't express his position, and there was only one left in the room.

But he was a junior, and no one meant to make him stand. He also consciously shrank himself in the corner, trying to make himself as nonexistent as possible.

It seems nothing, but this is a big event that determines the future direction of the entire chaotic domain!

At present, it is meaningless for these people to express their opinions.

Because the people who support the Prince have already accounted for the majority.

Since this group of people supported the prince, it was impossible to return to support Lin Xuesong.

Lin Xuesong looked pale, he looked at Shang Wenhong and smiled miserably: "Little sister, you came here today to cut off my path completely, right?"

A little girl almost let Shang Wenhong tears down.

At that time, she was the little princess in the seventh left and the seventh right, and almost taught him the little girl.

She bowed her head and smiled, and said softly: "Brother, don't be stubborn, you really don't fit."

"Oh, okay, my brothers, sisters and daughters ... don't support me." Lin Xuesong smiled dejectedly, showing endless vicissitudes in his eyes, turned and walked out.

"Lao Lin." Xu Zhen suddenly said.

Lin Xuesong turned back.

"Do you really want to be the owner of this domain?" Xu Zhen asked.

"You understand." Lin Xuesong smiled bitterly: "This is what I have always pursued."

"I understand." Xu Zhen nodded, then glanced at everyone: "Support the crown prince, I'm fine."

Lin Xuesong's eyes over there were dark, and the feeling between him and Xu Zhen was the deepest among the seven left and seven right. Belongs to the kind of brothers who can die for each other.

Now the brother has finally expressed ...

"But ..." Xu Zhen looked at everyone: "After this battle, if Chu Yu is unwilling to take the position, are you willing to support Cedar?"

"Reluctant to go up?" Shang Wenhong Xiu frowned slightly, thinking about the possibility of such a thing.

Everyone else frowned and pondered.

The people remembered this, and it seemed that they had been discussing this matter wishfully from beginning to end.

No one asked Chu Yu's opinion.

Once they did not support them, they did not ask for Chu Yu's opinion; now they do not ask Chu Yu for their opinions.

Not even this idea was born before.


It seemed as though His Highness the Prince was in their mind, but it was just a symbol.

That person may be Chu Yu, Zhang Yu, or Wang Yu ...

It does not seem to matter who it is. What is important is which attitude is more in their interest?

It seems to be the case.

"This kind of thing is unlikely to happen." Wen Wei broke the silence of everyone with a smile.

"In case it happened, he refused to become the domain owner in return, are you willing to support Cedar?" Xu Zhen asked lightly.

Lin Xuesong, who was standing aside, had a crystal flash in his eyes.

What is a brother?

This is the brother!

The real brother is not spoken with his mouth.

Shang Wenhong smiled and said: "Oh, Xu Zhen, you are silent, there is still this exquisite thought ... OK, if there is one day, I am willing to support Cedar."

Huo Xiuwen then stated: "Wen Hong's attitude is my attitude."

What the **** are you doing? There is no opinion!

Xu Zhenxin scolded in it, and couldn't get used to the way the **** secretly poked Xiu's affection.

Wen Wei and Min Yushan also said: "If His Royal Highness is really so expressive, we are naturally willing to support Cedar."

He Shoucheng glanced at Xu Zhen, and said that being a brother could get this, and it was really not bad.

In comparison, Xu Zhen, who had received His Royal Highness under the protection of his royal palace, obviously had a deeper understanding of Chu Yu.

Coupled with Chu Yu's return, the things he showed were faintly giving He Shoucheng a feeling. Chu Yu is very likely ... it will really do that!

In the eyes of Chu Yu, the position of the domain master you are fighting for is probably worthless!

Never mind!

Everyone is a brother, and you all make a statement. Why should I be a wicked person?

He Shoucheng said: "If so, I am willing to support Cedar."

Subsequently, this matter was settled in this way.

It seems ridiculous, but in fact, many negotiations that are high in the eyes of outsiders are so ridiculous and simple.

No sense of ritual!

A group of big people sitting together and negotiating will not be much more complicated than the children sharing sweets.

It's just that all the games and the attribution of interests are things under the table.

After the two sides finished the talks, they made some plans.

Shang Wenhong and others, left.

The army controlled by the upstarts could not have dreamed, and their coach simply gave up on them.

A few days later, outside Lucheng, a terrifying battle broke out.

The army led by Shang Wenhong, Huo Xiuwen, Wen Wei and Min Yushan was attacked by Lucheng. Several major coaches lost their traces at a critical moment. The army collapsed without a leader.

Now die, die, die. In just a few days, the army was rebelled ... the whole army was wiped out!

When the news passed back to Wangcheng, Zhou Han was furious.

This time, the network of Tiangong World couldn't suppress this matter at all.

It broke out completely.

Countless people suddenly discovered that it seemed that the entire Tiangong world ... changed into a sky overnight.

Lucheng's strength soared instantly and began to spread in all directions.

A group of generals from left to right and seven from the left, each leading their troops to fight for one side.

The army led by the newcomers is not an opponent at all.

In just a few months of effort, with Lucheng as the center, this group of seven generals from left to right and seven years ago directly laid down more than 30 cities!

Although for the entire Tiangong world, it may not even reach one thousandth of the territory. But this speed is amazing.

Moreover, where the rebels passed, the army guarding the city almost fled.

In the later stages, almost no decent resistance will be seen.

As for the people in those cities, there was some panic at first, and people were panicked.

But with the spread of some news, even the people in the city did not panic.

What do you do with the changing king flag of Chengtou?

What the people should do and what they do, hardly affected in any way!

The details of the left seven and the right seven are finally revealed at this moment.

Under their command, there are not only military commanders, but also countless cultural ministers.

No matter whether it was the four kings of the year, or the generals of the five parties, just one of these people would be released, that is the absolute prince!

You can definitely manage your own territory in an ups and downs.

The power of this group of people is really beyond imagination.

It is strange that despite hearing about Zhou Han's anger, he furious in the palace. But he did not react next.

As for Zhou Han's open army, there was no movement at all.

Until now, almost no one knows the whereabouts of Kai Tianjun.

What is Zhou Han waiting for?

Do you really want to wait until the rebels occupy the entire territory of the Tiangong, and finally surround the king city before you start?

Since I don't understand what Zhou Han is doing, just hit it!

After several months, the rebels have captured hundreds of cities!

But Zhou Han's side, but still no movement.

But just recently, there was another heavy snowfall in Tiangong World.

This heavy snow is bigger than the previous one!

Such a world where almost gods live, there will be such a big snow falling from the sky. It is really incredible.

With the heavy snow, many plants were frozen to death.

Some low-cultivated creatures also began to suffer casualties.

If the first snow is an accident, then this second snow is enough to attract people's attention.

But even this group of late-breaking virtual realm, even the top powerhouse, can't figure out why there is snow in Tiangong World.

After the snow falls to the ground, even if it melts with great mana, I want to take trouble.

In other words, after the snow falls, it will hardly change.

It is difficult for creatures in the red dust environment to stay at this temperature for too long. Creatures that break the virtual realm will also feel cold.

In the palace, a group of seven leaders from the left and right gathered together, all puzzled.

If it weren't for this second snow, they should have captured more territory now.

"What's going on?" Everyone was puzzled.

Now the army dare not live outside, and all hid in their respective small worlds.

In this way, all kinds of problems will arise in command and dispatch.

In other words, if Zhou Han's Kai Tianjun suddenly killed at this time, it would be hilarious.

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